128 research outputs found

    Kompetensi Matematika Dalam Persfektif Matematika Dan Pengajarannya

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    Puan memahami matematika sebagai ilmu dan kemampuan mengemplementasikan pendekatan-pendekatan pengajaran. Kemampuan pertama diperlukan untuk menyusun materi pembelajaran dan evaluasi sesuai dengan kompetensi yang ingin dicapai dengan materi tersebut. Kemampuan ini mencakup pemahaman konsep, pemahamani contoh, dan pemahaan hasil. Kemampuan akan ditunjukkan oleh kesesuaian konteks yang dipilih dengan sifat-sifat alami dari materi dan rumusan kompetensi yang ingin dicapai. Kemampuan kedua diperlukan untuk mendesain pengajaran yang akan mengoptimalkan aktivitas sosial di dalam kelas untuk mengekplorasi potensi siswa secara optimal. Kemampuan ini akan ditunjukkan oleh terjadi respon positif siswa terhadap materi yang telah dirancang oleh guru, interaksi aktif antara siswa

    Argumen Matematika Studi Kasus Pada Mata Kuliah Matematatika Sekolah II

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    Artikel ini membahas tentang dua hal, yaitu; sistem argumen dalam kajian matematika formal dan kajian kesalahan-kesalahan yang dilakukan oleh peserta mata kuliah matematika sekolah II tahun akademik 2009\2010. Kajian pada sistem argumen difokuskan pada penarikan kesimpulan dengan berbagai tipe pembuktian pada mateamtika formal dan contoh sederhananya pada operasi bilangan. Sedangkaan yang kedua menganalisis kesalahan yang terjadi pada mahasiswa yang mengikuti kuliah matematika sekolah II pada penarikan kesimpulan dan komputasinya

    Pembelajaran Matematika: Potret Kompetensi Pemodelan Matematika Siswa Kelas IX pada Materi Luas Permukaan dan Volume Tabung

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    Kompetensi pemodelan matematika membantu siswa dalam menghadapi tantangan di kehidupan sehari-hari dan mempelajari konsep matematika. Namun, rata-rata persepsi siswa mengenai matematika sangat dangkal. Siswa beranggapan bahwa matematika hanyalah sekumpulan rumus yang tidak memiliki hubungan dengan kehidupan sehari-hari. Tujuan dari penelitian ini untuk mendeskripsikan kompetensi pemodelan matematika siswa kelas IX menggunakan LKS praktikum berbasis pemodelan matematika pada materi luas permukaan dan volume tabung. Adapun jenis penelitian ini adalah deskriptif kualitatif dengan subjek penelitian yang terdiri dari 19 siswa kelas IX. Teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan diantaranya soal tes kompetensi pemodelan matematika dalam bentuk uraian dan wawancara semi-struktur. Berdasarkan temuan penelitian diperoleh potret kompetensi pemodelan matematika siswa kelas IX menggunakan LKS praktikum berbasis pemodelan matematika pada pada materi luas permukaan dan volume tabung terkategori baik dengan rata-rata 65,48. Proses pembelajaran menggunakan LKS praktikum berbasis pemodelan matematika membantu siswa untuk melakukan tahapan pemodelan matematika secara tepat serta melakukan pengaplikasiannya ke dalam situasi dunia nyata

    Pembelajaran Matematika Berbasis Web

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    Teknologi Infromasi dan Komunikasi (TIK) memberikan dampak yang besar dalam merubah cara pandang pengajaran saat ini. Ketersedian perangkat keras dan perangkat lunak serta akses internet menjadikan pengajaran merubah paradigma pengajaran konvensional yaitu dari guru menjadi sumber informasi ke guru dan siswa berbagi informasi. Perubahan paradigma ini menjadikan proses pembelajaran lebih kreatif karena sumber belajar tidak lagi dimulai dari dalam kelas tetapi dimulai dari luar kelas dan di bedah di dalam kelas secara bersama-sama. Hal ini dampak dari perkembangan internet


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    Artikel ini membahas tentang dua hal, yaitu; sistem argumen dalam kajian matematika formal dan kajian kesalahan-kesalahan yang dilakukan oleh peserta mata kuliah matematika sekolah II tahun akademik 2009\2010. Kajian pada sistem argumen difokuskan pada penarikan kesimpulan dengan berbagai tipe pembuktian pada mateamtika formal dan contoh sederhananya pada operasi bilangan. Sedangkaan yang kedua menganalisis kesalahan yang terjadi pada mahasiswa yang mengikuti kuliah matematika sekolah II pada penarikan kesimpulan dan komputasinya. Kata kunci: Argumen, bukti formal, valid, formulasi masalah, sintaksis, komparasi

    The Indonesian's Road Transportations as The Contexts to Support Primary School Students Learning Number Operation

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    This paper highlights the Indonesian's road transportation contexts, namely, angkot, that used in learning and teaching of addition and subtraction in first grade and second grade MIN-2 Palembang. PMRI approach that adopt from RME was used in this design research. From teaching experiment was founded that the student used many strategies when teaching and learning process conducted. In situational level they used their knowledge of experience-base activity, in referential level they use manik-manik (string of beads), and in general level they used number line to solve the problem. From the research was known that the Indonesian's road transportation context helps student to understand basic concept of addition and subtraction. The suggestion to further research this context can be used in design research of multiplication

    Developing the Sixth Level of PISA-Like Mathematics Problems for Secondary School Students

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    Indonesia's involvement in the Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) is one attempt to see how far the development of educational programs in our country compared to other countries in the world. PISA results show that Indonesia is still at the lower level. This means that the ability of Indonesian students in solving problems that require the ability to review, giving reasons and communicating effectively, and solve and interpret problems in various situations is still lacking. This may be due to government policy in the presence of the National Examination (UN) in which the spread of the UN's questions are still at the lower levels of cognitive aspects that are not in line with government regulations on curriculum which suggests that the fulfillment of cognitive aspects as one of the important aspects of education. To that end, researcher conducted a study that aims to produce valid and practical the sixth level of PISA-like mathematics problems for middle school students. This study is the development research formative evaluation type. The research subjects are ninth grade students SMP Negeri 1 Palembang. Data collection techniques used are walkthrough, documentation, interviews, and tests. From the analysis it can be concluded that this research has resulted a product the sixth level of PISA-like mathematics problems. At the stage of expert review, an expert and two colleagues evaluated the problems from different aspects. Trying out at one-to-one and small group wasperformed on students with different mathematical abilities. Then at the field test stage, 26 students in one class answered the questions that were developed

    Mathematical Modeling Learning Design with PISA Framework on Grade X Function

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    Mathematical Modeling is the cornerstone and central aspect of the PISA framework. However, students still encounter difficulties in dealing with problems related to mathematical modeling. This study aims to produce a learning trajectory of mathematical modeling on functions material using the context of an online taxibike. Mathematical modeling activities on functions material are designed using the mathematical modeling cycle in the PISA framework. The subjects in this study were students of class X Bina Ilmi IT Senior High School Palembang. The research method used is validation studies. The research consisted of three stages, namely the preparation stage, the experimental design stage consisting of two cycles (cycle I: pilot experiment and cycle II: teaching experiment) and the retrospective analysis stage. Data was collected through observation, interviews and written test (students' work on the activity sheet and the results of pre-test and post-test). The results showed that learning activities that have been designed can assist students in solving mathematical modeling problems on functions. It begins with the formulate, employed, interprete/evaluate process. Through these mathematical modeling processes, students have a better understanding of functions and become accustomed to using mathematical modeling processes in solving contextual problems related to function material

    The Indonesian\u27s Road Transportations as the Contexts to Support Primary School Students Learning Number Operation

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    This paper highlights the Indonesian\u27s road transportation contexts, namely, angkot, that used in learning and teaching of addition and subtraction in first grade and second grade MIN-2 Palembang. PMRI approach that adopt from RME was used in this design research. From teaching experiment was founded that the student used many strategies when teaching and learning process conducted. In situational level they used their knowledge of experience-base activity, in referential level they use manik-manik (string of beads), and in general level they used number line to solve the problem. From the research was known that the Indonesian\u27s road transportation context helps student to understand basic concept of addition and subtraction. The suggestion to further research this context can be used in design research of multiplication