19 research outputs found

    Towards a More Ethical LL.M. Degree: Let\u27s Give International Lawyers the Value They Deserve

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    Created for international lawyers seeking American credentials, LL.M. programs have proliferated, filling a need in an increasingly global market. Yet the American Bar Association offers no guidance as to how programs specifically designed for international lawyers should be structured. The road to a more ethical LL.M degree necessarily begins with the American Bar Association and the need for it to establish guidelines for such programs, at least for those programs which qualify international lawyers to sit for the bar exam.Nor do law schools do enough to ensure that LL.M. students seeking to become licensed attorneys in the United States develop the skills necessary to do so. In the typical one-year LL.M. program, students must conquer a host of challenges that include mastering legal English, adapting to an American law school, and learning how to navigate a new legal system. There is simply not enough time afforded these students to successfully acclimate and, for those who wish to, prepare for the bar exam.LL.M. students have a right to expect that their expensive degrees have value. However, the American Bar Association, charged with accreditation and oversight of American law schools, provides no standards or oversight of LL.M. programs. The authors argue that the ABA, as gatekeeper to the legal profession, has an ethical obligation to all law students. LL.M. students, like their J.D. peers, should meet some minimal standards of competence. This necessarily requires establishing experiential requirements, learning objectives, and learning outcomes for LL.M. programs.Consistent with those standards, the authors also propose that law schools adopt a more rigorous curriculum to ensure that students succeed. Initiatives like summer sessions and ESL (English as a second language) instruction for those who need it would go a long way towards achieving that goal. Lastly, the authors propose a dual-track curriculum for those seeking an American degree: One track would offer a required two-year “Bar-Track” curriculum for international lawyers seeking to sit for the bar exam. Such a program would give students more time to develop and enrich their understanding of the American legal system, better equipping them with the tools they need to pass the bar exam. The other track would offer a one-year “No-Bar” curriculum for students who wish to return to their home jurisdictions with an American credential or who simply wish to burnish their resumes. At the very least, these proposals will provide some measure of quality and assurance to international lawyers seeking an American degree

    Estudo preliminar para captação de água da chuva por meio de pavimentos permeáveis na cidade de Florianópolis/SC

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    TCC (graduação) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina. Centro Tecnológico. Engenharia Civil.A falta de água potável no século XXI é uma realidade enfrentada por diversos países. Estudos da Organização das Nações Unidas (ONU, 2015) preveem que em 2030, a população global vai necessitar de 40% a mais de água. Porém, a tendência é de que a qualidade e a quantidade de água potável diminua o que implica na necessidade de formas alternativas de armazenamento deste líquido tão necessário. A adoção de pavimentos permeáveis como função de controle de escoamento na fonte e captação de águas pluviais é uma iniciativa que tende a gerar maior controle e planejamento na ocupação do solo, permitindo o desenvolvimento sustentável das cidades e minimizando os impactos decorrentes da urbanização. Desta forma, o presente trabalho descreve o pavimento permeável como um todo, abrangendo os materiais possíveis de utilização nesta forma de pavimentação bem como os tipos de pavimentos permeáveis e suas respectivas funções em relação ao controle de escoamento na fonte, armazenamento das águas pluviais e liberação destas para o lençol freático além da descrição metodológica para o dimensionamento mecânico e hidráulico destes pavimentos

    Seed size and germination response: a relationship for fire-following plant species exposed to thermal shock

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    Thermal shock is well known to be an important stimulus for the germination of soil-stored seeds in fire-prone plant communities. Nevertheless, while the overall germination response of different species is known to vary, the interaction between seed size and germination to a range of thermal-shock temperatures is poorly understood. This interaction may be important in regulating post-fire plant community establishment, since larger seeds are able to emerge from deeper within the soil profile than smaller seeds, and are therefore likely to be insulated against high above-ground temperatures by a deeper soil covering. In this experiment we examined how germination of eight co-occurring Western Australian fire-followers was influenced by thermal shock, and whether germination was significantly correlated with seed size. We found that small-seeded species not only showed enhanced germination at higher temperatures, but that their ability to germinate at higher temperatures was also greater than that displayed by larger-seeded species. These findings suggest that while seed size may be a useful general predictor of post-fire recruitment success, under different fire regimes the interaction between seed size, maximum seedling emergence depth, and the ability to withstand different thermal-shock temperatures is complex and may confound recent predictive models

    Factores generados en la certificación de la ISO 14001. Revisión sistemática 2021

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    Se ha investigado los factores involucrados en la certificación ISO 14001, mediante la revisión de artículos de investigación publicados en revistas indexadas entre el 2017 y el 2020. Los resultados demostraron que los factores involucran 3 aspectos relevantes: el social, ii) el ambiental y iii) el económico. Asimismo, son los países Europeos los que presentan una madurez en la certificación y se encuentran en etapa de ampliación, mientras que países en desarrollo y emergentes, presenta factores sociales muy dependientes de la política del estado, de la adopción de los factores, principalmente, respecto a los factores económicos y ambientales, estos se manejan de manera sinérgica, ya que la mejora en la reducción de los impactos significa un ahorro de costos, y redunda en la mejora interna de la organización, reputación sin embargo cuando se trata de países con menores ingresos y en el caso de las pequeñas empresas, es posible generar una subvención y políticas favorables a la implementación de los sistemas de gestión ISO 14001. Es necesario incentivar nuevas investigaciones considerando el proceso de la pandemia que ha experimentado el mundo, ya que se suman nuevos factores que pondrían en riesgo el rendimiento de la protección ambiental