7 research outputs found

    Analisa Perbandingan Performa Intrusion Detection System Snort, Low Interaction Honeypot dan High Interaction Honeypot

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    Salah satu pemanfaatan keamanan jaringan berbiaya rendah, dengan menggunakan sistem berbasis open source seperti Intrusion Detection System snort dan honeypot. Intrusion Detection System (IDS) snort merupakan sebuah aplikasi berbasis open source yang dapat mendeteksi aktivitas yang mencurigakan dalam sebuah sistem atau jaringan. IDS snort dapat melakukan inspeksi atau deteksi terhadap lalu lintas inbound dan outbound dalam sebuah sistem atau jaringan komputer, dan melakukan analisa. Selain itu pemanfaatan honeypot dapat menambah kualitas dari suatu keamanan jaringan. Honeypot memiliki beberapa bentuk dan ukuran, dari yang sederhana semacam emulasi sejumlah service, sampai suatu jaringan yang didesain untuk di-hack. Dari hanya sekedar alarem pendeteksi penyusup sampai untuk penelitian motivasi hacking. Perancangan sistem dilakukan pada lingkungan Ubuntu yang diletakkan pada jaringan PT. Citra Media Solusindo, yang kemudian sistem akan diteliti dan dianalisa dengan membandingkan kinerja sistem saat dilakukan uji coba serangan, perbandingan ini akan dilihat dari fungsi sistem mampukah sistem menangkap serangan dengan baik, kinerja server (CPU, memori, dan bandwitch yang terpakai) saat terjadi serangan dengan berbagai intensitas serangan dan respontime sistem terhadap serangan yang didasarkan pada jumlah client yang mengakses jaringan yang telah dirancang. Hasil dari penelitian didapatkan bahwa Intrusion Detection System Snort mampu memberikan peringatan atas serangan yang diuji cobakan dengan cukup baik dan honeypot sebagai server bayangan juga mampu mendeteksi adanya serangan dan mampu mengalihkan dengan memberikan informasi palsu kepada intruder. Kinerja server pada level serangan tertinggi menunjukkan hasil prosesor snort berjalan mencapai 78,6%, honeyd mencapai 46,6% dan honeynet mencapai 82%. Memori yang terpakai pada snort 32,4%, honeyd 30,7% dan honeynet 33% dan bandwitch yang terpakai pada snort 40,65 Mbps, honeyd 27 Mbps dan honeynet 95,7 Mbps. Dari segi kelayakan suatu server yang dilihat dari respon time, didapat semakin banyak client yang mengakses suatu jaringan maka semakin lambat respon time server terhadap request-request data yang diminta oleh client


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    Mathematical modelling of high-frequency induction plasma generators for treatment of dispersed material

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    The aim of the paper is to create the two-dimensional mathematical model of HFI-plasma generator, to investigate their operating conditions, to obtain the recommendations on the treatment of dispersed materials. The mathematical model of HFI-plasma generators has been constructed, the new types of model equation recording has been obtained, the investigations of operation conditions in HFI-plasma generators have been performed. The routine package for calculation of charged plasma jet characteristics and determination of the most important parameters in technological plants has been createdAvailable from VNTIC / VNTIC - Scientific & Technical Information Centre of RussiaSIGLERURussian Federatio

    Theoretical and Experimental Analysis for Performance of Wind Turbine

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      This research depends on carrying out an applied and numerical analysis for capability to utilize winds turbines which considered as means of renewable and friendly energy to environment, and how to make use of this technology to generate electric energy in Kirkuk city. Where it was studied shifting kinetic energy of winds into mechanic energy and has been accomplishes install a horizontal-turbine in one of work sites in Kirkuk city of (16m) height of the ground level. It has tri-blades of (400W) power. It has been connected to an electric system supply designed and manufacture during the research period. In order to measure the voltage-difference and electric current consequently to measure the power and energy produced from the wind turbine and changed according to the wind speed alteration. Gauge records for two time seasons are taken by using the technology-programming of delicate controller in simultaneous work with meteorological system, so that it can set data-principle to be analyzed by using (MATLAB) program to find and check theoretical generated power compared with practical results and find the range of validity to generate the sufficient energy for domestic consumption. The results shows that summer season is better than winter season in using wind turbine in Kirkuk city. As the monthly energy rate produce during summer season has emerged to ten-time than monthly energy rate produced during winter season