6,480 research outputs found

    Inelastic Model for Cyclic Biaxial Loading of Reinforced Concrete

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    National Science Foundation Research Grant GI 2993

    Analisa Kasus Atas Putusan Mahkamah Agung Nomor 1134/pdt/2009 Tentang Kepemilikan Hak Milik yang Kemudian Subjeknya Diketahui sebagai Warga Negara Asing Atas Dasar Wasiat

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    A foreign citizens cannot be ignored to be an heir as stipulated in Article 26, paragraph 3, Article 30 paragraph 2, and Article 36 paragraph 2 of UUPA the legal consequence of violating it is that the ownership will be cancelled. The result of the Case of the Supreme Court\u27s Ruling No. 1134 K/Pdt/2009 research shows that the procedure if signing a will before a Notary for a foreign citizen in making a certificate should pay attention to the spa of time of the land rights by checking the identity of the foreign citizen and the other supporting documents. The list of data at the Sub-directorate of Estate in the Ministry of Law and Human Rights by giving the copy of the Will which has been made in Indonesia. The legal status of the Ownership certificate registered in the name of the defendant is recognized as the defendant\u27s since the land has been registered sporadically and transparent in the name of the defendant, based on the will and the man empowered to receive the will. It is also approved be the authorities such as Subdistrict Head, the National Land Board, and witnessed by the neighbors. Besides that, the defendant has changed his citizenship before the certificate is issued. The judge\u27s consideration in the Supreme Court\u27s Ruling No. 1134 K/Pdt/2009 does not give legal certainty in the administrative process of issuing the certificate

    Perilaku Guru dan Pegawai Sekolah terhadap Penerapan Program Zero Waste di Sekolah: Studi Kasus SMK Maitreyawira Batam

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    Zero waste (nol sampah) merupakan suatu konsep pengurangan produksi sampah. Konsep zero waste ini salah satunya dengan menerapkan prinsip 3 R (Reduce, Reuse, Recycle). Penerapan program zero waste dapat memberikan kontribusi dalam pemeliharaan lingkungan, yaitu dengan cara meminimalisir bahkan menghilangkan pembuangan sampah ke alam semesta dengan cara pengolahan kembali. Indonesia sendiri sudah mulai memperkenalkan konsep zero waste ini ke masyarakat, salah satunya melalui sekolah-sekolah. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan antara sikap dari guru dan pegawai sekolah terhadap penerapan program zero waste di sekolah. Pengumpulan data dilakukan melalui observasi, wawancara dan penyebaran kuisioner. Data-data yang terkumpul dianalisa menggunakan metode chi-square. Ada lima variabel independen, yaitu pengetahuan, sikap menerima, sikap merespon, sikap menghargai dan sikap bertanggungjawab, sedangkan variabel dependen adalah tindakan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa hanya satu variabel yang memiliki hubungan yang signifikan terhadap penerapan zero waste di sekolah, yaitu sikap menerima

    White Collar Crime Dalam PerspektifHukum Islam

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    Kejahatan Kerah Putih, temyata bukan saja hadir dalam masyarakatmodern yang sekularis. Dalam sejarah Islam, hal yang samapun terjadi, maka Islam pun hams memberikan terapinya, mencoba memaparkan white collar crime dalam konstelasi Hukum Islam

    Analisa Strategi Bersaing pada Perusahaan Distribusi Meubel Ud. Budi Luhur, Kediri-Jawa Timur

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    Penelitian bertujuan menganalisa lingkungan internal dengan VCA (Valu Chain Analysis) dan lingkungan eksternal dengan Porter\u27s Five Forces pada UD. Budi Luhur yang bergerak pada bidang industry meubel. Penelitian yang dilakukan menggunakan format penelitian deskriptif dengan menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif. Pengumpulan data pada penelitian ini menggunakan teknik wawancara. Dari hasil analisis SWOT dapat diketahui kekutatan Perusahaan terlektak pada memiliki armada sendiri yaitu truk gandeng untuk pengambilan produk ke pemasok. Kelemahan Perushaan terletak pada lamanya barang retur tersebut di terima oleh konsumen. Peluang Perusahaan terletak pada industri meubel yang tidak memiliki produk pengganti. Dan ancaman Perusahaan terlektak pada pemasok yang memiliki kekuatan untuk mencari distributor lain. Strategi alternatif yang digunakan milik Michael Porter yaitu kepemimpinan biaya rendah. Agar Perusahaan dapat bersaing dengan para kompetitor untuk mempertahankan dan menambah konsumen

    Reformasi Hukum Tanah dalam Rangka Perlindungan Hak Atas Tanah Perorangan dan Penanam Modal dalam Bidang Agrobisnis

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    The problem which would be discussed is how the policy format of law in the future mentioned the rights protection on individual land property and investment in agribusiness field. This research is juridical normative research using statutory approach. Data processing and analysis which was performed is descriptive qualitative. The result of the research concluded that; first, it is necessary to form regulation of land property rights, so that it could support the certainty of land property rights for individual and the certainty of law for every sector of capital investment. Second, the formation of the legislation prioritized the citizen’s aspiration and the community of agribusiness industrial field

    Aliran Gayanormalakibat Beban Suhu dengan Menggunakan Hubungan Elastomekanis yang Meninjau Koefisien Perpindahan Panas Laminat

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    ALIRAN GAYANORMALAKIBAT BEBAN SUHU DENGAN MENGGUNAKAN HUBUNGAN ELASTOMEKANIS YANG MENINJAU KOEFISIEN PERPINDAHAN PANAS LAMINAT. Hubungan elastomekanis merupakan salah satu persamaan yang diperlukan untuk menyelesaikan persamaan silinder. Di sini diturunkan persamaan elastomekanis yang meninjau koefisien perpindahan panas. Hal ini berguna untuk mempermudah perhitungan gaya dalam akibat beban termis. Untuk meneliti kesahihan hubungan elastomekanis tersebut maka hasil yang diperoleh dibandingkan dengan hasil yang diperoleh dengan menggunakan hubungan elastomekanis konvensional

    How Much Do Study Habits, Skills, and Attitudes Affect Student Performance in Introductory College Accounting Courses?

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    Background: Financial accounting is a skills course which to a large extent can be best learned through deliberate practice. Teachers implement this by continuously assigning homeworks, encouraging good study habits, asking students to budget time for studying, and generally exhorting students to “work hard”. Aims: This paper examines the impact of “study habits, skills, and attitudes” (SHSAs) on the performance of students in an introductory financial accounting college course. Sample: 395 2nd year business students in a Philippine university. Method: Data related to variables found to have influenced accounting performance in previous researches as well as SHSA variables are collected through student survey and school records. They are treated as independent variables using multiple regression analysis, with the accounting course final grade as the dependent variable. The paper also examines the factors that differentiate high- from low-performing students. Results: The study found that math proficiency, English proficiency, high school accounting, and academic aptitude influence accounting performance, supporting the findings of many previous researches on cognitive factors. Among the SHSA factors, only student perception of teacher effectiveness and level of effort influence accounting performance. Time spent studying, attendance in review classes conducted in tutorial centers, motivation, and study habits have no significant effect. Upon further analysis comparing high and low performers, study habits show up to be significant as well. In particular, students who performed better are those who did more in terms of reading ahead, doing their homework, participating in class, and cramming for exams. Conclusion: Since student perception of teacher effectiveness strongly influences accounting performance, it is critical that hiring and training of accounting faculty be given utmost importance. Level of effort and good study habits also help, but not the sheer number of study hours

    Jury Selection and Opening Statements

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