176 research outputs found

    Eorthe: Bumi [Book One]

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    This creative project is a novel that is telling the story of a young man named, Rei, in his journey to find the truth about his late parents to help him find who he is, and a young princess called Aria in her quest, accompanied by Rei and their friends, in order to regain her right as the one and only successor to the throne of a Kingdom named Earendel. In this story, I decided to use quest and social criticism as the two main themes, while the sub-themes are quest for identity, quest for power, and for social criticism, it is change versus tradition. This to assist me in realizing my aim for writing this work which is to help raising more awareness towards our surroundings by promoting discovery process in the young adult world and social change. During their journey, the two major characters will see how some people is still having difficulty in accepting a change in their tradition from having men as the heads of the family to having a woman as one. The family here represents the patriarchal tradition or custom that most of families hold. As for the genre, I chose fantasy with the sub-genre epic fantasy and using the common epic fantasy properties, such as magic, supernatural creatures, the quest conducted by the two major characters, and also the existence of the good and the evil one

    Prototipe Alat Pengekstrak Pati Sagu Tipe Mixer Rotary Blade Bertenaga Motor Bakar

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    Papua and West Papua Province have a large potential of sago. Approximately 994,000 hectares, mostly natural sago forest was existed in this area. Sago starch has long been an important source of nutrition troughout Papua. Product of sago palm is not only starch as source of carbohydrate for food stuff, but also for basic material of industries such as paper, plywood, hardboard, and food indutries. Traditional methods are used for starch extraction in almost all part of Papu, which is not efficient and production capacity is very low. The effort to increase sago starch production could be carry out by introducing mechanical equipment (traditional to mechanized processing). The objective of this research was to design mixer rotary blade of sago starch extraction powered by internal combustion engine. The result was prototype of mechanical sago starch extractor. The prototype has high performance with extraction capacity 160 kg of disintegrated pith per hour or equal to 33 kg of wet starch per hour, extractable starch more than 99 % while starch losses in hampas less lhan 1 %. Hopefully, application of this machine to the sago farmer will transform agricultural system from subsistence to commercial. It means that increasing of economic income. In conclusion, technically and economically this prototype was feasible

    Konsep Geometri Fraktal dalam Kain Tenun Tanimbar

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    Geometri Fraktal adalah cabang geometri yang bertumpu pada dua hal, yaitu kemiripan diri sendiri (self-similarity) dan ukuran (dimension). Dari dua hal dasar tersebut maka sebuah objek dapat diproyeksi dalam berbagai ukuran secara berulang sehingga terbentuk suatu pola yang unik. Kain tenun Tanimbar merupakan salah satu produk budaya dari Kabupaten Maluku Tenggara Barat yang telah ada sejak ratusan tahun lalu. Kain tenun ini adalah hasil kerajinan tangan penduduk lokal yang dapat diolah untuk dijadikan pakaian adat, maupun digunakan sebagai kelengkapan dalam berbagai upacara adat di Kepulauan Tanimbar. Kain tenun Tanimbar memiliki pola yang menjadi ciri khas tersendiri dari kain tenun tersebut. Jika diteliti secara seksama, maka pola dari kain tenun Tanimbar dihasilkan dari gambar-gambar yang dibuat berulang yang menyerupai konsep dasar dari geometri fraktal. Tulisan ini akan mengkaji konsep geometri fraktal dalam pola-pola yang terbentuk pada kain tenun Tanimbar. Selain itu pula, untuk mengenalkan salah satu produk budaya dari pulau Tanimbar melalui matematika

    Kedudukan Hubungan Kerja; Berdasarkan Sudut Pandang Ilmu Kaidah Hukum Ketenagakerjaan dan Sifat Hukum Publik dan Privat

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    Employment law is a public law caused by sosialisering process. However, in the arrangement of employment relations can still be found the existence of provisions that are private in nature. This research aims to assess the standing of employment relations standpoint rule employment law studies and the standing of employment relations based on the nature of public and private law. Based on research, the position of employment relations based on rule employment law studies can be a heteronomous law and autonomous law or simultaneously in the form of heteronomous and autonomous law. While the position of employment relations based on the nature of the law can be public and private or at the same time is public and private. IntisariHukum Ketenagakerjaan merupakan hukum publik yang disebabkan oleh sosialisering proses. Akan tetapi dalam pengaturan hubungan kerja masih dapat ditemukan adanya ketentuan-ketentuan yang sifatnya privat. Penulisan ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji kedudukan hubungan kerja berdasarkan sudut pandang Ilmu Kaidah Hukum Ketenagakerjaan dan kedudukan hubungan kerja berdasarkan sifat hukum publik dan privat. Berdasarkan hasil kajian, kedudukan hubungan kerja berdasarkan ilmu kaidah hukum ketenagakerjaan dapat berupa kaidah hukum heteronom dan kaidah hukum otonom atau secara bersamaan berupa kaidah hukum heteronom dan otonom. Sedangkan kedudukan hubungan kerja berdasarkan sifat hukumnya dapat bersifat publik dan bersifat privat atau secara bersamaan bersifat publik dan privat

    Analisis Kerusakan X-ray Fluoresence (Xrf)

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    Analisis kerusakan alat XRF telah dilakukan. Kegiatan ini diperlukan sebagai langkah awal sebelum dilakukan langkah selanjutnya yaitu perbaikan alat. XRF merupakan alat yang terdapat di laboratorium Instalasi Radiometalurgi (IRM) yang digunakan untuk analisis unsur dalam bahan secara kualitatif maupun kuantitatif. Hasil analisis kualitatif adalah teridentifikasinya jenis-jenis unsur makro yang terkandung dalam suatu bahan berdasarkan energi sinar-x karakteristik yang dipancarkan oleh unsur dalam bahan tersebut. Sedangkan hasil analisis kuantitatif ditunjukkan oleh adanya spektrum unsur-unsur hasil pengukuran yang ditunjukkan dalam bentuk nilai cacah (counting). Nilai counting sangat menentukan nilai konsentrasi unsur yang terkandung dalam bahan yang dianalisis. Saat ini alat XRF sedang mengalami gangguan pada sistem counting. Indikator kerusakan ditunjukkan oleh adanya ketidakstabilan nilai yang ditunjukkan oleh sistem counting tersebut. Oleh karena itu perlu dilakukan analisis kerusakan. Tahap analisis dilakukan pengecekan melalui pengamatan visual dan cara pengukuran langsung, Setelah dilakukan pengecekan secara visual maupun pengukuran langsung didapat kerusakan pada bagian window detektor, modul spinner dan modul display sample holder counter, dan detektor. Kerusakan modul spinner dan display disebabkan tetesan kondensasi dewar yang jatuh pada papan modul yang menyebabkan short circuit pada rangkaian. Sedangkan kerusakan detektor disebabkan oleh adanya sensor nitrogen yang tidak berfungsi dengan baik

    Assessment of some physicochemical properties of soil and plants along discharged effluent drainage in Sharada Industrial Area, Kano, Nigeria

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    Soil is a vital resource of sustaining basic human needs, a quality food, food supply and a live able environment. Vegetables are vital to the human diet, and in particular provide the well-known trace elements and heavy metals. intake of heavy metal-contaminated vegetables may pose a risk to the human health. Soil and Plants (vegetables) samples were collected from the study sites (A, B, C). They were subjected to heavy metals analysis which includes Cadmium (Cd), Chromium (Cr), Copper (Cu), Lead (Pb) and some physicochemical properties which include pH, Electric conductivity (EC) and Cation Exchange Capacity (CEC) in soil. The mean values of the heavy metals in soil were higher than the recommended value by USDA (2007), while the value recorded at the control site is found to be within the range. The values of Cd, Cr and Pb were lower than WHO/FAO (1996)safe limit. However, the Cu levels found in vegetables were within safe limits in all samples. The pH and CEC of the three sites are within the range according to USDA (2007). The CEC value of site A and B fall within the range.The EC value of site A is higher than site B while site C has the least. These indicate that there is possible interference from the effluent discharged on the soil chemistry

    Implications of Micro-Level Fractal Poverty Traps on Poverty Reduction Strategies at Meso and Macro Levels

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    Poverty, particularly in developing countries, is endemic and has attained a crisis stage. It is compounded by conflicts, corrupt/inefficient governments and other manmade issues that seem to keep people in perpetual deprivation and want. Although serious, this poverty trap is fixable. This paper reports on an ongoing research about poverty reduction strategies. It is based on the proposition that the first step in poverty reduction is understanding what makes an agent trapped. Therefore, this paper conceptualises poverty traps as fractal, self-perpetuating conditions when individuals are caught in a vicious cycle of poverty and continue to suffer from undesirable hardships for a long period of time. Using the neo-classical economic development theory and data obtained from the United Nations Development Programme, this paper argues that current poverty reduction strategies, which have been in use over the last five decades, have been ineffective. From the experiences of one of the authors in poverty reduction over the last two decades, a new poverty reduction strategy that focuses on individuals is thus proposed. This strategy uses the synergetic concept that indicates the simultaneous causation of poverty through the interaction between the individual and the context. This paper demonstrates that individuals in poverty are caught between externalisation and internalisation of conditions that are nonetheless transient and removable. Based on this new understanding, a four-stage interactive model called Learn, Relate and Adapt (LERA) is proposed for use in poverty research and the poverty reduction implementation strategy. Keywords/Phrases: poverty, fractal poverty, neo-classical economic development model, synergetics, LERA Mode

    Perencanaan Struktur Bangunan Atasjembatan Rangka Baja A-60 M di Kabupaten Supiori Provinsi Papua

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    Isolasi yang disebabkan oleh kekurangan sarana transportasi adalah kendala utama pembangunan sosial ekonomi di sebagian besar daerah. Beberapa daerah luas dan berpenduduk tidak terjangkau oleh jalan dan hasil bumi biasanya diangkut dengan tenaga manusia. Kekurangan sarana komunikasi menjadi penghalang penyebaran gagasan dan teknologi baru, membatasi akses ke pasar dan sektor pelayanan umum, menghambat produksi serta meningkatkan kesulitan memperoleh masukan untuk produksi dan kebutuhan sehari-hari dengan harga wajar. Disisi lain tingkat kebutuhan akan jembatan dengan struktur terbuat dari baja telah sejak jaman dahulu digunakan sebagai bangunan infrastruktur bahkan dalam dekade akhir masih digunakan. Sehingga penilaian kapasitas jembatan dalam menerima beban lalu lintas modern menjadi sangat penting. Dalam perencanaan jembatan tahapan yang dimulai dari penentuan beban yang bekerja, standar desain utama yang akan digunakan dan struktur rangka/gelagar yang akan digunakan berikut perkerasan pada lantai jembatan adalah untuk mencapai desain jembatan yang efisien sesuai dengan Peruntukannya. Metode perencanaan menggunakan Program SAP 2000 V.11. Jembatan dirancang untuk umur rencana 50 tahun dengan kemampuan menahan beban gandar sebesar 225 kN, mampu menahan beban mati sebesar 1562,58 kN dan mampu menahan beban hidup sebesar 811,89 kN. Sistem jembatan dibuat knock down dan terbuat dari rangka baja solusi jitu mengingat keterbatasan sumber daya alam yang ada dan jembatan rangka baja ini mudah dalam perawatannya. Key words : Perencanaan, Rangka Baja, Struktur, Jembatan, Program


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    This study aims to describe the creative thinking of class IX students of Kusu-Kusu Christian Middle School, Sereh Ambon, in solving quadratic equation problems. The type of research used is descriptive qualitative, carried out at the Kusu-kusu Christian Middle School Sereh Ambon in the odd semester of the 2020/2021 academic year. This study's data sources were grade IX students with a total of 6 subjects, namely two subjects with high, medium, and low abilities. Three subjects were interviewed from the creative thinking test results, namely, 1 with high, medium, and low abilities. Two instruments are used in this study: the main instrument, the researcher, acts as a data collector: a companion instrument, creative thinking test sheets and interview guidelines. Data collection techniques are in the form of tests given to subjects who have studied the quadratic equation material, interviews conducted after the subjects have completed the test questions, and documentation, namely photos and videos, by following the steps of the data collection procedure. Data analysis techniques were carried out using data reduction, namely removing interview snippet data that were not by the research flow, presenting data in the form of narrative texts, and conclusions or verification, namely drawing conclusions based on test and interview results, for objectivity and validity. Data is used with credibility (degree of trust), which involves triangulation of sources. The results showed that high-ability subjects could solve three questions properly and correctly, which met all indicators of creative thinking in solving problems. Moderately capable subjects could only solve two questions and only met several indicators of creative thinking, and low-ability subjects could not complete questions correctly and adequatel


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui ada tidaknya perbedaan hasil belajar siswa yang diajarkan dengan model pembelajaran terbalik (reciprocal teaching) dan model pembelajaran konvensional pada materi Persamaan Garis Lurus untuk siswa kelas VIII SMP Negeri 19 Ambon. Tipe penelitian eksperimen. Desain penelitian yang digunakan adalah post test only control group design. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah seluruh siswa kelas VIII SMP Negeri 19 Ambon dengan jumlah siswa 230 siswa dan sampel dalam penelitian ini adalah 48 siswa, dipilih menggunakan random sampling. Instrumen yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini berupa soal tes yang terdiri dari soal uraian untuk tes akhir. Analisis yang digunakan adalah analisis statistik, yaitu uji-t dan hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa ada perbedaan hasil belajar siswa kelas eksperimen dan kelas kontrol yang diajarkan dengan model pembelajaran terbalik (reciprocal teaching)  dan model pembelajaran konvensional pada materi Persamaan Garis Lurus. Hal ini ditunjukkan pada hasil perhitungan yang diperoleh, yaitu nilai t  hitung < t tabel yaitu 0,034 < 0,01
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