19 research outputs found

    Factors Related to Functional Independence in Daily Activities of Older People with Osteoarthritis in Mashhad, Iran in 2016

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    AbstractIntroduction: Osteoarthritis is one of the leading causes of disability and reduction of functional independence in older people. The present study was conducted to investigate the factors related to functional independence in daily activities of older people with osteoarthritis in Mashhad, Iran.Methods: In this descriptive-correlational study, 300 older people with osteoarthritis who had referred to rheumatology clinics of Mashhad University of Medical Sciences Hospitals in Mashhad in 2016 were selected and entered in the study by available sampling method. Data collection tools in this study included demographic information questionnaire and scale of activities of daily living, the validity and reliability of which were measured. SPSS-21 software was used for data analysis.Results: The age average of the study subjects was 70.75 (± 7.27). The older people with higher education levels, male gender, married and who lived with a spouse or spouse and children, lower in age, economically independent (higher income and working), lower body mass index, the ones with less duration of osteoarthritis, ones who did not need to use assistive devices, did not suffer from the lack of joint mobility, and did not have hip osteoarthritis, had more independence in activities of daily living (P value < 0.05).Conclusions: According to the obtained results and related factors from this study, it is necessary that more accurate planning be considered to prevent, control and manage factors leading to the dependence of older people

    The Survey of Independency Status Living in Elderly Referring to Tehran Civil Servants Pension Organization in 2015

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    AbstractIntroduction: elderly is one of the most sensitive ages in everyone’s life, thus regarding the everyday growth of the elderly population, caring for this vulnerable part of society is a necessity. Having in mind the confronting limitations in this era and lack of flexibility with environment, as well as decreasing independency status in the elderly, this study aims at evaluatin the amount of independent living in the elderly referring to Tehran Civil Servants Pension Organization (C.S.P.O) in 2015.Methods and Materials: This descriptive study was conducted on 260 elderly people referring to Tehran Civil Servants Pension Organization. Samples are selected via sapling method available in Civil Servants. The obtained data in this study were collected by standard questionnaire, including demographic characteristics and physical activity questionnaire in two sections, i.e. Activity Daily Living and Instrumental Activity Daily Living. After completing two questionnaires, the obtained data were analyzed using SPSS (ver. 23) through descriptive statistics, independent t-test, as well as One-way Anova.Results: The total mean score of age for the studied objects was 68.08 ± (7.63) years. The total mean score of independence in this group of elderly people has been independent (ADL= 13.61±1.14 & IADL= 14.77±3.79). Moreover, the total mean score of independence living in elderly with aging 60-74 years with incomes above 750 to 1 million dollars per month and the elderly with married, were higher.Discussion And Conclusion: elderly is a normal stage in the normal path of life for human beings, which is very different from other life stages. In general with increasing age decrease the level of independent living, and consequently the degree of dependence on others increases in the elderly. Also the elderly married who lives with wife and children and have better economic situation are more independent than the other. furthermore the obtained data in the current study and other studies reveals that the elderly people have the highest amount of independence in Activity Daily Living such as eating and sleeping, and Instrumental Activity Daily Living such as taking medicine and using telephone

    Context and Causal Conditions in Active Aging Phenomenon: A Qualitative Study

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    Introduction: Active aging is an important concept in the positive paradigm of aging that has attracted policy makers’ attention in the past two decades. However, active aging has been less underscored as an issue of research which can provide real and reliable insight about the aging population. Thus, the present study explored the nature, context, and influencing factors of active aging based on the experiences of the elderly. Method: This qualitative study was conducted through grounded theory method in 2014-2015. Sampling was initiated with purposeful sampling method and continued with theoretical sampling method. The study environment consisted of cultural centers, artistic-cultural associations, and parks in Tehran, Iran. Data were collected through semi-structured interviews with 35 elderly adults until data saturation was achieved. Data were analyzed and coded through 3 phases of open, axial, and selective coding suggested by Strauss and Corbin. Results: “Reduction of roles” was the context for the phenomenon or main theme of the study which manifested as “agency-oriented existentialism”. This theme consisted of two sub-categories of “continuity of self” and “effective identity seeking” and wasthe main essence of experiences of active elderly. Causal conditions for active aging consisted of the subcategories of “internalized health tendency”, “quality of life time perception”, and “rethinking the quality of presence in relationships”. Conclusion: At first glance, active aging appears as a behavior type, but in fact it is an attempt for agency-oriented existentialism and it requires elderly individuals’ different perception about time, their presence, and health tendency. Keywords: Active aging, Grounded theory, Agency orientation, Quality of perceptio

    Individual and Social Factors Affecting Nurses’ Attitudes Toward and Quality of Care Given to Patients Who Attempted Suicide

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    Introduction: Nurses are the first healthcare professionals who meet patients who attempt suicide, and their attitudes toward these patients may be important. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effect of demographic factors on nurses’ attitudes toward patients who attempt suicide and the quality of nursing care that these patients receive.Materials and Methods: This descriptive-correlational study was performed using the convenience sampling method on 182 nurses working at selected hospitals of medical universities in Tehran, Iran. Data were collected using questionnaires that gathered information about demographics, nurses’ attitudes toward patients who attempted suicide, and the quality of nursing care provided. Data were analyzed by the Statistical Package for the Social Sciences v.20 software and by the Pearson test and t-tests.Results: Regarding social and mental aspects, we found no significant statistical relationship between age and work experience with respect to nurses’ attitudes toward and the quality of care provided to patients who attempted suicide, but women provided higher-quality nursing care than men (P=0.046). Although the relationship between education and quality of nursing care was statistically significant (P=0.007), we found no significant relationship between education and attitude.Conclusion: We found no significant relationship between age and work experience with respect to nurses’ attitudes toward, and the quality of care provided to, patients who attempted suicide, but women provided higher-quality nursing care than men. Furthermore, quality of care was higher from nurses who had a bachelor-level education, suggesting that higher-educated nurses should be recruited to care for critical patients

    Spiritual well-being in the Iranian older people: A qualitative study

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    مقدمه: امروزه بیشترین افزایش جمعیت در گروه سنی سالمندان و در کشورهای رو به توسعه از قبیل ایران می‌باشد، هرچند پژوهش‌هایی درباره سلامت سالمندان صورت گرفته است، اما کم‌تر بعد معنوی سلامت سالمندان ایران مورد پژوهش قرار گرفته است. از این ‌رو پژوهش حاضر با هدف کاوش معنا و مفهوم سلامت معنوی در سالمندان ایرانی صورت پذیرفته است. روش: پژوهش حاضر، پژوهشی کیفی از نوع پژوهش پدیده‌شناسی هرمنوتیک بر اساس روش ون مانن می‌باشد. بر اساس روش نمونه‌گیری هدفمند 16 سالمند از پارک‌ها، محل کار و فرهنگسرای سالمندان انتخاب و مورد مصاحبه‌های عمیق باز پاسخ قرار گرفتند. با اجازه از سالمندان مصاحبه‌ها ضبط و پس از دست‌نویس‌کردن و به ‌دست‌آوردن درک جامعی از آن‌ها، بر اساس فعالیت‌های پژوهشی ون مانن تجزیه و تحلیل گردیدند. در این پژوهش صحت یافته‌های کیفی بر اساس ملاک‌های اعتبار، تأییدپذیری، قابلیت اعتماد و قابلیت انتقال مورد بررسی قرار گرفت. یافته‌ها: مضامین نعمت الهی، امیدواری و آرامش در تبیین مفهوم سلامت معنوی سالمندان به دست آمد. مضمون نعمت الهی شامل سلامت معنوی به عنوان نعمت، تقدیر الهی و مسؤولیت‌پذیری بود. مضمون امیدواری دربرگیرنده احساس وجود، غلبه بر ناامیدی‌ها و زیبابینی بود. مضمون آرامش دربرگیرنده آرامش به عنوان باور و اعتقاد درونی و نماد بیرونی آن بیان شد. بحث و نتیجه‌گیری: سلامت معنوی در سالمندان از ابعاد مهم سلامتی سالمندان است. سلامت معنوی سالمندان ایرانی در ارتباط نزدیکی با اعتقادات و باورهای مذهبی آنان است که به زندگی جهت و معنا می‌بخشد. این امر بایستی در برنامه‌های مرتبط با سلامت سالمندان مورد توجه ویژه قرار گیرد.Background: The world’s elderly population is the fastest growing age group especially in developing countries such as Iran. In spite of studies about health of older people, there are a few studies about exploration of spiritual well-being of older people. This study was conducted to understand and gain deeper insight into Iranian older people lived experiences of spiritual well-being. Method: A qualitative research design based on van Manens phenomenological methodology developed. In-depth open ended interviews used to collect the data from 16 older people that selected based on purposeful sampling of workplace, park and cultural center. Research activities of van Manens methodology used for analysis of verbatim transcripts. Trustworthiness of qualitative data is confirmed by criteria’s of credibility, conformability, dependability and transferability. Results: Three themes favor of God, hope, and calm, were emerged which the phenomenon of spiritual well-being could be illustrated. The favor of God was included sub themes of health as favor, authority of God and being responsible. The hope was included sub themes of being feeled, overcome on disappointments, and beautiful mind. The calm was included sub themes of spiritual well-being as interstices believe and behavioral symbol of it. Conclusion: The spiritual well-being is of main domains of health in older people. The spiritual well being is in close relationship with beliefs and religions of older peoples. It provides goal and direction for health and lives of older people. These findings must consider in promotion health of older person. Please cite this article as: Darvishpoor Kakhki, A. (2016). Spiritual well-being in the Iranian older people: A qualitative study. J Med History. 7(25): 11-32

    The Predictive Factors of the Elderly Social Support in Tehran City, 2017

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    Background/objective: social support is one of the most important aspects of the life of the elderly which shows the amount of enjoying from love, help, and attention of family members, friends, and others. Therefore, the present study aims at determining the predictors of the amount of social support in the elderly of Tehran. Methods: this was a descriptive-analytic study; using cluster sampling, it was conducted on 400 elderly people visiting the parks in Tehran five districts in 2017. The personal information questionnaire and “the Canadian Community Health Survey (CCHS)-Social Support questionnaire” were used for data collection after confirming their reliability and validity. Data were analyzed using SPSS 20 software, descriptive statistics, T-test, Pearson correlation, and regression analysis. Result: the average age and the elderly social support scores were 69.1 (±7.09) and 75.33 (±20.53). The results of multiple linear regression indicated that the variables of life companions (B=3.41), marital status (B=2.47), and housing status (B=-2.87) are regarded as predicting variables of social support. Conclusion: the married elderly, those who live with their spouse and children or those owning a personal house are more socially supported than the other elderly people. The educational level and the number of children did not have a significant relationship with the amount of social support. It seems that increased support for the elderly caregivers, training specialist forces for the elderly and organizing family consultation for the elderly and their family are effective in increasing emotional support. &nbsp

    Diseases Of Old People Referring To Elderly Centers Of Tehran

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    Background and Aim: Aging is a natural experience which is usually accompanied by a variety of diseases. Hence, this research was conducted to study the elderly people’s disease rate and the number of times they refer to medical centers in Tehran. Materials and Methods: This descriptive analytical study was conducted on the old people referring to the Elderly Centers in Tehran in 2012. For data collection purposes, valid and reliable self-report demographic and disease questionnaires were used. The data were analyzed by SPSS software together with T-test and one-way ANOVA.  Results: Four hundred old people participated in this study. Of the participants, 300 (75%) were female and 100 (25%) male with a mean age of 67.65 (±6.38) years. Besides, 160 (40%) people had heart diseases, 137 (34.3%) muscoskeletal diseases, and 83 (20.8%) endocrine diseases. Moreover, 381 (95.2%) participants had referred to doctors and therapeutic centers at least once during the last year. Furthermore, 177 subjects (44.2%) were hospitalized at least once last year. Conclusion: The prevalence of diseases in elderly people is more than expected. Most old people refer to doctors and therapeutic centers, which is indicative of the fact that they suffer from diseases and need varied health services

    Factors related to Health-Related Quality of Life (HRQoL) of elderly people in Tehran

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    AbstractBackground and Aim:  Aging is associated with variety of challenges and tensions which could possibly affect Quality of life of older people. This study was conducted to describe factors and HRQoL of elderly people in Tehran city.Method and Materials:  This descriptive correlational study was conducted on elderly people of Jahandidegan Centers of Tehran. The sample of the study consisted of 400 elder persons which were selected by stratified sampling method. Demographic questionnaire and Iranian versions of short from health survey (SF-36) scale were used for data collection. Content validity was used to assess the validity of the instrument and Cronbach’s alpha was computed for internal consistency.Data were analyzed with SPSS software.Findings:  75% of elderly people were female and 25% male with a mean age of 67.65(± 6.38) year. The mean scores for quality of life domains ranged from11.22 (±9.5) for role physical function to 63.83(± 25.02) for social function. The scores of quality of life domains were significantly correlated with age, gender, marital status, education level, number of family members living with the elder person and number of physician visits.Conclusion:  The findings of this study showed that HRQoL of elder people is lower than expect and related to some factors. So, developing plans to improvement of health status and HRQoL of elderly people is necessary.Key words: Elderly People, Health-Related Quality of life, Health, Aging, Tehran

    Self-Actualization: Self-Care outcomes among elderly patients with hypertension

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    Background: This study aims to analyze the experiences of older patients with hypertension to realize the outcomes of their self-care behaviors for controlling hypertension. Materials and Methods: This is a qualitative research with a conventional content analysis approach. The participants consisting of 23 people were selected through purposive sampling. Data were collected through semi-structured interviews until data were saturated. Granheim and Lundman's conventional content analysis was applied to analyze the data. Results: After data analysis, four main categories including self-efficacy, active lifestyle, spirituality, and stress management were obtained. These categories show the experience and outcomes of self-care behaviors among elderly patients with hypertension. Conclusions: Awareness of the elderly of their potentials and role in disease control in addition to relying on the power of spirituality provides positive results in hypertension management. Self-actualization of the elderly resulted in resisting against the destructive effects of internal and external stress and moving in the direction of growth. Health professionals should be vigilant to encourage and promote education about the importance and advantages of self-care for elderlies

    Determining Psychometric Properties of Iranian Active Aging Measurement Instrument

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    Objectives This study aimed at developing and determining psychometric properties of Active Aging Measurement Instrument (AAIM) as per the Iranian aging society. Methods & Materials This study was performed in two phases by applying the steps identified by Ingersoll-Dayton in 2015-2016. In the first phase, according to prior studies, a preliminary AAMI was developed through three steps. In the second phase through two steps, the psychometric properties of the AAMI were examined. A total of 350 older adults belonging to health-related educational centers in Tehran municipality were included in the psychometrics study using the three-phase cluster sampling method. Statistical tests such as item analysis, exploratory factor analysis, Cronbach's &alpha; coefficient, and Pearson correlation coefficient were performed by using SPSS 16. Results The finding of the first phase was a preliminary 6-item measurement instrument with 5 point responses (none to very much). In the second phase, the result of examining the face and content validity was elimination of 6 items, which led to a 55-item AAMI. The result of psychometric tests after item analysis and factor analysis was the final 40-item AAMI consisting of six factors: 1. social-institutional participation; 2. active mind maintenance; 3. social contacts; 4. agent attitude; 5. productive engagement; and 6. physical-functional activity which explained 56% of the total variance. Reliability of AAMI based on examining Cronbach's &alpha; coefficient was 0.88, and also its test-retest reliability was 0.95 (P<0.01). Conclusion The 40-item AAMI consisting of six factors in the present study not only was shown to be reliable, valid and appropriate for Iranian older adults but was also confirmed to have both subjective and objective dimensions