12 research outputs found

    The Descriptive Study on Question Words in Amanatun Dialect of Meto Language

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    This research is a descriptive study on linguistics which focuses on the question words in Amanatun dialect of Meto language. The purposes of this research are to identify the kinds of question words and to describe how those question words are constructed.The descriptive qualitative method was used in this research. The native speakers of Amanatun dialect as the subject of the research. The instrument used was translation sentences of question words from Indonesia into Amanatun dialect. There were five techniques of data analysis: translation, codification,classification, syntactical analyses, and discussion.The findings show that there are seven kinds of question words in Amanatun dialect. They are sa(what), sekau(who), etme/esme/mbime/neome(where), leka(when), nansa/neusa(why), onme(how) and fauk (how many and how much). Saisplaced at the initial position of the sentence. Sekau is placed in three positions; in initial part of the sentence, in the middle of the sentence and at the final part of the sentence. The question of etme/esme/mbime/neome is placed at the final part of the sentence. Leka is placed in two positions: in the initial part of the sentence and at the final part of the sentence. The question of nansa is placed at the final part of the sentence. Nansa cannot be placed at the final position of the sentence. While neosa is only placed at the final position of the sentence and it cannot be placed in initial position of the sentence. There are three positions of onme; in the initial of the sentence, in the middle of the sentence and the final of the sentence. Fauk is placed at the final part of the sentence

    Peningkatan Keterampilan Masase Bagi Remaja Putri dan Ibu Rumahtangga untuk Pencegahan Penyakit Degeneratif

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    Masalah penyakit degeneratif termasuk darah tinggi dan obesitas  merupakan masalah yang menjadi fokus kesehatan masyarakat hingga saat ini. Ada berbagai faktor yang menyumbang terhadap terjadinya penyakit degeneratif termasuk darah tinggi serta obesitas antara lain pola hidup kurang gerak (sedentary), gaya hidup kurang sehat seperti kurang olahraga, konsumsi makanan jajanan berlemak tinggi dan rendah serat serta dampak tidak langsung perkembangan teknologi. Permasalahan yang dihadapi oleh mitra adalah rendahnya pengetahuan ibu rumahtangga dan remaja putri tentang pencegahan dan pengobatan penyakit degeneratif baik melalui aspek pengelolaan makanan dan aspek fisioterapi dengan masase. Adapun solusi dan target luaran dari kegiatan program kemitraan masyarakat (PKM) ini adalah: 1) Kurangnya pengetahuan ibu-ibu dan remaja putri dalam mencegah penyakit degeneratif terutama penyakit darah tinggi. 2) kurangnya pengetahuan dan keterampilan ibu-ibu dan remaja putri tentang pengobatan alternatif yang dapat dilakukan dirumah dalam pengobatan penyakit darah tinggi. 3) Ketidaktahuan para ibu-ibu dan remaja putri dalam kaidah memasak yang sehat dan baik serta penyajian makanan yang baik untuk penderita darah tinggi. Hasil Kegiatan PKM ini menunjukkan antusias peserta kegiatan PKM dalam mengikuti pelaksanaan kegiatan pelatihan masase dan penyuluhan menu untuk pencegahan penyakit degenerative sangat antusias sekali.  Tingkat pengetahuan gizi ibu-ibu rumahtangga dan remaja putrid tentang makanan sehat untuk pencegahan penyakit degenerative terutama menu untuk pencegahan penyakit darah tinggi sebelum kegiatan PKM masih rendah. Demikian juga dengan pengetahuan dan keterampilan ibu-ibu rumahtangga dan remaja putri tentang masase untuk pencegahan penyakit degenerative terutama darah tinggi belum pernah mendapatkan keterampilan ini sama sekali.    Kegiatan Program kemitraan masyarakat ini masih berlanjut dengan pelaksanaan dan penerapan keterampilan masase ini kepada pasien sukarelawan. &nbsp

    Budaya Mahasiswa dalam Menggunakan Pirated Books di Perguruan Tinggi Kota Pekanbaru

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    This study aimed to know the culture of students in using pirated books. The location of the study was conducted at State Islamic University of Sultan Syarif Kasim Riau), University of Riau, Universitas Islam Riau, and Lancang Kuning University in Pekanbaru City. Based on the analysis of student economic factors, it shows that the student culture in using pirated books was not because of economic factors. It was evidenced by most of the students with good economic conditions or in the middle to lower class. Based on students' understanding of Copyright, it indicated that students comprehend and understand about copyright. However, respondents considered the copy of the book for the benefit of education does not violate the copyright because to facilitate the science. Actually a photocopy of a book for the benefit of education to facilitate the demand for science is basically an act of copyright infringement because it includes actions to reproduce without permission and disseminate it. Student's attitudes to regular ordinary photocopies/copies are familiar with copier/pirate books. Based on the habits (culture) of students in buying reference books where the purchase of photocopy reference books/pirates is already a student habit

    Career Exploration System (C-EXSYS) in Era Society 5.0 Based on Expert System

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    There are many strategies that have been launched by the government in increasing graduate marketing and reducing unemployment, but this program is only able to absorb 12% of graduates, this is still considered not optimal. In addition, each program is still separate or not integrated with one another, so that the data and information obtained are invalid, practical and effective. Based on the description above, graduate marketing problems can be classified as follows: 1) Job matching applications managed by vocational high schools are not optimal, 2) Existing applications have not been integrated with vocational high school programs that support graduate marketing, 3) Applications that support distribution programs Existing graduates have not been able to map and provide career recommendations and connect graduates with work partners. This article aims to explain the process of designing an integrated career expert system capable of recommending careers and jobs based on personality. The method used in this research is the 4D method, namely Define, Design, Development and Disseminate. The results of this study are an expert system application that is able to provide job recommendations based on six personality types focused on vocational. The results of the constructs validation test obtained a fit model where, the value of p = 0.26972 and RMSEA = 0.029, the expert validity test of the design aspects was 0.88 (Valid), Operation 0.88 (Valid), and Benefits 0.90 (Very Valid), practicality test results 0.83 (Practical)

    Paradigm Changes of Pesantren: Community and Islamic Scholar Perception about Post-Modernism Pesantren based on Android

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    Pesantren is the forerunner of education based in Indonesia. This study uses a quantitative approach. Population in this research is Padang city society (especially in District of Padang Utara). The study sample was 128 people and 30 community leaders (Alim-Ulama) people. The sample selection was done by simple random (simple random sampling). Data collection techniques using questionnaires. Data analysis technique using SPSS program version 24. Statistical analysis technique used is Pearson correlation. The results of the study found: there is no correlation between public opinion and religious figures about the development of pesantren based on android postmodernism. Recommendations: There needs to be a more in-depth study of the development of Android-based pesantren at the empirical level; curriculum, learning system, learning strategy and assessment mechanism and so on