15 research outputs found

    Application and Lesson Learned in Civil Engineering, Environmental Science Service-Learning Program

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    Environmental Science class is an integral part of any modern 21st century Civil Engineering education curriculum. The rising need for sustainable development education in addition of education that does not only focus on the cognitive part but also the affective part required an evaluation of Environmental Science class curriculum. Petra Christian University began to apply Service-Learning style of education in its Environmental Science class since 2017, in order to fulfill the previously stated challenges. Reworks on class material and implementation of classwide Service-Learning project was done. Putting student�s creativity and autonomy at the forefront of the Service-Learning project, the class is considered as a success. The student produced reflections and academic report that demonstrated their comprehension of sustainable development showed that the Service-Learning project managed to educate their heart. The Service-Learning based Environmental Science class can be used as a model and precedent for other Civil Engineering Departments that want to implement meaningful and impactful Environmental Science class

    Efektivitas Penyuluhan terhadap Tingkat Pengetahuan Guru SD di Jakarta Mengenai Pencegahan Cacingan, Tahun 2011

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    Cacingan merupakan masalah kesehatan di Indonesia terutama pada anak. Pengetahuan mengenaipencegahan berperan penting dalam menanggulangi cacingan. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengetahuiefektivitas penyuluhan dalam meningkatkan pengetahuan guru sekolah dasar (SD) mengenai cacingan.Penelitian menggunakan desain penelitian eksperimental dengan metode pre-post study. Pengambilandata dilaksanakan di Jakarta pada tanggal 12 Oktober 2011 terhadap 67 orang guru SD yang dimintauntuk mengisi kuesioner sebelum dan sesudah penyuluhan. Kuesioner berisi lima pertanyaan mengenaipencegahan infeksi A. lumbricoides, T. trichiura dan O. vermicularis.  Dari penelitian ini diperoleh hasilbahwa sebelum penyuluhan guru yang mempunyai tingkat pengetahuan baik adalah 12 orang (17,9%),cukup 21 orang (31,3%), dan kurang 34 orang (50,7%). Setelah penyuluhan, guru dengan tingkatpengetahuan baik adalah 39 orang (58,2%), cukup 24 orang (35,8%), dan kurang 4 orang (6,0%).Sebelum penyuluhan, pertanyaan yang paling banyak tidak dimengerti responden adalah kapan waktumemberikan obat cacing (hanya 6% yang menjawab benar). Berdasarkan uji marginal homogeneitydidapatkan perbedaan bermakna (p<0,01) pada tingkat pengetahuan guru sebelum dan sesudahpenyuluhan kesehatan. Disimpulkan bahwa penyuluhan efektif dalam meningkatkan pengetahuanguru SD mengenai pencegahan cacingan

    The Utilization of Hydrodinamics Models in Validating the East Java Rip Current in the Era of Industrial Revolution 4.0

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    The earth has an ocean area larger than the land area so that there are many beaches found throughout the world, including Indonesia. Behind its beauty, there is one phenomenon that endangers tourists when doing activities on the near shore area, namely: rip current. For example, the incident at the research location, namely Klayar Beach, East Java, on January 2, 2015, claimed lives. Therefore, this study aims to validate the existence of rip current in East Java, especially at the research location by utilizing hydrodynamic modeling in the era of the industrial revolution 4.0 based on data, internet, and technology as well as human resources during this corona pandemic. There are 3 stages of the methodology in this research, namely data collection and processing, modeling, and modeling validation. The outcomes of this research prove that the phenomenon of rip current with rip current speeds occurs in the range 0.16 - 0.18 m/s which causes 2 tourists to die. It is hoped that the results of this research can be used as input for the stakeholder concerned for the development of coastal tourism in coastal areas on the south coast of East Java in making policies

    Realization of Zigbee Wireless Sensor Networks for Temperature and Humidity Monitoring

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    Many physical phenomena and processes in theenvironment must be monitored. This problem can be solved withan ad-hoc wireless sensor network (WSN), which consists of anumber of small and self-power sensing devices (nodes) that areconnected with each other using effective wireless networks. Thispaper reports development of an embedded wireless sensornetwork (WSN) prototype for environmental parametersmonitoring. The network itself consists of a coordinator or datagateway which wirelessly collect temperature and humidity dataover several sensor nodes. Each sensor node is developed from anarduino based microcontroller, Xbee wireless module based onZigbee/IEEE 802.15.4 standards, and temperature and humiditysensor devices. In the prototype system, both temperature andhumidity sensors are calibrated with accurate instruments to obtainprecise measurements. Its communication functionality is alsotested in various network topologies. The battery lifetime iscalculated to predict the energy consumption. The testing resultsshow that the system works well in terms of its functionality

    Concordance and Acceptability of HPV DNA Genotyping Test by Patient’s Self-Sampling Against Clinician Sampling

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    Objectives: To determine the effectiveness of this alternative method, especially during the COVID-19 pandemic and considering Indonesia’s cultural context. Methods: This study utilized a cross-sectional design, and involved patients at the Gynecology and Colposcopy Clinic of Dr. Cipto Mangunkusumo General Hospital. The estimated sample size was 48, determined using a diagnostic test formula. The sample population consisted of female patients with positive VIA or abnormal Pap smear results. Each patient underwent HPV DNA self-sampling and clinician sampling tests using the GenoFlow HPV Array technique and continued with colposcopy. All patients were also administered a questionnaire consisting of eight questions about their perspective on the self-sampling HPV DNA test. The data analysis employed a 2 × 2 table using SPSS version 20, and Cohen’s kappa coefficient was calculated to measure the agreement between the sampling results of patients’ and Clinicians’. Results: Among the examinations conducted by clinicians, there were 33 patients with positive HPV results, whereas through self-sampling, there were 28 patients with positive HPV (p=0.00). High risk HPV was the most commonly observed, with HPV type 16 appearing the most (15%). Based on these data, the self-sampling sensitivity, specificity, positive predictive value, and negative predictive value were 85%, 100%, 100%, and 75%, respectively, with a concordance rate of 89.6%. The Cohen’s Kappa coefficient between samples taken by the clinician and self-sampling resulted in K=0.778, which is considered a good agreement (K=0.61-0.80). All patients concluded that the procedure was easy (100%), and the majority (60.5%) expressed a preference for the self-sampling method. Conclusion:  There is a good agreement between the results of self-sampling and clinician sampling for detecting HPV DNA, with patients positively accepting the self-sampling method, indicating its potential as an effective cervical cancer screening method. Keywords: Cervical Cancer Screening, Clinician Sampling, Human Papillomavirus, Self-Sampling

    Development of “Deskab” as an instrument to detect scabies for non-medical personnel in Indonesia

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    Scabies is one of the most prevalent infectious skin diseases in Indonesia, especially in boarding schools. Diagnosis of scabies can be made using the four cardinal signs through anamnesis and simple physical examination. The high incidence of scabies requires collaboration between various parties to diagnose and treat scabies. “DeSkab” (scabies detection form) is a form containing questions for non-medical personnel to detect scabies before being confirmed by trained medical personnel. Face and content validity of “DeSkab” is first established by boarding school’s supervisors, experts in community medicine, and dermatovenereologists. To establish reliability, study is conducted in Al-Hidayah Islamic Boarding School, Indonesia. Six non-medical personnel were chosen to examine 81 students of the boarding school using “DeSkab”. Each student is examined by three non-medical personnel, then confirmed through an examination by dermatovenereologists. Result of McNemar test shows that scabies detection by five nonmedical personnel have no statistically significant difference compared to the dermatovenereologist (McNemar test value of P>0.05). Based on this result, “DeSkab” proves to be an option for non-medical personnel to use as an instrument for detecting scabies in Indonesia

    Hemodynamic Profiles as a Predictor of Mortality and Length Of Stay in ICCU: Insight from Registry of Acute and Intensive Cardiovascular Care Outcome

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    Aims: The ability to differentiate high risk and low risk patients in ICCU is beneficial. Hemodynamic profiles can be used to describe patient’s condition immediately. Based on the presence of congestion and poor perfusion, patients can be divided into four hemodynamic profiles. We aim to evaluate the prognostic value of hemodynamic profiles for patient’s mortality and length of stay (LOS) in intensive cardiac care unit (ICCU). Methods: In this retrospective cohort study, patients who admitted to ICCU of National Cardiovascular Center Harapan Kita Jakarta, Indonesia, were classified into four hemodynamic profiles: dry-warm, dry-cold, wet-warm, and wet-cold. Bivariate analysis was performed to see the significance between hemodinamic profiles with mortality and LOS, continued with multvariate analysis to evaluate the contribution of other significant factors. Results: Of 742 patients included, the mortality rate was 7.8%. With dry-warm profile as reference, relative risk for mortality was 2.3 (95% CI 1.303-4.076), 5.8 (95% CI 1.992-16.906), and 8.7 (95% CI 3.513-21.567) for wet-warm, dry-cold and wet cold, consecutively. Mean differences of LOS (days) as follows: wet-warm (1.719; 95% CI 1.21-2.23), dry-cold (3.418; 95% CI 1.52-5.32), and wet-cold (4.654; 95% CI 2.64-6.67) compared to dry-warm. Hemodynamic profiles, especially wet-cold profile, consistently predicted mortality and longer LOS in ICCU by multivariable analysis. Conclusion: The presence of “wet” profile double the risk of death, “cold” profile has five fold risk of death, while the presence of both has the highest risk for mortality and longer LOS. Hemodynamic profiles assessme   Abstrak Latar Belakang: Kemampuan untuk membedakan pasien resiko tinggi dan resiko rendah di ICCU sangat penting. Profil hemodinamik dapat digunakan untuk mengenali kondisi pasien secara cepat. Berdasarkan adanya tanda kongesti dan perfusi yang buruk pasien dapat dikelompok­kan ke dalam empat profil hemodinamik. Studi ini bertujuan untuk mengevaluasi nilai prognostik profil hemodinamik terhadap mortalitas dan lama rawat pasien di Intensive Cardiac Care Unit (ICCU). Metode : Studi kohort retrospektif ini dilakukan di Rumah Sakit Pusat Jantung dan Pembuluh Darah Nasional Harapan Kita, Jakarta, Indo­nesia. Pasien yang dirawat di ICCU dikelompokkan ke dalam empat profil hemodinamik: kering-hangat, kering-dingin, basah-hangat dan basah-dingin. Analisis bivariate dilakukan untuk menilai hubungan antara profil hemodinamik dengan mortalitas dan lama rawat di ICCU, dilanjutkan dengan analisis multivariate untuk mengevaluasi kontribusi faktor-faktor lain yang signifikan Hasil : Total pasien yang ikut dalam studi sebanyak 742 pasien dan tingkat mortalitas sebesar 7,8%. Resiko relatif (RR) mortalitas untuk profil basah-hangat, kering-dingin dan basah-dingin berturut-turut sebesar 2.3 (95% CI 1.303-4.076), 5.8 (95% CI 1.992-16.906), dan 8.7 (95% CI 3.513-21.567) bila dibandingkan terhadap profil kering-hangat sebagai referensi. Rerata perbedaan lama rawat sebesar 1.719 (95% CI 1.21-2.23), 3.418 ( 95% CI 1.52-5.32), (4.654 (95% CI 2.64-6.67) untuk profil basah-hangat, kering-dingin, dan basah dingin berturut-turut bila dibandingkan dengan profil kering-hangat. Profil hemodinamik, terutama profil basah-dingin secara konsisten memprediksi mortalitas dan lama rawat yang lebih panjang setelah analisis multivariat. Kesimpulan: Profil “basah” memiliki resiko mortalitas dua kali lipat, profil “dingin” memiliki resiko mortalitas lima kali lipat, sedangkan ked­uanya secara bersamaan memiliki resiko mortalitas dan lama rawat lebih panjang paling tinggi. Profil hemodinamik dapat digunakan sebagai prediktor mortalitas dan lama rawat pasien di ICCU secara efektif.

    Efektivitas Penyuluhan terhadap Tingkat Pengetahuan Guru SD di Jakarta Mengenai Pencegahan Cacingan, Tahun 2011

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    Cacingan merupakan masalah kesehatan di Indonesia terutama pada anak. Pengetahuan mengenaipencegahan berperan penting dalam menanggulangi cacingan. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengetahuiefektivitas penyuluhan dalam meningkatkan pengetahuan guru sekolah dasar (SD) mengenai cacingan.Penelitian menggunakan desain penelitian eksperimental dengan metode pre-post study. Pengambilandata dilaksanakan di Jakarta pada tanggal 12 Oktober 2011 terhadap 67 orang guru SD yang dimintauntuk mengisi kuesioner sebelum dan sesudah penyuluhan. Kuesioner berisi lima pertanyaan mengenaipencegahan infeksi A. lumbricoides, T. trichiura dan O. vermicularis.  Dari penelitian ini diperoleh hasilbahwa sebelum penyuluhan guru yang mempunyai tingkat pengetahuan baik adalah 12 orang (17,9%),cukup 21 orang (31,3%), dan kurang 34 orang (50,7%). Setelah penyuluhan, guru dengan tingkatpengetahuan baik adalah 39 orang (58,2%), cukup 24 orang (35,8%), dan kurang 4 orang (6,0%).Sebelum penyuluhan, pertanyaan yang paling banyak tidak dimengerti responden adalah kapan waktumemberikan obat cacing (hanya 6% yang menjawab benar). Berdasarkan uji marginal homogeneitydidapatkan perbedaan bermakna (p<0,01) pada tingkat pengetahuan guru sebelum dan sesudahpenyuluhan kesehatan. Disimpulkan bahwa penyuluhan efektif dalam meningkatkan pengetahuanguru SD mengenai pencegahan cacingan.Kata kunci: cacingan, penyuluhan, guru SD, tingkat pengetahuan, pencegaha

    Object Detection in Heritage Archives using a Human-in-Loop Concept

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    The use of object detection has become common within the area of computer vision and has been considered essential for a numerous applications. Currently, the field of object detection has undergone significant development and can be broadly classified into two categories: traditional machine learning methods that employ diverse computer vision techniques, and deep learning methods. This paper proposes a methodology that incorporates the human-in-loop feedback concept to enhance the deep learning object detection capabilities of pre-trained models. These Deep Learning models were developed using a custom humanities and social science dataset that was obtained from the British Online Archives collections database


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