742 research outputs found

    Aesthetics of graffiti: Comparison to text-based and pictorial artforms

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    Graffiti art is a controversial art form, and as such there has been little empirical work assessing its aesthetic value. A recent study examined image statistical properties of text-based artwork and revealed that images of text contain less global structure relative to fine detail compared to artworks. However, previous research did not include graffiti tags or murals, which reside in the space between text and visual art (Melmer et al., 2013). The current study investigated the image statistical properties and attractiveness of graffiti relative to other text-based and pictorial art forms, focusing additionally on the role of expertise. A series of images (N=140; graffiti, text and paintings) were presented to a group of observers with varying degrees of art interest and expertise (N=169). Findings revealed that image statistics predicted attractiveness ratings to images, and that biases against graffiti art are less salient in an expert sample

    Advancing the Research and Development of Assured Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning Capabilities

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    Artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) have become increasingly vital in the development of novel defense and intelligence capabilities across all domains of warfare. An adversarial AI (A2I) and adversarial ML (AML) attack seeks to deceive and manipulate AI/ML models. It is imperative that AI/ML models can defend against these attacks. A2I/AML defenses will help provide the necessary assurance of these advanced capabilities that use AI/ML models. The A2I Working Group (A2IWG) seeks to advance the research and development of assured AI/ML capabilities via new A2I/AML defenses by fostering a collaborative environment across the U.S. Department of Defense and U.S. Intelligence Community. The A2IWG aims to identify specific challenges that it can help solve or address more directly, with initial focus on three topics: AI Trusted Robustness, AI System Security, and AI/ML Architecture Vulnerabilities.Comment: Presented at AAAI FSS-20: Artificial Intelligence in Government and Public Sector, Washington, DC, US

    Care that Matters: Quality Measurement and Health Care

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    Barry Saver and colleagues caution against the use of process and performance metrics as health care quality measures in the United States

    Genomic characterization of prophage elements in Clostridium clostridioforme : an understudied component of the intestinal microbiome

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    Genome sequencing of Clostridium clostridioforme strain LM41 revealed the presence of an atypically high proportion of mobile genetic elements for this species, with a particularly high abundance of prophages. Bioinformatic analysis of prophage sequences sought to characterize these elements and identify prophage-linked genes contributing to enhanced fitness of the host bacteria in the dysbiotic gut. Using PHASTER, PhageScope and manual curation, this work has identified 15 prophages: 4 predicted to be intact, 2 predicted to be defective and 9 which are unclassified. Quantitative PCR (qPCR) analysis revealed spontaneous release of four of the LM41 prophages (φ1, φ2, φ4 and φ10) into the culture supernatant, with virion-like particles visualized using transmission electron microscopy. The majority (12/14) of these particles had morphology akin to podoviruses, which is consistent with morphology predictions for φ1 and φ4. We observed diversity in the lysogeny mechanisms utilized by the prophages, with examples of the classical λ-like CI/Cro system, the ICEBs1 ImmR/ImmA-like system and the Mu-like C/Ner system. Classical morons, such as toxins or immune evasion factors, were not observed. We did, however, identify a variety of genes with roles in mediating restriction modification and genetic diversity, as well as some candidate genes with potential roles in host adaptation. Despite being the most abundant entities in the intestine, there is a dearth of information about phages associated with members of the microbiome. This work begins to shed light on the contribution of these elements to the lifestyle of C. clostridioforme LM41


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    This is the Chinese translation of "Best Practices for Music Cataloging: Using RDA and MARC21" Prepared by the RDA Music Implementation Task Force, Bibliographic Control Committee, Music Library Associatio

    The complete mitochondrial genome of rare and critically endangered Anilany helenae (Microhylidae) of Madagascar

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    Anilany helenae is a Critically Endangered frog native to the central highlands of Madagascar. Due to ongoing habitat loss of its known range, this species’ population is considered declining, while little is known about its ecology, behavior, and taxonomy. Within the context of developing tools that can aid the conservation of Madagascar’s amphibian fauna, and add to the continued understanding of their taxonomy, we assembled its complete mitochondrial genome (Genbank Accession number MZ751042). This contributes the first complete mitochondrial genome of a microhylid from Madagascar, despite there being over 100 species in the Cophylinae subfamily alone. Anilany helenae’s circular mitochondrial genome is 17,519 bp long, contains 37 genes, and exhibits differences in gene arrangement compared with other microhylids, including the placement of protein coding genes nad1 and nad2. A phylogeny of the 13 protein coding genes of the few Madagascan anuran mitogenomes available, along with species from Africa and East Asia, places A. helenae along with the New Guinean Mantophryne lateralis in a basal position with respect to the other microhylids in the tree

    Novel patient-derived xenograft mouse model for pancreatic acinar cell carcinoma demonstrates single agent activity of oxaliplatin

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    Additional file 4: Figure S3. Integrated genomic viewer (IGV) of BRCA2 gene. IGV displays genomic data of the PA-018 PAAC PDTX model. Chromosome 13 (Chr 13) is shown and 5bp deletions are found after position 32907365 (c.1755_1759del5), this region resides on exon 10 of BRCA2. The bottom of the image shows the nucleotides and amino acids that correspond to the reference sequence of the BRCA2 gene and protein

    Treatment of Travel Expenses by Golf Course Patrons: Sunk or Bundled Costs and the First and Third Laws of Demand

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    To attract golf patrons, sport managers must understand consumption patterns of the golfer. Importantly, the treatment of travel costs must be understood. According to the Alchian-Allen (1964) theorem, golfers treat travel costs as bundled costs (third law of economic demand) whereas classical consumer theory indicates that golfers treat travel costs as sunk costs (first law of economic demand). The purpose of this study was to determine if golf patrons treated travel costs as sunk costs or if they treated travel costs as a bundled cost. Data from a survey of course patrons in Ohio support the treatment of travel costs as bundled costs by golf course patrons, especially those classified as tourists. The strong, positive correlation found between distance traveled and the cost of greens fees enables managers to utilize geographic segmentation in choosing to whom to market their course based upon their product’s price compared to area competitors