26 research outputs found

    Forma e Vita. L\u2019interno architettonico di Palazzo Abatellis

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    Guardando con distanza critica la storia dell\u2019intervento di palazzo Abatellis, comprendiamo che attraverso quest\u2019opera di restauro e rifunzionalizzazione \ue8 stato concepito un edificio pubblico, un museo, come un luogo di aggregazione e di possibile rigenerazione urbana. Fin da subito - come scrive Vigni nel 1954 - era stata prevista \u2018anche la possibilit\ue0 di un\u2019attivit\ue0 culturale della Galleria, a mezzo di mostre temporanee, di mostre dei restauri via via compiuti, di apertura notturna con illuminazione artificiale, in modo che tale istituto entrasse a far parte della vita cittadina pi\uf9 completa possibile\u2019. Lo stesso Vigni era consapevole che in quegli anni il panorama dei musei italiani doveva rinnovarsi con la ricostruzione postbellica e rispondere a una domanda alternativa d\u2019uso e di fruizione del patrimonio artistico. L\u2019esempio di rigenerazione ante litteram di Carlo Scarpa individua, nel mutamento di senso dell\u2019esistente, l\u2019innesco di un auspicabile atteggiamento virtuoso per il \u2018riordino\u2019 del costruito di prossimit\ue0 e in una implementazione di beni e servizi di qualit\ue0, accessibili ad una moltitudine di consumatori/utenti, consapevoli della natura culturale e sociale, prima ancora che tecnologica, per rafforzare la qualit\ue0 della vita i questi luoghi

    High-throughput gene and SNP discovery in , an uncharacterized genome-1

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    Gene sequences compared with the proportions found in the genome annotation.<p><b>Copyright information:</b></p><p>Taken from "High-throughput gene and SNP discovery in , an uncharacterized genome"</p><p>http://www.biomedcentral.com/1471-2164/9/312</p><p>BMC Genomics 2008;9():312-312.</p><p>Published online 30 Jun 2008</p><p>PMCID:PMC2483731.</p><p></p

    Pedigree data for the population

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    Expected pedigree data for the experimental population of full sib families based on the pedigree registered by the breeder. Individuals used in the study go from ID 11 to 856

    High-throughput gene and SNP discovery in , an uncharacterized genome-0

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    Ogy to the (A), (P), (O) gene models. Effect of the sequence length on the proportion of homology to gene models (value 10). Proportion of unigenes longer than 100 bp with and without homology to gene models at three different values (10, 10and 10).<p><b>Copyright information:</b></p><p>Taken from "High-throughput gene and SNP discovery in , an uncharacterized genome"</p><p>http://www.biomedcentral.com/1471-2164/9/312</p><p>BMC Genomics 2008;9():312-312.</p><p>Published online 30 Jun 2008</p><p>PMCID:PMC2483731.</p><p></p

    SNP Data for 24,806 polymorphic SNPs

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    SNP Data for 24,806 polymorphic SNPs in 768 individuals of the 856 individuals used in the study. SNP data were generated using the EuCHIP60K. You will find detailed info on the SNP contained in this chip (genome location, target SNP, flanking sequence) in Silva-Junior et al. (2015). A flexible multi-species genome-wide 60K SNP chip developed from pooled resequencing 240 Eucalyptus tree genomes across 12 species. New Phytologist 206(4): 1527-1540. Please note that SNP data was available for 768 trees of the 856 trees phenotyped, as described in the pape

    Phenotypic data for the 856 trees

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    Phenotypic data for the 856 trees of the experimental population. Data include information on the progeny trial (called landscape in the datafile), block,soil type, planting spacing, age at measurement in years, followed by the trait data, mean annual volume growth increment (MAI), basic wood density (BWD) and screened cellulose pulp yield (SPY). Please note that SNP data were available only for 768 trees of these 856 phenotyped trees as described in the pape

    Clustering assignment of the ten Brazilian bovine breeds obtained by STRUCTURE analyses

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    <p><b>Copyright information:</b></p><p>Taken from "Microsatellite based genetic diversity and relationships among ten Creole and commercial cattle breeds raised in Brazil"</p><p>http://www.biomedcentral.com/1471-2156/8/83</p><p>BMC Genetics 2007;8():83-83.</p><p>Published online 7 Dec 2007</p><p>PMCID:PMC2228320.</p><p></p> Each of the 915 animals is represented by a thin vertical line that is divided into segments whose size and color correspond to the relative proportion of the animal genome corresponding to a particular cluster. Breeds are separated by thin black lines. Panels with K = 2 inferred clusters, taurine (red) and zebuine (green) breeds are discriminated; with K = 3, taurine Creole breeds of Iberian origin (blue) are further separated from the specialized taurine breeds (red) and zebuine (green); with K = 10 inferred clusters corresponding to the ten breeds, complex breed admixture patterns can be visualized