4 research outputs found

    Organic Acid Salt from Complete Feed Silage Corn Based by Product as an Alternative to Substitute Antibiotic Function as a Growth Promotor for Broiler

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    This study was designed to evaluate the efficacy of organic acid salt Zn from complete feed silage based on corn by product as an alternative to subtitute antibiotic function as a growth promotor for broiler. Ninety day old commercial Cobb broiler chickens were randomly distributed into six groups having three replicates of five birds in each group. Negative control (R0) birds were offered standard basal diet and no challenged, positive control (R1) birds were offered standard basal diet and challenged with 107 Salmonella typhimurium. Treatment R2, R3, R4 and R5 were challenged by 107 CFU of Salmonella typhimurium which added in feed with 0.1% flouroquinolone, 0.1%, 0.2%, and 0.3% of organic acid salts. The result showed that dietary of organic acid salts affect consumption, weight gain, and final body weight (P<0.05). Meanwhile, feed conversion (FCR) was not affected by antibiotics nor  organic acids. Our conclusion, Dietary organic acid salt from complete feed silage corn based by product until dose 0.2% can improve the performance of broiler chickens infected Salmonella typhimurium. (Animal Production 11(3): 170-175 (2009) Key Words: broiler, organic acid, Salmonella typhimuriu

    Karakteristik Fermentasi dan Kecernaan In Vitro Senyawa Bioaktif Ampas Teh (Camellia sinensis) sebagai Protein Bypass dan Daun Kembang Sepatu (Hibiscus rosa-sinensis L)

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    Ampas teh (Camelia sinensis) merupakan sumber asam tanin untuk melindungi protein pakan dari degradasi yang berlebihan oleh mikroba rumen. Daun kembang sepatu (Hibiscus rosa-sinensis L) mengandung senyawa bioaktif saponin berfungsi sebagai agen defaunasi parsial untuk menurunkan populasi protozoa dalam rumen. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendapatkan kombinasi dosis ampas teh (Camellia sinensis) dan daun kembang sepatu (Hibiscus rosa-sinensis L) yang optimum dalam pakan berdasarkan karakteristik fermentabilitas dan kecernaan in vitro. Ransum kontrol yang digunakan pada penelitian ini terdiri dari hijauan (rumput gajah) dan konsentrat (60:40 %BK). Peubah yang diamati adalah konsentrasi VFA total, konsentrasi N-NH3, pH rumen, kecernaan bahan kering (KCBK) dan kecernaan bahan organik (KCBO). Digunakan rancangan acak kelompok (RAK) berfaktor yaitu ampas teh (0; 1; 2; 3 mg/ml cairan rumen) dan daun kembang sepatu (0; 0,15; 0,3 mg/ml cairan rumen). Tidak ada interaksi kedua faktor terhadap parameter yang diamati. Penambahan ampas teh pada level 1-3 mg/ml cairan rumen menurunkan konsentrasi NH3, dan tidak merubah nilai pH rumen namun menurunkan KCBK dan KCBO. Penambahan daun kembang sepatu pada level 0,15-0,3 mg/ml cairan rumen tidak mengganggu KCBK dan KCBO, pH rumen dan konsentrasi NH3. Penambahan ampas teh dengan level 1 mg/ml cairan rumen atau daun kembang sepatu dengan level 0,3 mg/ml cairan rumen mampu meningkatkan konsentrasi VFA total dibandingkan dengan kontrol

    Organic Acid Salt from Complete Feed Silage Corn Based by Product as an Alternative to Substitute Antibiotic Function as a Growth Promotor for Broiler

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    This study was designed to evaluate the efficacy of organic acid salt Zn from complete feed silage based on corn by product as an alternative to subtitute antibiotic function as a growth promotor for broiler. Ninety day old commercial Cobb broiler chickens were randomly distributed into six groups having three replicates of five birds in each group. Negative control (R0) birds were offered standard basal diet and no challenged, positive control (R1) birds were offered standard basal diet and challenged with 107 Salmonella typhimurium. Treatment R2, R3, R4 and R5 were challenged by 107 CFU of Salmonella typhimurium which added in feed with 0.1% flouroquinolone, 0.1%, 0.2%, and 0.3% of organic acid salts. The result showed that dietary of organic acid salts affect consumption, weight gain, and final body weight (P<0.05). Meanwhile, feed conversion (FCR) was not affected by antibiotics nor organic acids. Our conclusion, Dietary organic acid salt from complete feed silage corn based by product until dose 0.2% can improve the performance of broiler chickens infected Salmonella typhimurium. (Animal Production 11(3): 170-175 (2009) Key Words: broiler, organic acid, Salmonella typhimuriu