2,004 research outputs found

    Polymer translocation through a nanopore under an applied external field

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    We investigate the dynamics of polymer translocation through a nanopore under an externally applied field using the 2D fluctuating bond model with single-segment Monte Carlo moves. We concentrate on the influence of the field strength EE, length of the chain NN, and length of the pore LL on forced translocation. As our main result, we find a crossover scaling for the translocation time τ\tau with the chain length from τN2ν\tau \sim N^{2\nu} for relatively short polymers to τN1+ν\tau \sim N^{1 + \nu} for longer chains, where ν\nu is the Flory exponent. We demonstrate that this crossover is due to the change in the dependence of the translocation velocity v on the chain length. For relatively short chains vNνv \sim N^{- \nu}, which crosses over to vN1v \sim N^{- 1} for long polymers. The reason for this is that with increasing NN there is a high density of segments near the exit of the pore, which slows down the translocation process due to slow relaxation of the chain. For the case of a long nanopore for which RR_\parallel , the radius of gyration RgR_{g} along the pore, is smaller than the pore length, we find no clear scaling of the translocation time with the chain length. For large NN, however, the asymptotic scaling τN1+ν\tau \sim N^{1 + \nu} is recovered. In this regime, τ\tau is almost independent of LL. We have previously found that for a polymer, which is initially placed in the middle of the pore, there is a minimum in the escape time for RLR_\parallel \approx L. We show here that this minimum persists for a weak fields EE such that ELEL is less than some critical value, but vanishes for large values of ELEL.Comment: 25 Pages, 10 figures. Submitted to J. Chem. Phys. J. Chem. Phys. 124, in press (2006

    GRAPE: GRaphical Abstracted Protein Explorer

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    The region surrounding a protein, known as the surface of interaction or molecular surface, can provide valuable insight into its function. Unfortunately, due to the complexity of both their geometry and their surface fields, study of these surfaces can be slow and difficult and important features may be hard to identify. Here, we describe our GRaphical Abstracted Protein Explorer, or GRAPE, a web server that allows users to explore abstracted representations of proteins. These abstracted surfaces effectively reduce the level of detail of the surface of a macromolecule, using a specialized algorithm that removes small bumps and pockets, while preserving large-scale structural features. Scalar fields, such as electrostatic potential and hydropathy, are smoothed to further reduce visual complexity. This entirely new way of looking at proteins complements more traditional views of the molecular surface. GRAPE includes a thin 3D viewer that allows users to quickly flip back and forth between both views. Abstracted views provide a fast way to assess both a molecule's shape and its different surface field distributions. GRAPE is freely available at http://grape.uwbacter.org

    On Shape Transformations and Shape Fluctuations of Cellular Compartments and Vesicles

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    We discuss the shape formation and shape transitions of simple bilayer vesicles in context with their role in biology. In the first part several classes of shape changes of vesicles of one lipid component are described and it is shown that these can be explained in terms of the bending energy concept in particular augmented by the bilayer coupling hypothesis. In the second part shape changes and vesicle fission of vesicles composed of membranes of lipid mixtures are reported. These are explained in terms of coupling between local curvature and phase separation

    Effect of charge distribution on the translocation of an inhomogeneously charged polymer through a nanopore

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    We investigate the voltage-driven translocation of an inhomogeneously charged polymer through a nanopore by utilizing discrete and continuous stochastic models. As a simplified illustration of the effect of charge distribution on translocation, we consider the translocation of a polymer with a single charged site in the presence and absence of interactions between the charge and the pore. We find that the position of the charge that minimizes the translocation time in the absence of pore--polymer interactions is determined by the entropic cost of translocation, with the optimum charge position being at the midpoint of the chain for a rodlike polymer and close to the leading chain end for an ideal chain. The presence of attractive or repulsive pore--charge interactions yields a shift in the optimum charge position towards the trailing end and the leading end of the chain, respectively. Moreover, our results show that strong attractive or repulsive interactions between the charge and the pore lengthen the translocation time relative to translocation through an inert pore. We generalize our results to accommodate the presence of multiple charged sites on the polymer. Our results provide insight into the effect of charge inhomogeneity on protein translocation through biological membranes.Comment: Submitted to Journal of Chemical Physic

    Disease variants in genomes of 44 centenarians

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    To identify previously reported disease mutations that are compatible with extraordinary longevity, we screened the coding regions of the genomes of 44 Ashkenazi Jewish centenarians. Individual genome sequences were generated with 30x coverage on the Illumina HiSeq 2000 and single-nucleotide variants were called with the genome analysis toolkit (GATK). We identified 130 coding variants that were annotated as pathogenic or likely pathogenic based on the ClinVar database and that are infrequent in the general population. These variants were previously reported to cause a wide range of degenerative, neoplastic, and cardiac diseases with autosomal dominant, autosomal recessive, and X-linked inheritance. Several of these variants are located in genes that harbor actionable incidental findings, according to the recommendations of the American College of Medical Genetics. In addition, we found risk variants for late-onset neurodegenerative diseases, such as the APOE epsilon4 allele that was even present in a homozygous state in one centenarian who did not develop Alzheimer\u27s disease. Our data demonstrate that the incidental finding of certain reported disease variants in an individual genome may not preclude an extraordinarily long life. When the observed variants are encountered in the context of clinical sequencing, it is thus important to exercise caution in justifying clinical decisions

    A Novel Function for Fragile X Mental Retardation Protein in Translational Activation

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    Fragile X syndrome, the most frequent form of inherited mental retardation, is due to the absence of Fragile X Mental Retardation Protein (FMRP), an RNA-binding protein involved in several steps of RNA metabolism. To date, two RNA motifs have been found to mediate FMRP/RNA interaction, the G-quartet and the “kissing complex,” which both induce translational repression in the presence of FMRP. We show here a new role for FMRP as a positive modulator of translation. FMRP specifically binds Superoxide Dismutase 1 (Sod1) mRNA with high affinity through a novel RNA motif, SoSLIP (Sod1 mRNA Stem Loops Interacting with FMRP), which is folded as three independent stem-loop structures. FMRP induces a structural modification of the SoSLIP motif upon its interaction with it. SoSLIP also behaves as a translational activator whose action is potentiated by the interaction with FMRP. The absence of FMRP results in decreased expression of Sod1. Because it has been observed that brain metabolism of FMR1 null mice is more sensitive to oxidative stress, we propose that the deregulation of Sod1 expression may be at the basis of several traits of the physiopathology of the Fragile X syndrome, such as anxiety, sleep troubles, and autism