3 research outputs found

    Questioning a witness

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    This thesis is dealing with the subject of a witness in criminal proceedings. It contains an examination of the term of witness, its rights and duties and specificities of a questioning of a witness who is a victim of crimes and a person under the age of 18 years. The thesis is then dealing with possibilities of protection of a witness. There is a presentation of measures ensuring a witness at a questioning and of limits of forcing a witness to testify. The thesis is also dismantling a questioning of a witness in different stages of criminal proceedings, different methods of questioning including videoconferences and briefly also psychological aspects of questioning a witness

    Additional file 6: Figure S5. of Detection of pup odors by non-canonical adult vomeronasal neurons expressing an odorant receptor gene is influenced by sex and parenting status

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    In situ hybridization (ISH) probe validation for highly similar genes in the V2R family of vomeronasal receptors, expressed in the basal VNO layer. (a) Double fluorescent ISH with two probes labeled with different haptens (fluorescein, FLU, marked in green fluorescence, and digoxigenin, DIG, in red fluorescence) designed to detect the same V2R gene results in labeling of the same cells, showing that the ISH protocol and subsequent fluorescent detection consistently and robustly label the same subpopulation of VNO sensory neurons with probes for the same gene. (b–d) Double fluorescent ISH with probes for two genes in the same clade of V2R receptors (left panel) leads to labeling of largely overlapping subsets of cells in the VNO (middle panel) for receptors in clades A4 (b and c) and A1 (d). The right panels show quantification of singly (green and red leftmost bars) or doubly (yellow rightmost bar) stained cells per VNO section. (e) Probes for a pair of V2R receptors in the large A8 clade (Vmn2r90 and Vmn2r107; left) do not result in significant co-labeling in double ISH experiments (middle and right panels). Therefore, in subsequent experiments, a combination of Vmn2r90 and Vmn2r107 probes was used for this clade. (f, g) Probes for receptors in different V2R subclades [A4 and A3 (f) and A4 and A8 (g)] do not result in significant co-labeling in double fluorescent ISH experiments. Images are representative from 16–24 sections, from 4-6 mice. For the cell counts in the right panels, calculations were performed over n = 12 sections, from four mice. lu, VNO lumen. Scale bars represent 100 μm. (PDF 627 kb

    Additional file 2: of Pregnancy and estrogen enhance neural progenitor-cell proliferation in the vomeronasal sensory epithelium

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    Excel workbook containing the mapping statistics of the RNAseq data for each sample, along with the accession numbers for the raw data; the normalized counts for the whole transcriptome; the differential expression analysis between the pregnant and control samples; the gene ontology categories significantly overrepresented in the differentially expressed genes; the normalized counts for the VR genes, accounting for total VSN number; and the differential expression analysis on the VR genes only, after normalization for VSN number, between the pregnant and control samples. The column ‘length’ corresponds to the total exonic bases in all transcripts from the gene. For the differential expression sheets, the columns contain the following data: ‘baseMean’, corresponds to the mean normalized expression value for the gene across all samples; ‘log2FoldChange’, is the fold change between the pregnant and control samples, log2 transformed; ‘lfcSE’, corresponds to the standard error associated with the fold change estimation; ‘stat’, is the Wald statistic; ‘pvalue’ is the P value of the test; and ‘padj’ is the P value after adjusting for multiple testing (Benjamini-Hochberg). Genes that have both their ‘pvalue’ and ‘padj’ set to NA contain outliers; genes with only their ‘padj’ set to NA were filtered prior to the test because their normalized counts were too low. (XLSX 11150 kb