215 research outputs found
The Low Cost Carrier Revolution Continues: Evidence From The US Airline Industry
Over the past twenty years the US airline industry has been marked by the intense competition between the Low-Cost Carriers (LCCs) and the Full-Service Carrier (FSCs). The fundamental differences between the two business models are reflected in considerable cost advantages of the LCCs. In this paper, I use a set of model specific metrics to investigate whether the competitive process has led to convergence in some of the key features of the competing models. I conclude that despite some evidence of convergence along certain dimensions, the LCCs are not ready to abandon the core LCC model
From competition to cross border cooperation
The research goal is to present the importance of cross-border cooperation in 21st century Europe. Highlighting the fact that cross-border cooperation has become one of the objectives of EU cohesion policy in the periode between 2007-2013. To see the benefits of cross border cooperation we introduced in this paper a case study. I present Romania – Bulgaria Cross Border Cooperation Programme: purpose, objectives and expected results and I try to emphasize that the cooperation cross border objectiv has a very important role in administrative convergence and legislation approximation in EU. Research methods used were comparative analysis, historical and analytical method for collecting data needed for research from documents prepared by the European Commission (reports, guides, reviews)
This article analyses the flora from The Natural Park Vânatori – Neamt, in the aspect of the participation of different life - form categoriers, floristic elements and ecological indices
Modular Hybrid Energy Concept Employing a Novel Control Structure Based on a Simple Analog System
This paper proposes a novel control topology which enables the setup of a low cost analog system leading to the implementation of a modular energy conversion system. The modular concept is based on hybrid renewable energy (solar and wind) and uses high voltage inverters already available on the market. An important feature of the proposed topology is a permanently active current loop, which assures short circuit protection and simplifies the control loops compensation. The innovative analogue solution of the control structure is based on a dedicated integrated circuit (IC) for power factor correction (PFC) circuits, used in a new configuration, to assure an efficient inverter start-up. The energy conversion system (control structure and maximum power point tracking algorithm) is simulated using a new macromodel-based concept, which reduces the usual computational burden of the simulator and achieves high processing speed. The proposed novel system is presented in this article from concept, through the design and implementation stages, is verified through simulation and is validated by experimental results
Flexible Control in Nanometrology
The unceasing development of new small products has increased constantly by introducing multiple facilities in line production, reduced life cycles of new innovative products, and high-precision techniques that require automation and robotization of the nanotechnology production processes. Classic size products are made in normal series and deal little change over the years, while in the field of nanotechnology, product life cycles were shortened significantly, and series production must adapt to the market challenges. Considering the fast changes and multiple innovations in production, we propose equipment that offers a high degree of flexibility and performance for quality products. To compensate efficiently, the fluctuations may appear in production series; a flexible control system is designed to adjust production for large number of items or for various models of processing. The control equipment dedicated to nanotechnologies developed by INCDMTM Bucharest offers solutions for automation processes adapted to various operations and for quick response occurring in nano-production. A modular special design offers flexibility during the process, handling and interoperable ones, along with the possibility of changes facilitated by software that controls the entire verification process and parameter selection for each checked item’s admissibility
As a result of the researches carried out between 2005-2007 in The Natural Park Vanatori Neamt, we identified two association: Cytiso – Quercetum petraeae Paucă 1941 quercetosum dalechampii Chifu et al. 1995 and Corylo avellanae – Carpinetum quercetosum pedunculiflorae Chifu et Sârbu 2001. This article describes these associations by taking into consideration main aspects of chorology, ecology, physiognomy and floristic composition, biological forms, floristic elements, ecological indexes
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