6,077 research outputs found

    Draft Genome Sequence of Dietzia sp. Strain UCD-THP (Phylum Actinobacteria).

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    Here, we present the draft genome sequence of an actinobacterium, Dietzia sp. strain UCD-THP, isolated from a residential toilet handle. The assembly contains 3,915,613 bp. The genome sequences of only two other Dietzia species have been published, those of Dietzia alimentaria and Dietzia cinnamea

    A Dense Gas Trigger for OH Megamasers

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    HCN and CO line diagnostics provide new insight into the OH megamaser (OHM) phenomenon, suggesting a dense gas trigger for OHMs. We identify three physical properties that differentiate OHM hosts from other starburst galaxies: (1) OHMs have the highest mean molecular gas densities among starburst galaxies; nearly all OHM hosts have = 10^3-10^4 cm^-3 (OH line-emitting clouds likely have n(H2) > 10^4 cm^-3). (2) OHM hosts are a distinct population in the nonlinear part of the IR-CO relation. (3) OHM hosts have exceptionally high dense molecular gas fractions, L(HCN)/L(CO)>0.07, and comprise roughly half of this unusual population. OH absorbers and kilomasers generally follow the linear IR-CO relation and are uniformly distributed in dense gas fraction and L(HCN), demonstrating that OHMs are independent of OH abundance. The fraction of non-OHMs with high mean densities and high dense gas fractions constrains beaming to be a minor effect: OHM emission solid angle must exceed 2 pi steradians. Contrary to conventional wisdom, IR luminosity does not dictate OHM formation; both star formation and OHM activity are consequences of tidal density enhancements accompanying galaxy interactions. The OHM fraction in starbursts is likely due to the fraction of mergers experiencing a temporal spike in tidally driven density enhancement. OHMs are thus signposts marking the most intense, compact, and unusual modes of star formation in the local universe. Future high redshift OHM surveys can now be interpreted in a star formation and galaxy evolution context, indicating both the merging rate of galaxies and the burst contribution to star formation.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figures, 1 table, accepted by ApJ Letter

    Exact Maximal Height Distribution of Fluctuating Interfaces

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    We present an exact solution for the distribution P(h_m,L) of the maximal height h_m (measured with respect to the average spatial height) in the steady state of a fluctuating Edwards-Wilkinson interface in a one dimensional system of size L with both periodic and free boundary conditions. For the periodic case, we show that P(h_m,L)=L^{-1/2}f(h_m L^{-1/2}) for all L where the function f(x) is the Airy distribution function that describes the probability density of the area under a Brownian excursion over a unit interval. For the free boundary case, the same scaling holds but the scaling function is different from that of the periodic case. Numerical simulations are in excellent agreement with our analytical results. Our results provide an exactly solvable case for the distribution of extremum of a set of strongly correlated random variables.Comment: 4 pages revtex (two-column), 1 .eps figure include

    Education Leadership: A Bridge to School Reform

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    Contains highlights from the foundation's 2007 national conference, including commentary on the foundation's education leadership initiative and extended excerpts from two of the conference's keynote speakers

    Inferring Latent Structure From Mixed Real and Categorical Relational Data

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    We consider analysis of relational data (a matrix), in which the rows correspond to subjects (e.g., people) and the columns correspond to attributes. The elements of the matrix may be a mix of real and categorical. Each subject and attribute is characterized by a latent binary feature vector, and an inferred matrix maps each row-column pair of binary feature vectors to an observed matrix element. The latent binary features of the rows are modeled via a multivariate Gaussian distribution with low-rank covariance matrix, and the Gaussian random variables are mapped to latent binary features via a probit link. The same type construction is applied jointly to the columns. The model infers latent, low-dimensional binary features associated with each row and each column, as well correlation structure between all rows and between all columns

    Effects of Dietary Sodium Intake on Blood Flow Regulation During Exercise in Salt Resistant Individuals

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    PURPOSE: Dietary sodium intake guidelines is ≤2,300 mg/day, yet is exceeded by 90% of Americans. This study examined the impact of a high sodium diet on blood flow regulation during exercise. METHODS: Six males (25 ± 2 years) consumed dietary sodium intake guidelines for two weeks, with one week salt-capsule supplemented (HS: 6,900 mg/day of sodium) and the other week placebo-capsule supplemented (LS: 2,300 mg/day of sodium). At the end of each week, peripheral hemodynamic measurements [blood flow (BF), shear rate (SR), and flow mediated dilation (FMD)/SR)] of the brachial and superficial femoral artery were taken during handgrip (HG) and plantar flexion (PF) exercise, respectively. Each exercise workload was 3 minutes and progressed by 8 kilograms until exhaustion. RESULTS: There were no differences between LS and HS in blood pressure (82 ± 4 v 80 ± 5 mmHg; p = 0.3) or heart rate (56 ± 6 v 59 ± 10 bpm; p = 0.4). HG and PF exercise increased BF, SR, and FMD/SR across workload (p \u3c 0.03 for all), but no difference between diets (p \u3e 0.05 for all). CONCLUSION: Despite previous reports that HS impairs resting vascular function, this study revealed that peripheral vascular function and blood flow regulation during exercise is not impacted by a HS diet.https://scholarscompass.vcu.edu/gradposters/1082/thumbnail.jp

    Hackflex: low cost Illumina sequencing library construction for high sample counts

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    ABSTRACT We developed Hackflex, a low-cost method for the production of Illumina-compatible sequencing libraries that allows up to 11 times more libraries for high-throughput Illumina sequencing to be generated at a fixed cost. We call this new method Hackflex. Quality of library preparation was tested by constructing libraries from E. coli MG1655 genomic DNA using either Hackflex, standard Nextera Flex or a variation of standard Nextera Flex in which the bead-linked transposase is diluted prior to use. We demonstrated that Hackflex can produce high quality libraries and yields a highly uniform coverage, equivalent to the standard Nextera Flex kit. Using Hackflex, we were able to achieve a per sample reagent cost of library prep of A8.66,whichis8.23timeslowerthantheStandardNexteraFlexprotocolatadvertisedretailprice.Anadditionalsimplemodificationtotheprotocolenablesafurtherpricereductionofupto11foldoraboutA8.66, which is 8.23 times lower than the Standard Nextera Flex protocol at advertised retail price. An additional simple modification to the protocol enables a further price reduction of up to 11 fold or about A6.50/sample. This method will allow researchers to construct more libraries within a given budget, thereby yielding more data and facilitating research programs where sequencing large numbers of libraries is beneficial

    Aharonov-Bohm-like effect for light propagating in nematics with disclinations

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    Using a geometric approach for the propagation of light in anisotropic media, we investigate what effect the director field of disclinations may have on the polarization state of light. Parallel transport around the defect, of the spinor describing the polarization, indicates the acquisition of a topological phase, in analogy with the Aharonov-Bohm effect.Comment: 6 pages, to appear in Europhysics Letter

    Hackflex: low-cost, high-throughput, Illumina Nextera Flex library construction.

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    We developed a low-cost method for the production of Illumina-compatible sequencing libraries that allows up to 14 times more libraries for high-throughput Illumina sequencing to be generated for the same cost. We call this new method Hackflex. The quality of library preparation was tested by constructing libraries from Escherichia coli MG1655 genomic DNA using either Hackflex, standard Nextera Flex (recently renamed as Illumina DNA Prep) or a variation of standard Nextera Flex in which the bead-linked transposase is diluted prior to use. In order to test the library quality for genomes with a higher and a lower G+C content, library construction methods were also tested on Pseudomonas aeruginosa PAO1 and Staphylococcus aureus ATCC 25923, respectively. We demonstrated that Hackflex can produce high-quality libraries and yields a highly uniform coverage, equivalent to the standard Nextera Flex kit. We show that strongly size-selected libraries produce sufficient yield and complexity to support de novo microbial genome assembly, and that assemblies of the large-insert libraries can be much more contiguous than standard libraries without strong size selection. We introduce a new set of sample barcodes that are distinct from standard Illumina barcodes, enabling Hackflex samples to be multiplexed with samples barcoded using standard Illumina kits. Using Hackflex, we were able to achieve a per-sample reagent cost for library prep of A7.22(Australiandollars)(US7.22 (Australian dollars) (US 5.60; UK ÂŁ3.87, ÂŁ1=A$1.87), which is 9.87 times lower than the standard Nextera Flex protocol at advertised retail price. An additional simple modification and further simplification of the protocol by omitting the wash step enables a further price reduction to reach an overall 14-fold cost saving. This method will allow researchers to construct more libraries within a given budget, thereby yielding more data and facilitating research programmes where sequencing large numbers of libraries is beneficial
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