13 research outputs found

    Enterprise Resource Planning and Obstacles in The Implementation Process : The Case of Kalmar

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    The main purpose of this thesis is to study enterprise resource planning, its’ implementation process and problems, which company might face during implementation. The main objective of the study was to explore the enterprise resource planning implementation process as well as ERP functions and characteristics. The thesis was written in August 2016 and is based on the research made during the practical training in Kalmar Company. The research and conclusions are based on internal materials and interviews provided by the company. This thesis represents the general information about enterprise resource planning such as definition, functions, modules and history. Positive and negative impact of ERP implementation on the company is also represented, as well as obstacles, which company might face during the implementation, and their solutions. Furthermore, it describes the employees’ reaction on changes, and it is supported with examples

    Diagnostics of Central and Autonomic Nervous System Dysfunction in Patients with Sepsis-Associated Encephalopathy

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    This chapter is devoted to monitoring of central and autonomic nervous system (ANS) in patients with verified sepsis to recognize the specific functional and anatomic changes in the brain and its important autonomic centers which is named sepsis-associated encephalopathy (SAE). Fluctuation of conscience level from agitation to delirium and coma, muscle tone, and severity of pain syndrome is evaluated with different scales (SOFA, SAPS II, RASS, CAM-ICU, FOUR, PBSS, BPS, MRC, MAS, CNS). Multimodal neuromonitoring includes EEG, EPs, ENMG, cerebral oxymetry, saturation in the bulb of the jugular vein, TCD, and neuroimaging (MRI, PET). Dysfunction of autonomic brainstem structures is detected with variational cardiointervalometry, pupillometry, thermometry (peripheral and central), photoplethysmography assessment of perfusion index, quantitative assessment of muscle strength on the MRC scale and MAS, and diagnostics of the severity of the PSH syndrome. Monitoring data help clinicians to make decisions on SAE patient management tactics

    Master‟s Thesis: 30 higher education credits Programme: Master‟s Programme in International Administration and Global Governance Date: 30 January 2018 Supervisor: Kohei Suzuki Words: 11518 IMPORTANCE OF REPUTATION FOR THE HUMANITARIAN NGOS Qualitative Study of the Danish Humanitarian NGOs

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    The issue of reputation has been studied in a variety of contexts such as, for example, educational (Plewa et al. 2016), religious (Nordin 2015) and environmental (Liao 2018), however, most frequently in regards to its influence on firms and states (Gillies 2010). Few studies analyzed it from the perspective of a non-profit actor (Mitchell and Stroup 2017), but hardly any in relation to humanitarian NGOs. This paper aims at filling this research gap by answering the question of how reputation becomes important for the humanitarian non-profit actors and presenting a qualitative study of two Danish humanitarian organizations where interviews and participant observation were chosen as major data collection methods. The information obtained was further analyzed by application of the transaction-costs and resource-based theoretical frameworks typically used for analysis of the reputation‟s role for the actors of the private sector, which led to several findings. Firstly, reputation proved to be important for the non-profit actors under examination due to the fact that it was identified as one of the key factors having impact on the decision-making process in regards to opening of a new humanitarian operation. Secondly, there was established a connection between reputation of the organization and the amount of funds it collects from general public. Thus, two types of the reputation‟s potential implications for humanitarian actors were identified, which opened up this research area for further studies

    Einfluss von TGF-beta auf oxidative Stressreaktionen in menschlichen Osteoblasten

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    Wie aus zahlreichen Literaturquellen bekannt, beschränken sich die ROS-Funktionen nicht nur darauf Zellen zu schädigen, sondern wirken auch als Signalmoleküle bei einer Vielzahl reversibler regulatorischer Prozesse in nahezu allen Zellen und Geweben, einschließlich der Genexpression, sowie der Regulation des Zelltods und -wachstums, der Synthese von Biomolekülen und der Regulierung des Membranpotentials. Es ist derzeitig nicht klar, welche Mengen von ROS für den menschlichen Körper therapeutisch vorteilhaft sind. Einer der bekanntesten Wachstumsfaktoren, welcher die Entwicklung von oxidativem Stress in einer großen Anzahl von Zelltypen beeinflusst, ist der transforming growth factor beta 1 (TGF-β1). Das Ziel der vorliegenden Arbeit bestand darin, die Rolle und den Mechanismus der Wirkung von oxidativem Stress auf durch TGF-β1 stimulierte menschliche primäre Osteoblasten zu bestimmen. Aus Spendergewebe (Spongiosa) isolierte Osteoblasten wurden mit 5 ng/ml rekombinantem humanem TGF-β1 (rhTGF-β1) stimuliert. Änderungen in der Genexpression, die mit oxidativem Stress assoziiert sind, wurden unter Gebrauch von human RT² Profiler PCR Array Oxidative Stress Plus bestimmt und die unter Anwendung der semi-quantitativen RT-PCR erhaltenen Ergebnisse verifiziert. Zusammenfassend zeigten mit rhTGF-β1 stimulierte primäre humane Osteoblasten eine signifikante Induktion der Expression von NOX4. Diese Tatsache wurde auch auf Proteinebene gestützt. Als Ergebnis führte die NOX4-Expression zur Anhäufung reaktiven Sauerstoffspezies (ROS), was durch den DCFH-DA Assay bestätigt wurde. Um den Effekt von rhTGF-β1 auf die Migration und Proliferation von OB zu untersuchen, wurde ein sogenannter Scratch-Assay durchgeführt. Mit 5 ng/ml rhTGF-β1 stimulierte primäre humane Osteoblasten zeigten eine signifikant schnellere „Wundheilung“ als unstimmulierte Zellen. Die Veränderung von Proliferation und Migration von Zellen wurde weiter durch Western-Blot bestimmt. Auf Proteinebene zeigte sich die Proliferationsrate unwesentlich verändert in rhTGF-β1 stimulierten Osteoblasten. Im Gegensatz dazu wurde ein Anstieg des Vimentin-Spiegels, einem Marker für migrierende Zellen beobachtet. In Bestätigung des Obigen wurde auch eine Immunfluoreszenzfärbung mit Vimentin durchgeführt. Um die funktionale Rolle von NOX4-Aktivität in der Osteogenese separat zu bewerten, wurden die Zellen mit dem NOX4-Inhibitor Apocynin stimuliert. Die von uns ermittelten Daten lassen annehmen, dass die chemische Inhibierung von NOX4 keinen Einfluss auf die Proliferation, aber einen ungünstigen Einfluss auf die Migration hat. Zusammenfassend lassen sich die Ergebnisse also dahingehend interpretieren, dass die chemische Hemmung von NOX4 mit Apocynin die Migration von primären humanen Osteoblasten verlangsamt und stört. Bei Schäden an Organen und Geweben spielt die Zellmigration eine entscheidende Rolle bei Schutzvorgängen wie Wundheilung, Entzündung und Immunantwort. Somit erscheint die TGF-β1-induzierte NOX4-Expression eine entscheidende Rolle bei der Osteoblasten-Migration zu spielen, wodurch die Bedeutung von NOX komplexer wird und es als neues therapeutisches Ziel bei dem Prozess der Knochenregeneration betrachtet werden kann

    Urban Sustainability Strategies Guided by the SDGs—A Tale of Four Cities

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    The United Nations (UN) 2030 Sustainable Development Agenda, signed in 2015 and backed-up with its seventeen Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), mentions cities as key players for evolving actively towards more sustainability. This underpins that living in the cities of the urban age is increasingly becoming the focus of sustainability discussions, which is particularly reflected in SDG 11 “Making cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable„. As urban sustainability strategies are playing a key role for the development of cities, this article sheds light on four cities’ sustainability strategies. The case studies highlight shortcomings, in terms of integrated visions, clear targets, and indicators in existing urban (sustainability) strategies. The article discusses these issues in light of an analytical framework, and stresses challenges and opportunities that SDG implementation involves

    Pharmacokinetic and Pharmacogenetic Predictors of Major Bleeding Events in Patients with an Acute Coronary Syndrome and Atrial Fibrillation Receiving Combined Antithrombotic Therapy

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    Objective: This study’s objective was to evaluate the effects of pharmacokinetic and pharmacogenetic factors on major bleeding in patients with ACS and non-valvular AF receiving combined antithrombotic therapy consisting of rivaroxaban, clopidogrel, and aspirin as part of dual or triple therapy. Methods: A prospective observational study was conducted in two PCI centers in Moscow, the Russian Federation, from 2017 to 2018. One hundred patients with ACS and AF were enrolled. Prospective follow-ups continued for 12 months. Results: A total of 36 patients experienced bleeding events, with 10 experiencing major bleeding based on the BARC scale and 17 experiencing major bleeding based on the ISTH scale. The following predictors associated with an increased number of major bleeding events were identified: for the ISTH scale, a Css min. of rivaroxaban of >137 pg/mL (5.94 OR, (95% CI, 3.13–12.99; p p p Conclusions: Measuring residual steady-state rivaroxaban concentrations and determining the carriage of the T allelic variant polymorphism ABCB1 rs4148738 may be applicable to high-risk patients for subsequent antithrombotic therapy modification

    Immune Cell Induced Migration of Osteoprogenitor Cells Is Mediated by TGF-β Dependent Upregulation of NOX4 and Activation of Focal Adhesion Kinase

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    The cytokines secreted by immune cells have a large impact on the tissue, surrounding a fracture, e.g., by attraction of osteoprogenitor cells. However, the underlying mechanisms are not yet fully understood. Thus, this study aims at investigating molecular mechanisms of the immune cell-mediated migration of immature primary human osteoblasts (phOBs), with transforming growth factor beta (TGF-β), nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate (NADPH) oxidase 4 (NOX4) and focal adhesion kinase (FAK) as possible regulators. Monocyte- and macrophage (THP-1 cells ± phorbol 12-myristate 13-acetate (PMA) treatment)-conditioned media, other than the granulocyte-conditioned medium (HL-60 cells + dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) treatment), induce migration of phOBs. Monocyte- and macrophage (THP-1 cells)-conditioned media activate Smad3-dependent TGF-β signaling in the phOBs. Stimulation with TGF-β promotes migration of phOBs. Furthermore, TGF-β treatment strongly induces NOX4 expression on both mRNA and protein levels. The associated reactive oxygen species (ROS) accumulation results in phosphorylation (Y397) of FAK. Blocking TGF-β signaling, NOX4 activity and FAK signaling effectively inhibits the migration of phOBs towards TGF-β. In summary, our data suggest that monocytic- and macrophage-like cells induce migration of phOBs in a TGF-β-dependent manner, with TGF-β-dependent induction of NOX4, associated production of ROS and resulting activation of FAK as key mediators