795 research outputs found

    Critical behavior in spherical and hyperbolic spaces

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    We study the effects of curved background geometries on the critical behavior of scalar field theory. In particular we concentrate on two maximally symmetric spaces: dd-dimensional spheres and hyperboloids. In the first part of the paper, by applying the Ginzburg criterion, we find that for large correlation length the Gaussian approximation is valid on the hyperboloid for any dimension d≥2d\geq 2, while it is not trustable on the sphere for any dimension. This is understood in terms of various notions of effective dimension, such as the spectral and Hausdorff dimension. In the second part of the paper, we apply functional renormalization group methods to develop a different perspective on such phenomena, and to deduce them from a renormalization group analysis. By making use of the local potential approximation, we discuss the consequences of having a fixed scale in the renormalization group equations. In particular, we show that in the case of spheres there is no true phase transition, as symmetry restoration always occurs at large scales. In the case of hyperboloids, the phase transition is still present, but as the only true fixed point is the Gaussian one, mean field exponents are valid also in dimensions lower than four.Comment: 24 pages, 5 figures; several improvements in the presentation and small corrections, 2 figures adde

    On the number of relevant operators in asymptotically safe gravity

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    The asymptotic safety scenario of gravity conjectures that (i) the quantum field theory of gravity exists thanks to the presence of a non-trivial ultraviolet fixed point of the renormalization group, and that (ii) the fixed point has only a finite number of relevant perturbations, i.e. a finite number of UV-stable directions (or in other words, a finite number of free parameters to be fixed experimentally). Within the f(R) approximation of the functional renormalization group equation of gravity, we show that assuming the first half of the conjecture to be true, the remaining half follows from general arguments, that is, we show that assuming the existence of a non-trivial fixed point, the fact that the number of relevant directions is finite is a general consequence of the structure of the equations.Comment: 5 pages; v3: one typo corrected (thanks to Juergen Dietz for pointing it out

    One-loop renormalization in a toy model of Horava-Lifshitz gravity

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    We present a one loop calculation in the context of Horava-Lifshitz gravity. Due to the complexity of the calculation in the full theory we focus here on the study of a toy model, namely the conformal reduction of the z=2 projectable theory in 2+1 dimensions. For this value of the dimension there are no gravitons, hence the conformal mode is the only physical degree of freedom, and thus we expect our toy model to lead to qualitatively correct answers regarding the perturbative renormalization of the full theory. We find that Newton's constant (dimensionless in Horava-Lifshitz gravity) is asymptotically free. However, the DeWitt supermetric approaches its Weyl invariant form with the same speed and the effective interaction coupling remains constant along the flow. In other words, the would-be asymptotic freedom associated to the running Newton's constant is exactly balanced by the strong coupling of the scalar mode as the Weyl invariant limit is approached. We conclude that in such model the UV limit is singular at one loop order, and we argue that a similar phenomenon can be expected in the full theory, even in higher dimensions.Comment: 18 pages. v2: corrected some misprints, added 3 references, some clarifying comments and a new appendi

    Brans-Dicke theory in the local potential approximation

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    We study the Brans-Dicke theory with arbitrary potential within a functional renormalization group framework. Motivated by the asymptotic safety scenario of quantum gravity and by the well-known relation between f(R) gravity and Brans-Dicke theory at the classical level, we concentrate our analysis on the fixed-point equation for the potential in four dimensions and with Brans-Dicke parameter omega equal to zero. For two different choices of gauge, we study the resulting equations by examining both local and global properties of the solutions, by means of analytical and numerical methods. As a result of our analysis we do not find any nontrivial fixed point in one gauge, but we find a continuum of fixed points in the other one. We interpret such inconsistency as a result of the restriction to omega equal to zero, and thus we suggest that it indicates a failure of the equivalence between f(R) gravity and Brans-Dicke theory at the quantum level.Comment: 34 pages, 8 figures; v2: corrected some misprints, added a new figure, four new references and some clarifying comment

    Phase diagram and fixed points of tensorial Gross-Neveu models in three dimensions

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    Perturbing the standard Gross-Neveu model for N3N^3 fermions by quartic interactions with the appropriate tensorial contraction patterns, we reduce the original U(N3)U(N^3) symmetry to either U(N)×U(N2)U(N)\times U(N^2) or U(N)×U(N)×U(N)U(N)\times U(N)\times U(N). In the large-NN limit, we show that in three dimensions such models admit new ultraviolet fixed points with reduced symmetry, besides the well-known one with maximal symmetry. The phase diagram notably presents a new phase with spontaneous symmetry breaking of one U(N)U(N) component of the symmetry group.Comment: 31 pages, 9 figure

    Capturing the phase diagram of (2+1)-dimensional CDT using a balls-in-boxes model

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    We study the phase diagram of a one-dimensional balls-in-boxes (BIB) model that has been proposed as an effective model for the spatial-volume dynamics of (2+1)-dimensional causal dynamical triangulations (CDT). The latter is a statistical model of random geometries and a candidate for a nonperturbative formulation of quantum gravity, and it is known to have an interesting phase diagram, in particular including a phase of extended geometry with classical properties. Our results corroborate a previous analysis suggesting that a particular type of potential is needed in the BIB model in order to reproduce the droplet condensation typical of the extended phase of CDT. Since such a potential can be obtained by a minisuperspace reduction of a (2+1)-dimensional gravity theory of the Ho\v{r}ava-Lifshitz type, our result strengthens the link between CDT and Ho\v{r}ava-Lifshitz gravity.Comment: 21 pages, 7 figure
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