457 research outputs found

    The Natural Wonders of Lake Park

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    Gender power relations in reproductive decision-making: The case of Gamo migrants in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

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    In many developing countries most of reproductive decisions are made by men although it is, as well, the concern of women. This study was undertaken with the objective of assessing gender power relations in reproductive decision-making (DM). Data collected from random sample of 317 married couples using structured questionnaire. Multinomial logistic regression was used to find the determinants of reproductive DM. Accordingly, 33% of women reported joint contraceptive use DM; 36% of women and 38% of men reported joint maternal health service utilization (MHSU) DM. Women who are older, literate, have fewer children, media access, have job, and not victim of harassment/abuse participate in reproductive DM, while men who are literate, have fewer children, media access, older, and did not harass/abuse their wives let wives participate in MHSU DM. Thus, empowering the study community in general and women in particular is recommended to improve their participation in reproductive DM

    Correlates of Unmet Need for Contraception in Ethiopia: Evidence from 2011 Ethiopian Demographic and Health Survey

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    The highest proportion of unmet need for contraception is found in sub-Saharan Africa. Although unmet need for contraception declined from 36% in 2000 to 25% in 2011 in Ethiopia, it is still far from satisfying the demand. The data for this study is obtained from the 2011 Ethiopian Demographic and Health Survey (EDHS). Multinomial logistic regression was used to identify correlates of unmet need for contraception. Accordingly, 18% of women have unmet need for spacing and 9.6% for limiting. Age, educational level, number of children and religion were significant correlates of unmet needs for spacing and limiting. In addition, place of residence was significant correlate for spacing while age at marriage and knowledge of contraceptives were significant correlates for limiting. Expanding contraceptive accessibility and methods mix in rural areas; empowering women; and engaging religious and community leaders in educating the community about family planning (FP) are recommendations to satisfy the demand of contraception

    Skalendokumentation der Schüler- und Lehrerbefragung im Rahmen des Projektes "Komm Mit - Fördern statt Sitzenbleiben"

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    Die vorliegende Skalendokumentation informiert über die Instrumente, die innerhalb der wissenschaftlichen Begleitung der Initiative "Komm Mit - Fördern statt sitzenbleiben" zum Zeitpunkt der ersten Datenerhebung eingesetzt wurden. "Komm Mit - Fördern statt Sitzenbleiben" ist eine landesweite Initiative in NRW, deren Ziel die Reduzierung der Sitzenbleiberquote ist. Von Januar bis März 2009 fand an 70 ausgewählten Schulen eine Fragebogenerhebung von Achtklässlern sowie des gesamten Lehrerkollegiums statt. Insgesamt urteilten ca. 2000 Schülerinnen und Schüler über die im Fragenbogen enthaltenen Aussagen zu motivationalen und emotionalen Voraussetzungen sowie über die Unterrichtsqualität. Der Lehrerfragebogen umfasste Aussagen zur Schul- und Unterrichtsqualität sowie zu Merkmalen der Lehrerschaft. Die einzelnen Bereiche werden durch verschiedene Items abgedeckt. In der Skalendokumentation werden die Skalen und die dazugehörigen Items dargestellt. Ferner sind die Gütekriterien der Skalen sowie die deskriptiven Kennwerte beschrieben. Die Instrumente der Befragungen wurden zum einen unverändert aus bewährten Studien übernommen. Zum anderen wurden Items umformuliert oder neue Items entwickelt. Auf die Quellen der Instrumente wird im Text jeweils verwiesen

    Voiding urosonography with ultrasound contrast agents for the diagnosis of vesicoureteric reflux in children: I. Procedure

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    Voiding urosonography (VUS) encompasses examination of the urinary tract with intravesical administration of US contrast agent (UCA) for diagnosis of vesicoureteric reflux (VUR). The real breakthrough for US examination of VUR came with the availability of stabilized UCAs in the mid-1990s. This article presents a comprehensive review of various procedural aspects of VUS. Different US modalities are available for detecting the echogenic microbubbles: fundamental mode, colour Doppler US, harmonic imaging and dedicated contrast imaging with multiple display options. The reflux is graded (1 to 5) in a similar manner to the system used in voiding cystourethrography (VCUG). The most commonly used UCA for VUS, Levovist, is galactose-based and contains air-filled microbubbles. The recommended concentration is 300 mg/ml at a dose of 5–10%, or less than 5%, of the bladder filling volume when using fundamental or harmonic imaging modes, respectively. There are preliminary reports of VUS using a second-generation UCA, SonoVue. Here the UCA volume is less than 1% of the bladder filling volume. There is no specific contraindication to intravesical administration of UCA. The safety profile of intravesical Levovist is very high with no reports of side effects over a decade of use in VUS

    EWI+ - Erziehungswissenschaftlich begleitete praktische Lerngelegenheiten von angehenden Lehrkräften in Uni und Schule (EwiPLUS). Codebook zum Pilotierungsfragebogen AT

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    EwiPLUS ist die Kurzbezeichnung des Projektes „Erziehungswissenschaftlich begleitete praktische Lerngelegenheiten von angehenden Lehrkräften in Uni und Schule“. Es richtet seinen Fokus auf das erziehungswissenschaftlich begleitete, pädagogische Praktikum von Lehramtsstudierenden an Schulen. Dieses ist an deutschen Universitäten in der Regel das erste Schulpraktikum, das Lehramtsstudierende durchlaufen und absolvieren müssen. Grund für das Forschungsvorhaben ist, dass in der Debatte zur Reform der Lehrerausbildung Fragen zur Gestaltung und Effektivität schulpraktischer Elemente einen wichtigen Stellenwert einnehmen. Schulpraktika gelten als zentrale Lernkontexte beispielsweise für die Berufswahlüberprüfung der Studierenden oder für situatives Lernen, das die Anwendung der Theorie in die Praxis erst ermöglicht. Demgegenüber fehlen empirische Studien darüber, ob die Lehramtsstudiengänge hinreichend auf das Berufsfeld Schule ausgerichtet sind und somit den Erwartungen an eine Kompetenzorientierung in der Lehrerbildung überhaupt gerecht werden. Offen bleibt, unter welchen organisatorischen Gegebenheiten Praktikumsphasen im Studium erfolgreich sind. Dem starken Glauben an die Bedeutung und Qualität von Praxisanteilen steht somit ein schmaler Bestand an empirischen Studien zu deren Wirksamkeit gegenüber. Hier setzt das Forschungsvorhaben an. Primäres Ziel ist eine erste Bestandsaufnahme schulpraktischer Lerngelegenheiten in der universitären Lehrerausbildung bzw. der Lehrerbildung an Pädagogischen Hochschulen, und zwar im internationalen Vergleich von Deutschland, Österreich und der Schweiz als Länder mit kulturell-sprachlicher Ähnlichkeit, aber schul- und lehrerbildungsstrukturell zum Teil sehr unterschiedlicher Prägung. Im Kern der EwiPLUS-Studie geht es um ein geeignetes Forschungsinstrument, das derzeit entwickelt wird und im Herbst 2012 als Online-Survey erprobt werden soll. Am Survey beteiligen sich Lehramtsstudierende von mehreren Universitäten bzw. Pädagogische Hochschulen aus Deutschland, Österreich und der Schweiz. Das Instrument wird am Ende aufbereitet und veröffentlicht, um zukünftigen Initiativen der Qualitätssicherung in der deutschsprachigen Lehrerbildung zur Verfügung zu stehen

    Contributions of students of the modern language program to the group of protection to the tourism and national heritage Mebog

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    According to the nature of the National Police and taking as a basis the right to enjoyment of free time through tourism in secure environments, the General Law of Tourism "Law 300 of 1996", creates the Tourist Police, within the Directorate of Specialized Services of the National Police. Hierarchically the Tourist Police depends on the National Police and administratively depends on the Ministry of Commerce, Industry and Tourism. In this sense, Decree No. 4222 of November 23, 2006 "By which the structure of the Ministry of National Defense is partially modified" establishes in article 9 the functions of the Directorate of Protection and Special Services, giving it competence to guide and establish the necessary guidelines for the fulfillment of protection services for people, for the environment and natural resources, for children and adolescents, for tourists and for the archaeological, cultural and religious heritage of the nation.INTRODUCTION PROBLEM DEFINITION JUSTIFICATION CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS BIBLIOGRAPHICS REFERENCESPregradoProfesional en Lenguas ModernasLenguas Moderna

    Exploring how absence of judicial freedom undermines press freedom in Ethiopia

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    This qualitative phenomenological study explores how private press journalists perceive, narrate and interpret their personal challenges and hardships they faced with the judicial system of Ethiopia. In addition, this study explored lived experiences of the journalists and their effort to fight to get a proper court trial in the country. To explore those challenges, and hardships the study considered a time framework embedded the late Prime Minister of Ethiopia Meles Zenawi's tenure. The study used a theory of Alfred Schutz's “Life World” as a lens to provide a “pure” description of the participants' lived experiences. The theory entails a thorough assessment of the participants' encounters and a focus on their lived experiences concerning lack of freedom of judicial system. The data was obtained through a semi-structured interview, which is widely regarded as the most effective method for gathering information for an Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis study. Interviews with the journalists were conducted and transcribed with the goal of allowing participants to tell their own stories. The interview transcripts were studied one by one, and each transcript was read and reread to uncover themes that were then organized and further investigated. This study discovered that private press journalists undergo a variety of problems, hardships, and sufferings as a result of lack of free judicial system in Ethiopia during Meles Zenawi's nearly quarter-century rule. Thus, we propose that if we want to see true freedom in every dimension, including press freedom, the legal system must be totally free from the grip of political power and cease functioning like a puppet and doing what it is instructed

    Factors Associated with Stunting among Pre-school Children in Southern Highlands of Tanzania

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    Stunting is a major public health problem in Africa and is associated with poor child survival and development. We investigate factors associated to child stunting in three Tanzanian regions. A cross-sectional two-stage cluster sampling survey was conducted among children aged 6-59 months. The sample included 1360 children aged 6-23 months and 1904 children aged 24-59 months. Descriptive statistics and binary and multivariate logistic regression analyses were used. Our main results are: in the younger group, stunting was associated with male sex (adjusted odds ratio [AOR]: 2.17; confidence interval [CI]: 1.52-3.09), maternal absence (AOR: 1.93; CI: 1.21-3.07) and household diet diversity (AOR: 0.61; CI: 0.41-0.92). Among older children, stunting was associated with male sex (AOR: 1.28; CI: 1.00-1.64), age of 4 and 5 (AOR: 0.71; CI: 0.54-0.95; AOR: 0.60; CI: 0.44-0.83), access to improved water source (AOR: 0.70; CI: 0.52-0.93) and to a functioning water station (AOR: 0.63; CI: 0.40–0.98) and mother breastfeeding (AOR: 1.97; CI: 1.18-3.29). Interventions that increase household wealth and improve water and sanitation conditions should be implemented to reduce stunting. Family planning activities and programmes supporting mothers during pregnancy and lactation can positively affect both newborns and older siblings
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