14 research outputs found

    Harvesting Wind Energy from Aerodynamic Design for Building Integrated Wind Turbines

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    Alternative energy, nowadays, becomes more necessary than fossil fuels which might be destructing and polluting the earth’s environment. Wind can be one of the most cheap, secure, environment friendly and reliable energy supplies. Building Integrated Wind Turbine (BIWT) is becoming increasingly common as a green building icon and new method of assessing optimal building energy. However, to employ BIWT, it is important to design the building shape and swept area carefully to increase wind velocity. Some of numerous design forms of BIWT will be explained in this paper using CFD (Computational Fluid Dynamics) analysis to find the most effective BIWT design in urban area. This paper will focus on the maximum wind velocity which passes the swept area to get maximum wind power. The result shows that, building energy can be optimized through aerodynamic building design to get the maximum wind power for building energy consumption


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    Ambarawa adalah sebuah kota kecamatan yang terletak di Propinsi Jawa Tengah, tepatnya sekitar 35 km di sebelah selatan Semarang. Kecamatan Ambarawa merupakan bagian dari wilayah Kabupaten Semarang. Kecamatan ini memiliki luas area 5.611 hektare dengan penduduk 80.801 jiwa dan kepadatannya adalah 14 jiwa per ha. Dulu Ambarawa merupakan ibu kota dari Kabupaten Semarang, akan tetapi sekarang pindah ke Ungaran (Wikipedia Indonesia:2007). Kecamatan Ambarawa terletak pada jalur utama yang membelah Jawa Tengah, menguhubungkan kota-kota pantura khususnya Semarang, dengan kawasan pantai selatan bagian barat. Dari Yogyakarta sampai Cilacap. Kota-kota jalur tengah Jateng, mulai dari Parakan sampai Purwokerto. Hal ini menyebabkan Ambarawa menjadi kota yang ramai dan banyak orang transit untuk beristirahat disini (Sutomo,Sugiono:2000). Kota ini memiliki sebutan populer Kota Palagan. Sebutan ini berasal dari sebuah peristiwa sejarah, yaitu Pertempuran Palagan Ambarawa yang terjadi di kota ini pada tahun 1945. Kota yang penduduknya tidak banyak ini hanya memiliki 2 pasar tradisional. Untuk mempertahankan keunikan kota ini, maka sama sekali tidak dibangun pusat perbelanjaan besar seperti mall atau plaza. Alat transportasi yang paling banyak digunakan adalah andong/delman (kereta kuda). Becak tidak banyak ditemukan karena geografis kota ini yang berbukit–bukit. Kota yang terletak di tengah-tengah beberapa gunung ini memiliki hawa yang sejuk dan angin yang cukup kencang pada bulan-bulan tertentu. Mata pencaharian sebagian besar penduduknya adalah pegawai, pedagang, serta petani. Singkat kata, Ambarawa adalah sebuah kota tradisional yang kecil dengan sedikit penduduk. Kota ini sangat cocok untuk tempat tinggal karena hawanya yang sejuk dan situasinya yang teang (selalu aman dari kerusuhan). Namun tidak cukup potensial bagi mereka yang ingin mencari nafkah atau mengembangkan usaha (Kecamatan Ambarawa:2007). Kecamatan Ambarawa pada dasarnya memiliki banyak potensi wisata yang telah berkembang menjadi objek wisata kreatif. Objek pariwisata tersebut antara lain Gedong Songo, Goa Maria, Museum Kereta Api, Benteng Willem I, Palagan Ambarawa. Sedangkan untuk wisatawan dari objek wisata tersebt cukup banyak, kira-kira satu objek dikunjungi 150 or/hr. Pada umumnya wisatawan dari luar kota atau regional menginap di Semarang dan di Bandungan, karena di Ambarawa belum ada fasilitas akomodasi yang memadai. Kemudahan pencapaian dan kualitas aksesnilitas merupakan salah satu faktor utama untuk menarik kunjungan wisatawan untuk menikmati wisata alam maupun wisata budaya. Selain itu tidak cukup untuk wisatawan yang berkunjung ke objek pariwisata di Ambarawa apabila hanya 1 hari. Wisatawan tersebut membutuhkan suatu tempat menginap yang nyaman dan dapat menghilangkan kelelahan. Sampai saat ini wisatawan yang datang memilih untuk menginap di hotel yang terletak di Semarang atau di Bandungan, karena kota Ambarawa sendiri belum memiliki tempat peristirahatan yang bernuansa alam dan yang memiliki fasilitas lengkap. Maka dibutuhkan suatu tempat yang dapat digunakan sebagai akomodasi wisata berupa Resort. Paket pariwisata di kota Ambarawa adalah jenis kegiatan wisatawan “adventure”. Seperti contohnya Goa Maria, wisata yang didalamnya adalah dengan melalui Jalan Salib. Setelah melalui jalan tersebut orang akan merasa lelah, maka membutuhkan suatu tempat untuk menghilangkan lelah, yaitu dengan spa. Sama juga halnya di Museum Kereta Api. Kegiatan utama wisatawan adalah naik lori (kereta) dari stasiun menuju tuntang. Setelah melalui jalur yang begitu jauh, maka tubuh perlu disegarkan kembali. Begitu pula objek wisata Gedong Songo, wisatawan juga harus berjalan jauh naik dan turun perbukitan yang melelahkan. Dari uraian tersebut diatas, di Kecamatan Ambarawa, dibutuhkan tempat menginap untuk beristirahat, transit dan rekreasi yang sesuai dengan kebutuhan wisatawan yang mengunjungi objek pariwisata Ambarawa. Oleh karena itu, untuk mengatasi permasalahan tersebut diperlukan perencanaan dan perancangan tentang Resort dan Spa yang berfungsi sebagai fasilitas pendukung paket wisata Ambarawa. 1.2 TUJUAN DAN SASARAN a. Tujuan Tersusunnya Landasan Program Perencanaan dan Perancangan Arsitektur, sebagai acuan desain grafis di studio sebagai prasyarat akhit Tugas Akhir. b. Sasaran Tersusunnya program ruang dan konsep dasar perancangan. 1.3 MANFAAT 1. Secara Subyektif Untuk memenuhi salah satu persyaratan mengikuti Tugas Akhir di Jurusan Arsitektur FT UNDIP. 2. Secara Obyektif Dapat bermanfaat sebagai tambahan pengetahuan dan wawasan bagi mahasiswa yang akan mengajukan Proposal Tugas Akhir. 1.4 RUANG LINGKUP 1.4.1 Ruang Lingkup Substansial Perencanaan dan perancangan Resort dan Spa yang berfungsi sebagai fasilitas pengikat paket wisata adventure di Ambarawa, termasuk dalam kategori bangunan jamak/lansekap dan perancangan tapak. 1.4.2 Ruang Lingkup Spasial Batas – batas Kecamatan Ambarawa merupakan bagian dari Kabupaten Semarang. Batas-batas wilayah administrasi Kecamatan Ambarawa adalah sebagai berikut : ­ Sebelah Utara :Kabupaten Kendal dan Kecamatan Bergas ­ Sebelah Timur :Kecamatan Bawen ­ Sebelah Selatan :Rawa Pening dan Kecamatan Banyubiru ­ Sebelah Barat :Kecamatan Bergas dan Kecamatan Sumowono Topografi Kecamatan Ambarawa memiliki topografi berupa perbukitan bergelombang. Sedangkan topografi bagian selatan Kota Amabarawa mempunyai kemiringan yang relatif landai sehingga merupakan potensi yang cukup baik bagi perkembangan kota, adapun pemanfaatannya untuk lahan pertanian dengan jenis lahan basah dan sebagai kawasan dengan lahan budidaya yang mendukung aktivitas perkotaan seperti perumahan, perkantoran, pendidikan, perdagangan dan jasa, maupun industri (BAPPEDA Kabupaten Semarang:2006). Hidrologi Kota Ambarawa memiliki potensi hidrologi yang cukup baik karena baik air permukaan dan air tanah mempunyai sumber yang berlimpah. Air permukaan berupa aliran air sungai besar dan kecil, keberadannya yang cukup mendukung bahkan oleh penduduk dimanfaatkan untuk jaringan irigasi. 1.5 SISTEMATIKA PEMBAHASAN Pokok bahasan dalam masalah ini terdiri dari lima bab, dimana dalam tiap-tiap bab dijabarkan sebagai berikut : BAB I PENDAHULUAN Menguraikan tentang latar belakang, tujuan, sasaran, manfaat, lingkup pembahasan dan sistematika pembahasan serta alur pikir pembahasan LP3A ini. BAB II STUDI PUSTAKA TENTANG RESORT DAN SPA Menguraikan tentang tinjauan umum Resort dan Spa dan tinjauan pariwisata dan paket wisata di Ambarawa. Selain menguraikan tentang teori-teori Hotel, Resort dan Spa. BAB III RESORT DAN SPA DI AMBARAWA Berisi tentang tinjaun kota Ambarawa dan wisata yang kemudian dilanjutkan dengan tinjauan beberapa paket wisata disana. Dalam bab ini juga diuraikan potensi wisata, resort dan spa di kota Ambarawa. BAB IV PENDEKATAN PROGRAM PERENCANAAN DAN PERANCANGAN Berisi tentang kompilasi data dan analisis data yang merupakan suatu proses untuk memperoleh : • Program ruang dan kebutuhan luas tapak melalui standart dan studi banding, prediksi • Lokasi dan tapak terpilih melalui kriteria lokasi, penilaian lokasi, kriteria tapak dan penilaian tapak. • Preseden bangunan Neo-Vernakular BAB V KONSEP DASAR PROGRAM PERANCANGAN RESORT DAN SPA DI AMBARAWA Berisi tentang hasil analisis berupa : • Kelayakan resort dan spa di Ambarawa. • Program ruang dan kebutuhan luas tapak. • Lokasi dan tapak terpilih

    A Review of How Building Mitigates the Urban Heat Island in Indonesia and Tropical Cities

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    A consequence of urbanization was the intensification of urban heat islands, especially in tropical cities. There have been rapid developments in infrastructure that have displaced open spaces. Meanwhile, Indonesia has a tropical climate directly affected by climate change. A high priority has been placed on adaptation measures to address issues such as sea-level rise, increased extreme weather, and threats to ecosystems and biodiversity. There is still a lack of specific knowledge regarding tropical climate in urban areas. In this paper, the author examines how building and urban planning affect urban heat islands in the tropics. According to the review, early planning and building based on local weather data can reduce the energy consumption and minimize the UHI effect. Furthermore, a media campaign and early education should increase awareness about adaptation measures between governments and citizens. Based on the findings from this study, some recommendations are offered for future urban planning, especially for tropical climates, to reduce UHI effects

    Performance Comparison of Different Building Shapes Using a Wind Tunnel and a Computational Model

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    A building-integrated wind turbine (BIWT) is an alternative way to assess renewable energy. BIWTs produces their own energy without relying on fossil fuels. However, only a few researchers have studied BIWTs. Greater wind velocity (V) results in greater potential energy (P). The aerodynamic design has an important role to play in increasing wind velocity and reducing turbulence intensity. CFD simulations taken from previous research have revealed that round-shaped buildings increase velocity up to 30%. This study focuses on the wind response of square and top-rounded-shaped building models, and their optimization based on variations in wind velocity. Wind tunnel studies were conducted to study wind flow around the building, followed by a computer simulation to verify the results. In a wind tunnel, three BIWT models (1:150 in scale) located in Seoul, South Korea (terrain B), were evaluated. The results of the study show that the streamline should be followed when installing wind turbines on rectangular rooves with flat surfaces. This method allows wind speed to be elevated significantly, when compared to a turbine at a higher height. In addition, round corners can produce wind velocity that is up to 34% greater than sharp corners beside a building. In summary, this paper presents a five-step analysis framework that can be used by researchers who wish to analyze BIWTs through wind tunnel experiments and CFD

    Do Energy Conservation Strategies Limit the Freedom of Architecture Design? A Case Study of Minsheng Community, Taipei, Taiwan

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    The residential sector is one of the largest energy-consuming sectors in Taiwan. Taiwan applies building codes and appliance standards to reduce the total energy demand for buildings, especially for façade design. Some research studies demonstrate that design decisions regarding the envelope shape have a direct effect on a building’s energy performance. This paper presents a comparative study of four façade design strategies for low-rise residential buildings by combining energy performance and architectural creativity. The research aims to provide insights for Taiwan’s building designers and energy policymakers and to provide an overview of façade standards for residential buildings in urban areas that is not only innovative in design but also has an energy-saving potential. The approach used in this research combined the overhang and side fin shading design with an open plan, which allows for optimum daylight exposure across all spaces in order to reduce energy consumption

    Energy Saving Potential from Shading Design for Residential House in Rural Area

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    There are some architectural factors in the energy saving design of residential houses in Taiwan. In addition, in rural area, window glazing is a key factor to reducing electricity. For these purposes, a simulation model of exterior shading has been done in this study. Various types of shading devices have been analysed and compared in terms of energy savings. Simulation analysis by DesignBuilder reveals that shading devices has substantial impact to minimizing energy consumption. The results derived in this paper could provide useful suggestions for the shading design of residential buildings at rural area in Taiwan

    CFD and Wind Tunnel Analysis for Mounted-Wind Turbine in a Tall Building for Power Generation

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    A mounted wind turbine on the top of a tall building may provide high wind power in regions of high wind speed and low turbulence. The objective of this study is to evaluate wind speed on roof top models to optimize the wind turbine performance for power generation. Comparative analyses from three different roof top models were conducted. Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) simulation and wind tunnel testing were performed to evaluate the performance of wind turbine. Wind speed on the building model with a geometric scale of 1:150 was measured in CFD simulation then it was validated in wind tunnel test. Results presented in this paper suggest that an increase of wind speed could be achieved with ÂĽ circular shapes around the rooftop which can provide additional wind speed of 55.24%, respectively

    Energy Saving Potential from Shading Design for Residential House in Rural Area

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    There are some architectural factors in the energy saving design of residential houses in Taiwan. In addition, in rural area, window glazing is a key factor to reducing electricity. For these purposes, a simulation model of exterior shading has been done in this study. Various types of shading devices have been analysed and compared in terms of energy savings. Simulation analysis by DesignBuilder reveals that shading devices has substantial impact to minimizing energy consumption. The results derived in this paper could provide useful suggestions for the shading design of residential buildings at rural area in Taiwan

    The Design of Earthquake Evacuation Spaces Based on Local Wisdom: A Case Study of Traditional Houses in South Sulawesi

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    Indonesia is situated on the Ring of Fire, which causes a lot of earthquakes. On the 28 September 2018, there was an earthquake in Palu, Sulawesi Island, Indonesia, which was one of the strongest shakings since 1980. Surprisingly, most traditional houses in Sulawesi survived. There has been some research on adapting traditional house structures to modern residential buildings. The limited availability of wood and complicated construction make adapting wood structures to current conditions challenging. The purpose of this study is to analyze space organization in ten traditional South Sulawesi house designs. A possible evacuation route can be found through the analysis as the first space for expeditiously escaping from an earthquake. In addition, modernizing the layout of a traditional South Sulawesi house and introducing it to local people was easy since they were familiar with the design. A deep analysis of spatial organization and its interrelations can help develop realistic designs, plans, and knowledge, thus improving the quality of residential projects. A descriptive qualitative method was used as a research method. Data were collected from field observations, brief interviews, and literature reviews. In order to analyz thee data, ORA-LITE was used to redraw the data and create the charts. It was found that different cultures have different evacuation spaces, in this case the Bugis tribe and the Toraja tribe. A corridor and kitchen were the most strategically located areas that could possibly be used for evacuation. Considering the differences in culture among tribes, designing evacuation spaces based on local culture was important. A recommendation based on this finding can also be made to the government of South Sulawesi in the design of residential houses

    Visual Comfort in Modern University Classrooms

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    Universities are at the front line of promoting sustainability. The wellbeing of its students plays a key role in advancing such agendas. In the past decade, many university classrooms have been equipped with a projector; however, the lighting design of the classroom remains unchanged. This paper presents a visual comfort study of modern university classrooms by considering three working surfaces: the student’s desk, whiteboard, and projector screen. The study cross-examines the quality of the classroom lighting by high dynamic range image (HDRi) photography and the students’ well-being from user satisfaction surveys. Comparisons are organized based on the seating area of the student, the type of learning (text-based or image-based) in the classroom, and the lighting scene with and without a projector in use. The spot illuminance, luminance, HDRi spatial luminance distribution and the Unified Glare Rating (UGR) are the parameters used to describe lighting quality. This paper found that more than 70% of the respondents experienced some adverse physical symptoms, and nearly 50% felt that the lighting condition was not ideal for task performance. UGR indicated the presence of minor glare problems in whiteboard-based teaching scenarios, and daylight was too strong to be utilized. The results suggest that the lighting design needs to involve a luminance distribution minded approach for the students’ wellbeing in classroom learning