5 research outputs found


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    The largest fragment of Figueira Farm (Londrina-PR state) with an area of 266 ha, is a Private Natural Heritage Reserve, and one of the most important remnants of the region. The aim of this study was to characterize the structure and tree diversity of this fragment, and evaluate the floristic relationship with other fragments of semideciduous forest studied in the state of Paraná. One hundred plots of 10 x 10 m were allocated and the arboreal individuals with 15 cm or more in circumference at breast height were sampled, resulting in 1,569 individuals, 32 families, 66 genera and 93 species. Families with greater number of species were Fabaceae (16 species), Meliaceae (nine species) and Myrtaceae (nine species). Trichilia clausseni C.DC. was the species with the highest importance in the study, reflecting higher values of density and relative frequency in the fragment. The largest relative dominance was presented by Gallesia integrifolia(Spreng.) Harms, by presenting large individuals with the highest values of basal area. The Shannon diversity index was found to be 3.37 nats/ind, a value considered significant and similar to other surveys in the region, and the index of evenness by Pielou was 0.743, indicating balance in the number of individuals among species. The presence of singletons and rare tree species in Paraná as well as the total diversity of species and the degree of conservation of the fragment, demonstrate the importance of the preservation and management of the remnant. Geographical proximity associated with similar environment factors as well as the predominant type of phytogeographic unit, showed closer floristic relationships, on the other hand, local environmental factors such as proximity to watercourses differentiated its flora of nearby places.  O maior fragmento da Fazenda Figueira (Londrina-PR) com área de 266 ha, é uma Reserva Particular de Patrimônio Natural, e um dos mais importantes remanescentes da região. O objetivo deste trabalho foi caracterizar a estrutura e a diversidade arbórea do referido fragmento, e avaliar a relação florística com outros fragmentos de Floresta Estacional Semidecidual estudados no estado do Paraná. Foram alocadas 100 parcelas de 10 x 10 m, e em cada uma delas foram amostrados os indivíduos arbóreos com 15 cm ou mais de Circunferência a Altura do Peito, resultando em 1569 indivíduos, distribuídos em 32 famílias, 66 gêneros e 93 espécies. As famílias que mais se destacaram em número de espécies foram Fabaceae (16 espécies), Meliaceae (nove espécies) e Myrtaceae (nove espécies). Trichilia clausseni C.DC. foi a espécie de maior valor de importância no fragmento estudado, reflexo dos maiores valores de densidade e frequência relativa. A maior dominância relativa foi apresentada por Gallesia integrifolia (Spreng.) Harms, por apresentar indivíduos de grande porte com os maiores valores de área basal. O índice de diversidade de Shannon encontrado foi de 3,37 nats/ind, valor este considerado expressivo e similar a outros levantamentos na região, e o índice de equabilidade de Pielou foi de 0,743 indicando equilíbrio no número de indivíduos entre as espécies. A presença de espécies com apenas um indivíduo amostrado e de espécies consideradas raras no Paraná, bem como a diversidade total das espécies e o grau de conservação do fragmento, demonstram a importância da preservação e manejo do remanescente. A proximidade geográfica associada a fatores ambientais semelhantes, assim como ao tipo de unidade fitogeográfica predominante, evidenciaram relações florísticas mais próximas, por outro lado, fatores ambientais locais como proximidade a cursos d’água diferenciaram a flora de locais próximos


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    The largest fragment of Figueira Farm (Londrina-PR state) with an area of 266 ha, is a Private Natural Heritage Reserve, and one of the most important remnants of the region. The aim of this study was to characterize the structure and tree diversity of this fragment, and evaluate the floristic relationship with other fragments of semideciduous forest studied in the state of Paran\ue1. One hundred plots of 10 x 10 m were allocated and the arboreal individuals with 15 cm or more in circumference at breast height were sampled, resulting in 1,569 individuals, 32 families, 66 genera and 93 species. Families with greater number of species were Fabaceae (16 species), Meliaceae (nine species) and Myrtaceae (nine species). Trichilia clausseni C.DC. was the species with the highest importance in the study, reflecting higher values of density and relative frequency in the fragment. The largest relative dominance was presented by Gallesia integrifolia (Spreng.) Harms, by presenting large individuals with the highest values of basal area. The Shannon diversity index was found to be 3.37 nats/ind, a value considered significant and similar to other surveys in the region, and the index of evenness by Pielou was 0.743, indicating balance in the number of individuals among species. The presence of singletons and rare tree species in Paran\ue1 as well as the total diversity of species and the degree of conservation of the fragment, demonstrate the importance of the preservation and management of the remnant. Geographical proximity associated with similar environment factors as well as the predominant type of phytogeographic unit, showed closer floristic relationships, on the other hand, local environmental factors such as proximity to watercourses differentiated its flora of nearby places.O maior fragmento da Fazenda Figueira (Londrina-PR) com \ue1rea de 266 ha, \ue9 uma Reserva Particular de Patrim\uf4nio Natural, e um dos mais importantes remanescentes da regi\ue3o. O objetivo deste trabalho foi caracterizar a estrutura e a diversidade arb\uf3rea do referido fragmento, e avaliar a rela\ue7\ue3o flor\uedstica com outros fragmentos de Floresta Estacional Semidecidual estudados no estado do Paran\ue1. Foram alocadas 100 parcelas de 10 x 10 m, e em cada uma delas foram amostrados os indiv\uedduos arb\uf3reos com 15 cm ou mais de Circunfer\ueancia a Altura do Peito, resultando em 1569 indiv\uedduos, distribu\ueddos em 32 fam\uedlias, 68 g\ueaneros e 93 esp\ue9cies. As fam\uedlias que mais se destacaram em n\ufamero de esp\ue9cies foram Fabaceae (16 esp\ue9cies), Meliaceae (nove esp\ue9cies) e Myrtaceae (nove esp\ue9cies). Trichilia clausseni C.DC. foi a esp\ue9cie de maior valor de import\ue2ncia no fragmento estudado, reflexo dos maiores valores de densidade e frequ\ueancia relativa. A maior domin\ue2ncia relativa foi apresentada por Gallesia integrifolia (Spreng.) Harms, por apresentar indiv\uedduos de grande porte com os maiores valores de \ue1rea basal. O \uedndice de diversidade de Shannon encontrado foi de 3,37 nats/ind, valor este considerado expressivo e similar a outros levantamentos na regi\ue3o, e o \uedndice de equabilidade de Pielou foi de 0,743 indicando equil\uedbrio no n\ufamero de indiv\uedduos entre as esp\ue9cies. A presen\ue7a de esp\ue9cies com apenas um indiv\uedduo amostrado e de esp\ue9cies consideradas raras no Paran\ue1, bem como a diversidade total das esp\ue9cies e o grau de conserva\ue7\ue3o do fragmento, demonstram a import\ue2ncia da preserva\ue7\ue3o e manejo do remanescente. A proximidade geogr\ue1fica associada a fatores ambientais semelhantes, assim como ao tipo de unidade fitogeogr\ue1fica predominante, evidenciaram rela\ue7\uf5es flor\uedsticas mais pr\uf3ximas, por outro lado, fatores ambientais locais como proximidade a cursos d\u2019\ue1gua diferenciaram a flora de locais pr\uf3ximos


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    Due to the increasing environmental degradation, the understanding of how reforestation and other restoration techniques function became fundamental to base the reestablishment of degraded ecosystems. The aim of this study was to perform a vegetation survey in a restoration site through three different techniques. The study site has 7.2 ha in a subtropical forest in Dois Vizinhos, Paraná state, Brazil and it is approximately 20 m from a secondary forest fragment. The experiment consisted of 12 plots with three treatments (T1-3) randomly distributed in four blocks. T1: natural regeneration through passive restoration. T2: set of nucleation techniques. T3: seedlings planted through filling and diversity lines (3x2 m). For sampling purposes, each plot was divided into 24 subplots. In order to evaluate plant presence, two years and eight months after the treatments implementation, a survey was conducted in three random subplots for each plot, where all plants taller than 50cm were identified and quantified. Native species richness was higher than 87% in all treatments, whereas the presence of herbaceous species was higher at passive restoration and woody species at plantation. The most common dispersal syndromes were anemochory and zoochory. By comparing planted and regenerated individuals for the three treatments, the plantation technique had the highest Shannon diversity index (3.017), with 148 individuals and 53 species sampled. However, there was no statistically significant difference. This higher diversity is related to the larger number of species planted, but it is still not facilitating regeneration species in its understory at this age. Considering only regenerated individuals, nucleation showed the highest Shannon diversity index (2.078) with a total of 908 individuals of 40 species, however, it wasn’t statistically significant different of passive restoration (Shannon = 1.965) which had 2,018 individuals of 40 species. The most floristic similar treatments were passive restoration and nucleation. Nucleation facilitated species natural regeneration (17 planted and 40 regenerated species) while passive restoration showed high resilience, therefore the use of passive restoration can be considered an effective alternative since its results did not differ statistically from nucleation, and the main advantage of this technique is the reduced cost

    Ethnomedicinal Plants Used for the Treatment of Cardiovascular Diseases by Healers in the Southwestern State of Paraná, Brazil, and Their Validation Based on Scientific Pharmacological Data

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