6 research outputs found

    Santon Dari Kulit Batang Tumbuhan Asam Kandis (Garcinitz Cowa)

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    The genus Garcinia is known to be a rich source of oxygenated xanthone, prenylated xanthone, and polyisoprenylated benzophenones. Some of them exhibiting various biological activities such as antimycrobachterial,antioxidant, cytotoxic, and antimalaria activities. Garcinia cowa belonging to the Guttiferaefamily, in Indonesia this plant is locally named asamkandis In our continuing phytochemical investigation of Garcinia plants is found in Indonesia a xanthone cowanine compound has been isolated from the steam bark of Garctnia cowa. The structure of this compound has been determined base on spectroscopic data including uv, lR,J-D NMR, and these are comparedwith the literaturedata

    Kajian Penerapan Teknologi Biofilter Skala Komunal Untuk Memenuhi Standar Perencanaan Pengolahan Air Limbah Domestik

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    Ancaman pencemaran air limbah terhadap sumber air baku air minum dapat terus meningkat apabila upaya peningkatan akses sanitasi tidak diiringi dengan teknologi yang ramah lingkungan. Salah satunya dengan teknologi pengolahan air limbah sistem biofilter, yang dapat diterapkan di kawasan perkotaan dengan keterbatasan lahan, muka air tanah tinggi, volume reaktor kecil serta mudah dalam pengoperasian karena lumpur yang dihasilkan lebih sedikit. Namun teridentifikasi kendala kendala dalam penerapan teknologi biofilter skala komunal, diantaranya umur pakai yang pendek, gangguan proses pengolahan dan efluen pengolahan belum dapat mencapai baku mutu yang dipersyaratkan. Pada tulisan ini, diuraikan kajian penerapan sistem biofilter skala komunal di beberapa kota, termasuk faktor faktor yang mempengaruhi keberlanjutan pengelolaan sistem biofilter. Sampling penerapan biofilter komunal dilakukan secara purposif sesuai variasi sistem biofiter, kondisi lokasi dan pengelola, kemudian metoda deskriptif digunakan untuk evaluasi berdasarkan karakteristik tersebut. Desain unit proses biofilter dikaji berdasarkan penyisihan/penguraian bahan organik sebagai BOD, yang didekati dengan reaksi orde pertama kinetika plug flow. Hasil studi menunjukkan faktor faktor yang mempengaruhi keberlanjutan sistem adalah desain unit proses, media biofilter, karakteristik influen, konsumsi pemakaian air, kapasitas pengolahan, media biofilter, proses pembentukan biofilm pada tahap pembibitan dan aklimatisasi, bahan dan konstruksi serta pengelolaan. Beberapa penerapan sistem biofilter yang memenuhi kriteria desain serta pengelolaan yang tepat, dapat menghasilkan air olahan sesuai Keputusan Menteri KLH no 112 tahun 2003 atau Perda terkait, serta berpotensi diolah kembali untuk daur ulang tertentu. Didalam penyusunan standar sistem biofilter perlu mempertimbangkan faktor faktor tersebut, terutama dalam memenuhi standar Pd. T-04-2005-C tentang Tata cara perencanaan dan pemasangan tangki biofilter pengolahan air limbah, Pd. T-02-2004-C, tentang Pengoperasian dan pemeliharaan instalasi pengolah air limbah rumah tangga dengan Tangki Biofilter serta RSNI tentang tata cara perencanaan pengolahan air limbah setempat

    Stress Indicator, Carcass Composition, and Meat Cholesterol of Kampung-Broiler Crossbred Chicken Treated by Different Stocking Density

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    This study aimed to investigate the effect of stocking density on stress indicator, carcass composition, and meat cholesterol content of kampung–broiler crossbred chicken. Anamount of 90 DOCs of crossbred kampung-broiler (KB) were placed into 9 plots sized 1x1 m2 in semi closed house that consist of 3 stocking densities 8, 10 and 12 birds m-2 and respectively 3 replicates. The chickens were fed commercial broiler feed. Approximately ± 30% roosters slaughtered for analysis of malondialdehyde, carcass quality, and meat cholesterol. Malondialdehyde, carcass composition, and meat cholesterol was completely randomized designed with different stocking densities treatments and three replicates. Data was analyzed using analysis of variance (ANOVA) and had previously been tested for requirement of variance test assumption. Data of temperature humidity index (THI) was descriptively explained. The results showed that the effect of different stocking densities on stress indicator reflected by THI value and MDA content, carcass composition (percentage of carcass and abdominal fat weight), and cholesterol level were not significant. The different of stocking densities (8, 10 and 12 birds m-2) did not affect the stress indicators reflected by THI and MDA level, carcass composition and meat cholesterol level. Kampung-broiler crossbred chicken could develop at 8, 10 or 12 birds m-2 densities since the lower of abdominal fat and meat cholesterol were resulte

    Raw Semen Characteristics of Three Different Indonesian Local Roosters

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    Indonesia has agreat variety of roosters, either indigenous type as well as exotic and cross breed. The purpose of this experiment was to study the characteristics of semen from three types of Indonesian local roosters such as Merawang, Kampung and crosses Sentul Kampung with Kedu (SK Kedu). A total of 15 roosters consist of Merawang roosters, Kampung, and SK Kedu roosters were 5 each. The semen was collected 3 times a week by dorso-abdominal and cloaca massage method. The parameters evaluation was macroscopic characteristics consist of volume, color, consistency, and pH. Microscopic evaluation of semen such as a mass movement, sperm motility, live sperm, sperm abnormality and sperm concentration. Results of this experiment showed that semen volume of Merawang (0.40±0.26 mL) was higher (p<0.05) compare to Kampung (0.24±0.12 mL) or SK Kedu (0.16±0.10 mL) but no difference on semen color, consistency and semen pH. There were no difference in the mass movement, sperm motility and live sperm as well as on sperm abnormality among three types of roosters. Sperm concentration of Merawang (4490 million mL-1) was significantly higher than Kampung (3245 million mL-1) and the SK Kedu roosters (3751 million mL-1). Its was conclude that Merawang roosters had good semen quality better than Kampung and SK Kedu rooster

    Social Capital Based Partnership Model for Reaching 100% Universal Access of Improve Water and Sanitation Services

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    Indonesia had launched the strategic plan for water and sanitation provision postmillennium development goal 2015. The universal access of 100% for water supply and sanitation sector has been designated to be reached by 2019. This study is aimed to model the partnership approach that is suitable to reach the designated sanitation sector targets based on some success story of some base technology application. The decentralized- and community-based technology that could be replicated should take into consideration all aspects that relate to social capitals. It also identifies and analyses the vital cross-cutting themes and success factors, highlights gaps in the current knowledge, and identifies high-potential areas for partnerships. The grounded theory was used to systematically code, constant comparison, render the categories. Mixed method and technique were used for data analysis. The developed model consists of ten out of twenty collaboration factors that generate variables to structure the model social-capital-based partnership with six dynamic similarity trends of growth and two different trends of growth. This model demonstrates that social connections might drive the collaboration activity to generate benefit from the social connection. The 100% universal access to the sanitation target might be achieved if the model is applied correctly