8 research outputs found

    Identifying novel elements and regulators in auxin-dependent gene expression

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    Auxin is a key phytohormone which controls plant growth and development and many other related processes. Hormones are signalling molecules which regulate different processes via influencing the expression of thousands of genes, auxin is not an exception. The auxin signalling pathway was studied in detail and the main involved proteins-interplayers are already known, however, this knowledge is not sufficient to explain the diversity and specificity of auxin-mediated plant’s reactions. In our study we developed a bioinformatics tool to identify another potentially involved in auxin proteins. With that tool we predicted a number of potential interplayers and performed experimental verification. Appeared to be that specificity is provided by the involvement of different proteins in the control of different processes

    metaRE R Package for Meta-Analysis of Transcriptome Data to Identify the cis-Regulatory Code behind the Transcriptional Reprogramming

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    At the molecular level, response to an external factor or an internal condition causes reprogramming of temporal and spatial transcription. When an organism undergoes physiological and/or morphological changes, several signaling pathways are activated simultaneously. Examples of such complex reactions are the response to temperature changes, dehydration, various biologically active substances, and others. A significant part of the regulatory ensemble in such complex reactions remains unidentified. We developed metaRE, an R package for the systematic search for cis-regulatory elements enriched in the promoters of the genes significantly changed their transcription in a complex reaction. metaRE mines multiple expression profiling datasets generated to test the same organism’s response and identifies simple and composite cis-regulatory elements systematically associated with differential expression of genes. Here, we showed metaRE performance for the identification of low-temperature-responsive cis-regulatory code in Arabidopsis thaliana and Danio rerio. MetaRE identified potential binding sites for known as well as unknown cold response regulators. A notable part of cis-elements was found in both searches discovering great conservation in low-temperature responses between plants and animals

    Energy Evolution: Forecasting the Development of Non-Conventional Renewable Energy Sources and Their Impact on the Conventional Electricity System

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    The development of the world’s electric power systems goes back over a century. During this period, the overwhelming majority of states have formed stable, typically centralized systems for generation, transmission, and distribution of electrical energy. At the same time, technologies, primarily for energy generation, are steadily developing, which leads to the emergence of potentially effective technological solutions based on fundamentally new energy sources. The most rapidly expanding group at the moment are renewable energy sources (RES). This fact is due to the significant coverage of the potential environmental and economic benefits of using technologies based on RES in the information environment. At the same time, the process of transformation of traditional electric power systems, by integrating generation technologies based on the use of renewable energy sources, is extremely resource-intensive, and also potentially reducing the level of sustainability and efficiency of the entire system functioning as a whole. This thesis is primarily true for exclusively centralized power systems. The purpose of this study is to create a forecasting model for the development of non-conventional renewable energy sources (NCRES) for short, medium, and long term, which makes it possible to form an action plan to ensure a reliable and uninterrupted supplying of consumers, taking into account the existing electric power system. The developed model made it possible to identify the most promising directions of NCRES from the integration point of view, and for them the quantification and clustering of the information environment was carried out, which made it possible to identify key trends and the specifics of the development of technological solutions for these directions of renewable energy sources. The developed tool and systemic conclusions formulated on the basis of its application make it possible to develop mathematically sound solutions in the direction of managing the development of traditional electric power systems based on the integration of NCRES

    Energy Evolution: Forecasting the Development of Non-Conventional Renewable Energy Sources and Their Impact on the Conventional Electricity System

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    The development of the world’s electric power systems goes back over a century. During this period, the overwhelming majority of states have formed stable, typically centralized systems for generation, transmission, and distribution of electrical energy. At the same time, technologies, primarily for energy generation, are steadily developing, which leads to the emergence of potentially effective technological solutions based on fundamentally new energy sources. The most rapidly expanding group at the moment are renewable energy sources (RES). This fact is due to the significant coverage of the potential environmental and economic benefits of using technologies based on RES in the information environment. At the same time, the process of transformation of traditional electric power systems, by integrating generation technologies based on the use of renewable energy sources, is extremely resource-intensive, and also potentially reducing the level of sustainability and efficiency of the entire system functioning as a whole. This thesis is primarily true for exclusively centralized power systems. The purpose of this study is to create a forecasting model for the development of non-conventional renewable energy sources (NCRES) for short, medium, and long term, which makes it possible to form an action plan to ensure a reliable and uninterrupted supplying of consumers, taking into account the existing electric power system. The developed model made it possible to identify the most promising directions of NCRES from the integration point of view, and for them the quantification and clustering of the information environment was carried out, which made it possible to identify key trends and the specifics of the development of technological solutions for these directions of renewable energy sources. The developed tool and systemic conclusions formulated on the basis of its application make it possible to develop mathematically sound solutions in the direction of managing the development of traditional electric power systems based on the integration of NCRES

    Spatial specificity of auxin responses coordinates wood formation

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    Spatial organization of signalling events of the phytohormone auxin is fundamental for maintaining a dynamic transition from plant stem cells to differentiated descendants. The cambium, the stem cell niche mediating wood formation, fundamentally depends on auxin signalling but its exact role and spatial organization is obscure. Here we show that, while auxin signalling levels increase in differentiating cambium descendants, a moderate level of signalling in cambial stem cells is essential for cambium activity. We identify the auxin-dependent transcription factor ARF5/MONOPTEROS to cell-autonomously restrict the number of stem cells by directly attenuating the activity of the stem cell-promoting WOX4 gene. In contrast, ARF3 and ARF4 function as cambium activators in a redundant fashion from outside of WOX4-expressing cells. Our results reveal an influence of auxin signalling on distinct cambium features by specific signalling components and allow the conceptual integration of plant stem cell systems with distinct anatomies

    Clinical Features and Management of the Disease Caused by New Coronaviral Infection (COVID-19) in Children. Version 2

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    The Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation jointly with professional association and experts in the field of pediatrics, infectious diseases and resuscitation has revised guidelines “Clinical Features and Management of the Disease Caused by New Coronaviral Infection (COVID-19) in Children” in order to provide the child population with effective medical care during the pandemic of the new coronaviral infection. The practical experience of specialists from various countries was considered during the development of this document. Special attention should be given to the evidence base of the presented data, as well as to the efficiency and safety issues of medications used in treatment of coronaviral infection and its complications. The authors highlight the problems of prevention, diagnostics and management of pathological conditions caused by COVID-19 in the article according to the presented guidelines. Patient’s management is presented depending on the age and severity of the disease itself. The therapy is considered with regard to etiological, pathogenetic and symptom focus

    Особенности клинических проявлений и лечения заболевания, вызванного новой коронавирусной инфекцией (COVID-19), у детей. Версия 2

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    The Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation jointly with professional association and experts in the field of pediatrics, infectious diseases and resuscitation has revised guidelines “Clinical Features and Management of the Disease Caused by New Coronaviral Infection (COVID-19) in Children” in order to provide the child population with effective medical care during the pandemic of the new coronaviral infection. The practical experience of specialists from various countries was considered during the development of this document. Special attention should be given to the evidence base of the presented data, as well as to the efficiency and safety issues of medications used in treatment of coronaviral infection and its complications. The authors highlight the problems of prevention, diagnostics and management of pathological conditions caused by COVID-19 in the article according to the presented guidelines. Patient’s management is presented depending on the age and severity of the disease itself. The therapy is considered with regard to etiological, pathogenetic and symptom focus.С целью обеспечения детского населения эффективной медицинской помощью в условиях пандемии новой коронавирусной инфекции Минздравом России совместно с профессиональными ассоциациями и экспертами в области педиатрии, инфекционных болезней и реанимации были переработаны методические рекомендации «Особенности клинических проявлений и лечения заболевания, вызванного новой коронавирусной инфекцией (COVID-19), у детей». При разработке документа был учтен практический опыт не только специалистов нашей страны, но и зарубежных коллег. Особое внимание уделено доказательной базе представленных данных, а также вопросам эффективности и безопасности лекарственных препаратов, применяемых при лечении данной инфекции и ее осложнений. В статье на основании указанных методических рекомендаций авторы освещают вопросы профилактики, диагностики, лечения патологических состояний, обусловленных COVID-19. Тактика ведения пациента представлена в зависимости от возраста и степени тяжести течения болезни, терапия рассмотрена с позиций этиологической, патогенетической и симптоматической направленности