30 research outputs found

    Phase‐Split in Two‐Phase Flow through T‐Junction

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    A numerical investigation is made on the Phase-split phenomena in liquid-liquid two- phase flow through T-junction. The phenomena are studied by varying the fluid-pair, branch position, diameter of the pipe and the angle between the branch and run. For better understanding, both horizontal and vertical T-junction arrangements are considered in the present case. To simulate the problem, Finite Volume Method (FVM) with 3D Volume of Fluid (VOF) model have been used. The results are shown in terms of phase-contour in the mid plane, variation of volume fraction along the length of the individual pipe and the distribution of phase in several cross-section. There is a difference in the phase variation along the run and branch. This difference is more prominent in vertical T-Junction compare to that in the horizontal T-Junction. The volume fraction of the oil is always decreasing along the branch and run, and it is irrespective of the vertical and horizontal arrangement. But volume fraction almost remain constant along the inlet section in the horizontal T-junction and increases along the inlet section in the vertical T-junction


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    Objective: This study evaluated the analgesic, antioxidant, and cytotoxic effects of ethanolic extract of Streblus asper roots. Methods: Analgesic activities were carried out using paw licking and writhing tests. The extract was used at doses of 250 and 500 mg/kg per orally in Swiss albino mice of body weight 25–30 g. Antioxidant properties were investigated using 1, 1-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl free-radical scavenging assay, total phenol content, total flavonoid content as well as reducing power capacity. The cytotoxic activity was determined by the Brine Shrimp lethality bioassay. Results: The ethanolic extract of S. asper roots showed a significant effect in the formalin test (p<0.01). They also exhibit the highest analgesia (p<0.01) in the acetic acid-induced writhing model as well. The extract possessed antioxidant effects in all the models. It possessed a good cytotoxic activity. Conclusion: The results suggested that S. asper root extract has a suitable analgesic, antioxidant effect as well as significant cytotoxic potential

    Evaluating body conformation and feed efficiency characteristics in CARI-Sonali grower chicken

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    The investigation was aimed to evaluate body conformation and feed efficiency characteristics in CARI-Sonali grower chicken developed and maintained by the institute. Single hatched out 112 chicks were investigated. The least squares means of body weight and weight gain, shank length, keel length, breast angle, feed intake and feed conversion ratio were estimated at various age groups. Sex of the chicks had significant effect on the body weight, weight gain and shank length at sixth week of age onwards, and keel length and breast angle at eighth week onwards; male birds having higher estimates than the females throughout the age. The FCR estimates were also affected by the sex at twelfth and sixteenth week of age, male birds having better FCR than the females throughout the age. The feed intake varied among the feeding groups almost throughout the age, body weight gain at earlier age and FCR at eighth week of age. The phenotypic correlations coefficients were positive in the range of 0.3647 to 0.9062 among the intra-week body weight, breast angle, and shank and keel lengths. These might serve as base information to the breeders for chalking out breeding strategy in concerned aspect

    A new cinnamic ester derivative from Glochidion velutinum leaves and evaluation of its antioxidant and antibacterial activity

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    The plant Glochidion Velutinum (GV) family Euphorbiaceae, a medicinal plant, is reported to possess various therapeutic applications such as antidiabetic, anticancer, antioxidant, antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory etc. However, the compounds responsible for therapeutic value have not yet been isolated. The present study reports the isolation of a compound from the leaves of GV. The compound is identified as a cinnamic acid derivative (p-pentadecayl ethyl cinnamate) through extensive spectral studies. Its antioxidant nature such as DPPH free radical scavenging assay, total antioxidant capacity, and antibacterial activity have been evaluated. The compound exhibited lower antioxidant properties compared to the standard. It has shown moderate antimicrobial activity against ten bacteria and significant antibacterial activity against Proteus Vulgaris compared to standard ciprofloxacin

    Modelling of Rhode Island Red chicken strains

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    To study the growth pattern in body weight of 3 strains of Rhode Island Red chicken Bertalanffy, gompertz and logistic nonlinear models were fitted. From the data on body weights of three strains of Rhode Island Red, we observed that average body weights of male chicken were higher than the female chicken. Based on the various measures of goodness fit criteria we have observed that in modelling of body weight of the Rhode Island Red chicken Bertalanffy was the best fitted model. In case of Rhode Island Control, Bertalanffy was the best fitted model and for Rhode Island Control male chicken logistic was the best fitted model. In case of Rhode Island White chicken logistic was the best fitted model and in case of Rhode Island White male chicken Bertalanffy was the best fitted model. In case of female chicken of Rhode Island Red, Rhode Island Control and Rhode Island White strains gompertz model was the best fitted model. From these fitted models one can determine the expected average body weight of a group of birds of three strains of RIR chicken at any given age under normal conditions

    Complete genome sequence of Enterobacter sp. IIT-BT 08: A potential microbial strain for high rate hydrogen production

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    Enterobacter sp. IIT-BT 08 belongs to Phylum: Proteobacteria, Class: Gammaproteobacteria, Order: Enterobacteriales, Family: Enterobacteriaceae. The organism was isolated from the leaves of a local plant near the Kharagpur railway station, Kharagpur, West Bengal, India. It has been extensively studied for fermentative hydrogen production because of its high hydrogen yield. For further enhancement of hydrogen production by strain development, complete genome sequence analysis was carried out. Sequence analysis revealed that the genome was linear, 4.67 Mbp long and had a GC content of 56.01%. The genome properties encode 4,393 protein-coding and 179 RNA genes. Additionally, a putative pathway of hydrogen production was suggested based on the presence of formate hydrogen lyase complex and other related genes identified in the genome. Thus, in the present study we describe the specific properties of the organism and the generation, annotation and analysis of its genome sequence as well as discuss the putative pathway of hydrogen production by this organism

    Endothelial calcium dynamics elicited by ATP release from red blood cells

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    Abstract Red blood cells (RBCs) exhibit an interesting response to hydrodynamic flow, releasing adenosine triphosphate (ATP). Subsequently, these liberated ATP molecules initiate a crucial interaction with endothelial cells (ECs), thereby setting off a cascade involving the release of calcium ions (Ca 2+^{2+} 2 + ). Ca 2+^{2+} 2 + exerts control over a plethora of cellular functions, and acts as a mediator for dilation and contraction of blood vessel walls. This study focuses on the relationship between RBC dynamics and Ca 2+^{2+} 2 + dynamics, based on numerical simulations under Poiseuille flow within a linear two-dimensional channel. It is found that the concentration of ATP depends upon a variety of factors, including RBC density, channel width, and the vigor of the flow. The results of our investigation reveals several features. Firstly, the peak amplitude of Ca 2+^{2+} 2 + per EC escalates in direct proportion to the augmentation of RBC concentration. Secondly, increasing the flow strength induces a reduction in the time taken to reach the peak of Ca 2+^{2+} 2 + concentration, under the condition of a constant channel width. Additionally, when flow strength remains constant, an increase in channel width corresponds to an elevation in calcium peak amplitude, coupled with a decrease in peak time. This implies that Ca 2+^{2+} 2 + signals should transition from relatively unconstrained channels to more confined pathways within real vascular networks. This notion gains support from our examination of calcium propagation in a linear channel. In this scenario, the localized Ca 2+^{2+} 2 + release initiates a propagating wave that gradually encompasses the entire channel. Notably, our computed propagation speed agrees with observations

    Numerical Investigation of flow through Annular diffusing duct

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    In the present investigation the distribution of mean velocity, static pressure and total pressure are experimentally studied on an annular curved diffuser of 30° angle of turn with an area ratio of 1.283 and centerline length was chosen as three times of inlet diameter. The experimental results then were numerically validated with the help of Fluent and then a series of parametric investigations are conducted with same centre line length and inlet diameter but with different area ratios varying from 1.15 to 3.75. The measurements were taken at Reynolds number 2.25 x 105 based on inlet diameter and mass average inlet velocity. Predicted results of coefficient of mass averaged static pressure recovery (30%) and coefficient of mass averaged total pressure loss (21%) are in good agreement with the experimental results of coefficient of mass averaged static pressure recovery (26%) and coefficient of mass averaged total pressure loss (17%) respectively. Standard k-ε model in Fluent solver was chosen for validation. From the parametric investigation it is observed that static pressure recovery increases up to an area ratio of 2.86 and between the area ration 2.86 to 3.75, pressure recovery decreases steadily. The coefficient of total pressure loss almost remains constant with the change in area ratio for similar inlet conditions

    Cloning, overexpression, purification, crystallization and preliminary X-ray diffraction analysis of an atypical two-cysteine peroxiredoxin (SAOUHSC_01822) from Staphylococcus aureus NCTC 8325

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    Diffraction-quality crystals of an atypical two-cysteine peroxiredoxin (SAOUHSC_01822) from S. aureus NCTC 8325 have been obtained. The cloning, overexpression, purification, crystallization and preliminary X-ray diffraction analysis of the protein are reported