412 research outputs found

    Hedging practices among International New Ventures in Vietnam

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    The International New Ventures have recently received much concern from researchers and play an important role in developing the economy of Vietnam. However, little study in Vietnam has taken deep place about knowledge on their financial issues. Recently, the fluctuation of some main currencies has been the constraints for International New Ventures in their seed stage. Some investigated reasons are the spot rate when selling or paying with foreign currency and the value of fixed assets at purchasing and payment times. Due to this, many firms are experiencing the difficulties. This research, thus, investigated the foreign exchange risk management and hedging practices among International New Ventures in Vietnam. The research found that there are some factors which affect the behavior of these firms: Knowledge and vision of the new entrepreneur, culture and legalities on currency trading, nature of business and constraints of banking services. This research was conducted by analyzing two sources: those theoretical and empirical. The theoretical part gave the general ideas on the definition of International New Ventures, what the driving factors are and what would be the main difficulties of this business model. In addition, Vietnam perspectives are analyzed and foreign exchange risk management frequent techniques were described. The research method used in this study was qualitative research with five companies and four bank officers. The results of research combines theoretical part and empirical study to help readers understand how International New Ventures deal with Foreign exchange risk in VietnamUudet kansainväliset liiketoimet ovat viimeaikoina olleet useiden tutkijoiden huolen kohteena, ja ne ovat tärkeässä roolissa Vietnamin kansantalouden kehittämisessä. Tästä huolimatta Vietnamissa vain vähän tutkimusta on kohdistettu näiden taloudellisiin ongelmiin. Hiljattain kurssivaihtelut ovat olleet uusien kansainvälisten liiketoimien rasitteena niiden alkuvaiheissa. Yksi havaituista ongelmista liittyy käyttöomaisuuden spot-hinnan (tai spot-kurssin) määrittämiseen ulkomaisella valuutalla ostettaessa tai myytäessä. Tämä johtaa monilla yrityksillä ongelmiin. Tästä syystä tämä tutkimus keskittyy Foreign exchange riskien hallitsemiseen ja sijoitusten suojaamiseen Vietnamin uusissa kansainvälisissä liiketoimissa. Tutkimuksessa havaittiin, että seuraavat tekijät vaikuttivat yritysten käyttäytymiseen: Yrittäjän tieto ja visio, valuutanvaihtoon liittyvät laillisuus- ja kulttuuritekijät, liiketoiminnan luonne, sekä pankkitoiminnan rajoitteet. Tämä tutkimus on toteutettu analysoimalla sekä teoriaa, että empiriaa. Teoriaosuus avaa uusien kansainvälisten liiketoimien perusideaa ja määritelmiä, kuten mitkä ovat tämän liiketoimintamallin tärkeimmät tekijät ja suurimmat haasteet. Lisäksi Vietnamilaisten näkökulmia analysoidaan ja Foreign exchange riskin yleisiä hallintatekniikoita esitellään. Tutkimusmetodina on tässä tapauksessa kvalitatiivinen tutkimus, jossa tutkitaan viittä yritystä ja neljää pankkivirkailijaa. Tutkimuksen tulokset yhdistelevät teoreettista ja empiiristä puolta, jotta lukija saisi mahdollisimman hyvän kuvan siitä, kuinka Vietnamin uusissa kansainvälisissä liiketoimissa otetaan huomioon Foreign exchange riski

    Capital Flows and Economic Growth in a Small Open Economy

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    The purpose of this paper is to study the impact of capital flows on economic growth in a small open country. An extended Solow growth model which includes human capital is employed. It is shown that we can obtain results which are significantly different from the results suggested by the open economy standard Solow model.capital, economic growth, international economy

    Some solutions to respond climate change for the Mekong Delta, Viet Nam

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    In the recent decades, the Mekong River Delta has suffered quite significant impacts of climate change. Fluctuations of weather elements and sea level rises have caused adverse changes, namely: the appearance of unusual high and low levels of annual floods, more and more intense storms, more severe droughts, forest fires, river erosion, cyclones, and tidal surges appear increasingly more dangerous. Traditional adaptation measures to the environmental conditions may be unsuitable in the context of climate change in the Mekong River Delta. This paper summarizes some of the new adaptation measures that scientists and policy planners have proposed for the area to cope with the negative impacts of climate change

    Investigating learners’ English reading and writing skill enhancement using a framework of strengthening Ideal L2 Self for Vietnamese English-majored undergraduates

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    This study investigates the degree to which the first-year English-majored students’ reading and writing skills were enhanced and how they perceived their skill enhancement after the treatment of the Visionary Motivational Process (VMP) was integrated into the existing course of reading and writing at a university in Vietnam. Employing the theory of L2 Motivational Self System (L2 MSS) (Dörnyei, 2009) accompanied with the workable visionary enhancement activities (Hadfield and Dörnyei, 2013) in building up and developing students’ Ideal L2 self, this paper’s primary purposes comprise enhancing students’ language skills as regards reading and writing skills and exploring their perceptions towards the skill development through the intervention of the VMP. With the mixed methods used, the quantitative data (pre/post-test), and the qualitative data (learner diary) both revealed students’ reading and writing skills were significantly enhanced after the VMP, and notably, students’ perceptions towards the skill enhancement were recorded positively and mainly focused on ‘learning satisfaction’ in their learning and ‘motivational value’ of the VMP lesson plan

    The prospects of rainwater harvesting in the Ho CHi Minh City

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    Wisely using natural water resources to serve human needs plays a decisive role in ensuring water and food security. In the natural water cycle, rainwater is considered as a valuable renewable resource. Rainwater harvesting (RWH) for daily life and production is a simple but effective and also environmentally sound measure. It is also a positive solution in a climate change adaptation strategy. However, this resource is being wasted in our country in general and in the HCM City in particular. This paper provides an overview of the status of rainwater use in the world; the general situation, the potential of rainwater collection and a number of issues related to the potential of rainwater harvesting in the city. Some solutions to enhance the use of rainwater and improve water supply for city residents are also suggested in this discussion

    Situation and solutions to implement social security policies in Nga Son district, Thanh Hoa province, Vietnam

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    Analyze the current situation and propose solutions in the implementation of social security policies in Nga Son district, Thanh Hoa province, Vietnam. 155 family support representatives who are enjoying social security policies in 3 sample units: Nga Thuy, Nga Thang and Nga Son town, the sample is taken based on general consultation and guidance of functional departments related to social security policy implementation in Nga Son district , Thanh Hoa province. Statistics and description of the actual situation of implementing social welfare policy in Nga Son district, Thanh Hoa province in terms of: job creation policy, income; social insurance policies, preferential policies and social allowances, basic social service policies. From there, propose solutions to improve the efficiency of organization and implementation of social security policies in Nga Son district, Thanh Hoa province. Conclusion: The study has successfully analyzed the actual situation of implementing social security policies in Nga Son district, Thanh Hoa province in the period of 2020-2022, specifically in the following contents: Employment, income, employment policy, social insurance, social incentives and allowances, basic social services. The policy implementation process still has a number of limitations, such as: The planning policies to organize the implementation still do not have the participation of the people in the implementation process, mainly from the top down. , there has not been much participation of policy beneficiaries. From those limitations, study the orientation of implementing social security policies in Nga Son district and propose 4 groups of possible solutions


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    We examine the possibility of improving the nonlinear properties of photonic crystal fibers (PCFs) with As2Se3 substrates by creating a difference in the diameters of the air holes of the rings around the core. With the new design, all-normal dispersion properties, small effective mode area, high nonlinear coefficient, and low confinement loss were achieved in the long-wavelength range of 2.0–7.0 µm. The highest nonlinear coefficient is 4414.918 W-1.km-1 at 4.5 µm for the lattice constant (Ʌ) of 3.0 µm and the filling factor (d/Ʌ) of 0.85, while the lowest loss is 1.823´10-21 dB/cm with Ʌ = 3.5 µm and d/Ʌ = 0.8. Based on the numerical simulation results, the characteristics of two optimal structures have been analyzed in detail to guide the application in supercontinuum generation