6 research outputs found

    Using porous ceramics as a substrate or filter media during the cleaning of sewage

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    Our research has shown that porous ceramics are good holders of biomass in biological water-treatment plants. They can also be used as an air-blowing system or as the filter media on a membrane filter in combination with a biological water-treatment plant. Individual tests have shown very positive results, and for this reason we are convinced such materials have good possibilities for more frequent use in biological water-treatment plants

    Ekoremediation for implementation of environmental object

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    Okoljski cilji so zapisani v operativnih programih in direktivah ter v drugih strateških dokumentih EU oziroma v mednarodnih pogodbah. Potreba po varovanju voda je zapisana tudi v Okvirni vodni direktivi in v Zakonu o vodah. Najdemo jih tudi v Nacionalnem programu varstva okolja. Usmerjeni so v doseganje dobrega ekološkega stanja in so definirani tako vsebinsko kot časovno. V prispevku želimo pokazati načine s katerimi lahko z ekoremedicijami pomagamo k doseganju okoljskih ciljev. Izhajali smo iz nabora okoljskih ciljev na primeru voda.The environmental aims are published in the operative programmes, directives and other EU strategic documents and international agreements. They could be found in National programme of environmental protection as well. They are directed to achieving well environmental conditions and the due time for each environmental goal is set as well. In the paper we want to show the positive influence of ecoremediation to achieving the environmental aims. As an example we started from the list of environmental goals for waters. The need of water protection is mentioned in the Water framework directive and in the Waters act

    Using porous ceramics as a substrate or filter media during the cleaning of sewage

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    Naše preiskave so pokazale, da je lahko porozna keramika ustrezno nosilo biomase (podstava) pri bioloških čistilnih napravah. Lahko se uporablja tudi pri sistemu za vpihovanje zraka ter kot filtrirna snov v membranskem filtru v kombinaciji z biološko čistilno napravo. Posamezni rezultati preskusov so zelo spodbudni,Our research has shown that porous ceramics are good holders of biomass in biological water-treatment plants. They can also be used as an air-blowing system or as the filter media on a membrane filter in combination with a biological water-treatment plant. Individual tests have shown very positive results, and for this reason we are convinced such materials have good possibilities for more frequent use in biological water-treatment plants

    Residual dyebath purification using a system of constructed wetland

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    A constructed wetland model, comprising two different substrate mixtures, was used to purify textile dyebath wastewater. Three laboratory prepared wastewaters containing three commercial dyes of different classes and chemicalconstitution (one vat and two reactive dyes), different chemicals (NaOH, NaCl) and auxiliaries (migration inhibitor, sequestering, defoaming andwetting agents) were employed. Purifying efficiency was verified by measuring pollution parameters, such as absorbance, pH, total organic carbon (TOC), chemical oxygen demand (COD) and electrical conductivity (EC). It was found that the constructed wetland model reduced dye concentration by up to 70%, lowered the TOC and COD values up to 88%, electrical conductivity up to 60% and pH from 12 to 7.6