37 research outputs found

    The Heroin Crisis Act: What You Need to Know about the New Law

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    The Heroin Crisis Act aims to address the heroin epidemic in Illinois through improved access to treatment and expanded overdose prevention activities. Expanded Medicaid benefits for medications that treat substance use disorders, increased access to Naloxone that prevent overdose, and numerous other provisions represent a big step forward in saving lives and effectively treating addiction. It will take time to implement all the provisions of the law, but stakeholders and public officials are working on it now. This fact sheet breaks down the multifaceted law with a focus on what healthcare providers and those who might be struggling with addiction need to know

    Putting Healthcare Dollars to Work for Jobseekers Facing Barriers to Employment

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    The expansion of Medicaid under the Affordable Care Act opens up new opportunities to leverage healthcare funding to create job opportunities for individuals facing barriers to employment, including homeless jobseekers. In this session, learn about innovative efforts to use healthcare funds to finance employment-related benefits and how these mechanisms can work in your state. The session highlighted a unique partnership between the Corporation for Supportive Housing (CSH) and REDF to align supportive housing and workforce development to create sustainable funding sources for employment of individuals with lived experience of homelessness through California's Health Homes Program, a new Medicaid benefit for care management. The session also discussed Illinois' newly-proposed Individual Placement and Support (IPS) employment Medicaid benefit for individuals diagnosed with a serious mental illness, substance use disorder, or serious emotional disturbance

    A mathematical model for mechanical activation and compound action potential generation by the utricle in response to sound and vibration

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    IntroductionCalyx bearing vestibular afferent neurons innervating type I hair cells in the striolar region of the utricle are exquisitely sensitive to auditory-frequency air conducted sound (ACS) and bone conducted vibration (BCV). Here, we present experimental data and a mathematical model of utricular mechanics and vestibular compound action potential generation (vCAP) in response to clinically relevant levels of ACS and BCV. Vibration of the otoconial layer relative to the sensory epithelium was simulated using a Newtonian two-degree-of-freedom spring-mass-damper system, action potential timing was simulated using an empirical model, and vCAPs were simulated by convolving responses of the population of sensitive neurons with an empirical extracellular voltage kernel. The model was validated by comparison to macular vibration and vCAPs recorded in the guinea pig, in vivo.ResultsTransient stimuli evoked short-latency vCAPs that scaled in magnitude and timing with hair bundle mechanical shear rate for both ACS and BCV. For pulse BCV stimuli with durations <0.8 ms, the vCAP magnitude increased in proportion to temporal bone acceleration, but for pulse durations >0.9 ms the magnitude increased in proportion to temporal bone jerk. Once validated using ACS and BCV data, the model was applied to predict blast-induced hair bundle shear, with results predicting acute mechanical damage to bundles immediately upon exposure.DiscussionResults demonstrate the switch from linear acceleration to linear jerk as the adequate stimulus arises entirely from mechanical factors controlling the dynamics of sensory hair bundle deflection. The model describes the switch in terms of the mechanical natural frequencies of vibration, which vary between species based on morphology and mechanical factors

    A model analysis of static stress in the vestibular membranes

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The scheme of the core vestibular membranes, consisting of serially connected utricle, ampulla and semicircular canal, first appeared hundreds of millions of years ago in primitive fish and has remained largely unchanged during the subsequent course of evolution. The labyrinths of higher organisms build on this core structure, with the addition of the phylogenetically newer membrane structures, namely, saccule, lagena and cochlea. An analysis of static stress in these core vestibular membranes may contribute to a better understanding of the role of stress in the evolution of derivative membrane structures over the long term as well as the short-term membrane distortions seen in Meniere's disease.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>A model of these core vestibular membranes is proposed in order to analyze the distribution of stress in the walls of the component chambers. The model uses basic geometrical elements of hollow cylinders and spheres to emulate the actual structures. These model elements lend themselves to a mathematical analysis of static stress in their membranes.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Hoop stress, akin to the stress in hoops used to reinforce barrel walls, is found to be the predominant stress in the model membranes. The level of hoop stress depends not only on pressure but as well on a geometric stress factor that incorporates membrane shape, thickness and curvature. This result implies that hoop stress may be unevenly distributed in the membranes of the several vestibular chambers due to variations in these dimensional parameters. These results provide a theoretical framework for appraising hoop stress levels in any vestibular labyrinth whose dimensions are known.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Static hoop stress disparities are likely to exist in the vestibular membranes given their complex physical configurations. Such stress disparities may contribute to the development of membrane pathologies as seen in Meniere's Disease. They may also factor in the evolutionary development of other derivative membrane structures such as the saccule, the lagena, and the cochlea found in higher animals.</p

    Embodied Emotion Modulates Neural Signature of Performance Monitoring

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    BACKGROUND:Recent research on the "embodiment of emotion" implies that experiencing an emotion may involve perceptual, somatovisceral, and motor feedback aspects. For example, manipulations of facial expression and posture appear to induce emotional states and influence how affective information is processed. The present study investigates whether performance monitoring, a cognitive process known to be under heavy control of the dopaminergic system, is modulated by induced facial expressions. In particular, we focused on the error-related negativity, an electrophysiological correlate of performance monitoring. METHODS/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS:During a choice reaction task, participants held a Chinese chop stick either horizontally between the teeth ("smile" condition) or, in different runs, vertically ("no smile") with the upper lip. In a third control condition, no chop stick was used ("no stick"). It could be shown on a separate sample that the facial feedback procedure is feasible to induce mild changes in positive affect. In the ERP sample, the smile condition, hypothesized to lead to an increase in dopaminergic activity, was associated with a decrease of ERN amplitude relative to "no smile" and "no stick" conditions. CONCLUSION:Embodying emotions by induced facial expressions leads to a changes in the neural correlates of error detection. We suggest that this is due to the joint influence of the dopaminergic system on positive affect and performance monitoring

    Electrophysiological measurements of peripheral vestibular function—A review of electrovestibulography

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    Electrocochleography (EcochG), incorporating the Cochlear Microphonic (CM), the Summating Potential (SP), and the cochlear Compound Action Potential (CAP), has been used to study cochlear function in humans and experimental animals since the 1930s, providing a simple objective tool to assess both hair cell (HC) and nerve sensitivity. The vestibular equivalent of ECochG, termed here Electrovestibulography (EVestG), incorporates responses of the vestibular HCs and nerve. Few research groups have utilized EVestG to study vestibular function. Arguably, this is because stimulating the cochlea in isolation with sound is a trivial matter, whereas stimulating the vestibular system in isolation requires significantly more technical effort. That is, the vestibular system is sensitive to both high-level sound and bone-conducted vibrations, but so is the cochlea, and gross electrical responses of the inner ear to such stimuli can be difficult to interpret. Fortunately, several simple techniques can be employed to isolate vestibular electrical responses. Here, we review the literature underpinning gross vestibular nerve and HC responses, and we discuss the nomenclature used in this field. We also discuss techniques for recording EVestG in experimental animals and humans and highlight how EVestG is furthering our understanding of the vestibular system

    A comprehensive overview of radioguided surgery using gamma detection probe technology

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    The concept of radioguided surgery, which was first developed some 60 years ago, involves the use of a radiation detection probe system for the intraoperative detection of radionuclides. The use of gamma detection probe technology in radioguided surgery has tremendously expanded and has evolved into what is now considered an established discipline within the practice of surgery, revolutionizing the surgical management of many malignancies, including breast cancer, melanoma, and colorectal cancer, as well as the surgical management of parathyroid disease. The impact of radioguided surgery on the surgical management of cancer patients includes providing vital and real-time information to the surgeon regarding the location and extent of disease, as well as regarding the assessment of surgical resection margins. Additionally, it has allowed the surgeon to minimize the surgical invasiveness of many diagnostic and therapeutic procedures, while still maintaining maximum benefit to the cancer patient. In the current review, we have attempted to comprehensively evaluate the history, technical aspects, and clinical applications of radioguided surgery using gamma detection probe technology

    The 8th Anniversary of the Affordable Care Act (Illinois Impact)

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    March 23, 2018 marks 8 years since the Affordable Care Act has been enacted. This healthcare programs has brought affordable and quality care to millions, including over 1 million Illinoisans. View our infographic to see the impact of the ACA in Illinois and to celebrate another year of healthcare access for millions, including those that Heartland Alliance serves in Illinois and across the nation

    Using macular velocity measurements to relate parameters of bone conduction to vestibular compound action potential responses

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    Abstract To examine mechanisms responsible for vestibular afferent sensitivity to transient bone conducted vibration, we performed simultaneous measurements of stimulus-evoked vestibular compound action potentials (vCAPs), utricular macula velocity, and vestibular microphonics (VMs) in anaesthetized guinea pigs. Results provide new insights into the kinematic variables of transient motion responsible for triggering mammalian vCAPs, revealing synchronized vestibular afferent responses are not universally sensitive to linear jerk as previously thought. For short duration stimuli (< 1 ms), the vCAP increases magnitude in close proportion to macular velocity and temporal bone (linear) acceleration, rather than other kinematic elements. For longer duration stimuli, the vCAP magnitude switches from temporal bone acceleration sensitive to linear jerk sensitive while maintaining macular velocity sensitivity. Frequency tuning curves evoked by tone-burst stimuli show vCAPs increase in proportion to onset macular velocity, while VMs increase in proportion to macular displacement across the entire frequency bandwidth tested between 0.1 and 2 kHz. The subset of vestibular afferent neurons responsible for synchronized firing and vCAPs have been shown previously to make calyceal synaptic contacts with type I hair cells in the striolar region of the epithelium and have irregularly spaced inter-spike intervals at rest. Present results provide new insight into mechanical and neural mechanisms underlying synchronized action potentials in these sensitive afferents, with clinical relevance for understanding the activation and tuning of neurons responsible for driving rapid compensatory reflex responses

    Negative affect induced by derogatory verbal feedback modulates the neural signature of error detection

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    The present study examines the influence of induced affective state on performance monitoring. The electroencephalogram was recorded while human participants engaged in a speeded choice-reaction time task commonly used to examine performance monitoring processes. Prior to the experiment, participants were randomly allocated to receive either encouraging or derogatory feedback during task execution. Feedback was based on each participant's reaction times. Affective state was assessed prior and after the experiment with a state questionnaire. Although participants of both feedback groups loaded high on items describing tiredness in the state questionnaire, only those with derogatory feedback loaded higher on negative state items and lower on positive state items after completion of the experiment. The error-related negativity (ERN) as an index of performance monitoring was increased after derogatory feedback; this difference was not seen at the beginning of the experiment. Negative state correlated significantly with ERN amplitude. The error positivity, a later component following errors, did not differ between feedback groups. This study provides further evidence that changes in affective state influence how we monitor ongoing behavior