34 research outputs found

    PLUNC Is a Novel Airway Surfactant Protein with Anti-Biofilm Activity

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    The PLUNC ("Palate, lung, nasal epithelium clone") protein is an abundant secretory product of epithelia present throughout the conducting airways of humans and other mammals, which is evolutionarily related to the lipid transfer/lipopolysaccharide binding protein (LT/LBP) family. Two members of this family--the bactericidal/permeability increasing protein (BPI) and the lipopolysaccharide binding protein (LBP)--are innate immune molecules with recognized roles in sensing and responding to Gram negative bacteria, leading many to propose that PLUNC may play a host defense role in the human airways.Based on its marked hydrophobicity, we hypothesized that PLUNC may be an airway surfactant. We found that purified recombinant human PLUNC greatly enhanced the ability of aqueous solutions to spread on a hydrophobic surface. Furthermore, we discovered that PLUNC significantly reduced surface tension at the air-liquid interface in aqueous solutions, indicating novel and biologically relevant surfactant properties. Of note, surface tensions achieved by adding PLUNC to solutions are very similar to measurements of the surface tension in tracheobronchial secretions from humans and animal models. Because surfactants of microbial origin can disperse matrix-encased bacterial clusters known as biofilms [1], we hypothesized that PLUNC may also have anti-biofilm activity. We found that, at a physiologically relevant concentration, PLUNC inhibited biofilm formation by the airway pathogen Pseudomonas aeruginosa in an in vitro model.Our data suggest that the PLUNC protein contributes to the surfactant properties of airway secretions, and that this activity may interfere with biofilm formation by an airway pathogen

    A high-density transcript linkage map with 1,845 expressed genes positioned by microarray-based Single Feature Polymorphisms (SFP) in Eucalyptus

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Technological advances are progressively increasing the application of genomics to a wider array of economically and ecologically important species. High-density maps enriched for transcribed genes facilitate the discovery of connections between genes and phenotypes. We report the construction of a high-density linkage map of expressed genes for the heterozygous genome of <it>Eucalyptus </it>using Single Feature Polymorphism (SFP) markers.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>SFP discovery and mapping was achieved using pseudo-testcross screening and selective mapping to simultaneously optimize linkage mapping and microarray costs. SFP genotyping was carried out by hybridizing complementary RNA prepared from 4.5 year-old trees xylem to an SFP array containing 103,000 25-mer oligonucleotide probes representing 20,726 unigenes derived from a modest size expressed sequence tags collection. An SFP-mapping microarray with 43,777 selected candidate SFP probes representing 15,698 genes was subsequently designed and used to genotype SFPs in a larger subset of the segregating population drawn by selective mapping. A total of 1,845 genes were mapped, with 884 of them ordered with high likelihood support on a framework map anchored to 180 microsatellites with average density of 1.2 cM. Using more probes per unigene increased by two-fold the likelihood of detecting segregating SFPs eventually resulting in more genes mapped. <it>In silico </it>validation showed that 87% of the SFPs map to the expected location on the 4.5X draft sequence of the <it>Eucalyptus grandis </it>genome.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>The <it>Eucalyptus </it>1,845 gene map is the most highly enriched map for transcriptional information for any forest tree species to date. It represents a major improvement on the number of genes previously positioned on <it>Eucalyptus </it>maps and provides an initial glimpse at the gene space for this global tree genome. A general protocol is proposed to build high-density transcript linkage maps in less characterized plant species by SFP genotyping with a concurrent objective of reducing microarray costs. HIgh-density gene-rich maps represent a powerful resource to assist gene discovery endeavors when used in combination with QTL and association mapping and should be especially valuable to assist the assembly of reference genome sequences soon to come for several plant and animal species.</p

    Using the Power of Junctional Adhesion Molecules Combined with the Target of CAR-T to Inhibit Cancer Proliferation, Metastasis and Eradicate Tumors

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    Decades of evidence suggest that alterations in the adhesion properties of neoplastic cells endow them with an invasive and migratory phenotype. Tight junctions (TJs) are present in endothelial and epithelial cells. Tumors arise from such tissues, thus, the role of TJ proteins in the tumor microenvironment is highly relevant. In the TJ, junctional adhesion molecules (JAM) play a key role in assembly of the TJ and control of cell–cell adhesion. Reprogramming of immune cells using chimeric antigen receptors (CAR) to allow for target recognition and eradication of tumors is an FDA approved therapy. The best-studied CAR-T cells recognize CD19, a B-cell surface molecule. CD19 is not a unique marker for tumors, liquid or solid. To address this limitation, we developed a biologic containing three domains: (1) pH-low-insertion peptide (pHLIP), which recognizes the low pH of the cancer cells, leading to the insertion of the peptide into the plasma membrane. (2) An extracellular domain of JAM proteins that fosters cell–cell interactions. (3) CD19 to be targeted by CAR-T cells. Our modular design only targets cancer cells and when coupled with anti-CD19 CAR-T cells, it decreases proliferation and metastasis in at least two cancer cell lines

    Molecular Characterization of the Extracellular Domain of Human Junctional Adhesion Proteins

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    The junction adhesion molecule (JAM) family of proteins play central roles in the tight junction (TJ) structure and function. In contrast to claudins (CLDN) and occludin (OCLN), the other membrane proteins of the TJ, whose structure is that of a 4α-helix bundle, JAMs are members of the immunoglobulin superfamily. The JAM family is composed of four members: A, B, C and 4. The crystal structure of the extracellular domain of JAM-A continues to be used as a template to model the secondary and tertiary structure of the other members of the family. In this article, we have expressed the extracellular domains of JAMs fused with maltose-binding protein (MBP). This strategy enabled the work presented here, since JAM-B, JAM-C and JAM4 are more difficult targets due to their more hydrophobic nature. Our results indicate that each member of the JAM family has a unique tertiary structure in spite of having similar secondary structures. Surface plasmon resonance (SPR) revealed that heterotypic interactions among JAM family members can be greatly favored compared to homotypic interactions. We employ the well characterized epithelial cadherin (E-CAD) as a means to evaluate the adhesive properties of JAMs. We present strong evidence that suggests that homotypic or heterotypic interactions among JAMs are stronger than that of E-CADs

    Expression of Cell-Adhesion Molecules in <i>E. coli</i>: A High Throughput Screening to Identify Paracellular Modulators

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    Cell-adhesion molecules (CAMs) are responsible for cell–cell, cell–extracellular matrix, and cell–pathogen interactions. Claudins (CLDNs), occludin (OCLN), and junctional adhesion molecules (JAMs) are CAMs’ components of the tight junction (TJ), the single protein structure tasked with safeguarding the paracellular space. The TJ is responsible for controlling paracellular permeability according to size and charge. Currently, there are no therapeutic solutions to modulate the TJ. Here, we describe the expression of CLDN proteins in the outer membrane of E. coli and report its consequences. When the expression is induced, the unicellular behavior of E. coli is replaced with multicellular aggregations that can be quantified using Flow Cytometry (FC). Our method, called iCLASP (inspection of cell-adhesion molecules aggregation through FC protocols), allows high-throughput screening (HTS) of small-molecules for interactions with CAMs. Here, we focused on using iCLASP to identify paracellular modulators for CLDN2. Furthermore, we validated those compounds in the mammalian cell line A549 as a proof-of-concept for the iCLASP method

    Chimeric Claudins: A New Tool to Study Tight Junction Structure and Function

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    The tight junction (TJ) is a structure composed of multiple proteins, both cytosolic and membranal, responsible for cell–cell adhesion in polarized endothelium and epithelium. The TJ is intimately connected to the cytoskeleton and plays a role in development and homeostasis. Among the TJ’s membrane proteins, claudins (CLDNs) are key to establishing blood–tissue barriers that protect organismal physiology. Recently, several crystal structures have been reported for detergent extracted recombinant CLDNs. These structural advances lack direct evidence to support quaternary structure of CLDNs. In this article, we have employed protein-engineering principles to create detergent-independent chimeric CLDNs, a combination of a 4-helix bundle soluble monomeric protein (PDB ID: 2jua) and the apical—50% of human CLDN1, the extracellular domain that is responsible for cell–cell adhesion. Maltose-binding protein-fused chimeric CLDNs (MBP-CCs) used in this study are soluble proteins that retain structural and functional aspects of native CLDNs. Here, we report the biophysical characterization of the structure and function of MBP-CCs. MBP-fused epithelial cadherin (MBP-eCAD) is used as a control and point of comparison of a well-characterized cell-adhesion molecule. Our synthetic strategy may benefit other families of 4-α-helix membrane proteins, including tetraspanins, connexins, pannexins, innexins, and more