203 research outputs found


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    As Romania became member of the EU, its financial markets are operating more and more like those of a developed capitalist country and the firms have to take into consideration all the advantages and to face all the challenges regarding the new financing sources such as: the public capital market, the private equity funds.capital market, private equity funds, integration,

    The Assessment of Risk Factors for Work Safety at the Workplace for Driver

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    In this is paper present the calculation of the overall risk level for workplace - driver. Risk assessment is the first step towards safer and healthier jobs, and it is the way to reduce accidents at work and occupational diseases. The new trends in managing an organization are to consider as performing an organization that is equally concerned with improving the quality of products / services and increasing economic efficiency, as well as providing adequate working conditions for employees and environmental protection environment, by increasing the quality of life in general. All of these components are addressed within integrated management systems, which usually aim to organize the operation of companies. Employee health and safety, protection of neighbouring populations, flora and fauna, water and soil are just as important as the organization's profit. But what does the health and safety component of work in this integrated system involve? The increase in profit results from the reduction of material losses due to accidents and damages, the reduction of absenteeism due to medical leave, the elimination of losses caused by penalties resulting from non-compliance with legal requirements, etc

    Impacto del huracán Frances en la morfología costera de Florida (USA)

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    Improving the Properties of the Asphalt Mixture, by Content Variation of the Bitumen

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    The paper presents a study, on several samples of asphalt mix, with different compositions, in order to investigate the influence of the composition, on the properties, which asphalt mix must fulfil. For all kinds of aggregates, the granulometric analysis was made, and the bitumen content was varied, to study the influence on the properties of the mixture


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    Universitatea de Stat de Medicină şi Farmacie „Nicolae Testemiţanu”, Chişinău, Republica MoldovaIntroducere. Cancerul vulvar reprezintă o tumoră malignă, ce se dezvoltă din țesutul vulvei, care afectează preponderent femeile aflate în postmenopauză și cuprinde 4% din afecțiunile maligne ginecologice. Cel mai frecvent tip histologic fiind carcinomul cu celule scuamoase (CCS). Scopul lucrării. De a studia factorii predispozanți etiopatogenici în apariția cancerului vulvar pentru un diagnostic precoce. Material și Metode. Studiul a fost bazat pe analiza fișelor medicale a 36 cazuri de cancer vulvar diagnosticat și tratat în secția Ginecologie a Institutului Oncologic din Republica Moldova. Studiul a inclus examinarea anamnezei, preluarea frotiului din zona afectată, biopsia tumorii pentru examenul histopatologic, PCR pentru identificarea ADN viral HPV. Rezultate. Conform rezultatelor studiului, AND-ul viral HPV a fost identificat în 78% cu vârsta între 60-70 de ani. La aceste paciente au fost prezenți și alți factori predispozanți ca: bolile sexual-transmisibile în trecut, obezitate, abuzul de nicotină. În 33% a fost diagnosticat lichenul scleros, un subgrup al tulburărilor epiteliale non-neoplazice vulvare. La majoritatea din aceste paciente s-a depistat boala hipertonică și diabet zaharat. Concluzie. Cancerul vulvar are la bază câteva verigi patogenice principale. Prima și cea mai importantă este infecția cu virusul HPV, care la rândul său provoacă o neoplazie intraepitelială vulvară (VIN). Dereglările endocrine, cardiovasculare și infecțiile specifice contribuie la apariția tulburărilor epiteliale vulvare, care în timp se transformă în hiperplazie a celulelor scuamoase vulvare, ce nu exclude o evoluție spre cancer.Background. Vulvar cancer is a malignant tumor that develops from the tissue of the vulva, which mainly affects postmenopausal women and comprises 4% of gynecological malignancies. The most common histological type is squamous cell carcinoma (CCS). Objective of the study. To study the etiopathogenic predisposing factors in the occurrence of vulvar cancer for an early diagnosis. Material and Methods. The study was based on the analysis of medical records of 36 cases of vulvar cancer diagnosed and treated in the gynecology department of Institute of Oncology of the Republic of Moldova. The study included anamnesis examination, smear collection from the affected area, tumor biopsy for histopathological examination, and PCR for the identification of HPV viral DNA. Results. According to the results of the study, HPV viral DNA was identified in 78% aged 60-70 years. These patients also had other predisposing factors such as past sexually transmitted diseases, obesity, and nicotine abuse. Lichen sclerosus, a subgroup of vulvar non-neoplastic epithelial disorders, was diagnosed in 33%. Most of these patients had hypertonic disease and diabetes. Conclusion. Vulvar cancer is based on several major pathogenic links. The first and most important is HPV infection, which in turn causes vulvar intraepithelial neoplasia (VIN). Endocrine disorders, cardiovascular disorders, and specific infections contribute to the appearance of vulvar epithelial disorders, which over time turn into vulvar squamous cell hyperplasia, which does not rule out a progression to cancer

    Factorii de risc în apariția cancerului vulvar

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    Background. Vulvar cancer is a malignant tumor that develops from the tissue of the vulva, which mainly affects postmenopausal women and comprises 4% of gynecological malignancies. The most common histological type is squamous cell carcinoma (CCS). Objective of the study. To study the etiopathogenic predisposing factors in the occurrence of vulvar cancer for an early diagnosis. Material and Methods. The study was based on the analysis of medical records of 36 cases of vulvar cancer diagnosed and treated in the gynecology department of Institute of Oncology of the Republic of Moldova. The study included anamnesis examination, smear collection from the affected area, tumor biopsy for histopathological examination, and PCR for the identification of HPV viral DNA. Results. According to the results of the study, HPV viral DNA was identified in 78% aged 60-70 years. These patients also had other predisposing factors such as past sexually transmitted diseases, obesity, and nicotine abuse. Lichen sclerosus, a subgroup of vulvar non-neoplastic epithelial disorders, was diagnosed in 33%. Most of these patients had hypertonic disease and diabetes. Conclusion. Vulvar cancer is based on several major pathogenic links. The first and most important is HPV infection, which in turn causes vulvar intraepithelial neoplasia (VIN). Endocrine disorders, cardiovascular disorders, and specific infections contribute to the appearance of vulvar epithelial disorders, which over time turn into vulvar squamous cell hyperplasia, which does not rule out a progression to cancer.Introducere. Cancerul vulvar reprezintă o tumoră malignă, ce se dezvoltă din țesutul vulvei, care afectează preponderent femeile aflate în postmenopauză și cuprinde 4% din afecțiunile maligne ginecologice. Cel mai frecvent tip histologic fiind carcinomul cu celule scuamoase (CCS). Scopul lucrării. De a studia factorii predispozanți etiopatogenici în apariția cancerului vulvar pentru un diagnostic precoce. Material și Metode. Studiul a fost bazat pe analiza fișelor medicale a 36 cazuri de cancer vulvar diagnosticat și tratat în secția Ginecologie a Institutului Oncologic din Republica Moldova. Studiul a inclus examinarea anamnezei, preluarea frotiului din zona afectată, biopsia tumorii pentru examenul histopatologic, PCR pentru identificarea ADN viral HPV. Rezultate. Conform rezultatelor studiului, AND-ul viral HPV a fost identificat în 78% cu vârsta între 60-70 de ani. La aceste paciente au fost prezenți și alți factori predispozanți ca: bolile sexual-transmisibile în trecut, obezitate, abuzul de nicotină. În 33% a fost diagnosticat lichenul scleros, un subgrup al tulburărilor epiteliale non-neoplazice vulvare. La majoritatea din aceste paciente s-a depistat boala hipertonică și diabet zaharat. Concluzie. Cancerul vulvar are la bază câteva verigi patogenice principale. Prima și cea mai importantă este infecția cu virusul HPV, care la rândul său provoacă o neoplazie intraepitelială vulvară (VIN). Dereglările endocrine, cardiovasculare și infecțiile specifice contribuie la apariția tulburărilor epiteliale vulvare, care în timp se transformă în hiperplazie a celulelor scuamoase vulvare, ce nu exclude o evoluție spre cancer

    La escuela nacional musical rumana a finales del siglo XIX y la primera mitad del siglo XX : aspectos técnicos e interpretativos en las obras para viola y piano de G. Enescu (Concertstück) y Stan Golestan (Allegro et Arioso de concert)

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    Dissertação apresentada à Escola Superior de Artes Aplicadas do Instituto Politécnico de Castelo Branco para obtenção do Grau de Mestre em Música - Área de Especialização em Viola de Arco.La variedad geográfica de los territorios habitados por los rumanos justifica el carácter más importante de su música - la heterogeneidad, que reúne un gran número de influencias de las culturas de los pueblos vecinos o de los que solo estuvieron de paso. Esta tesis se puede aplicar principalmente a la música folclórica rumana, que presenta características muy diferentes a nivel regional. La práctica de la música culta - al estilo occidental - dentro del territorio rumano no se ha manifestado constantemente antes de la segunda mitad del siglo XIX, que es el momento de la creación de una escuela musical nacional. A partir de este momento y durante varias décadas se hacen grandes esfuerzos para sincronizar el panorama musical local con el de la Europa occidental, en todos sus aspectos: compositivo, interpretativo, pedagógico, o propagador de la música culta y de entretenimiento. Los resultados de este complejo e intenso proceso llegan a su máximo alcance alrededor del año 1940, aunque luego, después de la guerra, serán aniquilados por el régimen comunista creado en el país. En las más de cuatro décadas siguientes, el sincronismo con los centros musicales de la Europa occidental se ve interrumpido por razones políticas. Después de la desaparición del régimen comunista, en 1989, se vuelve a retomar el proceso sincrónico interrumpido al final de la segunda guerra mundial, El Concertstück de George Enescu y Arioso y Allegro de Concert de Stan Golestan, son dos obras para viola y piano que trataré de analizar de punto de vista formal, musical y técnico, tanto desde una perspectiva académica, como desde la del intérprete de viola. Ambas forman ya parte del repertorio universal de la viola y están compuestas en el periodo de entreguerras, el más efervescente de la creación artística rumana de todos los tiempos y a todos los niveles. Las artes plásticas, la arquitectura, la literatura, la poesía, la filosofía, el teatro, y desde luego, la música llegaron a desarrollarse de una manera explosiva, como jamás había ocurrido antes, buscando su propia identidad nacional. Comenzaré por exponer las principales orientaciones que han determinado las tendencias y el desarrollo de la cultura rumana en general y la musical en particular en el periodo de tiempo comprendido entre el final del siglo XIX y la primera mitad del siglo XX y analizaré musicalmente y formalmente las dos obras para viola y piano anteriormente mencionadas. Después de presentar sus principales dificultades técnicas, intentaré ofrecer algunas soluciones prácticas que faciliten el alcance a la expresión artística, a la extraordinaria riqueza musical de estas dos obras, lo que constituye el principal objetivo del presente análisis.Abstract: The geographical variety of the territories inhabited by Romanians justifies the most important character of his music - the heterogeneity, which brings together a large number of influences from the cultures of the neighboring villages or those who were only just passing. This thesis can be applied mainly to the Romanian folkloric music, which is presenting very different regional characteristics. The practice of music - Western style - within the Romanian territory hasn`t manifested itself constantly before the second half of the 19th century, which is the time of the creation of a national music school. From this moment, and for several decades great effort are being made to synchronize the local musical scene with that of Western Europe, in all its aspects: composition, interpretive, pedagogical, or propagator of music and entertainment. The results of this complex and intense process reach its maximum extent around the year 1940, but then, after the war, they will be annihilated by the Communist regime established in the country. In the more than four decades that followed, the synchronism with the musical centers of Western Europe is interrupted by political reasons. After the demise of the Communist regime, in 1989, turns to return to the synchronous process interrupted at the end of the Second World War. The Concertstück for George Enescu and Arioso and Allegro Concert of Stan Golestan, are two works for viola and piano that I will try to analyze of formal point of view, musical and technical, both from the academic perspective as well of the viola performer. Both opus are a part of the universal repertoire for the viola and are composed in the period between the two world wars, the most effervescent of the Romanian art of all times and levels. The plastic arts, architecture, literature, poetry, philosophy, theatre, and of course, music, came to develop itself by an explosive manner, as never had happened before, looking for their own national identity. I will begin by exposing the main orientations that have determined the trends and the development of the culture in general and the musical in particular in Romania, since the end of the 19th century until the first half of the 20th century, and analyze musically and formally the two aforementioned works for viola and piano. After presenting its main technical difficulties, I will try to offer some practical solutions that facilitate the scope to artistic expression, to the extraordinary musical richness of these two works, which is the main objective of the present analysis

    Stimulating growth and xylindein production of Chlorociboria aeruginascens in agar-based systems

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    Four isolates of Chlorociboria aeruginascens were tested for possible stimulatory effects when grown on malt agar media containing wood additives. The addition of any of the four types of test wood (Acer saccharum, Populus tremuloides, spalted P. tremuloides, and Ailanthus altissima), stimulated colony growth and xylindein production in C. aeruginascens. Addition of any amount of wood produced more growth than no wood additions, while ground wood produced more growth than chopped wood. Of the wood types tested, A. saccharum wood stimulated all four isolates, while spalted Populus tremuloides stimulated three of the four isolates. High glucose and sucrose amounts may be partially responsible for the greater stimulatory affect of some woods over others. The development of this simple and reliable method for growth and pigment stimulation of C. aeruginascens in laboratory conditions will allow for further development of this fungus for decorative and commercial use

    The Environment Impact of Phonic Pollution in an Area with Hydrocarbs Exploitation Activities

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    The paper presents the obtained results and the conclusions following the measurements regarding the noise pollution, from the analysed area of Galati. Monitoring has been made for as many factors as possible, possible causes of noise pollution, with the purpose of covering the entire area of development and the activity of oil exploitation. The determinations were made at different time intervals, for several working days, and in the end, they were compared with the regulations required by law regarding the exposure limit value for a normal day of 8 hours. Because the activity of exploration and exploitation of hydrocarbons requires the use of many heavy machinery, which pollute, their noise they can have a significant impact on the environment. For the analysis, several work points were monitored with the purpose of providing an overview, regarding the noise pollution, in the Independence oil exploitation area