34 research outputs found

    RRP Nb 3 Sn Strand Studies for LARP

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    Abstract-The Nb 3 Sn strand chosen for the next step in the magnet R&D of the U.S. LHC Accelerator Research Program is the 54/61 sub-element Restacked Rod Process by Oxford Instruments, Superconducting Technology. To ensure that the 0.7 mm RRP strands to be used in the upcoming LARP magnets are suitable, extensive studies were performed. Measurements included the critical current, , using the voltage-current ( ) method, the stability current, , as the minimal quench current obtained with the voltage-field ( ) method, and . Magnetization was measured at low and high fields to determine the effective filament size and to detect flux jumps. Effects of heat treatment temperature and durations on and were also studied. Using strand billet qualification and tests of strands extracted from cables, the short sample limits of magnet performance were obtained. The details and the results of this investigation are herein described. Index Terms-Critical current density, magnetic instability, Nb 3 Sn, restack rod process

    Influence of Compaction during reaction Heat Treatment on the Interstrand Contact Resistances of Nb 3Sn Rutherford Cables for Accelerator Magnets

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    The high field superconducting magnets required for ongoing and planned upgrades to the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) will be wound with Nb 3Sn Rutherford cables for which reason studies of Nb 3Sn strand, cable, and magnet properties will continue to be needed. Of particular importance is field quality. The amplitudes of multipoles in the bore fields of dipole and quadrupole magnets, induced by ramp-rate-dependent coupling currents, are under the control of the interstrand contact resistances-crossing-strand, R−cR-{c}, adjacent strand, R−aR-{a} , or a combination of them, R−effR-{{\text{eff}}}. Although two decades ago it was agreed that for the LHC R−cR-{c} should be in the range 10-30 μ, more recent measurements of LHC quadrupoles have revealed R−cR-{c} values ranging from 95 to 230 μ. This paper discusses ways in which these values can be achieved. In a heavily compacted cable R−effR-{{\text{eff}}} can be tuned to some predictable value by varying the width of an included stainless steel (effectively 'insulating') core. But cables are no longer heavily compacted with the result that the crossing strands of the impregnated cable are separated by a thick epoxy layer that behaves like an insulating core. If a stainless steel core is actually present, R−effR-{{\text{eff}}} must be independent of core width. Since there is no guarantee that a fixed predetermined amount of interlayer separation could be reproduced from winding to winding it would be advisable to include a full width core