7 research outputs found
Awareness and use of evidence-based medicine information among patients in Croatia: a nation-wide crosssectional study
Aim To determine the use of evidence-based medicine
(EBM) information and the level of awareness and knowledge
of EBM among patients in Croatia.
Methods A cross-sectional study was conducted among
987 patients in 10 family medicine practices in Croatia. Patients
from both urban (n = 496) and rural (n = 482) areas
were surveyed. A 27-item questionnaire was used to collect
data about sources that patients searched for medical
information, patient awareness and use of Cochrane systematic
reviews and other EBM resources, and their demographic
Results Half of the patients searched for medical information
from sources other than physician. Internet was
the most common place they searched for information.
Very few patients indicated using EBM sources for medical
information; one fifth of patients heard of EBM and 4%
of the patients heard of the Cochrane Collaboration. Patients
considered physicianās opinion as the most reliable
source of medical information. A logistic regression model
showed that educational level and urban vs rural residence
were the predictors of awareness about EBM and systematic
reviews (P < 0.001 for both).
Conclusion Our finding that patients consider a physicianās
opinion to be the most reliable source of healthrelated
information could be used for promotion of highquality
health information among patients. More effort
should be devoted to the education of patients in rural areas
and those with less formal education. New avenues for
knowledge translation and dissemination of high-quality
health information among patients are necessary
Knowledge and use of information on evidence-based medicine among patients and family medicine physicians in Croatia
Cilj: Mali broj istraživanja posveÄen je ulozi medicine utemeljene na dokazima (engl. evidencebased medicine, EBM) u zdravstvenom sustavu Republike Hrvatske. Ova doktorska disertacija
ukljuÄila je dva istraživanja. Prvo istraživanje bilo je presjeÄno istraživanje o informiranosti,
stavovima, poznavanju i koriÅ”tenju informacija o medicini utemeljenoj na dokazima meÄu
pacijentima u Hrvatskoj. Drugo istraživanje bilo je presjeÄno istraživanje o razini
informiranosti, stavovima, poznavanju, koriŔtenju informacija i preprekama u primjeni EBM-a
meÄu lijeÄnicima obiteljske medicine, s ili bez specijalizacije.
Metode: U prvom istraživanju, sudjelovalo je 978 pacijenata iz 10 ordinacija obiteljske
medicine iz 5 hrvatskih regija (po jedna ordinacija iz urbane i ruralne sredine). Istraživanje je
provedeno od rujna 2014. do rujna 2015. godine te je za potrebe njegovog provoÄenja koriÅ”ten
posebno pripremljen upitnik s 27 pitanja. Pacijenti su upitani o njihovoj aktivnosti u potrazi za
dodatnim informacijama o svojoj terapiji i/ili dijagnozi, o koriŔtenju raznih izvora medicinskih
informacija, njihovom poznavanju EBM-a, sustavnih pregleda, o Cochraneovoj knjižnici, o
Hrvatskom Cochraneu te Äitaju li Cochraneove laiÄke sažetke pripremljene na hrvatskom
jeziku. Prikupljeni su i njihovi sociodemografski podaci, ukljuÄujuÄi profesionalni status,
stupanj obrazovanja, spol i dob.
U drugom istraživanju sudjelovali su hrvatski lijeÄnici obiteljske medicine. Ispitanici su bili
ukljuÄeni na dva naÄina: za vrijeme trajanja teÄajeva trajne medicinske izobrazbe namijenjenih
lijeÄnicima obiteljske medicine ispunjavajuÄi tiskanu verzija upitnika, ili su sudjelovali u
istraživanju elektroniÄkim putem, popunjavanjem online verzije upitnika. Istraživanje je bilo
provedeno od travnja do rujna 2016. godine. U istraživanju je koriŔten standardizirani upitnik
o EBM-u, koji je proÅ”iren sa sociodemografskim pitanjima i pitanjima o radu lijeÄnika koja su
prilagoÄena hrvatskom zdravstvenom sustavu. Svaki ispitanik je samostalno procjenjivao
razinu poznavanja i razumijevanja EBM pojmova.
Rezultati: U prvom istraživanju, viŔe od polovice pacijenata aktivno traži medicinske
informacije iz drugih izvora, izuzev lijeÄnika. Internet je bio najÄeÅ”Äe mjesto na kojem su
pacijenti tražili informacije, pretražujuÄi informacije putem popularnih tražilica. Vrlo je mali
broj pacijenata koji su koristili EBM izvore za informiranje o zdravlju, dok je tek jedna petina
pacijenata Äula za EBM, a samo 4% pacijenata Äulo je za Cochrane kolaboraciju. Pacijenti
smatraju lijeÄniÄko miÅ”ljenje najpouzdanijim izvorom medicinskih informacija. Model
logistiÄke regresije pokazao je da su stupanj obrazovanja i mjesto prebivaliÅ”ta (urbano naspram
ruralno) prediktori svijesti o EBM-u i sustavnim pregledima (P <0,001 za oboje).
U drugom istraživanju, 295 (14%) od svih službeno registriranih lijeÄnika obiteljske medicine
je odgovorilo na upitnik. Ispitanici su izrazili vrlo pozitivan stav prema promociji i koriŔtenju
EBM-a u svojoj praksi. 160 (67%) lijeÄnika navelo je da nemaju pristup Cochraneovoj
knjižnici. Å to se tiÄe prepreka u koriÅ”tenju EBM-a, veÄina je izjavila da nema dovoljno vremena
za pronalaženje dokaza (80%) te su prijavili kako nerealna oÄekivanja pacijenata utjeÄu na
odabir lijeÄenja (72%). IzmeÄu dvije skupine lijeÄnika, onih s ili bez specijalizacije, specijalisti
obiteljske medicine uÄestalije su prijavili nedostatak vremena kao ograniÄenje za traženje
dokaza. NajviÅ”a razina samoprocijenjenog razumijevanja EBM terminologije uoÄena je za
pojmove ustroja istraživanja, a najniža za statistiÄke pojmove.
ZakljuÄak: Prvo istraživanje pokazalo je da pacijenti smatraju miÅ”ljenje lijeÄnika
najpouzdanijim izvorom zdravstvenih informacija. Ova Äinjenica bi se trebala iskoristiti za
promicanje visokokvalitetnih zdravstvenih informacija meÄu pacijentima. ViÅ”e truda trebalo bi
posvetiti edukaciji pacijenata u ruralnim podruÄjima i onih s nižim stupnjem obrazovanja.
Nužno je potražiti dodatne aktivnosti i naÄine za prevoÄenje znanja i Å”irenje EBM-a meÄu
Drugo istraživanje pokazalo je da lijeÄnici obiteljske medicine u Hrvatskoj imaju vrlo pozitivne
stavove prema koriŔtenju EBM-a. Složili su se da EBM poboljŔava skrb o pacijentima, a
procijenili su da se viÅ”e od dvije treÄine njihove prakse temelji na EBM-u. U usporedbi s
rezultatima prethodnog istraživanja meÄu lijeÄnicima iz 2010. godine, doÅ”lo je do odreÄenog
poveÄanja razine svijesti o EBM-u. MeÄutim, za daljnje poveÄanje kvalitete EBM prakse u
Hrvatskoj potrebni su bolji pristup izvorima EBM i daljnje obrazovne aktivnosti Hrvatskog
Cochranea.Objective: Few studies were explored the role of evidence-based medicine (EBM) in the health
system of the Republic of Croatia. This doctoral dissertation included two studies. The first
study was a cross-sectional study on information, attitudes, knowledge and use of information
on evidence-based medicine among patients in Croatia. The second study was a cross-sectional
survey on the level of information, attitudes, knowledge, use of information and barriers to the
application of EBM among family physicians, with or without specialization.
Study design: In the first study, 978 patients from 10 family medicine practices from 5 Croatian
regions (one practice from urban and one from rural areas) participated. The survey was
conducted from September 2014 to September 2015, and a specially prepared questionnaire
with 27 questions was used. Patients were asked about their activity in searching for additional
information about their therapy and/or diagnosis, about using various sources of medical
information, their knowledge of EBM, systematic reviews, about the Cochrane Library, about
Cochrane Croatia and whether they read Cochrane plain language summaries prepared in
Croatian language. Their sociodemographic data were also collected, including professional
status, education level, gender and age.
Croatian family physicians participated in the second cross-sectional study. Respondents were
involved in two ways: during the continuing medical education courses for family physicians
by filling out a printed version of the questionnaire, or they participated in the survey
electronically, by using an online version of the questionnaire. The survey was conducted from
April to September 2016. The study used a standardized questionnaire on EBM, which was
expanded with socio-demographic questions and questions about the work of physicians that
are adapted to the Croatian health system. Each respondent independently assessed the level of
knowledge and understanding of EBM concepts.
Results: Regarding the first study, half of the patients searched for the medical information
from sources other than physician. Internet was the most common place they searched for
information. Very few patients indicated using EBM sources for medical information; one fifth
of patients heard of EBM and 4% of the patients heard of the Cochrane Collaboration. Patients
considered physicianās opinion as the most reliable source of medical information. A logistic
regression model showed that educational level and urban vs. rural residence were the
predictors of awareness about EBM and systematic reviews (P < 0.001 for both).
In the second study, 295 (14%) of all officially registered family physicians responded to the
questionnaire. Respondents were very positive toward the promotion and usage of EBM. 160
(67%) indicated that they did not have access to the Cochrane Library. The majority reported
lack of time available for finding evidence (80%), and patientsā unrealistic expectations that
influence physiciansā choice of treatment (72%). Between the two groups of physicians, family
medicine specialists more frequently reported time as barrier for finding evidence. The highest
level of EBM terminology understanding was reported for study design terms, and the lowest
for statistical terms.
Conclusion: Our findings from the first study showed that patients consider a physicianās
opinion to be the most reliable source of health related information which should be used for
promotion of high quality health information among patients. More effort should be devoted to
the education of patients in rural areas and those with less formal education. New avenues for
knowledge translation and dissemination of high-quality health information among patients are
The second study demonstrated that family physicians in Croatia had very positive attitudes
toward the use of EBM, they agreed that EBM improves patient care, and they estimated that
more than two thirds of their practice is EBM-based. Compared to the results of the previous
survey of physicians in Croatia in 2010, there was some increase in the level of EBM awareness
among family physicians. However, to further increase the quality of EBM practice in Croatia
better access to EBM sources and further educational activities of Cochrane Croatia are needed
Knowledge and use of information on evidence-based medicine among patients and family medicine physicians in Croatia
Cilj: Mali broj istraživanja posveÄen je ulozi medicine utemeljene na dokazima (engl. evidencebased medicine, EBM) u zdravstvenom sustavu Republike Hrvatske. Ova doktorska disertacija
ukljuÄila je dva istraživanja. Prvo istraživanje bilo je presjeÄno istraživanje o informiranosti,
stavovima, poznavanju i koriÅ”tenju informacija o medicini utemeljenoj na dokazima meÄu
pacijentima u Hrvatskoj. Drugo istraživanje bilo je presjeÄno istraživanje o razini
informiranosti, stavovima, poznavanju, koriŔtenju informacija i preprekama u primjeni EBM-a
meÄu lijeÄnicima obiteljske medicine, s ili bez specijalizacije.
Metode: U prvom istraživanju, sudjelovalo je 978 pacijenata iz 10 ordinacija obiteljske
medicine iz 5 hrvatskih regija (po jedna ordinacija iz urbane i ruralne sredine). Istraživanje je
provedeno od rujna 2014. do rujna 2015. godine te je za potrebe njegovog provoÄenja koriÅ”ten
posebno pripremljen upitnik s 27 pitanja. Pacijenti su upitani o njihovoj aktivnosti u potrazi za
dodatnim informacijama o svojoj terapiji i/ili dijagnozi, o koriŔtenju raznih izvora medicinskih
informacija, njihovom poznavanju EBM-a, sustavnih pregleda, o Cochraneovoj knjižnici, o
Hrvatskom Cochraneu te Äitaju li Cochraneove laiÄke sažetke pripremljene na hrvatskom
jeziku. Prikupljeni su i njihovi sociodemografski podaci, ukljuÄujuÄi profesionalni status,
stupanj obrazovanja, spol i dob.
U drugom istraživanju sudjelovali su hrvatski lijeÄnici obiteljske medicine. Ispitanici su bili
ukljuÄeni na dva naÄina: za vrijeme trajanja teÄajeva trajne medicinske izobrazbe namijenjenih
lijeÄnicima obiteljske medicine ispunjavajuÄi tiskanu verzija upitnika, ili su sudjelovali u
istraživanju elektroniÄkim putem, popunjavanjem online verzije upitnika. Istraživanje je bilo
provedeno od travnja do rujna 2016. godine. U istraživanju je koriŔten standardizirani upitnik
o EBM-u, koji je proÅ”iren sa sociodemografskim pitanjima i pitanjima o radu lijeÄnika koja su
prilagoÄena hrvatskom zdravstvenom sustavu. Svaki ispitanik je samostalno procjenjivao
razinu poznavanja i razumijevanja EBM pojmova.
Rezultati: U prvom istraživanju, viŔe od polovice pacijenata aktivno traži medicinske
informacije iz drugih izvora, izuzev lijeÄnika. Internet je bio najÄeÅ”Äe mjesto na kojem su
pacijenti tražili informacije, pretražujuÄi informacije putem popularnih tražilica. Vrlo je mali
broj pacijenata koji su koristili EBM izvore za informiranje o zdravlju, dok je tek jedna petina
pacijenata Äula za EBM, a samo 4% pacijenata Äulo je za Cochrane kolaboraciju. Pacijenti
smatraju lijeÄniÄko miÅ”ljenje najpouzdanijim izvorom medicinskih informacija. Model
logistiÄke regresije pokazao je da su stupanj obrazovanja i mjesto prebivaliÅ”ta (urbano naspram
ruralno) prediktori svijesti o EBM-u i sustavnim pregledima (P <0,001 za oboje).
U drugom istraživanju, 295 (14%) od svih službeno registriranih lijeÄnika obiteljske medicine
je odgovorilo na upitnik. Ispitanici su izrazili vrlo pozitivan stav prema promociji i koriŔtenju
EBM-a u svojoj praksi. 160 (67%) lijeÄnika navelo je da nemaju pristup Cochraneovoj
knjižnici. Å to se tiÄe prepreka u koriÅ”tenju EBM-a, veÄina je izjavila da nema dovoljno vremena
za pronalaženje dokaza (80%) te su prijavili kako nerealna oÄekivanja pacijenata utjeÄu na
odabir lijeÄenja (72%). IzmeÄu dvije skupine lijeÄnika, onih s ili bez specijalizacije, specijalisti
obiteljske medicine uÄestalije su prijavili nedostatak vremena kao ograniÄenje za traženje
dokaza. NajviÅ”a razina samoprocijenjenog razumijevanja EBM terminologije uoÄena je za
pojmove ustroja istraživanja, a najniža za statistiÄke pojmove.
ZakljuÄak: Prvo istraživanje pokazalo je da pacijenti smatraju miÅ”ljenje lijeÄnika
najpouzdanijim izvorom zdravstvenih informacija. Ova Äinjenica bi se trebala iskoristiti za
promicanje visokokvalitetnih zdravstvenih informacija meÄu pacijentima. ViÅ”e truda trebalo bi
posvetiti edukaciji pacijenata u ruralnim podruÄjima i onih s nižim stupnjem obrazovanja.
Nužno je potražiti dodatne aktivnosti i naÄine za prevoÄenje znanja i Å”irenje EBM-a meÄu
Drugo istraživanje pokazalo je da lijeÄnici obiteljske medicine u Hrvatskoj imaju vrlo pozitivne
stavove prema koriŔtenju EBM-a. Složili su se da EBM poboljŔava skrb o pacijentima, a
procijenili su da se viÅ”e od dvije treÄine njihove prakse temelji na EBM-u. U usporedbi s
rezultatima prethodnog istraživanja meÄu lijeÄnicima iz 2010. godine, doÅ”lo je do odreÄenog
poveÄanja razine svijesti o EBM-u. MeÄutim, za daljnje poveÄanje kvalitete EBM prakse u
Hrvatskoj potrebni su bolji pristup izvorima EBM i daljnje obrazovne aktivnosti Hrvatskog
Cochranea.Objective: Few studies were explored the role of evidence-based medicine (EBM) in the health
system of the Republic of Croatia. This doctoral dissertation included two studies. The first
study was a cross-sectional study on information, attitudes, knowledge and use of information
on evidence-based medicine among patients in Croatia. The second study was a cross-sectional
survey on the level of information, attitudes, knowledge, use of information and barriers to the
application of EBM among family physicians, with or without specialization.
Study design: In the first study, 978 patients from 10 family medicine practices from 5 Croatian
regions (one practice from urban and one from rural areas) participated. The survey was
conducted from September 2014 to September 2015, and a specially prepared questionnaire
with 27 questions was used. Patients were asked about their activity in searching for additional
information about their therapy and/or diagnosis, about using various sources of medical
information, their knowledge of EBM, systematic reviews, about the Cochrane Library, about
Cochrane Croatia and whether they read Cochrane plain language summaries prepared in
Croatian language. Their sociodemographic data were also collected, including professional
status, education level, gender and age.
Croatian family physicians participated in the second cross-sectional study. Respondents were
involved in two ways: during the continuing medical education courses for family physicians
by filling out a printed version of the questionnaire, or they participated in the survey
electronically, by using an online version of the questionnaire. The survey was conducted from
April to September 2016. The study used a standardized questionnaire on EBM, which was
expanded with socio-demographic questions and questions about the work of physicians that
are adapted to the Croatian health system. Each respondent independently assessed the level of
knowledge and understanding of EBM concepts.
Results: Regarding the first study, half of the patients searched for the medical information
from sources other than physician. Internet was the most common place they searched for
information. Very few patients indicated using EBM sources for medical information; one fifth
of patients heard of EBM and 4% of the patients heard of the Cochrane Collaboration. Patients
considered physicianās opinion as the most reliable source of medical information. A logistic
regression model showed that educational level and urban vs. rural residence were the
predictors of awareness about EBM and systematic reviews (P < 0.001 for both).
In the second study, 295 (14%) of all officially registered family physicians responded to the
questionnaire. Respondents were very positive toward the promotion and usage of EBM. 160
(67%) indicated that they did not have access to the Cochrane Library. The majority reported
lack of time available for finding evidence (80%), and patientsā unrealistic expectations that
influence physiciansā choice of treatment (72%). Between the two groups of physicians, family
medicine specialists more frequently reported time as barrier for finding evidence. The highest
level of EBM terminology understanding was reported for study design terms, and the lowest
for statistical terms.
Conclusion: Our findings from the first study showed that patients consider a physicianās
opinion to be the most reliable source of health related information which should be used for
promotion of high quality health information among patients. More effort should be devoted to
the education of patients in rural areas and those with less formal education. New avenues for
knowledge translation and dissemination of high-quality health information among patients are
The second study demonstrated that family physicians in Croatia had very positive attitudes
toward the use of EBM, they agreed that EBM improves patient care, and they estimated that
more than two thirds of their practice is EBM-based. Compared to the results of the previous
survey of physicians in Croatia in 2010, there was some increase in the level of EBM awareness
among family physicians. However, to further increase the quality of EBM practice in Croatia
better access to EBM sources and further educational activities of Cochrane Croatia are needed
Knowledge and use of information on evidence-based medicine among patients and family medicine physicians in Croatia
Cilj: Mali broj istraživanja posveÄen je ulozi medicine utemeljene na dokazima (engl. evidencebased medicine, EBM) u zdravstvenom sustavu Republike Hrvatske. Ova doktorska disertacija
ukljuÄila je dva istraživanja. Prvo istraživanje bilo je presjeÄno istraživanje o informiranosti,
stavovima, poznavanju i koriÅ”tenju informacija o medicini utemeljenoj na dokazima meÄu
pacijentima u Hrvatskoj. Drugo istraživanje bilo je presjeÄno istraživanje o razini
informiranosti, stavovima, poznavanju, koriŔtenju informacija i preprekama u primjeni EBM-a
meÄu lijeÄnicima obiteljske medicine, s ili bez specijalizacije.
Metode: U prvom istraživanju, sudjelovalo je 978 pacijenata iz 10 ordinacija obiteljske
medicine iz 5 hrvatskih regija (po jedna ordinacija iz urbane i ruralne sredine). Istraživanje je
provedeno od rujna 2014. do rujna 2015. godine te je za potrebe njegovog provoÄenja koriÅ”ten
posebno pripremljen upitnik s 27 pitanja. Pacijenti su upitani o njihovoj aktivnosti u potrazi za
dodatnim informacijama o svojoj terapiji i/ili dijagnozi, o koriŔtenju raznih izvora medicinskih
informacija, njihovom poznavanju EBM-a, sustavnih pregleda, o Cochraneovoj knjižnici, o
Hrvatskom Cochraneu te Äitaju li Cochraneove laiÄke sažetke pripremljene na hrvatskom
jeziku. Prikupljeni su i njihovi sociodemografski podaci, ukljuÄujuÄi profesionalni status,
stupanj obrazovanja, spol i dob.
U drugom istraživanju sudjelovali su hrvatski lijeÄnici obiteljske medicine. Ispitanici su bili
ukljuÄeni na dva naÄina: za vrijeme trajanja teÄajeva trajne medicinske izobrazbe namijenjenih
lijeÄnicima obiteljske medicine ispunjavajuÄi tiskanu verzija upitnika, ili su sudjelovali u
istraživanju elektroniÄkim putem, popunjavanjem online verzije upitnika. Istraživanje je bilo
provedeno od travnja do rujna 2016. godine. U istraživanju je koriŔten standardizirani upitnik
o EBM-u, koji je proÅ”iren sa sociodemografskim pitanjima i pitanjima o radu lijeÄnika koja su
prilagoÄena hrvatskom zdravstvenom sustavu. Svaki ispitanik je samostalno procjenjivao
razinu poznavanja i razumijevanja EBM pojmova.
Rezultati: U prvom istraživanju, viŔe od polovice pacijenata aktivno traži medicinske
informacije iz drugih izvora, izuzev lijeÄnika. Internet je bio najÄeÅ”Äe mjesto na kojem su
pacijenti tražili informacije, pretražujuÄi informacije putem popularnih tražilica. Vrlo je mali
broj pacijenata koji su koristili EBM izvore za informiranje o zdravlju, dok je tek jedna petina
pacijenata Äula za EBM, a samo 4% pacijenata Äulo je za Cochrane kolaboraciju. Pacijenti
smatraju lijeÄniÄko miÅ”ljenje najpouzdanijim izvorom medicinskih informacija. Model
logistiÄke regresije pokazao je da su stupanj obrazovanja i mjesto prebivaliÅ”ta (urbano naspram
ruralno) prediktori svijesti o EBM-u i sustavnim pregledima (P <0,001 za oboje).
U drugom istraživanju, 295 (14%) od svih službeno registriranih lijeÄnika obiteljske medicine
je odgovorilo na upitnik. Ispitanici su izrazili vrlo pozitivan stav prema promociji i koriŔtenju
EBM-a u svojoj praksi. 160 (67%) lijeÄnika navelo je da nemaju pristup Cochraneovoj
knjižnici. Å to se tiÄe prepreka u koriÅ”tenju EBM-a, veÄina je izjavila da nema dovoljno vremena
za pronalaženje dokaza (80%) te su prijavili kako nerealna oÄekivanja pacijenata utjeÄu na
odabir lijeÄenja (72%). IzmeÄu dvije skupine lijeÄnika, onih s ili bez specijalizacije, specijalisti
obiteljske medicine uÄestalije su prijavili nedostatak vremena kao ograniÄenje za traženje
dokaza. NajviÅ”a razina samoprocijenjenog razumijevanja EBM terminologije uoÄena je za
pojmove ustroja istraživanja, a najniža za statistiÄke pojmove.
ZakljuÄak: Prvo istraživanje pokazalo je da pacijenti smatraju miÅ”ljenje lijeÄnika
najpouzdanijim izvorom zdravstvenih informacija. Ova Äinjenica bi se trebala iskoristiti za
promicanje visokokvalitetnih zdravstvenih informacija meÄu pacijentima. ViÅ”e truda trebalo bi
posvetiti edukaciji pacijenata u ruralnim podruÄjima i onih s nižim stupnjem obrazovanja.
Nužno je potražiti dodatne aktivnosti i naÄine za prevoÄenje znanja i Å”irenje EBM-a meÄu
Drugo istraživanje pokazalo je da lijeÄnici obiteljske medicine u Hrvatskoj imaju vrlo pozitivne
stavove prema koriŔtenju EBM-a. Složili su se da EBM poboljŔava skrb o pacijentima, a
procijenili su da se viÅ”e od dvije treÄine njihove prakse temelji na EBM-u. U usporedbi s
rezultatima prethodnog istraživanja meÄu lijeÄnicima iz 2010. godine, doÅ”lo je do odreÄenog
poveÄanja razine svijesti o EBM-u. MeÄutim, za daljnje poveÄanje kvalitete EBM prakse u
Hrvatskoj potrebni su bolji pristup izvorima EBM i daljnje obrazovne aktivnosti Hrvatskog
Cochranea.Objective: Few studies were explored the role of evidence-based medicine (EBM) in the health
system of the Republic of Croatia. This doctoral dissertation included two studies. The first
study was a cross-sectional study on information, attitudes, knowledge and use of information
on evidence-based medicine among patients in Croatia. The second study was a cross-sectional
survey on the level of information, attitudes, knowledge, use of information and barriers to the
application of EBM among family physicians, with or without specialization.
Study design: In the first study, 978 patients from 10 family medicine practices from 5 Croatian
regions (one practice from urban and one from rural areas) participated. The survey was
conducted from September 2014 to September 2015, and a specially prepared questionnaire
with 27 questions was used. Patients were asked about their activity in searching for additional
information about their therapy and/or diagnosis, about using various sources of medical
information, their knowledge of EBM, systematic reviews, about the Cochrane Library, about
Cochrane Croatia and whether they read Cochrane plain language summaries prepared in
Croatian language. Their sociodemographic data were also collected, including professional
status, education level, gender and age.
Croatian family physicians participated in the second cross-sectional study. Respondents were
involved in two ways: during the continuing medical education courses for family physicians
by filling out a printed version of the questionnaire, or they participated in the survey
electronically, by using an online version of the questionnaire. The survey was conducted from
April to September 2016. The study used a standardized questionnaire on EBM, which was
expanded with socio-demographic questions and questions about the work of physicians that
are adapted to the Croatian health system. Each respondent independently assessed the level of
knowledge and understanding of EBM concepts.
Results: Regarding the first study, half of the patients searched for the medical information
from sources other than physician. Internet was the most common place they searched for
information. Very few patients indicated using EBM sources for medical information; one fifth
of patients heard of EBM and 4% of the patients heard of the Cochrane Collaboration. Patients
considered physicianās opinion as the most reliable source of medical information. A logistic
regression model showed that educational level and urban vs. rural residence were the
predictors of awareness about EBM and systematic reviews (P < 0.001 for both).
In the second study, 295 (14%) of all officially registered family physicians responded to the
questionnaire. Respondents were very positive toward the promotion and usage of EBM. 160
(67%) indicated that they did not have access to the Cochrane Library. The majority reported
lack of time available for finding evidence (80%), and patientsā unrealistic expectations that
influence physiciansā choice of treatment (72%). Between the two groups of physicians, family
medicine specialists more frequently reported time as barrier for finding evidence. The highest
level of EBM terminology understanding was reported for study design terms, and the lowest
for statistical terms.
Conclusion: Our findings from the first study showed that patients consider a physicianās
opinion to be the most reliable source of health related information which should be used for
promotion of high quality health information among patients. More effort should be devoted to
the education of patients in rural areas and those with less formal education. New avenues for
knowledge translation and dissemination of high-quality health information among patients are
The second study demonstrated that family physicians in Croatia had very positive attitudes
toward the use of EBM, they agreed that EBM improves patient care, and they estimated that
more than two thirds of their practice is EBM-based. Compared to the results of the previous
survey of physicians in Croatia in 2010, there was some increase in the level of EBM awareness
among family physicians. However, to further increase the quality of EBM practice in Croatia
better access to EBM sources and further educational activities of Cochrane Croatia are needed
Awareness and use of evidence-based medicine information among patients in Croatia: a nation-wide cross-sectional study.
Aim was to determine the use of evidence-based medicine (EBM) information and the level of awareness and knowledge of EBM among patients in Croatia. A cross-sectional study was conducted among 987 patients in 10 family medicine practices in Croatia. Patients from both urban (n=496) and rural (n=482) areas were surveyed. A 27-item questionnaire was used to collect data about sources that patients searched for medical information, patient awareness and use of Cochrane systematic reviews and other EBM resources, and their demographic characteristics. Half of the patients searched for medical information from sources other than physician. Internet was the most common place they searched for information. Very few patients indicated using EBM sources for medical information ; one fifth of patients heard of EBM and 4% of the patients heard of the Cochrane Collaboration. Patients considered physician's opinion as the most reliable source of medical information. A logistic regression model showed that educational level and urban vs rural residence were the predictors of awareness about EBM and systematic reviews (P<0.001 for both). Our finding that patients consider a physician's opinion to be the most reliable source of health-related information could be used for promotion of high-quality health information among patients. More effort should be devoted to the education of patients in rural areas and those with less formal education. New avenues for knowledge translation and dissemination of high-quality health information among patients are necessary
Awareness and use of evidence-based medicine information among patients in Croatia: a nation-wide cross-sectional study.
Aim was to determine the use of evidence-based medicine (EBM) information and the level of awareness and knowledge of EBM among patients in Croatia. A cross-sectional study was conducted among 987 patients in 10 family medicine practices in Croatia. Patients from both urban (n=496) and rural (n=482) areas were surveyed. A 27-item questionnaire was used to collect data about sources that patients searched for medical information, patient awareness and use of Cochrane systematic reviews and other EBM resources, and their demographic characteristics. Half of the patients searched for medical information from sources other than physician. Internet was the most common place they searched for information. Very few patients indicated using EBM sources for medical information ; one fifth of patients heard of EBM and 4% of the patients heard of the Cochrane Collaboration. Patients considered physician's opinion as the most reliable source of medical information. A logistic regression model showed that educational level and urban vs rural residence were the predictors of awareness about EBM and systematic reviews (P<0.001 for both). Our finding that patients consider a physician's opinion to be the most reliable source of health-related information could be used for promotion of high-quality health information among patients. More effort should be devoted to the education of patients in rural areas and those with less formal education. New avenues for knowledge translation and dissemination of high-quality health information among patients are necessary
Awareness and use of evidence-based medicine information among patients in Croatia: a nation-wide cross-sectional study
Aim was to determine the use of evidence-based medicine (EBM) information and the level of awareness and knowledge of EBM among patients in Croatia. A cross-sectional study was conducted among 987 patients in 10 family medicine practices in Croatia. Patients from both urban (n=496) and rural (n=482) areas were surveyed. A 27-item questionnaire was used to collect data about sources that patients searched for medical information, patient awareness and use of Cochrane systematic reviews and other EBM resources, and their demographic characteristics. Half of the patients searched for medical information from sources other than physician. Internet was the most common place they searched for information. Very few patients indicated using EBM sources for medical information ; one fifth of patients heard of EBM and 4% of the patients heard of the Cochrane Collaboration. Patients considered physician's opinion as the most reliable source of medical information. A logistic regression model showed that educational level and urban vs rural residence were the predictors of awareness about EBM and systematic reviews (P<0.001 for both). Our finding that patients consider a physician's opinion to be the most reliable source of health-related information could be used for promotion of high-quality health information among patients. More effort should be devoted to the education of patients in rural areas and those with less formal education. New avenues for knowledge translation and dissemination of high-quality health information among patients are necessary