28 research outputs found

    Inflatable Aerocapture Decelerators for Mars Orbiters

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    A multi-disciplinary research program was recently completed, sponsored by NASA Marshall Space Flight Center, on the subject of aerocapture of spacecraft weighing up to 5 metric tons at Mars. Heavier spacecraft will require deployable drag area beyond the dimensional limits of current and planned launch fairings. This research focuses on the approach of lightweight inflatable decelerators constructed with thin films, using fiber reinforcement and having a temperature limitation of 500 C. Trajectory analysis defines trajectories for a range of low ballistic coefficients for which convective heat flux is compatible with the material set. Fluid-Structure Interaction (FSI) tools are expanded to include the rarified flow regime. Several non-symmetrical configurations are evaluated for their capability to develop lift as part of the necessary trajectory control strategy. Manufacturing technology is developed for 3-D stretch forming of polyimide films and for tailored fiber reinforcement of thin films. Finally, the mass of the decelerator is estimated and compared to the mass of a traditional rigid aeroshell

    HDMX-L is expressed from a functional P53-responsive promoter in the first intron of the HDMX gene, and participates in an auto-regulatory feedback loop to control P53 activity.

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    The p53 regulatory network is critically involved in preventing the initiation of cancer. In unstressed cells p53 is maintained at low levels and is largely inactive, mainly through the action of its two essential negative regulators, HDM2 and HDMX. p53 abundance and activity are upregulated in response to various stresses including DNA damage and oncogene activation. Active p53 initiates transcriptional and transcription-independent programs that result in cell cycle arrest, cellular senescence or apoptosis. p53 also activates transcription of HDM2, which initially leads to the degradation of HDMX, creating a positive feedback loop to obtain maximal activation of p53. Subsequently, when stress-induced post-translational modifications start to decline, HDM2 becomes effective in targeting p53 for degradation, thus attenuating the p53 response. To date, no clear function for HDMX in this critical attenuation phase has been demonstrated experimentally. Like HDM2, the HDMX gene contains a promoter (P2) in its first intron that is potentially inducible by p53. We show that p53 activation in response to a plethora of p53-activating agents induces the transcription of a novel HDMX mRNA transcript from the HDMX-P2 promoter. This mRNA is more efficiently translated than that expressed from the constitutive HDMX-P1 promoter, and it encodes a long form of HDMX protein, HDMX-L. Importantly, we demonstrate that HDMX-L cooperates with HDM2 to promote the ubiquitination of p53, and that p53-induced HDMX transcription from the P2 promoter can play a key role in the attenuation phase of the p53-response, to effectively diminish p53 abundance as cells recover from stress

    Integrative metabolomics and transcriptomics signatures of clinical tolerance to Plasmodium vivax reveal activation of innate cell immunity and T cell signaling

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    Almost invariably, humans become ill during primary infections with malaria parasites which is a pathology associated with oxidative stress and perturbations in metabolism. Importantly, repetitive exposure to Plasmodium results in asymptomatic infections, which is a condition defined as clinical tolerance. Integration of transcriptomics and metabolomics data provides a powerful way to investigate complex disease processes involving oxidative stress, energy metabolism and immune cell activation. We used metabolomics and transcriptomics to investigate the different clinical outcomes in a P. vivax controlled human malaria infection trial. At baseline, the naïve and semi-immune subjects differed in the expression of interferon related genes, neutrophil and B cell signatures that progressed with distinct kinetics after infection. Metabolomics data indicated differences in amino acid pathways and lipid metabolism between the two groups. Top pathways during the course of infection included methionine and cysteine metabolism, fatty acid metabolism and urea cycle. There is also evidence for the activation of lipoxygenase, cyclooxygenase and non-specific lipid peroxidation products in the semi-immune group. The integration of transcriptomics and metabolomics revealed concerted molecular events triggered by the infection, notably involving platelet activation, innate immunity and T cell signaling. Additional experiment confirmed that the metabolites associated with platelet activation genes were indeed enriched in the platelet metabolome. Keywords: Malaria, Plasmodium vivax, Tolerance, Metabolomics, Transcriptomics, Integration, Platelets, Immunit

    An image-based skeletal dosimetry model for the ICRP reference adult male—internal electron sources

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    Target tissues include the active bone marrow, associated with radiogenic leukemia, and total shallow marrow, associated with radiogenic bone cancer. Monoenergetic electron emissions are considered over the energy range 1 keV to 10 MeV for the following sources: bone marrow (active and inactive), trabecular bone (surfaces and volumes), and cortical bone (surfaces and volumes). Specific absorbed fractions are computed according to the MIRD schema, and are given as skeletal-averaged values in the paper with site-specific values reported in both tabular and graphical format in an electronic annex. The distribution of cortical bone and spongiosa at the macroscopic dimensions of the phantom, as well as the distribution of trabecular bone and marrow tissues at the microscopic dimensions of the phantom, are imposed through detailed analyses of whole-body ex-vivo CT images (1 mm resolution) and spongiosa-specific ex-vivo microCT images (30 μm resolution), respectively, taken from a 40-year male cadaver. The method utilized in this work includes: (1) explicit accounting for changes in marrow self-dose with variations in marrow cellularity, (2) explicit accounting for electron escape from spongiosa, (3) explicit consideration of spongiosa cross-fire from cortical bone, and (4) explicit consideration of the ICRP’s change in the surrogate tissue region defining the location of the osteoprogenitor cells (from a 10-μm endosteal layer covering the trabecular and cortical surfaces, to a 50-μm shallow marrow layer covering trabecular and medullary cavity surfaces). Skeletal-averaged values of absorbed fraction in the present model are noted to be very compatible with those weighted by the skeletal tissue distributions found in the ICRP Publication 110 adult male and female voxel phantoms, but are in many cases incompatible with values used in current and widely implemented internal dosimetry software