6 research outputs found

    Caracterização dendrológica da família Fabaceae em um remanescente de floresta ombrófila mista, Curitiba, PR

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    Orientador: Prof. Dr. Christopher Thomas BlumMonografia (graduação) - Universidade Federal do Paraná,Setor de Ciências Agrárias, Curso de Engenharia Florestal

    Efeito de borda em comunidades de ecótono entre as florestas ombrófilas mista e densa no Parque Estadual Serra da Baitaca, PR

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    Orientador: Prof. Dr. Christopher Thomas BlumCoorientador: Prof. Dr. Pedro HiguchiDissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Federal do Paraná, Setor de Ciências Agrárias, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Engenharia Florestal. Defesa : Curitiba, 17/11/2021Inclui referências: p. 122-139Área de concentração: Conservação da naturezaResumo: Esta pesquisa teve como objetivo caracterizar e avaliar o efeito de borda nos aspectos ambientais, florísticos e estruturais de uma comunidade em situação de ecótono entre Florestas Ombrófilas Mista (FOM) e Densa (FOD) na Serra do Mar paranaense, Quatro Barras, PR. Buscamos avaliar as variações e a correlação entre fatores ambientais e a organização florístico estrutural de estratos lenhosos e herbáceo ao longo de gradientes de borda de pelo menos 60 anos de formação em duas áreas de confrontação (agricultura e pedreira) no Parque Estadual (PE) Serra da Baitaca. Para tal foram instaladas 10 unidades amostrais de 100 m², em três distâncias de borda (0, 50, 100m), nas duas áreas estudadas, totalizando 60 unidades amostrais. Nessas unidades amostrais foram mensurados indivíduos lenhosos (CAP > 15cm), denominado estrato lenhoso 1 (EL1). Em cada unidade amostral foi instalada uma subparcela de 25 m² para mensurar o estrato EL2 (altura > 1,3m; CAP 15cm), called Woody Layer 1 (WL1). In each sampling unit a 25 m² subplot was installed to measure the EL2 layer (height > 1.3m; CBH < 15cm). Three 1 m² subplots were also installed in each sampling unit to measure the EL3 layer (0.3m < height < 1.3m) and the herbaceous layer. In each sample unit bioclimatic (temperature and humidity), edaphic and radiation data were collected. A total of 213 species belonging to 63 families were measured. The richest families were Myrtaceae, Lauraceae and Fabaceae. More than 70% of the species sampled are non-pioneer species. The study areas are composed of taxa characteristic of both MOF and DOF, however, the EL1 layer (tree) has greater floristic and structural similarity with the MOF. The forest communities studied are in the process of maturing and the Serra da Baitaca SP is of high importance for conservation. Floristic-structural variations were clearest in the dominant layers (WL1 and WL2) along the edge distances. Environmental differences were observed along the edge distances, most evidently in edaphic variables. Dominant layers responded most clearly to environmental variables, while dominated layers showed no significant correlation. This difference may be related to edge sealing which may have softened the effects on the dominated strata. Even in old borders in Conservation Units in the Atlantic Forest, edge influence was observed, highlighting the importance of the Buffer Zones

    Indicator species and characterization of the woody and herbaceous layer in an Atlantic Forest ecotone area at the Paraná portion of Serra do Mar

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    Abstract The study aimed to evaluate the degree of conservation, analyse the structural and floristic similarity of the woody and herbaceous layers of two ecotone forest communities and evaluate the indicator species of a Mixed Ombrophilous Forest (MOF) and Dense Ombrophilous Forest (DOF). We outlined 30 sampling units of 100 m2 in each area (West and East), where we measured three woody and one herbaceous layers. Each species was classified into ecological groups, phytogeographic distribution and conservation status. We selected other 13 studies performed on similar ecosystems to carry out cluster and indicator species analyses. We registered 213 species, arranged into 63 families. The richest families were Myrtaceae, Lauraceae and Fabaceae. In the woody layers Araucaria angustifolia, Allophylus edulis and Cupania vernalis highlighted in West area, while Casearia sylvestris, Cyathea phalerata and Ilex paraguariensis highlighted in East area. Ctenitis paranaensis predominates in herbaceous layer of both areas. Our cluster analysis has formed two groups (MOF; DOF), including both study areas in MOF group. The study areas are in a maturation process. Serra da Baitaca State Park presents high conservationist importance. We list indicator species of montane MOF and DOF forests in the Paraná State, which can be used for monitoring alterations in vegetation caused by environmental changes


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    Urban forest patches (UFP) face challenges related to climate change and anthropic impacts on natural ecosystems and their biodiversity, mainly due to the presence of invasive exotic species. The objective of this research was to characterize the invasive flora of two urban forest patches located in Curitiba, Paraná. The research was conducted in the Papa João Paulo II and Gutierrez woods, located in Curitiba, Paraná. Ten sample plots of 20x30 m (600 m²) were installed, all individuals with DBH >15 cm were sampled, six in Papa João Paulo II, and four in Gutierrez. A floristic characterization was carried out in each plot, separating native and exotic species. The ecological indices of Shannon-Weaver Diversity, Pielou, Simpson and Jaccard Equability were calculated to quantify vegetation diversity. Floristic analyzes were carried out in an R ambient. Altogether, 546 tree individuals were measured, belonging to 61 species of 31 families. The mean values of the Shannon-Weaver and Pielou indices were higher in Bosque Gutierrez. There was low similarity in floristic composition between sample plots. There were statistically significant differences between the categories of variables, in relation to native and exotic species, and between UFP. The presence of native species still exceeds that of exotic and invasive alien species in both UFP. The exotic invasive species Ligustrum lucidum already has a worrying influence on the ecological sustainability of UFP. The evaluated UFP are going through the process of biotic homogenization in their floristic composition

    Efeito de borda em comunidades de ecótono entre as florestas ombrófilas mista e densa no Parque Estadual Serra da Baitaca, PR

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    Orientador: Prof. Dr. Christopher Thomas BlumCoorientador: Prof. Dr. Pedro HiguchiDissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Federal do Paraná, Setor de Ciências Agrárias, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Engenharia Florestal. Defesa : Curitiba, 17/11/2021Inclui referências: p. 122-139Área de concentração: Conservação da naturezaResumo: Esta pesquisa teve como objetivo caracterizar e avaliar o efeito de borda nos aspectos ambientais, florísticos e estruturais de uma comunidade em situação de ecótono entre Florestas Ombrófilas Mista (FOM) e Densa (FOD) na Serra do Mar paranaense, Quatro Barras, PR. Buscamos avaliar as variações e a correlação entre fatores ambientais e a organização florístico estrutural de estratos lenhosos e herbáceo ao longo de gradientes de borda de pelo menos 60 anos de formação em duas áreas de confrontação (agricultura e pedreira) no Parque Estadual (PE) Serra da Baitaca. Para tal foram instaladas 10 unidades amostrais de 100 m², em três distâncias de borda (0, 50, 100m), nas duas áreas estudadas, totalizando 60 unidades amostrais. Nessas unidades amostrais foram mensurados indivíduos lenhosos (CAP > 15cm), denominado estrato lenhoso 1 (EL1). Em cada unidade amostral foi instalada uma subparcela de 25 m² para mensurar o estrato EL2 (altura > 1,3m; CAP 15cm), called Woody Layer 1 (WL1). In each sampling unit a 25 m² subplot was installed to measure the EL2 layer (height > 1.3m; CBH < 15cm). Three 1 m² subplots were also installed in each sampling unit to measure the EL3 layer (0.3m < height < 1.3m) and the herbaceous layer. In each sample unit bioclimatic (temperature and humidity), edaphic and radiation data were collected. A total of 213 species belonging to 63 families were measured. The richest families were Myrtaceae, Lauraceae and Fabaceae. More than 70% of the species sampled are non-pioneer species. The study areas are composed of taxa characteristic of both MOF and DOF, however, the EL1 layer (tree) has greater floristic and structural similarity with the MOF. The forest communities studied are in the process of maturing and the Serra da Baitaca SP is of high importance for conservation. Floristic-structural variations were clearest in the dominant layers (WL1 and WL2) along the edge distances. Environmental differences were observed along the edge distances, most evidently in edaphic variables. Dominant layers responded most clearly to environmental variables, while dominated layers showed no significant correlation. This difference may be related to edge sealing which may have softened the effects on the dominated strata. Even in old borders in Conservation Units in the Atlantic Forest, edge influence was observed, highlighting the importance of the Buffer Zones

    Chave dendrológica e caracterização da morfologia vegetativa de espécies lenhosas de Fabaceae em um fragmento de Floresta Ombrófila Mista de Curitiba, PR

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    Resumo O objetivo do presente estudo foi elaborar uma chave de identificação e descrever as espécies lenhosas de Fabaceae em um remanescente de Floresta Ombrófila Mista considerando caracteres dendrológicos. Foram selecionados de 3 a 10 indivíduos adultos e sadios para caracterização de tronco, casca, ramos e folhas. O material testemunho das espécies foi depositado no Herbário Escola de Florestas Curitiba (EFC). Foram descritas as características de cada espécie e elaborada uma chave de identificação. Foram encontradas 14 espécies pertencentes às subfamílias Papilionoideae (nove), Caesalpinioideae (quatro) e Cercidoideae (uma). A variedade dos tipos de folhas e a disposição dos folíolos auxiliou na diferenciação das espécies, englobando: uma com folhas simples bilobadas, duas trifolioladas, duas bipinadas, quatro imparipinadas com folíolos alternos, duas imparipinadas com folíolos opostos e três paripinadas. A diferenciação de cada espécie foi viabilizada prioritariamente por características de casca, indicando que os caracteres dendrológicos foram eficientes na diferenciação das espécies