17 research outputs found

    Local use of rock materials – production and utilization State-of-the-art

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    During excavation of tunnels, large amounts of rock material are produced. This excavated rock material is utilized to a varying extent for road-, railway- and concrete purposes, but significant amounts are used as deposits on land, in fjords or lakes. For both economic and environmental reasons there is a great potential in increasing the utilization of excavated rock material locally in the same project or in neighboring projects. Initially, this report presents a brief introduction to the geology in Norway and some comparable European countries. This may give an indication which main rock type to expect in different areas during tunnelling. Further, the development within the main directions of tunnelling is discussed. Also, an overview of equipment and crushing technology is given. The boundaries of this report are excavated material used in asphalt, concrete, road construction and railway construction. For each area of utilization, a presentation of the currenttechnical requirements for various uses of the material in Norway is given. Examples of projects where excavated material is utilized are presented. Finally, possibilities and obstacles when it comes to utilizing excavated rock material are discussed, and further work is proposed.publishedVersio

    Produksjon og bruk av overskuddsmasser - Beste praksis og vegen videre

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    Kortreist Stein har hatt en arbeidspakke konsentrert mot Produksjon og anvendelse. Som et utgangspunkt for forskningsaktivitetene, er det det laget detaljerte oversikter over de mest relevante anvendelsesomrĂ„dene for kortreist stein og hvilke tekniske egnethetskrav som mĂ„ tilfredsstilles ut fra dagens regelverk. Prosjekter i Norge og andre land hvor overskuddsmasser har blitt nyttiggjort, er presentert. Prosjektet har sett nĂŠrmere pĂ„ hvordan man kan optimalisere knuseprosessen i mobile anlegg ut fra utgangsmateriale og med mĂ„l om mest mulig hĂžyverdig anvendelse av kortreist stein. I Arbeidspakken Produksjon og anvendelse er det gjort detaljerte studier i laboratorium og felt rettet inn mot bruk av tunnelmasser i veg, asfalt og betong, og hvor effekt av knusing og annen prosessering ogsĂ„ har vĂŠrt fokusert. Forskningsarbeidene har inkludert Master- og PhD-arbeid. Flere studier har spesielt vĂŠrt rettet mot utnyttelse av svake steinmaterialer i ulike anvendelser. Flere arbeider utfordrer dagens metodikk for kvalitetsvurdering av tilslagsmaterialer, og der mange funn demonstrerer nytteverdien av funksjonstesting for bedre konklusjon om egnethet og bruksoppfĂžrsel og slik sett bedre utnyttelse av kortreist stein. Arbeidet har resultert i forslag til forbedringer og videre forskning, som bĂ„de er relevant for utnyttelse av overskuddsmasser fra infrastrukturprosjekter og bergverk, generelt for forhold rundt tilslagsproduksjon og tunnel- og anleggsdrift. Foreliggende rapport oppsummerer arbeider, resultater og anbefalinger. I teksten gis referanser til hvilke publikasjoner funn er hentet fra, og en egen referanseliste fĂžlger til slutt i rapporten. Hovedbudskapet fra arbeidspakken Produksjon og anvendelse er som fĂžlger: ‱ Etabler en helhetlig produksjons- og bruksstrategi som tar utgangspunkt i hvilke lokale og kortreiste steinmasser man kan nyttiggjĂžre i eller fra et infrastrukturprosjekt. Dette vil fĂžre til en bedre massebalanse, og en mer kortreist, hĂžyverdig bruk av overskuddsmasser fra infrastrukturprosjekter. ‱ Det ligger flere optimaliseringsmuligheter for Ă„ fĂ„ til dette, bĂ„de nĂ„r det gjelder ‱ Utgangsmaterialet og kunnskap om dette ‱ Driveteknikk ‱ Prosessering og mobile anlegg ‱ Materialteknologi og anvendelser Riktig og tidlig fokus kan gi forbedret ressursforvaltning og -utnyttelse, miljĂž og bĂŠrekraft og Ăžkonomi.publishedVersio

    Resource management and a best available concept for aggregate sustainability

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    Aggregates are major constituents in construction, the global demand for which approaches some 22 billion tonnes per year. Some major challenges follow: firstly, the dependency on geological conditions and the availability of resources; secondly, the traffic, emissions and energy use connected with transportation; thirdly, the technology of utilizing resources with a variety of properties to meet user requirements; and finally, the need for increased awareness, particularly over issues like land-use conflicts, environmental impact of the aggregate and quarrying industry, and the need to make these activities sustainable. Aggregate standards have primarily been written by engineers, and engineers are first of all concerned with technical requirements. However, in the future, there will be a greater focus on environmental impact and sustainability. Geological resources are non-renewable, which, for example, can be seen in the rapid depletion of natural sand/gravel deposits. This causes increasing awareness along with environmental impact, conflicts of interest concerning land use, sustainability in mass balance and – not least – increasing transport distances required to get the materials to the places of use. The principle of a Best Available Concept (BAC) for aggregate production and use is introduced, working with four essential phases: inventory and planning; quarrying and production; use of aggregates; and reclamation of mined-out areas. In order to compare alternatives and calculate environmental and economic consequences of decisions, it is recommended that new LCC (Life Cycle Cost) and LCA (Life Cycle Assessment) tools are worked with, which have been recently developed in two EU (European Union) funded research projects.acceptedVersio

    Resource management and a best available concept for aggregate sustainability

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    Aggregates are major constituents in construction, the global demand for which approaches some 22 billion tonnes per year. Some major challenges follow: firstly, the dependency on geological conditions and the availability of resources; secondly, the traffic, emissions and energy use connected with transportation; thirdly, the technology of utilizing resources with a variety of properties to meet user requirements; and finally, the need for increased awareness, particularly over issues like land-use conflicts, environmental impact of the aggregate and quarrying industry, and the need to make these activities sustainable. Aggregate standards have primarily been written by engineers, and engineers are first of all concerned with technical requirements. However, in the future, there will be a greater focus on environmental impact and sustainability. Geological resources are non-renewable, which, for example, can be seen in the rapid depletion of natural sand/gravel deposits. This causes increasing awareness along with environmental impact, conflicts of interest concerning land use, sustainability in mass balance and – not least – increasing transport distances required to get the materials to the places of use. The principle of a Best Available Concept (BAC) for aggregate production and use is introduced, working with four essential phases: inventory and planning; quarrying and production; use of aggregates; and reclamation of mined-out areas. In order to compare alternatives and calculate environmental and economic consequences of decisions, it is recommended that new LCC (Life Cycle Cost) and LCA (Life Cycle Assessment) tools are worked with, which have been recently developed in two EU (European Union) funded research projects

    FROST – Frost Protection of Roads and Railways

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    We are facing a changing climate and an increasing pressure on traditional aggregate resources. Road fundaments are being designed and built differently, with different materials – and not least; exposed differently than before. At the same time – research on frost exposure and protection has been absent in our country for decades. NTNU is now launching a major research project – “Frost protection of roads and railways”, with the objective to up-date knowledge in this area and to propose new guidelines for design and materials selection

    Inventaire des ressources en granulats dans le quaternaire Norvegien

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    Review report on dry and wet classification of filler materials for concrete : State-of-the-art : FA 2.3 High quality manufactured sand for concrete : SP 2.3.1 Filler technology

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    Due to depletion of natural sand resources in many central locations, it is an increased production and utilisation of crushed sand for concrete purposes. This crushed and processed sand is referred to as; Manufactured sand. Due to high and often variable content of fines (i.e. material less than 125 ÎŒm), in crushed sand, it is a necessity to be able to reduce and enable control of the amount of fines. This could be done either by wet- or dry processing of the sand. This report reviews some of the most common processes for both wet- and dry classification applied for manufactured sand. Some cases of experience in use are reported. Eventually in the report, a set of factors are discussed when selecting the most appropriate system and equipment for classifying manufactured sand. It is the anticipation that this report will assist aggregate producers in selecting appropriate equipment in order to produce high quality manufactured sand at a reasonable cost.publishedVersio