62 research outputs found


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    The ideas of E. G. Racovitza which led to the development of biospelaeology (biospeology, is the term used by Racovitza and adopted here) are reviewed. We emphasize the important research programme named Biospeologica which allowed to implement practical investigations on the subterranean animals due to enthusiastic cooperative work of many scientists. It leads to the exploration of many caves and other hypogean habitats. It is stressed out that the aim of Racovitza’s efforts was to stimulate scientists to contribute with their research to the development of an encyclopedic view of the “Natural History of the Subterranean Domain”. Examples from our own research reflect such ideas. We adopted Racovitza’s views on the phylogenetic systematics, on the way to identify the relict aspect displayed by many subterranean animal groups. Also it is pointed out the importance of Racovitza’s ideas for reconstruction of the dynamic dispersion of homogeneous phylogenetic animal lineages in time and space. Such ideas help us to develop biogeographic scenarios which are important for understanding earth’s history. It is confirmed this way that the ambitious programme of Racovitza, became during the time a real research tradition that merits being pursued by young naturalists interested in solving exciting problems related to the origin and evolution of the subterranean domain and its ecosystems

    The formative years of a biologist at “Institutul de Speologie Emil Racoviţă” [Emil Racovitza Institute of Speleology]

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    A brief biographic sketch of the author’s scientific education and the research activities at “Institutul de Speologie EmilRacoviţă” is presented. The text is offered as an homage to the centennial anniversary of this institution with its important contributionto the Romanian cultural activities (1920–2020

    Recherches sur les Ostracodes Entocytheridae. Données sur \u3cem\u3eSphaeromicola cebennica juderthiei\u3c/em\u3e nov. ssp. et \u3cem\u3eSphaeromicola cirolanae\u3c/em\u3e Rioja

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    Sphaeromicola cebennica juberthiei n. ssp., a cavernicolous ostracod found in the South of France (Système de Cent Fons and Avencas, Herault), is described here. The new subspecies differs from Sph. cebennica cebennica (found in a cave from Ardèche) by the smaller carapace and a reduced distal bristle on the ‘finger” of the male copulatory organ. The affinities and differences between the European Sphaeromicola and Sph. cirolanae from Mexico are discussed. The genus Sphaeromicola is divided into two groups of species: the group topsenti and the group cirolanae. Some observations on the mating process of Sph. Cebennica juberthiei are presented. A precocious sexual behaviour of the female in the last post-embryonic instar is recorded. This type of behaviour seems to be a characteristic of the Entocytheridae

    Three groundwater Candoninae (Ostracoda) from Romania

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    Description of Mixtcandona botosaneanu, Mixtacandona loffleri and Phreatocandona motasi, are presented. The first two species belong to the group laisi-chappuisi and have been found in porous and karstic aquifers in Southwest Romania in or near the Lower Danube Valley. Phreatocandona motasi occurs in a porous aquifer in the Olt Valley, at Jiblea, near Calimanesti. Biogeographical information on the present distribution of the Mixtacandona of the group laisi-chappuisi and on the subterranean Candoninae from the Lower Danube Valley in Romania is given

    Ostracodes du sud de la France 2. Pseudocandona simililampadis n.sp.

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    The description of Pseudocandona simililampadis n. sp. is presented. The new species belongs to the group schellenbergi and has been found in the karstic system of the Vidourle river at Sauve (Gard)

    Ostracodes hypogés du sud de la France. 1. \u3cem\u3eMixtocandona juberthieae\u3c/em\u3e n.sp.

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    The description of Mixtacandona juberthieae n.sp. is presented. The new species belongs to the group taurica and has been found in the karstic system of the Vidourle river at Sauve (Gard)

    Nouvelles données sur les ostracodes d'eau douce de Roumanie : cordocythere phreaticola n. g. n. sp., eucypris petkovskii n. sp., limnocytherini et metacyprini nouvelles tribus de la sous-famille limnocytherinae sars, 1925

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    L'auteur présente la description de Cordocythere phreaticola n.g. n.sp., Eucypris petkovskii n.sp. ainsi que des remarques systématiques sur 13 espèces citées pour la la première fois dans la faune de la Roumanie. On donne la description détaillée de la mandibule et de la maxille de Metacypris cordata, fort utile pour la systématique de la tribu des Metacyprini nov. Une analyse comparative portant sur la structure de l'antenne I, la mandibule et la maxille des genres Limnocythere, Cytheridella, Gomphocythere, Metacypris, Elpidium et Cordocythere a permis à l'auteur d'entrevoir l'existence de deux lignées phylétiques à l'intérieur de la sous-famille des Limnocytherinae SARS 1925. Elles ont été nommées tribu des Limnocytherini nov. et des Metacyprini nov. La redécouverte d'Isocypris arnoldi, pour la première fois depuis sa description initiale, est intéressante au point de vue systématique et zoogéographique. La présence des espèces thermophiles Dolerocypris sinensis, Stenocypris major et Heterocypris maura dans le Sud de la Roumanie, ainsi que l'espèce phréatophile Cypridopsis subterranea dans le Nord-Est, est intéressante au point de vue zoogéographique. Vu la répartition actuelle des représentants de la tribu des Metacyprini, Cordocythere phreaticola est considéré une relicte préglaciaire