13 research outputs found

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    Woodwardia harlandii Hook. var. takeoi Masamune

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    原著和名: ホソバオホカグマ科名: シシガシラ科 = Blechnaceae採集地: 鹿児島県 屋久島 屋久町 安房 (大隅 屋久島 屋久町 安房)採集日: 1964/8/25採集者: 萩庭丈壽整理番号: JH029520国立科学博物館整理番号: TNS-VS-979520備考: 科名変更(瀬戸先生

    Net change between ‘before’ (2008–9) and ‘after’ (2014–15) by taxa for herbivores (protected from fishing) and other families (without fishery restriction).

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    <p>Data points represents the net proportional change in biomass from ‘before’ to ‘after’, and lines present the 95% quantile range (95%QR) of that change. 95%QR not overlapping zero is evidence of a significant difference between time periods, shown as a green square (biomass increase) or red square (biomass decrease). Taxa shown are all those with mean biomass across before and after periods of at least 0.5 g/m<sup>2</sup>, plus a large bodied parrotfish species, <i>Scarus rubroviolaceus</i>, with mean biomass slightly below that level. Within groupings (surgeonfishes, parrotfishes, unprotected families), taxa are ordered by mean biomass from highest to lowest.</p

    Trends in biomass of herbivorous fishes.

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    <p>Error bars represent standard error by family. ‘<i>Naso</i> browser’ are <i>N</i>. <i>uncornis</i> and <i>N</i>. <i>lituratus</i>, and ‘<i>Naso</i> planktivore’ are made up of species that primarily feed on plankton as adults, <i>N</i>. <i>hexacanthus</i> and <i>N</i>. <i>brevirostris</i>.</p

    Map of Kahekili HFMA, with reef area classified into 6 habitat-strata.

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    <p>Strata: Deep Aggregate Reef (DAG); Deep Spur and Groove (DSG); Mixed Mid-Depth (MMX); Shallow Aggregate Reef (SAG); and Shallow Spur and Groove (SSG). Further detail on habitat types is given in the Methods section. Numbers 1–12 in the inset of Maui Island represent the location of monitoring comparison sites, where fish (F) and benthic (B) data are available from 2008 to 2015. 1 = Honolua MLCD (F+B); 2 = Kapalua Bay (F); 3 = Mahinahina (B); 4 = Papaula Point (B); 5 = Puamana (B); 6 = Olowalu (B); 7 = Maalaea (B); 8 = Makena/Keawekapu (F); 9 = Molokini MLCD (F+B); 10 = Ahihi-Kinau Natural Areas Reserve System (NARS) (F); 11 = Kanahena Point (B); 12 = La Perouse (F).</p