31 research outputs found

    Strangeness nuclear physics: a critical review on selected topics

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    Selected topics in strangeness nuclear physics are critically reviewed. This includes production, structure and weak decay of Λ\Lambda--Hypernuclei, the Kˉ\bar K nuclear interaction and the possible existence of Kˉ\bar K bound states in nuclei. Perspectives for future studies on these issues are also outlined.Comment: 63 pages, 51 figures, accepted for publication on European Physical Journal

    A focus on selected perspectives of the NUMEN project

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    The use of double charge exchange reactions is discussed in view of their application to extract information that may be helpful to determinate the nuclear matrix elements entering in the expression of neutrinoless double beta decay half-life. The strategy adopted in the experimental campaigns performed at INFN - Laboratori Nazionali del Sud and in the analysis methods within the NUMEN project is briefly described, emphasizing the advantages of the multi-channel approach to nuclear reaction data analysis. An overview on the research and development activities on the MAGNEX magnetic spectrometer is also given, with a focus on the chosen technological solutions for the focal plane detector which will guarantee the performances at high-rate conditions

    Influence of long-range effects on low-energy cross sections of He and HeX: The lithium problem

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    In this paper, we study the connection between the interaction and the low energy observables, in particular the cross section for He and HeX, the helium nucleus with a heavier particle attached, to explain problems with the observed lithium abundance in the big-bang nucleosynthesis. We treat the processes He-4 + H-2 -> Li-6 + gamma and (HeX-)-He-4 + H-2 -> Li-6 + X- and primarily focus on the effects of the long-range part of the total potential on the cross section. Our results indicate that relatively small changes in the long-range part of the potential can have a profound affect. Additionally, we compare the relative impacts on the low energy cross section of the Coulomb barrier peak and the long-range part of the interaction. Our results confirm that the long-range potential dominantly influences the low energy observables.In this paper, we study the connection between the interaction and the low energy observables, in particularthe cross section for He and HeX, the helium nucleus with a heavier particle attached, to explain problems withthe observed lithium abundance in the big-bang nucleosynthesis. We treat the processes 4He + 2H &rarr; 6Li + &gamma;and 4HeX&minus; + 2H &rarr; 6Li + X&minus; and primarily focus on the effects of the long-range part of the total potential onthe cross section. Our results indicate that relatively small changes in the long-range part of the potential canhave a profound affect. Additionally, we compare the relative impacts on the low energy cross section of theCoulomb barrier peak and the long-range part of the interaction. Our results confirm that the long-range potentialdominantly influences the low energy observables.</div

    Photonuclear reactions induced by a clinical linac

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    1st NUBA International Conference on Nuclear Physics and Astrophysics -- SEP 14-21, 2014 -- Akdeniz Univ, Antalya, TURKEYWOS: 000354773900024The use of a clinical linac in photonuclear experiments is a novel concept. At Akdeniz University a program has been started focused on inducing photonuclear reactions with a Philips SLI-25 clinical linac. A bremsstrahlung photon beam produced by the linac is used to create radioactive nuclei. The decay of said nuclei is observed with a high-purity germanium detector. During the course of the experiment the spectrum of the irradiated sample is recorded. By analyzing the spectrum the energies of gamma-ray transitions in the daughter nuclei as well as the half-life of the parent nucleus are obtained. The results obtained thus far, starting with Zinc nuclei will be presented

    Photonuclear reactions with zinc: A case for clinical linacs

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    WOS: 000365732300003The use of bremsstrahlung photons produced by a linac to induce photonuclear reactions is wide spread. However, using a clinical linac to produce the photons is a new concept. We aimed to induce photonuclear reactions on zinc isotopes and measure the subsequent transition energies and half-lives. For this purpose, a bremsstrahlung photon beam of 18 MeV endpoint energy produced by the Philips SLI-25 linac has been used. The subsequent decay has been measured with a well-shielded single HPGe detector. The results obtained for transition energies are in good agreement with the literature data and in many cases surpass these in accuracy. For the half-lives, we are in agreement with the literature data, but do not achieve their precision. The obtained accuracy for the transition energies show what is achievable in an experiment such as ours. We demonstrate the usefulness and benefits of employing clinical linacs for nuclear physics experiments.Akdeniz University Hospital; TUBITAK-MFAG [114F220]; 2216-Foreigner Research programWe would like to thank the Akdeniz University Hospital for their generous support. The project has also received administrative support from the office of the Akdeniz University Rectorate. In addition, the project and its various contributors have been supported in part by TUBITAK-MFAG 114F220 and the 2216-Foreigner Research program. The authors would also like to thank Dr. Deniz Savran for very enlightening discussions regarding our data analysis in respect to half-life determination