12 research outputs found

    Modellazione orientata agli oggetti per la simulazione della dinamica di attuatori elettromeccanici per comandi di volo All-Electric

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    L'obiettivo principale del presente lavoro di tesi è lo studio della dinamica di attuatori elettromeccanici per comandi di volo di velivoli ``All Electric'', al fine di analizzarne gli assorbimenti di potenza e di valutarne l'applicabilità per il campo aeronautico. L'analisi è stata effettuata mediante lo sviluppo di modelli Modelica, un linguaggio di modellazione orientato agli oggetti, in ambiente Dymola. E' stato creato un modello di attuatore elettromeccanico costituito da un motore elettrico DC Brushless e relativa trasmissione di potenza, ed è stata effettuata la modellazione della superficie di controllo e sono stati implementati gli effetti dei carichi aerodinamici. Inoltre è stato sviluppato un modello linearizzato della dinamica dell'attuatore cha ha condotto alla messa a punto dei parametri del controllo dell'attuatore in ambiente Dymola verificando l'effetto delle varie non linearità caratteristiche del sistema, nel rispetto di opportuni requisiti assegnati. Infine si è effettuato un confronto tra l'assorbimento di potenza di un sistema di attuatori servoidraulici tradizionali e di un sistema di attuatori elettromeccanici

    Innovation and research roadmap

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    hukkalainen2015aThe READY4SmartCities (R4SC) project examines the adaption of Information and CommunicationTechnologies (ICT) in energy systems, in order to improve their sustainability and energy efficiency insmart cities. This deliverable presents an innovation and research roadmap, suggesting thedevelopment needs of ICTs in short, medium and long term for the holistic design, planning andoperation of energy systems. The focus is on large energy systems at the city level: centralized anddistributed energy systems with connections to both national level energy systems and to theneighbourhood and building level energy systems.The roadmap is divided into five roadmap sections: citizens, the building sector, the energy sector,municipality and energy data. Each roadmap sector introduces drivers, needs and requirements,visions, barriers, expected impacts and key stakeholders. In the following, the goals of the differentroadmap sections are specified from the viewpoints of key stakeholders. The role of ICTs and energydata in enabling these goals is also identified.The involvement of citizens in decision making related to energy aspects should be increased. Citizensshould take an active role in the operation and use of energy to improve their energy behaviour. ICTscould help citizens to improve their energy behaviour by making them aware of the impacts of theiractions.Buildings should become connected objects operating actively with energy networks and are optimizedto balance the energy behaviour and thereby maximize the comfort of the inhabitants. Efficient energyuse and on-site renewable energy production in the buildings is expected to be of high importance.Buildings could also be able to act as energy providers. This requires the smart use of data from thebuilt environment, energy grids, the weather etc., implying that interoperability is ensured at differentlevels.The energy supply in cities should rely both on distributed and centralised energy production with usingmany renewable and local energy sources. Cities would become large power plants and virtual storage,reacting flexibly on the availability of renewables. ICT standards are needed for the communicationbetween all the energy systems.Municipalities should foster the integration of different city systems to maximize their synergy impacts.Efficient energy use and supply could be realized through appropriate decision making, energyplanning, development projects and daily operation within cities. Energy supply and use are integratedto other city operations with various ICT solutions.Access to open energy data would enable the sharing of cross-domain data between differentstakeholders, leading to the consolidation of energy-related knowledge in cities. The use of energy datawould also give the stakeholders a holistic view of the energy systems.The repeating theme throughout the roadmap is a strong need for broad collaboration, communicationand interoperability within all the stakeholder networks. This requires the standardisation of bothinterfaces and systems themselves, to enable cross-organisational operation

    ICT-based solutions supporting energy systems for Smart Cities

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    This chapter describes ICT solutions for planning, maintaining and assessing urban energy systems. There is no single urban energy system, but - like the city itself - a system of sub-systems with different scales, spatially ranging from buildings to blocks, districts and to the city, temporally ranging from real time data to hourly, daily, monthly and finally annual totals. ICT support must consider these different sub-systems which makes necessary dividing the chapter into different sections. The chapter starts with framework conditions and general requirements for ICT solutions, and continues discussing urban development simulating models. Then decision support tools are described for energy supply and demand as well as for energy efficiency improvement assessment. Later further instruments for Smart Grid-, district heating- and cooling-planning, as well as demand side management are addressed. In the final section tools are discussed for building automation systems as smallest physical entity within the urban energy system.</p

    Dynamic equation-based thermo-hydraulic pipe model for district heating and cooling systems

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    Simulation and optimisation of district heating and cooling networks requires efficient and realistic models of the individual network elements in order to correctly represent heat losses or gains, temperature propagation and pressure drops. Due to more recent thermal networks incorporating meshing decentralised heat and cold sources, the system often has to deal with variable temperatures and mass flow rates, with flow reversal occurring more frequently. This paper presents the mathematical derivation and software implementation in Modelica of a thermo-hydraulic model for thermal networks that meets the above requirements and compares it to both experimental data and a commonly used model. Good correspondence between experimental data from a controlled test set-up and simulations using the presented model was found. Compared to measurement data from a real district heating network, the simulation results led to a larger error than in the controlled test set-up, but the general trend is still approximated closely and the model yields results similar to a pipe model from the Modelica Standard Library. However, the presented model simulates 1.7 (for low number of volumes) to 68 (for highly discretized pipes) times faster than a conventional model for a realistic test case. A working implementation of the presented model is made openly available within the IBPSA Modelica Library. The model is robust in the sense that grid size and time step do not need to be adapted to the flow rate, as is the case in finite volume models.status: publishe

    ICT-based solutions supporting energy systems for Smart Cities

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    This chapter describes ICT solutions for planning, maintaining and assessing urban energy systems. There is no single urban energy system, but - like the city itself - a system of sub-systems with different scales, spatially ranging from buildings to blocks, districts and to the city, temporally ranging from real time data to hourly, daily, monthly and finally annual totals. ICT support must consider these different sub-systems which makes necessary dividing the chapter into different sections. The chapter starts with framework conditions and general requirements for ICT solutions, and continues discussing urban development simulating models. Then decision support tools are described for energy supply and demand as well as for energy efficiency improvement assessment. Later further instruments for Smart Grid-, district heating- and cooling-planning, as well as demand side management are addressed. In the final section tools are discussed for building automation systems as smallest physical entity within the urban energy system.Green Open Access added to TU Delft Institutional Repository ‘You share, we take care!’ – Taverne project https://www.openaccess.nl/en/you-share-we-take-care Otherwise as indicated in the copyright section: the publisher is the copyright holder of this work and the author uses the Dutch legislation to make this work public.Intelligent Electrical Power Grid