8 research outputs found
Verso l\u27allargamento dell\u27Unione europea. Una panoramica sui dati che i cittadini dei nuovi Stati Membri dovranno indicare per registrare un nome a dominio sotto il ccTLD "it"
This work is aimed at giving the information that citizen of the EU must declare in the letter of assumption of responsibility to obtain a domain name under the ccTLD \u27it\u2
The Minister for Innovation and Technologies, Lucio Stanca, has
organised a day to examine issues pertaining to an informed use of the
Internet. The Web provides easy access to educational resources, enables forms
of cooperation in learning, offers opportunities for dialogue, and facilitates
contact with the many facets of our cultures. But episodes occasionally occur
that are particularly serious and show that minors are highly vulnerable to the
dangers of the Internet. To develop the educational potentiality of the Web to
the full, these concerns must be tackled seriously and reasonably. The
Conference \u27Who\u27s Afraid of the Internet? - Encouraging the informed use of the
Internet\u27 is intended to lay the foundations for active co-operation among
institutions, the private sector, associations and experts to deal with policy
aspects of the Web and to work out plans to increase awareness, educate, and
put forward potential solutions as well
Desenvolvimento Econômico do Estado de Mato Grosso do Sul: Uma Análise da Composição da Balança Comercial
This article analyzes the trade balance of Mato Grosso do Sul with the other units of the federation and countries, featuring major destinations and the nature of economic activity of the products traded, evaluating the economic development of the state. The data were acquired through the Secretary of the State of Mato Grosso do Sul Farm (Sefaz-MS) and Ministry of Agriculture, Bureau of Foreign Trade (Secex), and aggregates for the SCN code 110, the trade accounts have been linked with their own commerce activities and excluded returns to avoid double counting. Through building the disaggregated trade balance by origin, destination and products, is evaluated theoretically and technically the South Mato Grosso economy. The main interstate trade flows of MS occur with the South and Southeast, with São Paulo the most important state. International trade flows have a high concentration in Mercosur for imports and greater diversification in exports, excluding China. The MS has a trade surplus in both trade routes. By internal routes, stand out in sales: services related to natural gas, meat and alcohol, and purchases: fossil fuels, automobiles and food products. The external routes, stand out in exports: sugar, soy, beef, cellulose, corn and iron ore, and imports: meat, oils and vegetable or animal fat, dairy products and ice cream and canned food. Therefore, is observed the high importance of the assets of agribusiness derivatives of the sugar and alcohol sector, the cellulose sector, meat products, and others, for the MS economic development
Cittadini dell\u27Unione europea e il ccTLD "it"
This work is aimed at giving the information that citizen of the EU must declare in the letter of assumption of responsibility to obtain a domain name under the ccTLD .it as Individual person or as a Self-employed person.La presente relazione mira ad inquadrare i dati che i cittadini di Stati Membri dell\u27Unione europea devono dichiarare all\u27interno delle lettere di assunzione di responsabilit? qualora intendano registrare un nome a dominio come persona fisica o come libero professionista. Nell\u27ambito del Registro del ccTLD "it", sulla base del punto 4 delle regole di Naming, "i nomi a dominio all\u27interno del ccTLD \u27it\u27 possono essere assegnati in uso a soggetti appartenenti ad un paese membro dell\u27Unione europea. Le associazioni che non siano dotate di partita IVA o codice fiscale (o equivalente) e le persone fisiche non dotate di partita IVA (o equivalente) possono registrare un solo nome a dominio. " Nel corso dell\u27anno, molte volte, al personale afferente all\u27Unit? Relazioni Esterne viene richiesto di compiere indagini e/o di verificare l\u27esattezza di dati riportati sulla richiesta di nome a dominio da parte di cittadini di altri Stati Membri dell\u27Unione. Considerando la possibilit? che a breve termine sia abolito il limite di un nome a dominio per ogni persona fisica, al fine di agevolare l\u27interpretazione dei dati e di rendere ancora pi? veloce il processo di registrazione, l\u27Unit? Relazioni Esterne ha ritenuto opportuno procedere ad un esame dei codici identificativi di persone fisiche e liberi professionisti nei restanti 14 paesi dell\u27Unione europea. Tale breve rapporto illustra quali sono i sopra citati codici sulla base di informazioni fornite dai consolati dei vari paesi presenti sul territorio italiano
Treating Type 1 Diabetes by Pancreas Transplant Alone: a Cohort Study on Actual Long-Term (10 Years) Efficacy and Safety
Background: Physiologically regulated insulin secretion and euglycemia are achievable in type 1 diabetes (T1D) by islet or pancreas transplantation. However, pancreas transplant alone (PTA) remains a debated approach, with uncertainties on its relative benefits and risks. We determined the actual long-term (10 years) efficacy and safety of PTA in carefully characterized T1D subjects. Methods: This is a single-centre, cohort study in 66 consecutive T1D subjects who received a PTA between April 2001 and December 2007, and were then all followed until 10 years since transplant. Main features evaluated were patient survival, pancreas graft function, C-peptide levels, glycemic parameters, and the function of the native kidneys. Results: Ten-year actual patient survival was 92.4%. Optimal (insulin-independence) or good (minimal insulin requirement) graft function was observed in 57.4 and 3.2% of patients, respectively. Six (9.0%) patients developed stage 5 or 4 chronic kidney disease. In the remaining individuals bearing a successful PTA, eGFR decline per year was -2.29±2.69 ml/min/1.73m. Reduction of eGFR at 1 year post-PTA was higher in those with pre-PTA hyperfiltration and higher HbA1c concentrations; eGFR changes afterwards significantly correlated with diabetes duration. In recipients with normoglycemia at 10 years, 74% of normo- or micro-albuminuric subjects pre-PTA remained stable, and 26% progressed towards a worse stage; conversely, in 62.5% of the macro-albuminuric individuals albuminuria severity regressed. Conclusions: These long-term effects of PTA on patient survival, graft function and the native kidneys support PTA as a suitable approach to treat diabetes in selected T1D patients
Analisi fitobatteriologiche, necessarie per i servizi fitosanitari regionali
The Legislative Decree n.214 dated 19-9-2005 introduced in Italy the Council Directive 2000/29/CE, as amended by the Council Directive 2002/89/CE. The aforesaid Decree enforced protective measures against the introduction and spread into the Community of organisms harmful to plants/plants products. In the annexes of the Decree, there are 20 phytopathogenic bacteria. The key measures foreseen in the Decree are strengthened plant health checks, carried out by the regional Plant Health Services (SFR) at the place of production and on imported/exported plants/plant products. In this respect, laboratory analyses are essential for the detection of latent infections. Currently, the analyses are carried out in laboratories belonging to SFR or, under the supervision of each SFR, in private or public laboratories. The Decree 214/2005 lays down a national laboratory network (art.53) to support SFR in performing their analyses. The network operates under the supervision of a central Phytosanitary Committee (art.52). In 2006, a special inquiry showed that SFR are characterised by different needs as they perform different bacteriological analyses for the crops grown in their areas and for the checks of other materials imported through the relevant points of entry. Nevertheless three quarantine bacteria resulted to be of common interest. The national laboratory network, laid down by the Decree 214/2005, should take into account the demand for analyses expressed by the SFR, that have already provided useful data regarding their bacteriological needs. This national laboratory network could provide the SFR with an effective support also in the control of regulated non quarantine pests