136 research outputs found

    Performance Pheretima sp. and The Quality of Vermicompost on Media Using Clam and Snail Shell Flour

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    The abundance of green mussel shells, clam shells, and snail shells that have not been maximally utilized has caused environmental disturbances. These shells can be used as a substitute for worm food because of their good nutritional content. This research aimed to analyze the productivity of Pheretima sp. with the combination of shell powder (green mussel, clam, and snail) and cow dung to their living media (feed) and the quality of vermicompost. The data were analyzed using SAS Studio application with completely randomized design (CRD), 10 treatment levels, with 3 replications each. The observed variables included earthworm productivity, vermicompost quality, and vermicompost performance. The results of the studyshow a significant (P<0.05) on the use of green mussel shell 10% in all earthworm productivity variables, and show a significant (P<0.05) on the use of green mussel shell 30% in vermicompost quality and vermicompost performance. The combination of 10% green mussel shell powder in cow dung media can increase the productivity of Pheretima sp. The best vermicompost testing result on water spinach plants was found in the treatment with the addition of 30% green mussel shell powder in cow dung media

    Productivity of Earthworms (Pheretima sp.) with the Combination of Cow Dung and Flour of Green Mussel Shell Flour as Cultivation Media

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    Composting and mixing organic and inorganic materials are among the abilities of earthworms. The survival of earthworms is influenced by several environmental factors, including media temperature, media pH, media moisture, media texture, and media nutrient content. Shellfish shells are underutilized waste that is increasing in quantity as more people consume food from the sea. This study aims to analyze the productivity of earthworms (Pheretima sp.) using a combination of cow dung and green shellfish shells as a cultivation media. The study uses a Completely Randomized Design (CRD) method with four treatments and three replications, and the obtained results are analyzed using the Tukey test. The observed parameters are temperature, moisture, pH, total body weight, population, cocoon count, and media depletion. The results of the study show a significant (P<0.05) on the use of green shellfish shells in all measured parameters. The treatment P1 increase the body weight of earthworms (Pheretima sp.) by 33.3 grams and resulted in a media loss 262.67 grams. The use of green mussel shell flour at a concentration of ≥ 10% can increase the productivity of soil worms

    Realisasi Dan Perancangan Perangkat Kontrol Sistem Catu Daya Di SMKN 2 Kendal Dengan SMS Gateway Berbasis Mikrokontroler

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    Makalah ini membahas mengenai perancangan dan realisasi sistem manajemen sumber daya listrik yangdilakukan dengan mengatur dan memonitor sistem catu daya di Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan Negeri 2 Kendal.Sistem pengaturan ini akan dikerjakan oleh program pada mikrokontroler AT89S52 secara otomatisberdasarkan catuan daya yang berkesinambungan. Parameter pengendalian dan monitoring tersebut akandisimpan pada suatu database pada PC server dan pada mikrokontroler.Untuk proses monitoring dan pengendalian dapat dilakukan pada suatu tempat yang jauh, denganmenggunakan Short Messages Service (SMS) Gateway. Pengendalian dari jarak jauh ini diperlukan untukmengoptimalkan peran operator sistem catu daya tersebut. Dengan pengaturan dan monitoring jarak jauh(teleoperasi), perangkat-perangkat catu daya tidak memerlukan pengontrolan dan monitoring secara terusmenerus secara langsung.Hasil kinerja perangkat adalah dapat melakukan peralihan catu daya secara otomatis dan pengiriman kondisisistem dengan SMS gateway dengan delay seminimal mungkin. Dan Proses pengiriman ini tidak menggangusistem pengalihan catu daya yang dilakukan oleh mikrokontroler. Kinerja lain sistem ini adalah dapatmemonitor proses dan penggunaan generator, yakni volume bahan bakar dan oli, periode lama waktu kerjagenerator

    Pengaruh Tingkat Kemasakan Benih Terhadap Pertumbuhan Dan Produksi Cabai Rawit (Capsicum Frutescent L.) Varietas Comexio

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    Kualitas benih merupakan salah satu factor penting dalam budidaya tanaman. Salah satu benih cabai rawit yang memiliki produktivitas tinggi adalah varietas Comexio, namun dalam 2 tahun terakhir varietas ini mengalami kemunduran fisiologis, yakni daya tumbuh yang menurun. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui umur masak fisiologis yang tepat untuk mendapatkan benih yang memiliki vigor dan viabilitas tinggi dan pengaruh kemasakan benih terhadap produksi segar buah cabai rawit. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan pada bulan Januari – Desember 2013, di Desa Pandesari, Kecamatan Pujon, Kabupaten Malang. Bahan yang digunakan adalah benih cabai rawit varietas Comexio. Penelitian ini menggunkan 2 rancangan, untuk musim 1 berdasarkan perlakuan, yakni 35, 40, 45, 50, 55, dan 60 hari buah yang dipanen setelah bunga mekar, yang bertujuan untuk menghasilkan benih dengan RAL, karena dilaksanakan di Laboratorium, dan musim 2 untuk menghasilkan buah segar menggunakan RAK. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa tingkat kemasakan benih berpengaruh nyata terhadap kadar air, daya berkecambah benih, bobot 1000 butir, vigor, dan laju perkecambahan benih, namun tidak berpengaruh nyata terhadap parameter musim tanam 2, yakni umur berbunga, tinggi tanaman, panjang dan diameter buah, bobot perbuah, rata-rata jumlah buah setiap panen, dan rata-rata bobot buah setiap panen

    Analisa Sosial Ekonomi Penggunaan Pestisida Dalam Usahatani Padi

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    The Program of Integrated of Pest Management (IPM) play the important role in to decrease the pesticides used in agriculture production. Meanwhile, the farmer has popular known that pesticides was a better solution to face the pest problem. The main objective of this study is to examine the impact of IPM on production and the farmer income. The data was taken from the survey conducted in 1992 in East Sumatera, West Java, Central Java, East Java and North Sulawesi. The result showed that the using of pesticides is still the significance way to protect plant from pest. The research has also shown that around 32 percent of cost was used for pesticides. Several economic factors that have influence on IPM adoption was describe in this report


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    This experiment was conducted to evaluate the effect of various fat sources and their combination (coconut oil and soybean oil) on growth performance of broiler. A total of 80 one-day old female 1-d-old Arbor Acres were randomly assigned into four groups (4 treatment) with 10 replicates (6 birds per pen) within 42 days. The experimental groups consisted of four treatment of diets: 1) a basal-diet containing beef oil (BO),  2) a basal diet containing coconut oil (CO), 3) a basal diet containing soybean oil (SO), and 4) a basal diet containing coconut oil and soybean oil (CO+SO) as were used. Performance data were obtained during the feeding period. The result was shown that using combination of medium chain fatty acid and unsaturated fatty acid (CO+SO) were increased growth performance demonstrated by highest bodyweight (59.62 g) compared with other treatments (P 0.05) throughout the experimental period (0-42 days). The lower group for feed conversion ratio was obtained in the diet containing beef oil (BO) compared with other groups (1.32; P 0.05). Feed consumption and bodyweight have significantly different (P 0.05) but not different for feed conversion ratio (P 0.05). It can be concluded that feeding combination CO+SO in the diet may improve the performance of broiler.Beef oil; broiler; coconut oil; growth performance; soybean oi

    Fabriksi Dye Sensitized Solar Cells(DSSC)Mengunakan Ekstraksi Bahan-bahan Organik Alam Celosia Argentums dan Lagerstromia SP

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    Energi yang biasanya berasal dari fosil yang keberadaannya semakin berkurang dan tidak dapat diperbaharui. Oleh karena itu banyak para ahli mencari cara untuk menciptakan energi baru/ alternatif, dan Dye-sensitized solar cell (DSSC) merupakan salah satu. Pada penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui karakterisasi sifat listrik ekstrak dari bahan-bahan organik alam. Mengetahui pengaruh ekstrak dari bahan-bahan organik alam terhadap peningkatan efisiensi sel surya berbasis Dye Sensitized Solar Cells (DSSC). Penelitian ini dilakukan di Laboratorium Material FMIPA UNS. Uji absorbansi menggunakan Spectrophotometer UV Visible 1601 PC dan Uji arus dan tegangan (I-V) menggunakan kethlay. Hasil ini menunjukkan bahwa beberapa bahan pewarna alami dari ekstraksi bahan organik alam memiliki spektrum absorbansi kisaran 300-800 nm, ini yang menjadikan ekstraksi bahan organik alam perlu untuk di selidiki lagi sebagai bahan sensitizer DSSC

    Bioesai Bioinsektisida Beauveria Bassiana Dari Sumatera Selatan Terhadap Kutu Putih Pepaya, Paracoccus Marginatus Williams & Granara De Willink (Hemiptera: Pseudococcidae)

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    In fresh swamp areas of South Sumatra, papaya mealybug, Paracoccus marginatus (Hemiptera: Pseudococcidae) could cause severe damage to young papaya trees and decreased the fruit quality. The objective of this research was to bioassay test of the bioinsecticide Beauveria bassiana againts nymphs of P. marginatus. B. bassiana was conducted on rice medium. The bioinsecticide was formulated using dried compost, compost gram, paddy ash, paddy bran, woody powder, paddy bran mixed with woody powder, compost enriched with Trichoderma virens. Controls used were sterile water (control 1) and isolate of B. bassiana (control 2). Results showed that conidial viability of B. bassiana on control 2 was the highest (46.33%). The viability of control 2 was not significantly different from the formulations with carrier of the paddy bran, the paddy bran mixed with woody powder, and the compost enriched with T. virens. The highest nymph mortality (82.86%) was found on formulation of compost enriched with T. virens and was significantly different from other treatments. The lowest visibly (73.48%) occured on formulation of paddy ash, and was significantly different from other treatments. Mortality on control 1 on average was 29.52%, whereas control 2 averaged of 75.71%. The shortest median lethal time (LT50) (3.55 days) was found on formulation of compost enriched with T. virens but the longest one (3.73 days) occured on the formulation of paddy ash. Overall, the most effective bioinsecticide was the formulation of compost enriched with T. virens

    Sistem Sensor Estimasi Tingkat Kematangan Buah Stroberi Berdasarkan Kecerahan Warna Merah

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    Seleksi tingkat kematangan pada buah stroberi merupakan salah satu upaya untuk meningkatkan kualitasnya. Tingkat kematangan dalam panen merupakan faktor paling penting yang menentukan kualitas buah. Stroberi yang telah matang optimal memiliki banyak kandungan nutrisi. Sensor tingkat kematangan stroberi telah dibuat berdasarkan kecerahan warna merah pada permukaan kulit stroberi. Sistem sensor dirancang dengan menggunakan Light Dependent Resistor (LDR) sebagai sensor intensitas cahaya dan Light Emitting Diode (LED) sebagai sumber cahaya. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengukur tingkat kematangan stroberi dengan menggunakan tiga derajat warna merah, yaitu light-red, fresh-red dan black-red untuk membedakan tingkat kematangan buah stroberi. Nilai tingkat kematangan untuk light-red 671,2, fresh-red 709,05 dan black-red 777,5. Hasil menunjukkan bahwa sensor dapat mendeteksi tingkat kematangan stroberi dengan presisi 93,3%. Dengan demikian, sensor tingkat kematangan stroberi dapat direalisasikan

    Measurement-based quantum computation in a 2D phase of matter

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    Recently it has been shown that the non-local correlations needed for measurement based quantum computation (MBQC) can be revealed in the ground state of the Affleck-Kennedy-Lieb-Tasaki (AKLT) model involving nearest neighbor spin-3/2 interactions on a honeycomb lattice. This state is not singular but resides in the disordered phase of ground states of a large family of Hamiltonians characterized by short-range-correlated valence bond solid states. By applying local filtering and adaptive single particle measurements we show that most states in the disordered phase can be reduced to a graph of correlated qubits that is a scalable resource for MBQC. At the transition between the disordered and Neel ordered phases we find a transition from universal to non-universal states as witnessed by the scaling of percolation in the reduced graph state.Comment: 8 pages, 6 figures, comments welcome. v2: published versio
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