6 research outputs found

    Effect of Biostimulant Azzofos Application on Nursery of Small White Ginger (Zingiber officinalle var. Amarum) in Various Nursery Containers

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    The antioxidant and anti-inflammatory content makes ginger one of the commodities sought after in Indonesia. The problem in ginger cultivation is the rhizomes used as seeds have long dormancy period. Application of Azzofos and the use of various nursery containers in ginger nurseries hope can break ginger dormancy. The objective of this research is to determine the concentration of Azzofos solution and the best nursery container. The experimental design used in this research was factorial Randomized Group Design (CRD). This research consists of two factors, first factor is nursery container consisting of cement floor, plastic tray and jute sack. The second factor is the concentration of stimulant solution consisting of water, dithane solution, and Azzofos solution with concentrations of 3 ml/l, 6 ml/l, and 9 ml/l. The research consisted of 15 treatment combinations which repeated three times, so there were 45 experimental units. The parameters observed were the number of shoots, shoot diameter, shoot height and percentage of weight loss of ginger rhizomes which observed at the end of the research. The data were analyzed using F test analysis at the 5% level. If there is significantly different then continue with the DMRT. The results showed that jute sack nursery containers had the lowest weight loss percentage of small white ginger rhizomes compared to cement floor and plastic trays nursery containers. Dithane solution and Azzofos solution with concentration of 9 ml/l had better shoot diameter and shoot height compared to water and azzophos solution with a concentration of 3 ml/l.The antioxidant and anti-inflammatory content makes ginger one of the commodities sought after in Indonesia. The problem in ginger cultivation is the rhizomes used as seeds have long dormancy period. Application of Azzofos and the use of various nursery containers in ginger nurseries hope can break ginger dormancy. The objective of this research is to determine the concentration of Azzofos solution and the best nursery container. The experimental design used in this research was factorial Randomized Group Design (CRD). This research consists of two factors, first factor is nursery container consisting of cement floor, plastic tray and jute sack. The second factor is the concentration of stimulant solution consisting of water, dithane solution, and Azzofos solution with concentrations of 3 ml/l, 6 ml/l, and 9 ml/l. The research consisted of 15 treatment combinations which repeated three times, so there were 45 experimental units. The parameters observed were the number of shoots, shoot diameter, shoot height and percentage of weight loss of ginger rhizomes which observed at the end of the research. The data were analyzed using F test analysis at the 5% level. If there is significantly different then continue with the DMRT. The results showed that jute sack nursery containers had the lowest weight loss percentage of small white ginger rhizomes compared to cement floor and plastic trays nursery containers. Dithane solution and Azzofos solution with concentration of 9 ml/l had better shoot diameter and shoot height compared to water and azzophos solution with a concentration of 3 ml/l


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    Penelitian ini dilaksanakan mulai Oktober 2014 hingga Februari 2015 di Green House Kebun Percobaan IPB Cikabayan, Dramaga, Bogor. Penelitian ini bertujuan memperoleh ukuran umbi asal TSS dan jarak tanam yang optimal dalam memproduksi umbi benih bawang merah. Rancangan penelitian menggunakan Rancangan Acak Lengkap dua faktor. Faktor pertama yaitu ukuran umbi yang terdiri dari umbi berukuran sedang (diameter= 1.5-1.8 atau berbobot 5-10 g) dan besar (diameter= 1.8 cm atau berbobot 10 g). Faktor kedua yaitu jarak tanam yang terdiri dari jarak tanam 20x20 cm dan 30x30 cm. Umbi yang digunakan dalam percobaan ini merupakan umbi hasil penanaman dari biji TSS yang telah disimpan selama dua bulan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa penggunaan umbi berukuran sedang dan besar tidak memberikan pengaruh yang nyata terhadap produksi bawang merah. Sedangkan jarak tanam memberikan hasil yang berbeda nyata. Penggunaan umbi berukuran sedang pada jarak tanam yang lebih rapat dapat meminimalkan biaya produksi dari segi penyediaan umbi benih..Kata kunci: Bawang merah, jarak tanam, ukuran umbi, umbi benih asal TS

    Keragaman Patogen Tanaman Jahe pada Tahap Persemaian : Ginger Patogens Diversity at The Seedlings Stage

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    Ginger production has decreased over the past year and this could be due to less than optimal plant cultivation. Selection of quality seeds and optimal standards will provide optimal production impacts. Early detection of pathogens in ginger seeds can be an effort to maintain production potential. The aim of this research is to identify the diversity of ginger pathogens that appear in nurseries as an effort to maintain the production potential of ginger plants. This research looked at the pathogens that appeared in red ginger, emprit ginger and elephant ginger which were sown in burlap sacks for one month. Disease symptoms that appear during observation were observed and isolated and were identified the pathogen. Observation results showed that red ginger's healthy rhizome was higher than other ginger. Pathogens identified in three types of ginger include Sclerotium rolfsii, Penicillium sp and Aspergillus sp. Sclerotium rolfsii is the dominant pathogen and has a high attack rate on elephant ginger clones. Keywords: Sclerotium rolfsii, Zingiberales officinale, RhizomeProduksi jahe satu tahun akhir menurun dan bisa disebabkan budidaya tanaman yang kurang optimal. Pemilihan benih yang bermutu dan standar optimal akan memberikan dampak produksi yang optimal. Deteksi awal patogen pada benih jahe bisa menjadi upaya mempertahankan potensi produksi.  Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengidentifikasi keragaman patogen jahe yang muncul pada persemaian sebagai upaya mempertahankan potensi produksi tanaman jahe. Penelitian ini mengamati patogen yang muncul pada jahe merah, jahe emprit dan jahe gajah yang disemai pada karung goni selama satu bulan. Gejala penyakit yang muncul selama pengamatan diamati dan mengisolasi serta mengidentifikasi patogen tersebut. Hasil pengamatan menunjukkan bahwa rimpang sehat jahe merah lebih tinggi daripada jahe yang lain. Patogen yang teridentifikasi pada tiga jenis jahe antara lain Sclerotium rolfsii,Penicillium sp dan Aspergillus sp. Sclerotium rolfsii merupakan patogen yang dominan dan tinggi serangannya pada jahe gajah. Kata Kunci: Sclerotium rolfsii, Jahe Merah, Rimpang &nbsp


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    Tanaman cabai merah keriting dapat menurun kualitas dan kuantitasnya karena penyakit kuning yang menyerang pada fase vegetatif maupun fase generatif. Kelompok Wanita Tani Putri Handayani di Pekon Sidokaton, Kecamatan Gisting masih menerapkan pestisida dan pupuk kimia untuk budidaya tanaman cabai keriting. Metode yang dilakukan untuk pengabdian masyarakat ini dimulai dengan kunjungan dan penyuluhan ke KWT Putri Handayani dan dilanjutkan dengan pendampingan budidaya cabai merah keriting, pembuatan pestisida nabati serta perbanyakan dan pembuatan kompos Azolla. Setelah pestisida nabati dan pupuk kompos Azolla dibuat, kemudian diaplikasikan pada tanaman cabai merah keriting yang ditanam di lahan percobaan. Kegiatan dilanjutkan dengan pengamatan intensitas serangan penyakit dan dilakukan evaluasi. Hasil dari kegiatan ini adalah KWT Putri Handayani tertarik dan minat untuk membudidayakan cabai merah keriting secara organik (mengimplementasikan pestisida nabati dan kompos azolla). Setelah pemberian penyuluhan KWT Putri Handayani mampu membuat pestisida nabati dan kompos Azolla secara mandiri. Hasil pengamatan nilai intensitas serangan penyakit kuning keriting pada budidaya cabai merah keriting secara organik setelah diaplikasikan pestisida nabati hanya sampai 30%

    Lama Penyinaran dan Daya Lampu LED Terhadap Pertumbuhan dan Hasil Microgreens Tanaman Bunga Matahari (Helianthus annus)

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    Microgreen Cultivation of sunflower is part of indoor farming that is currently being developed. Cultivating in indoor farming requare LED lights as a light source to replace sunlight. This study aims to obtain the best LED lamp power and irradiation time for the growth and yield of sunflower microgreens. This research was conducted in Natar from December 2021 until February 2022. Experimental design was used Split Plot Design (RAL) with two-treatment which was repeated 3 times. The main plot is the time of irradiation (6, 10, and 14 hours). The subplots are lamp power (8, 10, and 12 watts). Observation parameter included germination, plant height, width and number of leaves, root length, chlorophyll of leaf, fresh weight, dry weight. Data were analyzed by ANOVA and continued with the 5% BNT test. The results of this study showed that treatment of irradiation time was not significantly different in all observation parameters. And treatment of lamp powers was not significantly different in all observed parameters except plant height and chlorophyll of leaf. The treatment of 8 watt and 10 watt LED lamp power give the best results on plant height observation, which was 11.71 cm and chlorophyll of leaf which was 29.18 units. There no was interaction between irradiation time and LED light power on all observation parameters

    Pertumbuhan dan Hasil Tanaman Pakcoy (Brassica rapa L) pada Berbagai Konsentrasi Pupuk NPK dan Jenis Media Tanam Secara Hidroponik NFT

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    NFT hydroponic is a plant cultivation technology that allows plant roots to grow on a shallow nutrient layer on the narrow field. The goal of this study was to evaluate the best NPK 16-16-16 fertilizer concentration and planting media, as well as the combination of the best NPK 16-16-16 fertilizer concentration and planting media, on the growth and yield of pakchoy (Brassica rapa L). This study used a split plot in factorial randomized block design. The first factor is the concentration of AB mix fertilizer as a control at 1400 ppm (N1) and the concentration of NPK fertilizer, namely: 758 ppm (N2), 1000 ppm (N3). The second factor element is the type of planting medium, which consists of 6 media: rockwool (M1), cotton (M2), sponge (M3), fern (M4), charcoal husk (M5), and cocopeat (M6), with 2 repetitions and 18 treatment combinations. Plant height (cm), number of leaves (pieces), leaf width (cm), leaf length (cm), wet weight of sample plants (grams), and dried weight of plants (grams) were the observation variables. In comparison to an NPK nutrient concentration of 1000 ppm, providing an NPK fertilizer concentration of 758 ppm resulted in better growth and yield in the parameters of number of leaves, wet weight, and dry weight of pak choy plants. Using husk charcoal as a planting medium resulted in superior growth and results in the plant height, number of leaves, leaf width, leaf length, and wet weight of pakchoy plants