12 research outputs found

    Usefulness of an anesthetic mixture of medetomidine, midazolam, and butorphanol in cotton rats (Sigmodon hispidus)

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    The cotton rat (Sigmodon hispidus) is a laboratory rodent used for studying human infectious diseases. However, a lack of suitable anesthetic agents inconveniences the use of cotton rats in surgical manipulation. This study demonstrated that subcutaneous injection of the mixture of medetomidine, midazolam, and butorphanol (0.15, 2.0, and 2.5 mg/kg, respectively), which is a suitable anesthetic agents for mice and rats, produced an anesthetic duration of more than 50 min in cotton rats. We also demonstrated that 0.15 mg/kg of atipamezole, an antagonist of medetomidine, produced a quick recovery from anesthesia in cotton rats. This indicated that the anesthetic mixture of medetomidine, midazolam, and butorphanol, functioned as a useful and effective anesthetic for short-term surgery in cotton rats

    Dual-Component Sensor Design for In Situ Ablation Measurement

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    Histopathological features of the proper gastric glands in FVB/N-background mice carrying constitutively-active aryl-hydrocarbon receptor

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    BackgroundAryl-hydrocarbon receptor (AhR) is a multiple ligand-activated transcription factor that has important roles in xenobiotic, physiological, or pathological functions. Transgenic mice systemically expressing constitutively-active AhR (CA-AhR) have been created to mimic activated AhR signaling in vivo. However, their detailed histopathological features are unclear. In the present study, we generated CA-AhR-expressing FVB/N mice (FVB-CA-AhR mice) and clarified their phenotypes in detail.MethodsMale and female FVB-CA-AhR and wild-type mice were histopathologically examined from 6 to 33weeks of age.ResultsAmong the systemic organs, only the stomachs in FVB-CA-AhR mice showed pathological changes including cystic structures beneath the serosa; in addition, stomach weights increased with age. Histopathologically, cystic structures and alcian blue-positive metaplasia were observed in the mucosa of the proper gastric glands, and these two histometric parameters were positively correlated. Furthermore, proliferating cells shifted from the isthmus to the base of the glands, and parietal cells decreased. Age-related histopathological changes were clearer in females than in males. Importantly, in FVB-CA-AhR mice, intramucosal cysts developed as extramucosal cysts beneath the serosa, penetrating the lamina muscularis mucosae and the muscularis propria. Their incidence reached 100% in 28-week-old male mice and 33-week-old female mice. Extramucosal cysts contained alcian blue-, Griffonia simplicifolia lectin II-, or trefoil factor 2-positive cells, suggesting a stomach origin for the cysts and spasmolytic polypeptide-expressing metaplasia-like lesions.ConclusionsDisease onset occurred earlier in FVB-CA-AhR mice than previously reported in C57BL/6-derived CA-AhR mice. Importantly, the histopathological features were partly similar with gastritis cystica profunda in humans and animals. Excessive activation of AhR signaling aggravated abnormalities in the gastric mucosa and were affected by both genetic- and sex-related factors