33 research outputs found

    Implementasi dan Analisis Performansi Mobicents Sebagai Server Aplikasi untuk Layanan Click to Call

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    Teknologi komunikasi merupakan salah satu faktor terpenting dalam aspek kehidupan baik di bidang ilmu pengetahuan, bisnis, maupun ekonomi. Salah satu perkembangan teknologi saat ini adalah Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) dimana kita dapat berkomunikasi melalui media internet. Selain itu kita membutuhkan akses informasi yang cepat agar efisien dari segi waktu. Di sisi lain, perkembangan ini menuntut kebutuhan infrastruktur jaringan yang sangat penting baik itu kebutuhan bandwidth untuk pengiriman suara maupun kehandalan sistem dalam melakukan pelayanannya. Disini diuji kelayakan dari layanan click to call yang dilewatkan pada jaringan berbasis IP. Tugas Akhir ini mengimplementasikan layanan click to call pada server aplikasi Mobicents yang berdiri sendiri. Dari implementasi ini selanjutnya dianalisis call pada server dari aspek QoS-nya dengan parameter delay, jitter, packet loss dan throughput. Selain itu akan dianalisis dari parameter lainnya yaitu post dial delay, CPU usage dan Memory usage. Analisis dilakukan berdasarkan hasil uji coba proses pengiriman perintah pada sistem untuk selanjutnya melakukan pengiriman suara dari client satu ke client lainnya dengan background traffic. Pada tugas akhir ini juga diuji tentang performansi server dengan media wired dan wireless. Dari pengujian dan analisis diperoleh nilai one way delay 19.99319104 ms, jitter 0.307859479 ms, throughput 10732,4619 bytes/s, packet loss 0% dan total PDD 0.277226437 s. Kemudian untuk background traffic maksimal sebesar 80 Mbps nilai delay 19.9940779 ms, jitter 0.50287242 ms, throughput 10727.92687 bytes/s, packet loss 0 % dan total PDD 0.309896433 s. Kemudian untuk nilai CPU usage dan Memory usage tertinggi berturut-turut yaitu 11.34 % dan 29.4 %. Hasil yang diperoleh masih dibawah batas maksimum yang distandarkan ITU-T, Cisco dan IETF, maka disimpulkan sistem ini dapat berfungsi dengan baik. Serta menggunakan media wired akan memberikan hasil performansi lebih baik daripada menggunakan media wireless


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    Sport is one thing that is very important in supporting public health. The decline in public awareness of sports is one of the things that is the focus of this paper. Social change in society becomes more advanced when all levels of society are involved in sports. In RI Law no. 3 of 2005 concerning the National Sports System provides legal certainty for the public in exercising to create an active, healthy, fit and accomplished nation. Some of these social changes include living healthier with less disease, becoming fitter, increasing harmony in community relations, increasing the spirit of competition and sportsmanship within the community itself. Using a descriptive qualitative approach, this article will explain in detail how to increase people's interest in exercising again. Coercive strategy (Coercive), consisting of: Pressure strategy (pressure). Normative strategy, consisting of participation strategy, education and training strategy. Benefits strategy Placement strategy. If sport has become a culture in society, then people don't have to be forced to do sports, people will also learn in more detail about the goals of sports and how to do sports that are good and right to improve health status

    Circuit Training Training Assistance for Madiun City Science Society Tutoring Students

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    Today's physical condition literacy is still rarely known by Gen-Z. Many people think that being healthy means being fit. Physical performance is now a necessity that cannot be separated from daily activities. Preparation to achieve prime physical condition is not achieved in a short time. Many methods are used to achieve excellent physical quality. Start with good physical exercise, meet balanced nutritional needs, stress management, and adequate hydration. There are many training methods to improve physical condition, one of which is the circuit training method. Circuit training can be done alone or in groups. There are many benefits to be gained if this circuit training exercise is carried out in groups, one of which is being able to increase the enthusiasm of students to carry out and complete the posts provided by the team coach. There are many phenomena that occur due to a lack of understanding of literacy about Circuit training exercises for science society tutoring students. So it is necessary to carry out assistance by carrying out community service whose aim is to provide literacy education for Circuit training exercises. Methods and forms of community service implementation using a participatory approach. The result of this assistance is the increasing understanding of the physical literacy of circuit training participant

    Conceptual Framework of Urban Farming:A Case Study in Denpasar-Bali-Indonesia

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    Urban farming plays an important role to support an economic of urban communities and also serves to maintain the balance between environment and ecosystem through the existence of green open space. But most of them are not well organized so the results are less optimal. The government policy has not shown any partiality to the existence of urban agricultural land, that evidenced from the more land conversing from agricultural to housing. Therefore it is feared that the urban agricultural land will be less and will disappear in the future.This paper aims to develop a framework or the urban farming policies, that used for evaluation of the policy in order to develop and enhance prosperity of the community. The literature review method is used to create an ideas, and synthesize the related researches which have been done previously. The result from the literature review concerning are presented, and a conceptual framework of urban farming is developed. Keywords: Urban farming, policies, framewor

    Application of Institutional Engineering Economics for Plateau Vegetable Farmers for Tourism Market Access

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    The purpose of this study is to model the strengthening of plateau vegetable farmers groups in Bali. One way is to transform group institutions into dynamic, empowered and business-oriented institutions. The study began by interviewing plateau farmer groups in Pancasari Village, Sukasada District of Buleleng and Candikuning Village, Baturiti Regency, Buleleng Regency, and also interviewing hotels as representatives of institutional consumers in the tourism industry. To get conditions that are more comprehensive, in-depth interviews were conducted with key informants. Next, a meeting of experts was followed to get a more comprehensive picture to be able to produce a model of strengthening the group of plateau vegetable farmers to meet the tourism market in Bali. ISM analysis is used in this research to get the driving force and dependence of the elements and sublements that build the modeling.Empirical facts, especially the difficulty of farmer groups to access institutional markets, production projections are not in accordance with institutional market needs, in groups there are no functional organizational structures (production divisions, processing divisions, and marketing divisions), and institutional supply chains that have not been optimally utilized as a reference in strengthening the farmer group expert meeting. As a result of the expert meeting, it was formulated that the establishment of a Socio-agro-enterprise institution would embrace inclusive all groups of vegetable farmers in the plateaus. The Village-owned business entity form is the right choice for new institutions. Village-owned business entity plateau vegetable farmers are the main players in the vegetable business operating in Bali. In running its business, Village-owned business entity carries out a vertical integration strategy that has a vegetable plantation and a packing place. However, to meet institutional consumer market demands beyond existing capacities, it is necessary to implement a vertical coordination strategy with Village-owned business entity partners in the open market, for the procurement of ready-to-sell vegetables or other groups of vegetable growers.Strengthening a group of vegetables oriented to the development of organizational management and strategic marketing and supported by government regulations in fostering market infrastructure ensures an increase in the performance of the vegetable supply chain and tourism market access. Implementation of an effective model of strengthening the plateau vegetable farmers group requires multisectoral synergy to increase innovation support and strengthening programs. Keywords: strengthening model of farmer groups, plateau vegetables, institutional consumers DOI: 10.7176/JESD/11-10-03 Publication date:May 31st 202

    Social Economy and Digital Mapping of Subak Sembung Ecotourism

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    The social, cultural, economic, and environmental potentials in Subak Sembung are not well-developed, such that these potentials have not been adequately explored by the local community. This study aimed to describe the synergy between subak and the ecotourism in supporting the sustainable national food stability program. Subak Sembung selected as the study location because its location in the middle of Denpasar City and already developed as ecotourism sites. There were 66 participants involved in this study. Formal surveys, rapid appraisal, and map-making through satellite imaging from the Google Earth Pro (GE) application were used to collect the data. Result revealed that the social economy social activities conducted by the farmer were: (1) seed-producing tools, fertilizers, pesticides, agricultural tools, (2) land-tillage, nurseries, cultivating, preserving the plant, harvesting, (3) marketing, and (4) the correlation between farmers, subak and ecotourism; worth to be developed as a tourist attraction site


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    Provinsi Bali memiliki potensi untuk pengembangan berbagai usaha perikanan sehingga seharusnya sektor perikanan memberikan kontribusi yang besar terhadap perekonomian di provinsi tersebut. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melakukan tinjauan lebih mendalam terkait hal ini, dengan melibatkan aspek-aspek relevan yang meliputi kontribusi dan tren, pengaruh pendapatan, investasi penanaman modal dalam negeri, investasi penanaman modal asing, dan ekspor sektor perikanan. Aspek-aspek tersebut dianalisis keterkaitannya dengan produk domestik regional bruto Provinsi Bali, melalui analisis regresi “Ordinary Least Square” (OLS), yang dioperasikan menggunakan perangkat Eviews 10. Di samping itu, dilakukan pula analisis daya saing komparatif sektor perikanan menggunakan pendekatan Revealed Comparative Advantage (RCA). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan rata-rata kontribusi produk domestik regional bruto sektor perikanan terhadap produk domestik regional bruto Provinsi Bali 2000- 2019 termasuk kategori sedang, yaitu sebesar 4,18%. Lebih lanjut diperoleh bahwa pendapatan dan ekspor berpengaruh secara signifikan terhadap produk domestik regional bruto provinsi; sementara itu, investasi penanaman modal dalam negeri dan penanaman modal asing tidak berpengaruh secara signifikan. Ekspor sektor perikanan Provinsi Bali yang memiliki daya saing komparatif yang tinggi menurut komoditas utama Indonesia dengan analisis RCA adalah tuna-tongkol-cakalang dan mutiara yang memiliki kontribusi besar dalam ekspor perikanan Provinsi Bali. Implikasi kebijakan dari hasil-hasil ini adalah bahwa kebijakan untuk pengembangan perikanan di Provinsi Bali perlu memberikan penekanan pada upaya-upaya peningkatan ekspor, yang difokuskan pada tiga empat komoditas, yaitu tuna, tongkol, cakalang, dan mutiara. Tittle: Contribution of the Fisheries Sector on the Economic of Bali ProvinceBali province has the potential to develop for various fisheries businesses that allow a great economic contribution to the province. This research, as an in-depth study, dealth with relevant aspects such as contribution, trend, effect of income, domestic investment, foreign investment and fisheries exports. Those aspects were analyzed with regards to Gross Regional Domestic Product of Bali with regression analysis “Ordinary Least Square” (OLS) exercised by Eviews 10. This study also analyzed the comparative competitiveness of fisheries sector with Revealed Comparative Advantage (RCA) approach. The results showed that the average Gross Regional Domestic Product contribution of fisheries sector to the Gross Regional Domestic Product of Bali Province in 2000-2019 was in the medium category of 4.18%. In addition, income and exports have a significant effect on the Gross Regional Domestic Product of Bali, while domestic investment and foreign investment have no significanteffect. Export commodity from Bali fisheries with a high comparative competitiveness according to Indonesia’s main commodities with RCA analysis are tuna-little tuna-skipjack and pearls, allowing a great contribution for fisheries export of Bali. The policy implication of this study suggest a need to emphasize on the effort to export growth focusing on the four commodities: tuna, little tuna, skipjack, and pearl

    Selection of Beef Production Systems in Bali: An Analytical Network with BOCR Approach

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    A model of Analytical Network with BOCR (Benefits, Opportunities, Costs and Risks) successfully applied in Bali to choose the best system of commodity beef production in 2014. This model has a complete multi-layer structure as follows: (a) Top-level network with the ratings spreadsheet to evaluate BOCR having regard to the strategic criteria (food accessibility, availability and distribution of food, and facilities), (b) control criteria for networks in BOCR elements, and (c) Decision networks for each critical control criteria. The results showed that the frozen beef production system is the best alternative with the relative priority of 47.69%. The priority value is a result which has been comprehensively considering the merit of BOCR. Sensitivity analysis of selected production system shows that if a priority, both at the level of BOCR elements and the level of control criteria changed, frozen beef production system remains dominant and does not change the ranking of the overall production system selection, unless used assumptions that extreme changes in BOCR priority. The business model that is suitable be realized in cattle production centers in rural area of Bali is a model of community-based value chain for frozen beef involving the "BUMDes" (village-owned social enterprises) and the "BUM antar Desa" (inter-village BUM). Keywords: selection of production systems, ANP with BOCR approach, community-based value chain of frozen beef in Bali.

    Simulation Subak Management Function Optimally in Subak Lodtunduh, Bali, Indonesia

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    Subak system has a very important role in agriculture development in Bali, especially on irrigation lands.  Subak system with Tri Hita Karana (THK) philosophy has an opportunity to be transformed into other areas, as long as technology equity could be fulfilled. Optimal management of subak function is needed for such transformation, therefore this study aims to develop optimal management of subak function using analyses of linear program.  The object of this study was Subak Lodtunduh, located in the upstream region of  Kedewatan Irrigation Area, Gianyar, Bali. This subak was purposely choiced as its fuction works normally.  Parameters of subak function management were determined by collecting primary data such as allocation, distribution, and water irrigation loan; subak facilities’ maintenance; conflicts resolution; ritual activities; output and input of production, cost of production, applied areas, and household labor supply; while the secondary data collected include irrigation volume and climate conditions.  Results showed that Subak Lodtunduh optimally managed the subak function as its accomplished the five subak functions optimally during each planting season.  These include (1) conducted allocation, distribution, and irrigation water loan; (2) maintened of subak facilities; (3) conflict resolution by conducting meetings on the early planting season; (4) conducting ritual activities; and (5) managed of subak resources.  Analyses of optimal subak functions resulted that water distribution proportionally (tektek) by using one inlet and one outlet methods could be transformed into other areas as long as the technology equity could be fulfilled. Keywords: subak function, optimal management, Bal