83 research outputs found

    Niveles de actividad física, condición física y tiempo en pantallas en escolares de Bogotá, Colombia: Estudio FUPRECOL

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    Objective: to investigate the association between objective measures of physical activity levels, physical fitness and screen time in Colombia children and adolescents from Bogota, Colombia. Methods: a sample of 149 healthy Colombian youth, children and adolescents (9–17.9 years old) participated in the study. Physical activity level was assessed over 7 days using an accelerometer. Weight, height, waist circumference, hip waist, subscapular/ triceps skinfold thicknesses and self-reported screen time (television/internet and videogame-viewing time) were measured. Aerobic capacity, handgrip strength, standing broad jump, vertical jump, speed/agility and flexibility were used as indicators of physical fitness. Results: in girls with a high level of physical activity had favorable aerobic capacity (r = 0.366) and inverse relationship with subscapular/triceps skinfold thicknesses (r = -0.257) and (r = -0,237) p less than 0.05, respectively. In boys, vigorous physical activity were associated with higher values of flexibility (r = 0.277) and aerobic capacity (r = 0.347), p less than 0.05. Finally, the participants who watched 2 h or less of television per day showed 1.81 times (95%CI 1.401 to 2.672) that met physical activity guidelines. Conclusions: the healthy Colombian youth who reported moderate to vigorous objective measures of physical activity levels, presented higher levels in physical fitness especially in aerobic capacity and flexibility and lower values in subscapular/triceps skinfold thicknesses. © 2015, Grupo Aula Medica S.A. All rights reserved

    Capacitat científica i investigadora dels professionals d’educació a Colòmbia

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    Introducció. La investigació entesa com una activitat indispensable per al desplegament professional, es constitueix com un element primordial en l’avanç epistemològic de l’educació física (EF) per arribar a convertir-se en disciplina científica. Objectiu. Avaluar el perfil investigador dels grups d’investigació conformats per professionals en EF i carreres afins reconeguts per Colciencias en el 2013 i registrats a la plataforma ScienTi-Colombia. Material i mètodes. Estudi observacional descriptiu, basat en la informació descrita en els grups d’investigació en EF i carreres afins continguda a la plataforma ScienTi-Colombia de Colciencias, 2013. Per conèixer de manera objectiva la productivitat dels autors es va aplicar el model de Lotka, per a grups d’investigació i regió geogràfica. Resultats. Es van identificar 23 grups d’investigació amb 622 integrants, distribuïts en 8 ciutats del país. L’article científic “original” i la participació en esdeveniments nacionals va ser l’estratègia de producció científica més usada per a la divulgació del coneixement i l’apropiació social d’aquest. Un 3,5 % (n = 22) dels integrants dels grups concentra la major producció científica en els últims vuit anys (índex de Lotka > 1 –grans productors–). Conclusions. El perfil de l’investigador esbossat aquí pot proporcionar en benefici de la comunitat acadèmica una perspectiva sobre la seva identitat, i ajudar a establir les prioritats futures per millorar el coneixement i la pràctica professional.

    Capacidad científica e investigadora de los profesionales de educación en Colombia

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    Introducción. La investigación entendida como una actividad indispensable para el desarrollo profesional, se constituye como un elemento primordial en el avance epistemológico de la educación física (EF) para llegar a convertirse en disciplina científica. Objetivo. Evaluar el perfil investigativo de los grupos de investigación conformados por profesionales en EF y carreras afines reconocidos por Colciencias en el 2013 y registrados en la plataforma ScienTi-Colombia. Material y métodos. Estudio observacional descriptivo, basado en la información descrita en los grupos de investigación en EF y carreras afines contenida en la plataforma ScienTi-Colombia de Colciencias, 2013. Para conocer de forma objetiva la productividad de los autores se aplicó el modelo de Lotka, por grupos de investigación y región geográfica. Resultados. Se identificaron 23 grupos de investigación con 622 integrantes, distribuidos en 8 ciudades del país. El artículo científico “original” y la participación en eventos nacionales fue la estrategia de producción científica más usada para la divulgación del conocimiento y la apropiación social de este. Un 3,5 % (n = 22) de los integrantes de los grupos concentra la mayor producción científica en los últimos ocho años (índice de Lotka > 1 –grandes productores–). Conclusiones. El perfil del investigador esbozado aquí puede proporcionar en beneficio de la comunidad académica una perspectiva sobre su identidad, y ayudar a establecer las prioridades futuras para mejorar el conocimiento y la práctica profesional

    Datos normativos de salto vertical y potencia de piernas para escolares colombianos de 9 a 17,9 años: el estudio fuprecol

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    PURPOSE: The Vertical Jump Test became of the most convenient tests used to evaluate anaerobic capacity and the effectiveness of anaerobic training programs for a variety of power sports. However, its use and interpretation as an evaluative measurement into physical activity tests are limited because there are few published reference values derived for children and adolescents. Therefore, the aims of the present study were to generate normative vertical jump height and predicted peak power (Ppeak) data for 10- to 17.9-year-olds and to investigate between-sex and age group differences in these measures. METHODS: The sample comprised 7614 healthy Colombian schoolchildren [boys n=3258 and girls n=4356, mean (standard deviation) age 12.8 (2.3) years old]. Each participant performed two countermovement jumps, and jump height was calculated using a Takei 5414 Jump-DF Digital Vertical®, Japan. The highest jump was used for analysis and in the calculation of predicted Ppeak. Centile smoothed curves, percentile and tables for the 3rd, 10th, 25th, 50th, 75th, 90th and 97th percentile were calculated using Cole’s LMS method. RESULTS: The one-way ANOVA tests showed that maximum jump height (cm) and predicted Ppeak (W) was higher in boys than in girls (p<.01). Post hoc analyses within sexes showed yearly increases in jump height and Ppeak in all ages. In boys, the maximum jump height and predicted Ppeak 50th percentile ranged from 24.0 to 38.0 cm and 845.5 to 3061.6 W, respectively. In girls, the 50th percentile ranged from jump height was 22.3 to 27.0 cm and predicted Ppeak was 710.1 to 2036.4 W. For girls, jump height increased yearly from 9 to 12.9 years before reaching a plateau aged 13 to 16.9 years old. CONCLUSIONS: Our results provide, for the first time, sex- and age-specific vertical jump height and predicted Ppeak reference standards for Colombian schoolchildren aged 9-17.9 years

    Cardiorespiratory fitness cut-points are related to body adiposity parameters in Latin American adolescents

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    Background and Objectives: A deficiency exists in the criterion-referenced cut-points for field-based cardiorespiratory fitness (CRF) in Latin American youths. The aims of the present study were two-fold: (1) To identify the ability of CRF estimated by the 20-m shuttle-run test (20mSRT) to differentiate between 'healthy' and 'unhealthy' phenotypes (by adiposity) in adolescents; (2) to assess the association between obesity and relative peak oxygen uptake (VO2peak) in a large and diverse sample of Latin American youths. In total, 72,505 adolescents aged between 13 and 15 years were recruited from Chile and Colombia (47.5% girls). Materials and Methods: The waist circumference (WC) and waist-to-height ratio (WHtR) were used to identify body adiposity markers. CRF was measured using the 20mSRT (VO2peak). Receiver operating characteristic curves and logistic regression were used to determine the discriminatory ability of CRF to predict body adiposity parameters. Results: For boys and girls, VO2peak showed a significant predictive capacity to detect body fat (area under the curve [AUC] &gt; 0.62). The sensitivity of VO2peak was medium (&gt;63%) for all age- and sex-specific cut-points, with optimal cut-points in 13- to 15-year olds for obesity identified as 43.77 mL·kg-1·min-1 and 38.53 mL·kg-1·min-1 in boys and girls, respectively. Conclusions: According to these cut-points, adolescents with low CRF were more likely to be obese either by WC or WHtR. The CRF cut-points can be used as quantitative markers for a healthier body in Latin American adolescents.This study (Colombia sample) is supported by Secretaria de Educación Distrital-SED (ID Convenio N◦ CDP 3381, Project N◦ 893 'Pensar en Educación' date 02-Oct-2014). Mikel Izquierdo is funded in part by a research grant PI17/01814 of the Ministerio de Economía, Industria y Competitividad de España (ISCIII, FEDER)

    Self-rated health status and cardiorespiratory fitness in a sample of schoolchildren from Bogotá, Colombia. The FUPRECOL study

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    To evaluate the relationship between Self-Rated Health (SRH) and cardiorespiratory fitness (CRF) in a sample of children and adolescents enrolled in official schools in Bogotá, Colombia. A cross-sectional study was performed with 7402 children and adolescents between 9 and 17 years of age. Participants were asked to rate their health based on eight validated questions, addressing the participants propensity for headache, stomach-ache, backache, feeling-low, irritability/bad mood, nervousness, sleeping-difficulties, and dizziness. The choices were “rarely or never”, “almost every month”, “almost every week”, and “more than once a week/about every day”. Participants performed the international course-navette shuttle run test to estimate CRF, and cut-off points for age and gender were used to categorize the healthy/unhealthy fitness zone according to the FITNESSGRAM® criteria. Overall, 16.4% of those surveyed reported a perception of irritability/bad mood “more than once a week/about every day”, followed by feeling-low and nervousness (both with 9.9%). Dizziness had the lowest prevalence with a percentage of 6.9%. Unhealthy CRF in boys increased the likelihood of headaches by 1.20 times, stomach aches by 1.31 times, feeling-low by 1.29 times, nervousness by 1.24 times, and dizziness by 1.29 times. In girls, unhealthy CRF increased the likelihood of headaches by 1.19 times, backache by 1.26 times, feeling-low by 1.28 times, irritability/bad mood by 1.17 times, sleeping-difficulties by 1.20 times, and dizziness by 1.27 times. SRH was associated with CRF in both genders. Early identification of children and adolescents with low CRF levels will permit interventions to promote healthy behaviors and prevent future diseases during adulthood. © 2017 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland

    Viabilidad y fiabilidad de las pruebas de aptitud física en niños preescolares colombianos

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    El objetivo del estudio fue evaluar la viabilidad y confiabilidad de las pruebas de campo de aptitud física utilizadas en el estudio 'Fuprecol kids' en niños preescolares colombianos de 3 a 5 años. Un total de 90 niños en edad preescolar de 3 a 5 años participaron en el estudio. Los componentes de peso, altura, circunferencia de la cintura, aptitud cardiorrespiratoria (CRF), aptitud musculoesquelética (fuerza de la empuñadura y salto amplio de pie), velocidad-agilidad (carrera de 4 × 10 m) y flexibilidad (prueba de sentarse y alcanzar) se probaron dos veces (dos semanas de diferencia). La viabilidad de las pruebas (preescolares capaces de completar la prueba) varió de 96% en la prueba de CRF a 100% en las pruebas de aptitud musculoesquelética, velocidad-agilidad y flexibilidad. En general, los% TEM fueron 0.625% para el peso, 0.378% para la altura, 1.035% para el índice de masa corporal y 0.547% para la circunferencia de la cintura. Adicionalmente, todas las pruebas fueron sustancialmente confiables, para CRF (en etapas y vueltas, coeficiente de correlación de concordancia = 0.944 y 0.941, respectivamente) en ambos sexos y flexibilidad (coeficiente de correlación de concordancia = 0.949) en niñas. No hubo diferencias significativas en las pruebas de aptitud y las diferencias de medias de prueba en los niños (p > 0.05), excepto en CRF (vueltas p = 0.017). En las niñas, hubo diferencias en las variables CRF (etapas ( p = 0.017) y vueltas ( p = 0.013), y flexibilidad ( p = 0.002). Los resultados de este estudio indican que la batería de pruebas de 'niños Fuprecol', administrada por maestros de educación física, fue confiable y factible para medir los componentes de la aptitud física en preescolares en un entorno escolar en ColombiaThe aim of the study was to assess the feasibility and reliability of physical fitness field tests used in the “Fuprecol kids” study among Colombian preschool children aged 3–5 years. A total of 90 preschoolers aged 3–5 years participated in the study. Weight, height, waist circumference, cardiorespiratory fitness (CRF), musculoskeletal fitness (handgrip strength and standing broad jump), speed–agility (4 × 10 m shuttle run), and flexibility (sit and reach test) components were tested twice (two weeks apart). The feasibility of the tests (preschoolers able to complete the test) ranged from 96% in the CRF test to 100% in the musculoskeletal fitness, speed–agility, and flexibility tests. Overall, the %TEMs were 0.625% for the weight, 0.378% for the height, 1.035% for the body mass index, and 0.547% for the waist circumference. In addition, all tests were substantial reliable, for CRF (in stages and laps, concordance correlation coefficient = 0.944 and 0.941, respectively) in both sexes and flexibility (concordance correlation coefficient = 0.949) in girls. There were no significant differences in fitness test–retest mean differences in the boys (p > 0.05), except in CRF (laps p = 0.017). In girls, there were differences in CRF (stages (p = 0.017) and laps (p = 0.013)), and flexibility (p = 0.002) variables. The results from this study indicate that the “Fuprecol kids” battery of tests, administered by physical education teachers, was reliable and feasible for measuring components of physical fitness in preschoolers in a school setting in Colombi