10 research outputs found

    Loss of Liquid Lithium Coolant in an Accident in a DONES Test Cell Facility

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    A Demo-Oriented early NEutron Source (DONES) facility for material irradiation with nuclear is currently being designed. DONES aims to produce neutrons with fusion-relevant spectrum and fluence by means of D–Li stripping reactions occurring between a deuteron beam impacting a stable liquid lithium flowing film implementing the target. Given the hazard constituted by the liquid lithium inventory and the potential risk of reactions with water, air, and concrete eventually resulting in fire events, the Target Test Cell (TTC) is filled with helium and the reinforced concrete walls forming the bio-shield are covered with steel liners. A loss of Li in TTC, due to a large break in the Quench Tank, is postulated, and consequences are deterministically studied. With the TTC liner being water-cooled, the impact of the liner temperature rise following a leakage event is evaluated. Two separate MELCOR code models have been defined for the liquid lithium loop and water-cooled loop and are numerically coupled. The amount of leaked inventory dependent on the implemented safety logic and impact on TTC containment is evaluated. The water pressurization pattern within the liner cooling loop is studied to highlight possible risks of lithium–water/concrete reactions

    Development of a thermal-hydraulic model for the EU-DEMO Tokamak building and LOCA simulation

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    The EU-DEMO must demonstrate the possibility of generating electricity through nuclear fusion reactions. Moreover, it must denote the necessary technologies to control a powerful plasma with adequate availability and to meet the safety requirements for plant licensing. However, the extensive radioactive materials inventory, the complexity of the plant, and the presence of massive energy sources require a rigorous safety approach to fully realize fusion power’s environmental advantages. The Tokamak building barrier design must address two main issues: radioactive mass transport hazards and energy-related or pressure/vacuum hazards. Safety studies are performed in the frame of the EUROfusion Safety And Environment (SAE) work package to support design improvement and evaluate the thermal-hydraulic behavior of confinement building environments during accident conditions in addition to source term mobilization. This paper focuses on developing a thermal-hydraulic model of the EU-DEMO Tokamak building. A preliminary model of the heat ventilation and air conditioning system and vent detritiation system is developed. A loss-of-coolant accident is studied by investigating the Tokamak building pressurization, source term mobilization, and release. Different nodalizations were compared, highlighting their effects on source term estimation. Results suggest that the building design should be improved to maintain the pressure below safety limits; some mitigative systems are preliminarily investigated for this purpose

    Preliminary Assessment of Radiolysis for the Cooling Water System in the Rotating Target of {SORGENTINA}-{RF}

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    The SORGENTINA-RF project aims at developing a 14 MeV fusion neutron source featuring an emission rate in the order of 5-7 x 10(13) s(-1). The plant relies on a metallic water-cooled rotating target and a deuterium (50%) and tritium (50%) ion beam. Beyond the main focus of medical radioisotope production, the source may represent a multi-purpose neutron facility by implementing a series of neutron-based techniques. Among the different engineering and technological issues to be addressed, the production of incondensable gases and corrosion product into the rotating target deserves a dedicated investigation. In this study, a preliminary analysis is carried out, considering the general layout of the target and the present choice of the target material

    Parametric explorative study of DEMO galleries pressurization in case of ex-vessel LOCA

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    Abstract Radioactive toxins confinement is a main safety function for fusion power plants, hence the importance of confinement design parameters optimization. Moving from this perspective, two Loss of Coolant Accidents (LOCAs) were analyzed: loss of water from Vacuum Vessel (VV) cooling loop and loss of cryogenic helium from Toroidal Field (TF) cooling loop. In fact these two LOCAs may result into galleries pressurization possibly jeopardizing this second confinement boundary for radioactive toxins. Publicly available ITER data (2000 baseline design) have been scaled to DEMO. A set of sensitivity simulation analyses are performed on main variables (coolant inventories, enthalpy, rooms volume, etc.) in order to derive resulting galleries pressure and temperature conditions. As first design feedback to keep gallery pressure below an assumed design pressure of 120 kPa, the VV H2O LOCA requires pressure reduction (e.g. increase expansion volume, inventory partitioning, sprinkler), while TF He LOCA requires releasable inventory to be limited at about 4.4 tons and Cryo-systems designed against Common Mode Failure (e.g. seismic and fire, quench valve failure)

    DEMO Divertor Cassette and Plasma facing Unit in Vessel Loss-of-Coolant Accident

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    As part of the pre-conceptual design activities for the European DEMOnstration plant, a carefully selected set of safety analyses have been performed to assess plant integrated performance and the capability to achieve expected targets while keeping it in a safe operation domain. The DEMO divertor is the in-vessel component in charge of exhausting the major part of the plasma ions’ thermal power in a region far from the plasma core to control plasma pollution. The divertor system accomplishes this goal by means of assemblies of cassette and target plasma facing units modules, respectively cooled with two independentheat-transfer systems. A deterministic assessment of a divertor in-vessel Loss-of-Coolant Accident is here considered. Both Design Basis Accident case simulating the rupture of an in-vessel pipe for the divertor cassette cooling loop, and a Design Extension Conditions accident case considering the additional rupture of an independent divertor target cooling loop are assessed. The plant response to such accidents is investigated, a comparison of the transient evolution in the two cases is provided, and design robustness with respect to safety objectives is discussed

    Risk Management of a Fusion Facility: Radiation Protection and Safety Integrated Approach for the Sorgentina-RF Project

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    The Sorgentina-RF project will use fusion neutrons to produce 99Mo, a precursor of 99mTc, by irradiating natural molybdenum. 99Mo is produced by means of the inelastic reaction 100Mo(n, 2n)99Mo on 100Mo, which is an isotope of natural Mo. From a functional point of view, the project consists of two parts: an irradiation neutron source at 14 MeV and a radiochemistry facility dedicated to the extraction of 99Mo from the solid sample irradiated by the neutron source. Given the degree of complexity of such a facility, the risk management strategy is based on an integrated approach that combines the engineering method of safety with that of radiation protection. Therefore, design issues were studied and systems were planned according to both radiation protection and safety criteria already in the preliminary phase, allowing a general strengthening of the safety of the plant. This work discusses the preventive analysis and the related activities to identify the ways in which potential exposures to radiation may occur. In particular, the preliminary safety analysis is presented for the innovative rotating target, developed for the project, and, accordingly, some specific technical solutions are given to refine the initial design of the facility

    Risk Management of a Fusion Facility: Radiation Protection and Safety Integrated Approach for the Sorgentina-RF Project

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    The Sorgentina-RF project will use fusion neutrons to produce 99Mo, a precursor of 99mTc, by irradiating natural molybdenum. 99Mo is produced by means of the inelastic reaction 100Mo(n, 2n)99Mo on 100Mo, which is an isotope of natural Mo. From a functional point of view, the project consists of two parts: an irradiation neutron source at 14 MeV and a radiochemistry facility dedicated to the extraction of 99Mo from the solid sample irradiated by the neutron source. Given the degree of complexity of such a facility, the risk management strategy is based on an integrated approach that combines the engineering method of safety with that of radiation protection. Therefore, design issues were studied and systems were planned according to both radiation protection and safety criteria already in the preliminary phase, allowing a general strengthening of the safety of the plant. This work discusses the preventive analysis and the related activities to identify the ways in which potential exposures to radiation may occur. In particular, the preliminary safety analysis is presented for the innovative rotating target, developed for the project, and, accordingly, some specific technical solutions are given to refine the initial design of the facility

    Resistenza a Xylella fastidiosa in diverse cultivar di olivo

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    Osservazioni e rilievi di campo integrati da un programma di campionamenti e saggi diagnostici di laboratorio confermano in alcune delle varietà oggetto di studio una minore incidenza delle infezioni di Xylella fastidiosa, a cui sono associate sintomatologie di deperimento e manifestazioni di disseccamento più lievi e attenuate rispetto a quanto osservato in cultivar definite altamente suscettibili, ove la presenza di infezioni di X. fatidiosa compromette la sopravvivenza stessa delle piante. I risultati, oltre a confermare i fenomeni di resistenza già osservati in precedenti studi sulla cultivar Leccino, individuano nella selezione FS-17®, un ulteriore e potenziale fonte di resistenza al batterio. Al contrario, si rafforzano le evidenze sull’elevata suscettibilità delle cultivar Cellina di Nardo e Ogliarola salentina. Si presenta infine una rapida sintesi delle diverse attività in corso sulla ricerca di fonti di resistenza

    Preliminary Assessment of Radiolysis for the Cooling Water System in the Rotating Target of SORGENTINA-RF

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    The SORGENTINA-RF project aims at developing a 14 MeV fusion neutron source featuring an emission rate in the order of 5–7 × 1013 s−1. The plant relies on a metallic water-cooled rotating target and a deuterium (50%) and tritium (50%) ion beam. Beyond the main focus of medical radioisotope production, the source may represent a multi-purpose neutron facility by implementing a series of neutron-based techniques. Among the different engineering and technological issues to be addressed, the production of incondensable gases and corrosion product into the rotating target deserves a dedicated investigation. In this study, a preliminary analysis is carried out, considering the general layout of the target and the present choice of the target material