15 research outputs found

    Trochlear Nerve Palsy Associated with Claude Bernard-Horner Syndrome after Brainstem Stroke

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    The association of unilateral trochlear nerve palsy with Claude Bernard-Horner syndrome represents a rare clinical condition. We present the case of a patient with this unusual presentation. The investigation performed implicated cerebrovascular disease as the underlying cause of the condition in this patient

    Latin American Consensus Statement for the Use of Contrast-Enhanced Transcranial Ultrasound as a Diagnostic Test for Detection of Right-to-Left Shunt

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    Background: The role of patent foramen ovale is a field of debate and current publications have increasing controversies about the patients' management in young undetermined stroke. Work up with echocardiography and transcranial Doppler (TCD) can aid the decision with better anatomical and functional characterization of right-to-left shunt (RLS). Medical and interventional strategy may benefit from this information. Summary: a group of experts from the Latin American participants of the Neurosonology Research Group (NSRG) of World Federation of Neurology created a task force to review literature and describe the better methodology of contrast TCD (c-TCD). All signatories of the present consensus statement have published at least one study on TCD as an author or co-author in an indexed journal. Two meetings were held while the consensus statement was being drafted, during which controversial issues were discussed and voted on by the statement signatories. The statement paper was reviewed and approved by the Executive Committee of the NSRG of the World Federation of Neurology. The main objective of this consensus statement is to establish a standardization of the c-TCD technique and its interpretation, in order to improve the informative quality of the method, resulting in expanding the application of TCD in the clinical setting. These recommendations optimize the comparison of different diagnostic methods and encourage the use of c-TCD for RLS screening and complementary diagnosis in multicenter studies

    Antimicrobial activity of nisin in cooked ham on Listeria monocytogenes and bacteria lactic acid

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    O presunto cozido é um dos embutidos cárneos mais consumidos no Brasil, sendo também um dos mais sensíveis à deterioração por bactérias ácido láticas (BAL) e a contaminação por Listeria monocytogenes. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a atividade antimicrobiana da nisina (Nisaplin®) aplicada em presunto cozido, a fim de controlar L. monocytogenes e BAL. Para tanto, presuntos cozidos foram preparados e fatiados individualmente pelas empresas DuPont e Marsul. No ensaio 1, o presunto foi injetado com salmoura contendo 12,5 mg de nisina por kg (dosagem aprovada no Brasil para queijos fundidos). O potencial bioconservante da nisina foi avaliado contaminando artificialmente as fatias do presunto com um pool composto por 5 cepas de L. monocytogenes. Os resultados do ensaio 1 demonstraram que o tratamento com nisina não teve efeito significativo sobre a população de L. monocytogenes. Já as BAL foram inibidas por 2 dias. No ensaio 2, a adição da nisina na mesma dosagem foi feita no tambleamento, inibindo a população de L. monocytogenes por 6 dias e BAL por 10 dias Em vista dos resultados obtidos nos 2 primeiros ensaios foi determinada a concentração mínima bactericida (CMB) do pool e dos isolados de L. monocytogenes, a fim de verificar a sensibilidade das cepas individualmente e em conjunto e o efeito da nisina sem a matriz cárnea. Além disso, também foi avaliado o efeito sinérgico ou antagônico da salmoura sobre a ação bactericida da nisina. Pôde-se constatar que as diferentes cepas de L. monocytogenes demonstraram perfis de sensibilidade diferentes e que o pool de cepas foi menos sensível ao efeito da nisina. Os resultados obtidos conduziram a avaliação de dosagem maior de nisina no presunto cozido. No ensaio 3, 32 mg/kg de nisina foram adicionadas a salmoura do presunto cozido e testados contra o pool de L. monocytogenes e a cepa ATCC 7644, separadamente. Os resultados demonstraram que a nova dosagem de nisina inibiu significativamente a multiplicação do pool de L. monocytogenes e da cepa ATCC 7644, durante 10 dias, sugerindo ser uma barreira efetiva no controle de L. monocytogenes em presunto cozido.Precooked ham is one of the most consumed meats in Brazil. It is also one of the most sensitive to spoilage by lactic acid bacteria (LAB) and contamination by Listeria monocytogenes. The objective of this study is to evaluate the antimicrobial activity of Nisin (Nisaplin®) when applied to precooked ham, in order to control the growth of L. monocytogenes and LAB. For the purposes of this study, the precooked ham prepared and sliced individually by the DuPont and Marsul company was used. For trial 1, brine containing 12.5 mg of nisin was injected per kg of ham (dosage approved in Brazil for processed cheese). The biopreservative potential of nisin was evaluated by artificially contaminating slices of control and test ham with a pool of 5 different strains of L. monocytogenes. The results of this first trial showed that treatment with this amount of nisin had no significant effect on the growth of the L. monocytogenes population. However, the LAB population was indeed inhibited by 2 days. In trial number 2, the addition of nisin to the same amount of precooked ham by tumbling inhibited the growth of the L. monocytogenes population by 6 days and of the LAB population by 10 days. In light of the results obtained in these first 2 trials, the minimum bactericidal concentration (MBC) pool and L. monocytogenes isolates were determined in order to verify the sensitivity of the strains individually and together as well as the effects of nisin without the meat matrix Additionally, the synergistic or antagonistic effects of brine on the antimicrobial properties of nisin were also evaluated. Results suggest that different strains of L. monocytogenes have different sensitivity profiles and that the pool of strains was less sensitive to the effects of the nisin. These results prompted an increase in the dosage of nisin added to the precooked ham in trial number 3. In this trial, 32mg/kg of nisin was added to the brine of the precooked ham and tested against the L. monocytogenes pool and ATCC 7644 strain, separately. Results demonstrated that this increase in amount of nisin significantly reduced the growth of the L. monocytogenes pool and of the ATCC strain for 10 days. This suggests that nisin can be an effective barrier against the growth of L. monocytogenes in precooked ham

    Antimicrobial activity of nisin in cooked ham on Listeria monocytogenes and bacteria lactic acid

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    O presunto cozido é um dos embutidos cárneos mais consumidos no Brasil, sendo também um dos mais sensíveis à deterioração por bactérias ácido láticas (BAL) e a contaminação por Listeria monocytogenes. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a atividade antimicrobiana da nisina (Nisaplin®) aplicada em presunto cozido, a fim de controlar L. monocytogenes e BAL. Para tanto, presuntos cozidos foram preparados e fatiados individualmente pelas empresas DuPont e Marsul. No ensaio 1, o presunto foi injetado com salmoura contendo 12,5 mg de nisina por kg (dosagem aprovada no Brasil para queijos fundidos). O potencial bioconservante da nisina foi avaliado contaminando artificialmente as fatias do presunto com um pool composto por 5 cepas de L. monocytogenes. Os resultados do ensaio 1 demonstraram que o tratamento com nisina não teve efeito significativo sobre a população de L. monocytogenes. Já as BAL foram inibidas por 2 dias. No ensaio 2, a adição da nisina na mesma dosagem foi feita no tambleamento, inibindo a população de L. monocytogenes por 6 dias e BAL por 10 dias Em vista dos resultados obtidos nos 2 primeiros ensaios foi determinada a concentração mínima bactericida (CMB) do pool e dos isolados de L. monocytogenes, a fim de verificar a sensibilidade das cepas individualmente e em conjunto e o efeito da nisina sem a matriz cárnea. Além disso, também foi avaliado o efeito sinérgico ou antagônico da salmoura sobre a ação bactericida da nisina. Pôde-se constatar que as diferentes cepas de L. monocytogenes demonstraram perfis de sensibilidade diferentes e que o pool de cepas foi menos sensível ao efeito da nisina. Os resultados obtidos conduziram a avaliação de dosagem maior de nisina no presunto cozido. No ensaio 3, 32 mg/kg de nisina foram adicionadas a salmoura do presunto cozido e testados contra o pool de L. monocytogenes e a cepa ATCC 7644, separadamente. Os resultados demonstraram que a nova dosagem de nisina inibiu significativamente a multiplicação do pool de L. monocytogenes e da cepa ATCC 7644, durante 10 dias, sugerindo ser uma barreira efetiva no controle de L. monocytogenes em presunto cozido.Precooked ham is one of the most consumed meats in Brazil. It is also one of the most sensitive to spoilage by lactic acid bacteria (LAB) and contamination by Listeria monocytogenes. The objective of this study is to evaluate the antimicrobial activity of Nisin (Nisaplin®) when applied to precooked ham, in order to control the growth of L. monocytogenes and LAB. For the purposes of this study, the precooked ham prepared and sliced individually by the DuPont and Marsul company was used. For trial 1, brine containing 12.5 mg of nisin was injected per kg of ham (dosage approved in Brazil for processed cheese). The biopreservative potential of nisin was evaluated by artificially contaminating slices of control and test ham with a pool of 5 different strains of L. monocytogenes. The results of this first trial showed that treatment with this amount of nisin had no significant effect on the growth of the L. monocytogenes population. However, the LAB population was indeed inhibited by 2 days. In trial number 2, the addition of nisin to the same amount of precooked ham by tumbling inhibited the growth of the L. monocytogenes population by 6 days and of the LAB population by 10 days. In light of the results obtained in these first 2 trials, the minimum bactericidal concentration (MBC) pool and L. monocytogenes isolates were determined in order to verify the sensitivity of the strains individually and together as well as the effects of nisin without the meat matrix Additionally, the synergistic or antagonistic effects of brine on the antimicrobial properties of nisin were also evaluated. Results suggest that different strains of L. monocytogenes have different sensitivity profiles and that the pool of strains was less sensitive to the effects of the nisin. These results prompted an increase in the dosage of nisin added to the precooked ham in trial number 3. In this trial, 32mg/kg of nisin was added to the brine of the precooked ham and tested against the L. monocytogenes pool and ATCC 7644 strain, separately. Results demonstrated that this increase in amount of nisin significantly reduced the growth of the L. monocytogenes pool and of the ATCC strain for 10 days. This suggests that nisin can be an effective barrier against the growth of L. monocytogenes in precooked ham

    Decontamination of chicken carcasses by peracetic acid isolated or in combination with other antimicrobials

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    O agronegócio é fundamental para a economia brasileira, sendo que o país é atualmente o maior exportador de carne de frango no mundo. Ainda que o controle sanitário realizado pelas indústrias seja rigoroso, carcaças de frango podem conter Salmonella, causando expressivas perdas econômicas e possíveis problemas de saúde pública. O objetivo do presente estudo foi avaliar a descontaminação de carcaças de frango por ácido peracético (PAA) isolado ou em combinação com outros antimicrobianos. Na primeira etapa do estudo, foi realizada uma revisão sobre os principais sanitizantes utilizados para descontaminação de carcaças de frango, a qual destacou a importância do PAA. Logo em seguida, a inativação de Salmonella pelo PAA a 0,07% e 0,14% foi avaliada in vitro. O mesmo produto também foi avaliado in vitro em combinação com ácido lático (3% LA), ácido cítrico (3% CA), ácido fosfórico (1% PA), bissulfato de sódio (2% SBS) e com tratamento físico de ultrassom (US). Posteriormente, analisou-se a descontaminação por imersão de peles de frango inoculadas com um coquetel de diferentes sorovares Salmonella. As amostras foram tratadas com 0,07% e 0,14% de PAA isolado ou em combinação com 3% LA, 3% CA e 2% SBS, durante 15 segundos, 5 e 30 minutos. As peles tratadas com 0,07% e 0,14% de PAA + 2% SBS foram tratadas com US durante 5 e 30 minutos. Os resultados indicaram efeito combinado entre o PAA e LA, CA, PA e SBS. As concentrações para inibir o coquetel foram mais altas ou iguais aquelas testadas nas cepas individuais, sugerindo que o coquetel foi mais resistente aos sanitizantes. O PAA reduziu ~ 2 e 2,59 log UFC/g (p0,05). O tratamento com PAA a 0,14% alterou a cor das peles. Em seguida, analisou-se a redução de Salmonella e microrganismos indicadores de higiene por PAA a 0,02%, concentração utilizada em tanques resfriadores de carcaças de frango. As amostras tratadas por imersão apresentaram reduções de 0,84, 0,98, 0,93 e 0,72 log UFC/mL de Salmonella, mesófilos aeróbios, Enterobacteriaceae e E. coli, respectivamente. As carcaças tratadas por aspersão tiveram reduções menores. Finalmente, avaliou-se o PAA a 0,07% na redução da contaminação cruzada entre carcaças. Os resultados demonstraram que a imersão reduziu ∼2,0 log UFC/mL de mesófilos e Salmonella; e ∼1,5 log UFC/mL de Enterobacteriaceae e E. coli nas carcaças e controlou a contaminação cruzada na água. O PAA em conjunto com Boas Práticas de Fabricação, pode contribuir para a redução de Salmonella e microrganismos indicadores em carcaças de frango e na água de lavagem.Agribusiness is fundamental to the Brazilian economy, and the country is currently the largest exporter of chicken meat in the world. Although the sanitary control performed by the industries is rigorous, chicken carcasses may contain Salmonella, causing significant economic losses and possible public health problems. The objective of this study was to evaluate the decontamination of chicken carcasses by peracetic acid (PAA) alone or in combination with other antimicrobials. In the first stage of the study, a review of the main sanitizers used for decontamination of chicken carcasses was performed, which highlighted the importance of PAA. Then, the inactivation of Salmonella by PAA at 0.07% and 0.14% was evaluated in vitro. The same product was also evaluated in combination with lactic acid (3% LA), citric acid (3% CA), phosphoric acid (1% PA), sodium bisulfate (2% SBS) and with physical ultrasound (US) treatment. Subsequently, the immersion decontamination of chicken skins inoculated with a Salmonella cocktail was analyzed. Samples were treated with 0.07% and 0.14% PAA alone or in combination with 3% LA, 3% CA and 2% SBS for 15 seconds, 5 and 30 minutes. Skins treated with 0.07% and 0.14% PAA + 2% SBS were treated with US for 5 and 30 minutes. The results indicated combined effect between PAA and LA, CA, PA and SBS. The concentrations to inhibit the cocktail were higher than or equal to those tested on the individual strains, suggesting that the cocktail was more resistant to the sanitizers. PAA reduced ~ 2 and 2.59 log CFU/g (p0.05). Treatment with PAA at 0.14% altered the color of the hides. Then, the reduction of Salmonella and indicator hygiene microorganisms by PAA at 0.02%, a concentration used in shiller tanks of chicken carcasses, was analyzed. The samples treated by immersion showed reductions of 0.84, 0.98, 0.93 and 0.72 log CFU/mL of Salmonella, aerobic mesophiles, Enterobacteriaceae and E. coli, respectively. Carcasses treated by spray had smaller reductions. Finally, PAA at 0.07% was evaluated in reducing cross-contamination between carcasses. The results showed that soaking reduced ∼2.0 log CFU/mL of mesophiles and Salmonella; and ∼1.5 log CFU/mL of Enterobacteriaceae and E. coli in the carcasses and controlled crosscontamination in the water. The EAP in conjunction with Good Manufacturing Practices, can contribute to the reduction of Salmonella and indicator microorganisms on chicken carcasses and in the washing water

    Pre- or post-training administration of the NMDA receptor blocker MK-801 impairs object recognition memory in rats

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    The aim of the present study was to investigate the effects of NMDA receptor blockade on formation of object recognition memory. In the first experiment, adult Wistar rats were given an intraperitoneal injection of saline or the NMDA receptor antagonist [(+)-5-methyl-10,11-dihydro-5H-dibenzo-[a,d]cyclo-hepten-5,10-imine-maleate] (MK-801) (0.001, 0.01, or 0.1 mg/kg) 20 min prior to training in a novel object recognition task. In the second experiment, saline or MK-801 (0.1 mg/kg) were given immediately after training. Memory retention was tested 1.5 and 24 h after training. MK-801 impaired both short- and long-term retention of object recognition memory when given either before or after training. The results suggest that NMDA receptor activation is necessary for formation of object recognition memory