347 research outputs found

    Reciprocal Interactions between Lactoferrin and Bacterial Endotoxins and Their Role in the Regulation of the Immune Response

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    Lactoferrin (Lf), an iron-binding glycoprotein expressed in most biological fluids, represents a major component of the mammalian innate immune system. Lf’s multiple activities rely not only on its capacity to bind iron, but also to interact with molecular and cellular components of both host and pathogens. Lf can bind and sequester lipopolysaccharide (LPS), thus preventing pro-inflammatory pathway activation, sepsis and tissue damage. However, Lf-bound LPS may retain the capacity to induce cell activation via Toll-like receptor 4-dependent and -independent mechanisms. This review discusses the complex interplay between Lf and LPS and its relevance in the regulation of the immune response

    l-Lactate generates hydrogen peroxide in purified rat liver mitochondria due to the putative l-lactate oxidase localized in the intermembrane space

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    AbstractIn order to ascertain whether and how mitochondria can produce hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) as a result of l-lactate addition, we monitored H2O2 generation in rat liver mitochondria and in submitochondrial fractions free of peroxisomal and cytosolic contamination. We found that H2O2 is produced independently on the respiratory chain with 1:1 stoichiometry with pyruvate, due to a putative flavine-dependent l-lactate oxidase restricted to the intermembrane space. The l-lactate oxidase reaction shows a hyperbolic dependence on l-lactate concentration and is inhibited by NAD+ in a competitive manner, being the enzyme different from the l-lactate dehydrogenase isoenzymes as shown by their pH profiles

    tst1-positive ST22-MRSA-IVa in healthy Italian preschool children

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    A survey was performed in May 2013 to assess methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) nasal colonization in healthy children attending 26 municipal daycare centres in Palermo, Italy. Of the 500 children, ten (2 %) tested positive. Eight MRSA isolates were tst1-positive ST22-MRSA-IVa, spa t223; the other two isolates were identified as ST1-IVa and ST398-V, respectively. tst1-positive ST22-MRSA, spa t223 has been previously identified only in the Middle Eastern area

    Lamivudine/dolutegravir dual therapy in HIV-infected, virologically suppressed patients

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    Background: Little is known about the applicability of dual treatments based on integrase inhibitors. We explored the combination of lamivudine + dolutegravir as an option when switching from standard cART in virologically suppressed patients. Methods: In this prospective cohort we enrolled patients previously switched to 3TC + DTG who were 18 years or older, with no previous resistance mutations to the used drugs, having a HIV-RNA 6 months) cART. Results: Ninety-four individuals were included. They were mostly men (77.7%) with a mean age of 53 years. They presented 159 co-morbidities including cardiovascular, bone, hepatic, kidney, and CNS diseases. Because of these pathologies, they took 207 non-ARV drugs (mean 2.2 per patient). Median duration of viral suppression was 77.5 months (IQR 61). All subjects were prospectively followed up to week 24 and all remained on dual therapy during the whole period. Neither virological failure, nor viral blip was detected. The median CD4 count rose from 658 cells/mcl (IQR 403) to 724 cells/mcl (IQR 401) (P = 0.006) without a significant (P = 0.44) change in the CD4/CD8 ratio. A significant (P < 0.0001) increment of median creatinine from 0.87 mg/dl (IQR 0.34) to 0.95 mg/dl (IQR 0.29) was observed in the first 2 months but thereafter leveled on these values (1.00 mg/dl; IQR 0.35) (P = 0.111 compared to 2 months). The lipid profile slightly improved. The daily cost of cART was significantly (P < 0.0001) reduced of 6.89 euros (SD 6.10). Discussion: Switching to a dual cART regimen based on lamivudine + dolutegravir maintains virological efficacy up to week 24, and is associated to slight improvements of the immunologic and metabolic status. The strategy allows to freely using concomitant medications for associated pathologies. The dual therapy is less expensive in economic terms. Conclusion: Although still limited evidence exists, a dolutegravir-based dual therapy in combination with lamivudine shows promising results to be confirmed in larger controlled trials

    Oxidative Status of Goats with Different CSN1S1 Genotypes Fed ad Libitum with Fresh and Dry Forages

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    Forty late-lactation Girgentana goats were used to study the effect of diets fed ad libitum and αS1-casein (CSN1S1) genotype on redox balance. The goats genotyped at CSN1S1 locus (A/A, A/F) were subjected to four feeding treatments different for percentage inclusion of dry and fresh forage: DAF100 (98% of Dry Alfalfa Forage), DAF65 (65% of Dry Alfalfa Forage), FSF100 (100% of Fresh Sulla Forage) and FSF65 (65% of Fresh Sulla Forage). Blood samples were analyzed for superoxide dismutase (SOD) and glutathione peroxidase (GPX) activity, reactive oxygen metabolites (ROMs), biological antioxidant potential (BAP) and non-esterified fatty acids (NEFA), beta-hydroxybutyrate (BHBA), albumin, glucose and cholesterol contents. The oxidative stress index (OSI) was calculated as percentage ratio of ROMs to BAP. Redox balance was improved by Sulla inclusion, as reflected in the lower OSI values found in FSF100 and FSF65 groups. DAF100 group displayed the highest GPX activity, while other groups exhibited the highest SOD activity. Fresh forage diets increased albumin concentration while no effect of tested factors was noted on glucose, NEFA, BHBA and cholesterol contents. The interaction diet × genotype was significant only for GPX activity. GPX and albumin were negatively correlated and were correlated positively and negatively with ROMs, respectively. Diet rather than genotype affects redox balance in dairy goats and a possible role of forage polyphenol compounds on oxidative status needs to be tested in future studies

    Quantitative Evaluation of Bacteria Adherent and in Biofilm on Single-Wall Carbon Nanotube-Coated Surfaces

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    Biofilm is a common bacterial lifestyle, and it plays a crucial role in human health, causing biofilm-mediated infections. Recently, to counteract biofilm development, new nano-structured biomaterials have been proposed. However, data about the antibacterial properties of nano-structured surfaces are fragmentary and controversial, and, in particular, the susceptibility of nano-structured materials to colonization and biofilm formation by bacterial pathogens has not been yet thoroughly considered. Here, the ability of the pathogenic Streptococcus mutans and Pseudomonas aeruginosa to adhere and form biofilm on surfaces coated with single-wall carbon nanotubes (SWCNTs) was analyzed. Our results showed that the surfaces of SWCNTs-coated glass beads (SWCNTs-GBs) were colonized at the same extent of uncoated GBs both by S. mutans and P. aeruginosa. In conclusion, our results demonstrate that single wall SWCNTs-coated surfaces are not suitable to counteract bacterial adhesion and biofilm development

    Stimulation of the brain serotonin receptor 7 rescues mitochondrial dysfunction in female mice from two models of Rett syndrome

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    Rett syndrome (RTT) is a rare neurodevelopmental disorder, characterized by severe behavioral and physiological symptoms. Mutations in the methyl CpG binding protein 2 gene (MECP2) cause more than 95% of classic cases, and currently there is no cure for this devastating disorder. Recently we have demonstrated that neurobehavioral and brain molecular alterations can be rescued in a RTT mouse model, by pharmacological stimulation of the brain serotonin receptor 7 (5-HT7R). This member of the serotonin receptor family, crucially involved in the regulation of brain structural plasticity and cognitive processes, can be stimulated by systemic repeated treatment with LP-211, a brain-penetrant selective agonist. The present study extends previous findings by demonstrating that LP-211 treatment (0.25&nbsp;mg/kg, once per day for 7 days) rescues mitochondrial respiratory chain impairment, oxidative phosphorylation deficiency and the reduced energy status in the brain of heterozygous female mice from two highly validated mouse models of RTT (MeCP2-308 and MeCP2-Bird mice). Moreover, LP-211 treatment completely restored the radical species overproduction by brain mitochondria in the MeCP2-308 model and partially recovered the oxidative imbalance in the more severely affected MeCP2-Bird model. These results provide the first evidence that RTT brain mitochondrial dysfunction can be rescued targeting the brain 5-HT7R and add compelling preclinical evidence of the potential therapeutic value of LP-211 as a pharmacological approach for this devastating neurodevelopmental disorder