3 research outputs found

    Begünstigt gemeinsame körperliche Betätigung von Müttern und Kindern deren Lebensqualität?

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    The aim of this research was to explore some patterns of physical activity (PA) in the mother-preschool child dyads, as well as contribution of different aspects of physical and sedentary activities to preschool children’s quality of life (QoL). The participants were mothers who have at least one preschool child (N = 202) and their average age was M = 34,19 (SD = 5,21). Mothers fulfilled research questionnaire for themselves and their preschool children. The questionnaires contained some children/mothers demographic variables, measures of different joint mother/child physical/sedentary activities (indoor physical activities, outdoor physical activities, joint sedentary activities, and solitary sedentary activities) and child’s quality of life. There were N = 202 children in the sample (46% boys and 54% girls). Mothers reported that 59% of them spent physically active time with their children on workdays and 78% on weekends. Employed mothers and mothers of older children spent less joint physically active time with a child. Furthermore, it was found that 32% of children regularly participated in some form of physically active behaviour. Mothers estimated their child’s quality of life as very good in average M = 3,78 (SD = 0,558). Gender, outdoor physical activities and joint sedentary activities were significantly positive predictors of child’s quality of life.Cilj istraživanja bio je ispitati prakticiraju li majke i djeca fizičke aktivnosti tijekom zajedničkog vremena te utječu li neke osobine djeteta, majke i obitelji na količinu vremena provedenog u nekoj fizičkoj aktivnosti. Nadalje, provjeravano je doprinose li zajedničke aktivnosti majke i djeteta (sjedilačke / fizičke) kvaliteti djetetova života. Sudionice su bile majke koje imaju barem jedno predškolsko dijete (N = 202), prosječne dobi M = 34,19 (SD = 5,21). Ispitane su demografske varijable majke i djeteta, mjere različitih zajedničkih aktivnosti majke i djeteta (fizička aktivnost u kući, fizička aktivnost na otvorenom, zajedničke “sjedilačke” aktivnosti, samostalne “sjedilačke” aktivnosti djeteta) i djetetova kvaliteta života. Ukupan uzorak sastojao se od 46% dječaka i 54% djevojčica. Ukupno je 59% majki izjavilo kako zajedničko vrijeme provedeno s djetetom tijekom tjedna uključuje neki oblik fizičke aktivnosti, a tijekom vikenda taj je postotak i veći (78%). Zaposlene majke i majke starije djece provode manje fizički aktivnog vremena sa svojom djecom. Nadalje, 32% djece regularno sudjeluje u nekim oblicima fizičke aktivnosti. Kvalitetu života vlastite djece majke su procijenile vrlo dobrom M = 3,78 (SD = 0,558), a spol, količina fizičke aktivnosti na otvorenom i količina zajedničkih sjedilačkih aktivnosti bili su značajni prediktori djetetove kvalitete života.Betätigen sich Mütter und Kinder während der Zeit, die sie gemeinsam verbringen, körperlich? Bestimmen bestimmte Eigenschaften des Kindes, der Mutter oder der Familie wie viel Zeit miteinander verbracht wird? Begünstigen gemeinsame Aktivitäten von Mutter und Kind (sitzend/körperlich) die Lebensqualität des Kindes? Mit den genannten Fragen beschäftigt sich unsere Untersuchung. Die Teilnehmerinnen waren Mütter, die wenigstens ein Vorschulkind haben (N = 202), wobei das Durchschnittsalter M = 34,19 (SD = 5,21) beträgt. Untersucht wurden folgende Variablen: demographische Angaben von Mutter und Kind, Messungen verschiedener, gemeinsamer Aktivitäten (körperliche Betätigung im Haus, körperliche Betätigung im Freien, „sitzende“ Beschäftigungen, selbstständige, sitzende Beschäftigungen des Kindes) sowie die Lebensqualität des Kindes. Befragt wurden 46% Jungen und 54% Mädchen. Insgesamt 59% Prozent der Mütter erklärten, dass die unter der Woche verbrachte Zeit mit dem Kind eine körperliche Tätigkeit einschließt; am Wochenende liegt dieser Prozentsatz sogar höher (78%). Berufstätige Mütter und Mütter älterer Kinder sind mit ihren Kindern weniger körperlich aktiv. Die Untersuchung ergab außerdem, dass 32% Prozent der Kinder sich regelmäßig auf irgendeine Weise körperlich betätigen. Die Lebensqualität ihrer Kinder schätzten die Mütter als gut ein M = 3,78 (SD = 0,558), während das Geschlecht, die Dauer der körperlichen Tätigkeit im Freien und der Anteil gemeinsamer, sitzender Beschäftigungen wichtige Prädiktoren für die Lebensqualität der Kinder waren

    The connection between the socio-economic status and the body mass index of retired women from Osijek-Baranja County

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    Cilj rada bio je utvrditi prehrambene navike, te indeks tjelesne mase (ITM) žena umirovljenica s područja Osječko-baranjske županije i otkriti postoji li povezanost između njihova socio-ekonomskog statusa i promatranih parametara. U razdoblju od rujna do prosinca 2009. godine na području Osječkobaranjske županije provedeno je presječno istraživanje tijekom kojega je mjerenjima i vaganjem pomoću računalnog analizatora sastava tijela Tanita TBF 300 bilo obuhvaćeno 88 umirovljenica, prosječne dobi 66,8 ± 6,6 godina (raspon 52-79 godina). U sklopu provedenih mjerenja svakoj je ispitanici određen ITM. Anonimnim anketnim upitnikom dobiveni su podaci o dobi, rebivalištu, prosječnim mjesečnim primanjima kućanstva, te prehrambenim navikama svake pojedine ispitanice. Kriterij za utvrđivanje socio-ekonomskog statusa bila su prosječna mjesečna primanja kućanstva, temeljem kojih su sve ispitanice bile podijeljene u skupinu nižeg, te višeg socio-ekonomskog statusa. Prehrambene navike povezane s povećanim ITM u promatranoj populaciji bile su svakodnevno konzumiranje slatkiša, kuhanje na masti, te značajna potrošnja kruha. U skupini ispitanica nižeg socio-ekonomskog statusa bilo je više njih s povećanom tjelesnom težinom i debljinom, te su u njoj bile češće zastupljene sve gore navedene prehrambene navike povezane s povećanim ITM. Veća učestalost prekomjerne težine među populacijom nižeg socio-ekonomskoga statusa potvrđuje kako i u Hrvatskoj postoji trend povezanosti siromaštva i učestalije pojave debljine, zbog čega preventivne akcije za sprečavanje debljine svakako treba usmjeriti na ciljane, posebno vulnerabilne podskupine stanovništva, među ostalim i na starije osobe, te osobe nižeg socio-ekonomskoga statusa.The aim of this study was to investigate dietary habits and to determine the body mass index (BMI) of retired women from Osijek-Baranja County and to reveal whether there is a connection between their socio-economic status (SES) and the observed variables. This cross-sectional study was carried out between September and December 2009 in Osijek-Baranja County. The study included measuring and weighing with the computer analyzer of body composition Tanita TBF 300 and the survey of dietary habits with the use of an anonymous questionnaire. The study included 88 retired women, mean age 66.8 ± 6.6 years (range 52-79 years). The BMI was determined for each study subject. The basic demographic data such as age, place of residence, average monthly income of the subject household and data on dietary habits of each individual subject were collected by the use of an anonymous questionnaire. The criterion used to establish SES was the average monthly income of the subject household, and, based on this, all subjects were divided into two groups: the group of subjects with lower SES (lower SES group) and the group of subjects with higher SES (higher SES group). Dietary habits connected with the higher BMI values within the study population were daily consumption of sweets, usage of animal fat during preparation of meals and significant bread consumption. In the lower SES group there were more overweight or obese subjects than in the higher SES group. In the lower SES group all the aboveThe aim of this study was to investigate dietary habits and to determine the body mass index (BMI) of retired women from Osijek-Baranja County and to reveal whether there is a connection between their socio-economic status (SES) and the observed variables. This cross-sectional study was carried out between September and December 2009 in Osijek-Baranja County. The study included measuring and weighing with the computer analyzer of body composition Tanita TBF 300 and the survey of dietary habits with the use of an anonymous questionnaire. The study included 88 retired women, mean age 66.8 ± 6.6 years (range 52-79 years). The BMI was determined for each study subject. The basic demographic data such as age, place of residence, average monthly income of the subject household and data on dietary habits of each individual subject were collected by the use of an anonymous questionnaire. The criterion used to establish SES was the average monthly income of the subject household, and, based on this, all subjects were divided into two groups: the group of subjects with lower SES (lower SES group) and the group of subjects with higher SES (higher SES group). Dietary habits connected with the higher BMI values within the study population were daily consumption of sweets, usage of animal fat during preparation of meals and significant bread consumption. In the lower SES group there were more overweight or obese subjects than in the higher SES group. In the lower SES group all the abovementioned dietary habits connected with the increased BMI were more frequently represented than in the higher SES group. Increased frequency of obesity among the population of lower SES confirms that in Croatia there is also a connection between poverty and the frequent onset of obesity that points to the need of directing preventive actions for obesity prevention which is why preventative action to prevent obesity should definitely focus on the target, especially the vulnerable population subgroups such as among others elderly people and people with lower socioeconomic status

    Elterliche Aufsicht und das Verhalten von Mädchen und Jungen im Internet

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    Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je ispitati odnos roditeljskog nadzora i spola sudionika s nekim ponašanjima na internetu. U istraživanju je sudjelovalo 388 učenika četvrtih razreda osnovnih škola. Rezultati pokazuju kako djeca percipiraju visoku razinu roditeljskog nadzora. Učenici koji percipiraju višu razinu roditeljskog nadzora provode više vremena dnevno u dopisivanju s prijateljima i u traženju zanimljivih podataka, češće pronalaze motivaciju za pristupanje internetu u traženju informacija vezanih za školu i druženju te češće objavljuju sadržaje na društvenim mrežama od učenika koji percipiraju nižu razinu roditeljskog nadzora. Prilikom ispitivanja spolnih razlika utvrđeno je kako dječaci češće izražavaju kako imaju otvoren Facebook profil, provode više vremena na internetu radnim danom i vikendom od djevojčica te češće igraju igrice, objavljuju postove i traže zanimljive podatke. Osim toga, češće pronalaze motivaciju za pristup internetu u otklanjanju dosade i želji da ne budu drugačiji od drugih, a i češće navode kako ne mogu bez interneta, dok djevojčice češće pristupaju internetu u obrazovne svrhe. Rezultati su pokazali kako dječaci češće objavljuju različite sadržaje na društvenim mrežama i češće otkrivaju osobne informacije na Facebooku, dok u percipiranoj razini roditeljskog nadzora nisu utvrđene spolne razlike. Ovi podaci mogu pridonijeti boljem razumijevanju uloge roditelja u korištenju interneta kod djece.The aim of this study was to examine the relationship between parental control and the gender of the participants with some behaviours on the Internet. There were 388 fourth-grade primary school students who participated in this research. The results have shown that children are more likely to perceive parental control at a high level. Pupils who perceive a higher level of parental control spend more time per day chatting with friends and searching for interesting information, find motivation for accessing the Internet to look for information related to schoolwork and socializing, and post contents on social media more frequently than those who perceive a lower level of parental control. During the canvassing of gender differences, it was discovered that boys more often emphasize they have an open Facebook profile, they spend more time online during workdays and weekends than girls, and they play games, post and search for interesting information more frequently. Besides, they are more likely to find the motivation for accessing the Internet out of boredom and disclose personal information on Facebook, while no differences were determined while perceiving the gender differences. These data can contribute to a better understanding of the parental role in using the Internet with children.Das Ziel der Untersuchung war es, die Verbindung zwischen elterlicher Aufsicht und dem Geschlecht der Beteiligten im Umgang mit und im Internet zu analysieren. An der Untersuchung nahmen 388 Schüler der vierten Grundschulklasse teil. Die Ergebnisse belegen, dass Kinder strengere elterliche Aufsicht sehr wohl wahrnehmen. Schüler, die sich einer strengeren elterlichen Aufsicht bewusst sind, verwenden mehr Zeit für die Korrespondenz mit Freunden und die Suche nach interessanten Informationen, sie sind motivierter, das Internet für Recherchen für Schulaufgaben zu nützen und sie veröffentlichen häufiger Inhalte auf den Seiten sozialer Netzwerke als Schüler, die eine weniger strenge elterliche Aufsicht wahrnehmen. Beim Vergleich der Geschlechter der Schüler stellte sich heraus, dass Jungen häufiger zugaben, ein Facebook Profil zu haben, dass sie an Wochentagen und am Wochenende mehr Zeit im Internet verbringen als Mädchen, und dass sie mehr Spiele spielen, Inhalte veröffentlichen und nach Informationen suchen. Sie sind auch motivierter, das Internet zum Zeitvertreib zu gebrauchen, um sich auf diese Weise nicht von anderen Kindern zu unterscheiden. Jungen gaben auch häufiger zu, dass sie nicht ohne Internet leben können, während Mädchen das Internet häufiger zum Lernen benützen. Die Ergebnisse ergaben unter anderem auch, dass Jungen häufiger Inhalte auf den Seiten sozialer Netzwerke veröffentlichen und persönliche Angaben bei Facebook posten, während es bei den Kindern, die sich der strengeren elterlichen Aufsicht bewusst waren, keine Unterschiede in Hinsicht auf das Geschlecht gab. Die gewonnenen Informationen ermöglichen es, besser zu verstehen, welchen Einfluss Eltern auf den Internetgebrauch ihrer Kinder haben