10 research outputs found

    Analisis Mesin Pemotong Bagian Atas Gelas Plastik

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    Limbah plastik agar mudah diproses oleh suatu industri harus dalam bentuk tertentu seperti butiran, biji/pellet, serbuk, pecahan. Sehingga diperlukan beberapa mesin yang saling berhubungan, seperti mesin pemotong gelas plastik bekas, mesin pembuat pellet dan mesin injection moulding, namun ketiga mesin tersebut hanya mampu dimiliki oleh industri menengah dan besar. Tujuan Penelitian ini adalah mengembangkan mesin pemotong bagian atas gelas plastik bekas kemasan minuman (yang menyerupai gelang) dengan menggunakan motor listrik dan dapat dipergunakan untuk industri rumah tangga. Perubahan sudut mempengaruhi kapasitas produksi dan sudut baji 60o adalah sudut yang paling baik pada pengujian di atas. Hal ini juga akibat pengaruh letak kedudukan cutter yang cenderung lebih landai dibanding dengan sudut baji 70o dan sudut baji 80o . Perubahan kecepatan putar pada waktu penyayatan ternyata memberikan hasil yang berbeda. Kecepatan yang paling baik digunakan untuk meningkatkan kapasitas pemotongan pada gelas plastik bekas kemasan air minum adalah 1120 rpm

    Characterization and Quality of Semi Refined Carrageenan (Scr) Products From Different Coastal Waters Based on Fourier Transform Infra Red Technique

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    Semi Refined Carrageenan (SRC) product is considerably cheaper and easy to produce as a natural polysaccharide hydrophilic in food and other product. The aim of this research was to evaluate the quality of two different SCR products come from different coastal waters of seaweed culture. The products were then compared to commercial SCR on the quality based on their chemical quality (Fourier Transform Infra Red, sulphate content and heavy metals) and physical quality (gel strength and viscosity). The method of FTIR was useful as a quality screening for commercially seaweed culture at different geografic places based on their chemical structure. Raw material that have been used for SCR product was Eucheuma cottonii with k-carrageenan type. FTIR spectroscopy showed the molecular present in three different samples are quite similar, it can be found spectra band of 1257,59 cm-1 which referred to esther sulphate, 933,55 cm-1 for 3,6 anhydrogalactose and 848,68 cm-1 assigned to galactosa-4- sulphate respectively. The SCR product from different coastal waters were different on their quality

    Karakteristik Sabun Cair Dengan Penambahan Kolagen Ikan Air Laut Yang Berbeda

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    Pemanfaatan tulang ikan menjadi kolagen dapat diaplikasikan ke dalam sabun cair yang bermanfaat bagi kesehatan kulit manusia. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengetahui kualitas sabun cair kolagen dengan bahan baku kolagen tulang ikan laut berbeda antara lain ikan Kurisi (Nemipterus nematoporus), ikan Tenggiri (Scomberomorus plumierii), dan ikan Kakap (Lutjanus altifrontalis). Metode penelitian yang digunakan bersifat eksperimental laboratoris dengan rancangan percobaan Rancangan Acak Lengkap (RAL). Perlakuan yang diterapkan terhadap jenis kolagen tulang ikan yang berbeda masing-masing tiga kali pengulangan. Parameter yang diamati adalah pH, hedonik, kestabilan busa, alkali bebas, dan viskositas. Data dianalisis menggunakan analisa ragam (ANOVA). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa penggunaan bahan baku kolagen tulang ikan yang berbeda berpengaruh nyata (p<0,05) terhadap nilai pH, hedonik, alkali bebas, kestabilan busa dan viskositas. Karakteristik dari sabun cair dengan kolagen ikan Kurisi sebagai berikut pH 10,77; alkali bebas 0,031%; kestabilan busa 84,90%; serta viskositas 922,83 cPs. Selain itu karakteristik dari sabun cair dengan kolagen ikan Tenggiri sebagai berikut pH 10,94; alkali bebas 0,070%; kestabilan busa 66,44; dan viskositas 962,33 cPs. Sedangkan pada sabun cair dengan penambahan kolagen ikan Kakap sebagai berikut pH 10,87; alkali bebas 0,060%; kestabilan busa 84,57; dan viskositas 932,66 cPs. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian diperoleh hasil terbaik yaitu pada sabun cair dengan penambahan kolagen tulang ikan Kurisi. Utilization of fish bone into collagen can be applied to liquid soap that is beneficial for health human skin. The purpose of the study was to knowing the quality of liquid soap with collagen added from marine fish bone, namely Threadfin - Bream fish (Nemipterus nematoporus), Mackerel fish (Scomberomorus plumierii) and Red Snapper (Lutjanus altifrontalis). The used methods was experimental laboratoris with Complete Random Design (CRD). All treatments were done in triplicate. All treatment were analyzed for pH, sensory, foam stability, free alkaline and viscosity. The results showed that the different raw materials of fish bone collagen on liquid soap significantly (p<0,05) different to pH, hedonik, free alkaline, foam stability and viscosity. The characteristics of Threadfin - Bream fish collagen liquid soap were pH 10.77; alkali-free 0.031 %; the stability of foam 84.90%; and viscosity has 922.83 cPs. Moreover the characteristics of liquid soap with Mackerel bone collagen were pH of 10.94; free alkaline 0.070%; foam stability 66.44; and viscosity 962.33 cPs. Meanwhile the characteristics liquid soap with Red Snapper collagen added were pH 10.87; free alkaline 0.060%; foam stability 84.57; and viscosity 932.66 cPs. Based on the results obtained, the best results was liquid soap with Threadfin - Bream fish bone collagen

    Physicochemical Properties of Some Dried Fish Products in Indonesia

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    Some traditional fish products in Indonesia have potential opportunity for global market, such as fish crackers, dried fish, ikan kayu (‘katsuobushi\u27) and dried pempek (traditional fish product from Palembang). Study on such products based on its glass transition temperature is still rare. On the other hand, glass transition phases of dried product play an important role in determining food stability because it can give an overview of physicochemical properties of the products. Using its glass transition temperature, dried fish product can be estimated for its shelf life. The purposes of this research are to observe the relation between some physicochemical properties of glass transition temperature of some dried fish products and its water content/water activity to the self life of the products. Dried fish products used were: fish cracker, dried-salted fish, ikan kayu (katsuobushi), fufu (very dried-smoked fish) and dried pempek. The samples were taken from different area in Indonesia (Cilacap, Palembang, and Sulawesi). The sample were taken using purposive sampling method. The method used for analysis of glass transition temperature was DSC method (Differential Scanning Calorimetry), and for water content and water activity were analysed using Aw meter and Moisture analyzer. All samples were analyzed in duplo. Research method used was experimental laboratory with research design of Completely Randomised Design. The experiment was conducted from August 2008 to December 2008 at Fish Product Processing Laboratory, Fisheries Department, Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Science – Diponegoro University, Food Engineering Laboratory – SQU, Oman. The results showed that different sample with different characteristics on physicochemical properties give different in water activity and also water content. The lowest water activity was performed by dried pempek. Glass transition temperature (Tg) of the products was very depend on the water content. The Tg of samples was ranged between 38.4oC – 76.4oC. The water content of the products ranged between 8.28%-37.28%. The Aw of the product was ranged between 0.57 – 0.87

    Representasi Titik Dengan Metode Region-Based MX Quadtree Untuk Pengenalan Daerah Sawah Rawan Banjir

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    Map image of an object can be described in the form of digital data. Map a specific region requires the introduction of computers in order to process and identify areas that will be used as search targets, the addition of new objects as well as the elimination of unnecessary data. Computational process usually requires symbolic computation stage whose purpose is to introduce the symbols that are used so that the computer can recognize it properly.Representation of a point in the digital map data represents the actual in the field, with a particular rule in the digital map data points can be processed in accordance with needs. There are several methods that can be used to place data points that represent the data in the field. One method used is the method of Region-Based Quadtree. Representation method points to the base region using Quadtree there are a few ways. One way is to use the MX Quadtree method. Case studies are used is a map of the district of Boyolali. This point data was later described the position of district towns that have the potential to be an area prone to flooding

    The Handling Of Round Scad On Mini Purse Seine Boats, Regency Of Rembang Reviewed Based On The Decree Of Minister Of Marine Affairs And Fisheries Number 52a/kepmen-kp/2013

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    The round scad produced will have the best quality if the catching and handling method onboard and at the port is carried out quickly, precisely and carefully. The entire handling activity has been regulated in the Decree of the Minister of Marine Affairs and Fisheries (KEPMEN KP) number 52A/KEPMEN-KP/2013. This research aimed to determine the level of conformity between the handling carried out onboard with the standard handling regulated in the KEPMEN KP number 52A/KEPMEN-KP/2013. The analysis results will be used as the basis for developing alternative strategies for the standard implementation of Round scad on the mini purse seine boats in the Regency of Rembang. The data collecting was carried out by observation and interviews with respondents. Data were analyzed using gap analysis, which is looking for the difference between standard handling and the handling carried out during the research. The elements analyzed were boat facilities, onboard hygiene, human resources, tools and equipment for handling fish, as well as fishing technique and catching unit. The research results showed that the average score of the conformity of handling on the five elements are 69.52%, which means that the round scad handling on mini purse seine boat in the Regency of Rembang is not reaching the standards regulated in the KEPMEN KP number 52A/KEPMEN-KP/2013. This is caused by the low level of conformity in the element of human resources of 38.56%