60 research outputs found

    Conversion Of Religion In Muslim Marriage Lives

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    This study aims to provide an overview of religious conversion in Muslim marital life. The research used a qualitative approach. The Data collected by interviews, and observation. The number of research subjects was 5 people (1 male and 4 female). The analysis technique is achieved by a triangular approach that involves interviews, observations, and theoretical concepts. The results showed that 2 factors were influencing religious conversion, marriage, and economic factors. Subjects experienced religious conversion through a gradual process, a period of calm, conflict, religious conversion, calm, and a period of expression of religious conversion.This study aims to provide an overview of religious conversion in Muslim marital life. The research used a qualitative approach. The Data collected by interviews, and observation. The number of research subjects was 5 people (1 male and 4 female). The analysis technique is achieved by a triangular approach that involves interviews, observations, and theoretical concepts. The results showed that 2 factors were influencing religious conversion, marriage, and economic factors. Subjects experienced religious conversion through a gradual process, a period of calm, conflict, religious conversion, calm, and a period of expression of religious conversion

    Hubungan antara Pola Asuh Demokratis dan Kewirausahaan dengan Kepuasan Hidup pada Remaja Akhir

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    Kepuasan hidup adalah hasil pencapaian seseorang dalam memenuhikebutuhan hidupnya. Setiap orang mempunyai dorongan hakiki untuk dapat memenuhikebutuhan hidupnya dengan sebaik-baiknya. Kepuasan hidup erat kaitannya denganpenerapan orangtua dalam mengasuh anak-anak di rumah. Penelitian ini bertujuanuntuk mengetahui hubungan antara pola asuh demokratis, kewirausahaan dan kepuasanhidup pada remaja akhir. Pengambilan data dengan menggunakan alat ukur berupaangket pola asuh demokratis, kewirausahaan dan kepuasan hidup. Data terkumpulsebanyak 45 orang remaja akhir dan dianalisis dengan uji korelasi ganda. Ditemukanbahwa ada hubungan antara pola asuh demokratis dengan kewirausahaan, adahubungan antara pola asuh demokratis dengan kepuasan hidup signifikan. Namuntidak ada hubungan antara kewirausahaan dengan kepuasan hidup pada remaja akhir


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    Aim of this research is to know correlation between loneliness, friendship motive; and on line communication on adolescence. We use questionnaires of loneliness, friendship motive and on line communication, to collect the data. The sum of subjects in this research are 286 adolescences ( 86 men and 200 women ). We analysis data with correlation technique. Found, there are negative correlation between loneliness and friendship motive (r = -. 439, p = .000 < .01), there are negative correlation between loneliness and on line communication ( r = -.154, p = .009 < .05), there are correlation between motive friendship and on line communication (r = .358, p = .000 < .01)


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    The objective of this study was to investigate the impact of the self-awareness and ego support on the life satisfaction of adolescence. Participants were 223 subjects (19-21 years). Collecting data by using questionnaires such as: selfawareness, ego support, and the life satisfaction of adolescence. Data was analyzed with multiple regression via SPSS 16.0 software program. Found was the impact of self-awareness on life satisfaction (r2 = .052, t = 3.467 , p = .001 < .01), the impact of ego support on life satisfaction (r2 = 0,219, t = 7.877, p = 0,000 < 0,01), and the impact of self-awareness and ego support on the life satisfaction of adolescence (r2 = 0,.243, F = 35.307, p =0, .000 < 0,01)

    Hubungan Antara Persahabatan dan Kecerdasan Emosi dengan Kepuasan Hidup Remaja

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    Kepuasan hidup sebagai konsep yang sangat menarik perhatian dari para ahli psikologi untuk diteliti dalam konteks remaja Indonesia (Diponegoro, 2004; Afiatin, 2013). Kepuasan hidup merupakan konsep kebahagiaan yang ditandai dengan pemenuhan kebutuhan berbagai aspek hidup (Diener, at al,  1999; Oishi, Schimmack Diener, 2001; Afiatin, 2013). Penelitian ini hendak mengetahui mengenai hubungan antara persahabatan dan kecerdasan emosi dengan kepuasan hidup remaja. Penelitian ini melibatkan 235 orang remaja (M = 19, 5; SD = 2.15883). Pengumpulan data dengan menggunakan kuesioner yaitu persahabatan, kecerdasan emosi dan kepuasan hidup. Teknik analisis data dengan menggunakan uji korelasi Kendal’s tau dan ditemukan ada hubungan signifikan antara persahabatan dengan kepuasan hidup remaja,  ada hubungan signifikan antara kecerdasan emosi dengan kepuasan hidup remaja, dan ada hubungan signifikan antara persahabatan dengan kecerdasan emosi remaja. Selanjutnya, hasil penelitian didiskusikan dalam tulisan ini


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    Abstrak: Kepuasan hidup adalah hasil pencapaian seseorang dalam memenuhikebutuhan hidupnya. Setiap orang mempunyai dorongan hakiki untuk dapat memenuhikebutuhan hidupnya dengan sebaik-baiknya. Kepuasan hidup erat kaitannya denganpenerapan orangtua dalam mengasuh anak-anak di rumah. Penelitian ini bertujuanuntuk mengetahui hubungan antara pola asuh demokratis, kewirausahaan dan kepuasanhidup pada remaja akhir. Pengambilan data dengan menggunakan alat ukur berupaangket pola asuh demokratis, kewirausahaan dan kepuasan hidup. Data terkumpulsebanyak 45 orang remaja akhir dan dianalisis dengan uji korelasi ganda. Ditemukanbahwa ada hubungan antara pola asuh demokratis dengan kewirausahaan, adahubungan antara pola asuh demokratis dengan kepuasan hidup signifikan. Namuntidak ada hubungan antara kewirausahaan dengan kepuasan hidup pada remaja akhir.Kata kunci: pola asuh demokratis, kewirausahaan, kepuasan hidup, dan remaja akhir

    Peran School Well Being dan Keterlibatan Akademik dengan Prestasi Belajar pada Siswa Sekolah Dasar

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui peran school well being dan keterlibatan akademik terhadap prestasi akademik siswa. Penelitian ini melibatkan 109 siswa sekolah dasar. Pengambilan data dengan menggunakan alat ukur berupa school well being dan keterlibatan akademik. Adapun pengambilan data prestasi belajar diambil melalui hasil ulangan pelajaran matematika. Analisis data menggunakan uji korelasi dan regresi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa ada hubungan antara school well being dengan academic engagement ; tidak ada hubungan anatara school well being dengan prestasi belajar dan tidak ada hubungan antara academic engagement dengan prestasi belajar. Selain itu, ditemukan bahwa ada pengaruh school well being terhadap academic engagement


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    Aim of this research is to know correlation between loneliness, friendship motive; and on line communication on adolescence. We use questionnaires of loneliness, friendship motive and on line communication, to collect the data. The sum of subjects in this research are 286 adolescences ( 86 men and 200 women ). We analysis data with correlation technique. Found, there are negative correlation between loneliness and friendship motive (r = -. 439, p = .000 < .01), there are negative correlation between loneliness and on line communication ( r = -.154, p = .009 < .05), there are correlation between motive friendship and on line communication (r = .358, p = .000 < .01)

    Peran Pola Pengasuhan Orangtua Terhadap Kepuasan Hidup Dan Sikap Nasionalisme Pada Remaja

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    Nationalism as a love of the homeland, or attitude to love the nation and its own country. Nationalism must be developed from the beginning through the role of parenting parenting of children in the family. In addition, nationalism also grows in the life of adolescents who have life satisfaction. On the other hand, parenting also plays an important role in meeting the satisfaction of the lives of teenagers in the family. This research intends to know the role of parenting to the satisfaction of life and the attitude of teen nationalism. Data collection with the questionnaire is parenting parenting, life satisfaction and nationalism. Retrieved data of 220 adolescents. Analytical technique using anova and regression. The results of this study can be summarized as follows: there is no difference in nationalism attitude in terms of parental parenting; there are differences in life satisfaction in terms of parental parenting, and there is a role of life satisfaction with the attitude of nationalism in adolescents. Furthermore, the results can be seen in the discussio

    Peran Pola Pengasuhan Orangtua Terhadap Kepuasan Hidup Dan Sikap Nasionalisme Pada Remaja

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    Nationalism as a love of the homeland, or attitude to love the nation and its own country. Nationalism must be developed from the beginning through the role of parenting parenting of children in the family. In addition, nationalism also grows in the life of adolescents who have life satisfaction. On the other hand, parenting also plays an important role in meeting the satisfaction of the lives of teenagers in the family. This research intends to know the role of parenting to the satisfaction of life and the attitude of teen nationalism. Data collection with the questionnaire is parenting parenting, life satisfaction and nationalism. Retrieved data of 220 adolescents. Analytical technique using anova and regression. The results of this study can be summarized as follows: there is no difference in nationalism attitude in terms of parental parenting; there are differences in life satisfaction in terms of parental parenting, and there is a role of life satisfaction with the attitude of nationalism in adolescents. Furthermore, the results can be seen in the discussionNationalism as a love of the homeland, or attitude to love the nation and its own country. Nationalism must be developed from the beginning through the role of parenting parenting of children in the family. In addition, nationalism also grows in the life of adolescents who have life satisfaction. On the other hand, parenting also plays an important role in meeting the satisfaction of the lives of teenagers in the family. This research intends to know the role of parenting to the satisfaction of life and the attitude of teen nationalism. Data collection with the questionnaire is parenting parenting, life satisfaction and nationalism. Retrieved data of 220 adolescents. Analytical technique using anova and regression. The results of this study can be summarized as follows: there is no difference in nationalism attitude in terms of parental parenting; there are differences in life satisfaction in terms of parental parenting, and there is a role of life satisfaction with the attitude of nationalism in adolescents. Furthermore, the results can be seen in the discussio
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