1,588 research outputs found

    Quantum Hall Effect on the Flag Manifold F_2

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    The Landau problem on the flag manifold F2=SU(3)/U(1)×U(1){\bf F}_2 = SU(3)/U(1)\times U(1) is analyzed from an algebraic point of view. The involved magnetic background is induced by two U(1) abelian connections. In quantizing the theory, we show that the wavefunctions, of a non-relativistic particle living on F2{\bf F}_2, are the SU(3) Wigner D{\cal D}-functions satisfying two constraints. Using the F2{\bf F}_2 algebraic and geometrical structures, we derive the Landau Hamiltonian as well as its energy levels. The Lowest Landau level (LLL) wavefunctions coincide with the coherent states for the mixed SU(3) representations. We discuss the quantum Hall effect for a filling factor ν=1\nu =1. where the obtained particle density is constant and finite for a strong magnetic field. In this limit, we also show that the system behaves like an incompressible fluid. We study the semi-classical properties of the system confined in LLL. These will be used to discuss the edge excitations and construct the corresponding Wess-Zumino-Witten action.Comment: 23 pages, two sections and references added, misprints corrected, version to appear in IJMP

    Coherent and generalized intelligent states for infinite square well potential and nonlinear oscillators

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    This article is an illustration of the construction of coherent and generalized intelligent states which has been recently proposed by us for an arbitrary quantum system [1][ 1] . We treat the quantum system submitted to the infinite square well potential and the nonlinear oscillators. By means of the analytical representation of the coherent states \`{a} la Gazeau-Klauder and those \`{a} la Klauder-Perelomov, we derive the generalized intelligent states in analytical ways

    Effective interactions between star polymers

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    We study numerically the effective pair potential between star polymers with equal arm lengths and equal number ff of arms. The simulations were done for the soft core Domb-Joyce model on the simple cubic lattice, to minimize corrections to scaling and to allow for an unlimited number of arms. For the sampling, we used the pruned-enriched Rosenbluth method (PERM). We find that the potential is much less soft than claimed in previous papers, in particular for f≫1f\gg 1. While we verify the logarithmic divergence of V(r)V(r), with rr being the distance between the two cores, predicted by Witten and Pincus, we find for f>20f>20 that the Mayer function is hardly distinguishable from that for a Gaussian potential.Comment: 5 pages, 5 figure

    Scaling theory of DNA confined in nanochannels and nanoslits

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    A scaling analysis is presented of the statistics of long DNA confined in nanochannels and nanoslits. It is argued that there are several regimes in between the de Gennes and Odijk limits introduced long ago. The DNA chain folds back on itself giving rise to a global persistence length which may be very large owing to entropic deflection. Moreover, there is an orientational excluded-volume effect between the DNA segments imposed solely by the nanoconfinement. These two effects cause the chain statistics to be intricate leading to nontrivial power laws for the chain extension in the intermediate regimes. It is stressed that DNA confinement within nanochannels differs from that in nanoslits because the respective orientational excluded-volume effects are not the same.Comment: 5 pages, 1 figure Several corrections, some minor changes in the text and replacement of one referenc

    Structure of bottle-brush brushes under good solvent conditions. A molecular dynamics study

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    We report a simulation study for bottle-brush polymers grafted on a rigid backbone. Using a standard coarse-grained bead-spring model extensive molecular dynamics simulations for such macromolecules under good solvent conditions are performed. We consider a broad range of parameters and present numerical results for the monomer density profile, density of the untethered ends of the grafted flexible backbones and the correlation function describing the range that neighboring grafted bottle-brushes are affected by the presence of the others due to the excluded volume interactions. The end beads of the flexible backbones of the grafted bottle-brushes do not access the region close to the rigid backbone due to the presence of the side chains of the grafted bottle-brush polymers, which stretch further the chains in the radial directions. Although a number of different correlation lengths exist as a result of the complex structure of these macromolecules, their properties can be tuned with high accuracy in good solvents. Moreover, qualitative differences with "typical" bottle-brushes are discussed. Our results provide a first approach to characterizing such complex macromolecules with a standard bead spring model.Comment: To appear in Journal of Physics Condensed Matter (2011

    Phase operators, temporally stable phase states, mutually unbiased bases and exactly solvable quantum systems

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    We introduce a one-parameter generalized oscillator algebra A(k) (that covers the case of the harmonic oscillator algebra) and discuss its finite- and infinite-dimensional representations according to the sign of the parameter k. We define an (Hamiltonian) operator associated with A(k) and examine the degeneracies of its spectrum. For the finite (when k < 0) and the infinite (when k > 0 or = 0) representations of A(k), we construct the associated phase operators and build temporally stable phase states as eigenstates of the phase operators. To overcome the difficulties related to the phase operator in the infinite-dimensional case and to avoid the degeneracy problem for the finite-dimensional case, we introduce a truncation procedure which generalizes the one used by Pegg and Barnett for the harmonic oscillator. This yields a truncated generalized oscillator algebra A(k,s), where s denotes the truncation order. We construct two types of temporally stable states for A(k,s) (as eigenstates of a phase operator and as eigenstates of a polynomial in the generators of A(k,s)). Two applications are considered in this article. The first concerns physical realizations of A(k) and A(k,s) in the context of one-dimensional quantum systems with finite (Morse system) or infinite (Poeschl-Teller system) discrete spectra. The second deals with mutually unbiased bases used in quantum information.Comment: Accepted for publication in Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical as a pape

    Incommensurate magnetic ordering in Cu2Te2O5X2Cu_2 Te_2 O_5 X_2 (X=Cl,Br) studied by neutron diffraction

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    We present the results of the first neutron powder and single crystal diffraction studies of the coupled spin tetrahedra systems {\CuTeX} (X=Cl, Br). Incommensurate antiferromagnetic order with the propagation vectors {\bf{k}_{Cl}}\approx[0.150,0.422,\half], {\bf{k}_{Br}}\approx[0.158,0.354,\half] sets in below TNT_{N}=18 K for X=Cl and 11 K for X=Br. No simple collinear antiferromagnetic or ferromagnetic arrangements of moments within Cu2+{}^{2+} tetrahedra fit these observations. Fitting the diffraction data to more complex but physically reasonable models with multiple helices leads to a moment of 0.67(1)ÎĽB\mu_B/Cu2+{}^{2+} at 1.5 K for the Cl-compound. The reason for such a complex ground state may be geometrical frustration of the spins due to the intra- and inter-tetrahedral couplings having similar strengths. The magnetic moment in the Br- compound, calculated assuming it has the same magnetic structure as the Cl compound, is only 0.51(5)ÎĽB\mu_B/Cu2+{}^{2+} at 1.5 K. In neither compound has any evidence for a structural transition accompanying the magnetic ordering been found

    Aggregation number distributions and mesoglobules in dilute solutions of diblock and triblock copolymers

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    We investigate the aggregation number and size distributions for inter-molecular clusters of amphiphilic diblock and triblock copolymers in poor solvent at very low concentrations. Diblocks and triblocks with hydrophilic ends are shown to possess narrow distributions corresponding to formation of monodispersed mesoglobules. Diblocks with hydrophobic ends are found to produce inter-cluster multimers due to bridging by the hydrophilic middle blocks, resulting in polydisperse distributions. Implications of these observations for preparation of monodispersed nanoparticles and, potentially, understanding of the quaternary structure of proteins are discussed.Comment: 4 pages, 4 PS figures. Accepted for publication in EP

    Symplectic Fluctuations for Electromagnetic Excitations of Hall Droplets

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    We show that the integer quantum Hall effect systems in plane, sphere or disc, can be formulated in terms of an algebraic unified scheme. This can be achieved by making use of a generalized Weyl--Heisenberg algebra and investigating its basic features. We study the electromagnetic excitation and derive the Hamiltonian for droplets of fermions on a two-dimensional Bargmann space (phase space). This excitation is introduced through a deformation (perturbation) of the symplectic structure of the phase space. We show the major role of Moser's lemma in dressing procedure, which allows us to eliminate the fluctuations of the symplectic structure. We discuss the emergence of the Seiberg--Witten map and generation of an abelian noncommutative gauge field in the theory. As illustration of our model, we give the action describing the electromagnetic excitation of a quantum Hall droplet in two-dimensional manifold.Comment: 23 page
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